Human Biology

On this page: Introduction | Programs |
See also: Faculty Members | Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable |


The Human Biology programs are available to students entering their second year of study. Our multi-disciplinary programs integrate topics from the medical sciences, biological and social sciences, as well as the humanities. The goal of each Human Biology program is to provide a broad education focused on an area of biological science relevant to humans. Students will receive a solid foundation in life science courses together with insight from the humanities and social sciences. Graduates of our programs will be equipped with a broad range of knowledge and skills to go into the job market or pursue further study in research, health sciences, biotechnology, law, education, and administration (check our web site at for more career paths).

Humans are first and foremost animals, living organisms. As such, they share fundamental characteristics with all life - structure, chemistry, control mechanisms, behaviour, an ecological context, and an evolutionary history. Thus the study of human biology must entail a sound knowledge of basic life science. Humans have also developed unique characteristics, emergent properties, arising from their highly complex brains - their intricate behaviour, communication and conceptual abilities, and social structures. So a fuller appreciation of their biology also needs an understanding drawn from disciplines such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology. The Human Biology science programs are designed to do this.

We offer multiple Specialist programs, and new in 2009-10, a variety of Major programs. Each program enables students to study specific aspects of human biology. Students can combine a Human Biology Major program with other Science, Social Sciences or Humanities Major and/or Minor programs. Students who later wish to specialize may be able to enter the related Specialist program.
We have five areas of study available as both Human Biology Specialist and Major programs:

Environment & Health programs provide a basic understanding of the complex relationships between the behaviour of Planet Earth and the working of the human body.

Genes Genetics & Biotechnology programs focus on various aspects of genetics, including options in molecular and population genetics, and how genetics applies to the emerging fields of bioengineering and of biotechnology.

Global Health programs provide worldwide perspectives on health and medicine encompassing social, political, and economic environments.

Health & Disease programs examine the functioning of living organisms and how they respond to environmental conditions, both internal and external, that cause disease.

Neuroscience programs, relevant to all aspects of the nervous system, cover topics as diverse as mechanisms of learning and memory, pain, Alzheimer’s disease and movement disorders such as Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Two additional areas are available as Human Biology Major programs:

Health Care Ethics Major program focuses on social and ethical issues in clinical care and biomedical research.

Human Biology Major program provides a broad and flexible course of study in the basic medical sciences as well as other life sciences.

The first year requirements for all Human Biology programs consist of introductory 100-level courses. All programs require the foundational biology course, BIO150Y1 Organisms in Their Environment. Specific programs have additioNAL 100-level course requirements (see specific program requirements), some of which can be chosen from a selection list. Your choice of selected courses should be influenced by which areas and courses you want to study in upper years. All Major programs offered by Human Biology build on a first-year background in chemistry as well as biology. Major programs also require a course in psychology, physics or mathematics, except for Environment & Health which extends this selection to specific geography and geology courses; and Neuroscience which requires psychology as well as physics or mathematics. For the Specialist programs in Genes Genetics & Biotechnology, Health & Disease and Neuroscience, you are strongly recommended to take both calculus and physics in either first or second year. Both are important for upper level science courses and other life science programs.
Starting in second year, students can either follow the more general Human Biology Major program or take a Major or Specialist program in a more specific area of Human Biology. Each of these more focused programs has core courses in second and third year, tailored to meet the specific interests of its students. These courses concentrate on an area important to the program theme, and/or emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the program theme by showing connections between its different subject areas. Fewer core courses are required for the new Major programs than for the Specialist programs. Courses most often include lectures and small groups (e.g., tutorials, seminars) with laboratory courses offered primarily in third year.

To complete their programs, students can choose from a range of options in third and fourth years, depending on their interests, previous course completion, course availability and future career. Options inclUDE 400-level advanced seminar courses and research “project” courses. Please check our website and the online timetable for the most current course information since we have rapidly expanded our course menu with an addition of ~30 courses siNCE 2006-07.

For further information about our programs and courses, see our web site ( or contact us via email (, telephone (416-946-7609), or in person (Human Biology Program Office, Wetmore Hall room 105, New College, 300 Huron Street).

Human Biology Programs (Science programs)

Students must complete 4.0 full course equivalents (FCEs) before enrolling in any Human Biology program. Students may only register in one Human Biology Major program. No minimum GPA is required for the Major programs. Enrolment in the Specialist programs, however, is limited (see below).

The Human Biology Program administers all Human Biology Specialist and Major programs except for the Environment & Health Specialist program (see Environment, Centre for).

We encourage every student registered in a Human Biology program to discuss their individual program each year with a Human Biology counsellor (for appointment, contact
Human Biology Specialist Programs

Enrolment in all specialist programs is limited, with selection based on performance in First Year courses as well as cumulative Grade Point Average (cGPA). Enrolment requires completion of 4.0 FCEs including the First Year prerequisite courses. Apply at the Faculty of Arts & Science web site at the end of first year or at the Human Biology Program Office at later times.

Specialist programs

Environment & Health Specialist program:

(14.5 full courses or their equivalent which includes fulfillment of the Faculty’s Distribution requirements; must include at least fOUR 300+-series courses, one of which must be at THE 400-level)

First Year:
1. BIO150Y1
2. (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1
3. 1.0 FCE from GGR100Y1/(GGR100H1,GGR101H1); MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1/JMB170Y1; PHY110Y1/138Y1/140Y1/(PHY131H1,PHY132H1)/(PHY151H1,PHY152H1) (PHY138Y1/(PHY131H1,PHY132H1) recommended); PSY100H1.
4. Students are encouraged to select an FCE from ANT/ECO/GGR/HIS/SOC to maximize elective course choice in later years (see Note 2)
Second Year:
1. (BCH210H1, CHM247H1); BIO250Y1/BIO255Y1/(CSB240H1, 241H1); ENV222Y1/GGR222Y1/JGE221Y1; ENV234Y1/(ENV235Y1/ENV236Y1)(see Note 3); PHL273H1; BIO260H1/HMB265H1
Third Year:
1. CSB/BIO349H1/ LMP363H1/NFS284H1/PSL302Y1; ENV321Y1, ENV341H1; the other of ENV234Y1/(ENV235Y1/ENV236Y1)(see Note 3); (STA220H1, STA221H1/EEB225H1)
Fourth Year:
1. ENV410H1
2. ENV421H1 or a minimum of 0.5 FCE from any approved departmental or college independent research project
3. JEH455H1
One FCE, approved by the Undergraduate Student Advisor of the Centre, including at least ONE 300-series course from ANA/ANT/BCH/(CSB/BIO)/(EEB/BIO)/(CSB/BOT)/(EEB/BOT)/CHM/HMB/IMM/JBI/LMP/MBY/NFS/PCL/(CSB/ZOO)/(EEB/ZOO)/ECO369Y1/(GGR333H1, GGR409H1, 451H1)/(HIS460H1, 463H1)/NEW367H1/(SOC242Y1/(SOC243H1, SOC244H1)/255Y1/(SOC256H1, SOC257H1)/SOC309Y1/SOC312Y1/SOC363H1) or any other approved course for which the student has appropriate prerequisites. The one FCE should reflect the particular academic interests of each student.

Genes Genetics & Biotechnology Specialist program:

(14.5 to 15 full courses or their equivalent, including at least TWO 400-series courses)
First Year:
1. BIO150Y1
2. CHM138H1, CHM139H1
3. 1.0 FCE from: MAT135Y1/MAT136Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; PHY110Y1/(PHY131H1+PHY132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/(PHY151H1+PHY152H1)
4. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: ANT100Y1; ECO100Y1; GGR107H1/GGR124H1; PHL100Y1/102Y1; PSY100H1; SOC101Y1; VIC170Y1/VIC171Y1
Second Year:
1. HMB201H1, HMB265H1/BIO260H1, BCH210H1, (BIO240H1+BIO241H1)/250Y1/BIO255Y1, CHM247H1
2. 1.0 FCE from: ANT203Y1/204Y1; ENV236Y1; GGR220H1/GGR246H1/256H1/GGR270H1; JGE221Y; WGS261Y1; PHL240H1/PHL245H1/255H1/PHL273H1/PHL275H1/281Y1; SOC205Y1/SOC207Y1/SOC210Y1/SOC212Y1/SOC213Y1/SOC214Y1/SOC220Y1/242Y1 /SOC243H1/SOC244H1/SOC246H1/SOC247H1/SOC260Y1/SOC263H1
Higher Years:
1. HMB301H1, HMB321H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1
2. 0.5 FCE science laboratory from: HMB311H1; BCH370H1; CSB330H1/CSB350H1; MGY376H1; PSL372H1
3. 2.0 FCE from the sciences: ANA301H1; BCH 300-series (see Note 4 below); CSB310H1/CSB325H1/CSB327H1/CSB328H1/329H1/CSB331H1 /CSB332H1/CSB340H1/345H1/CSB347H1/CSB351Y1//CSB352H1/CSB353H1/357H1; EEB323H1/EEB324H1/EEB341H1; IMM334Y1; JZP326H1; LMP301H1/LMP363H1; MGY377H1/MGY378H1; NFS284H1/NFS386H1; PCL201H1/PCL302H1; PSL302Y1
4. 1.0 FCE from a Bio-Social or Social perspective: ANT 300-series; GGR314H1/331H1/GGR333H1/GGR334H1/GGR335H1/GGR338H1/393H1; HPS318H1/HPS319H1/HPS324H1/HPS326H1/HPS350H1/353H1/355H1; WGS365H1/WGS366H1/WGS367H1/WGS368H1/WGS372H1/WGS373H1; PHL341H1/342/344H1/PHL345H1/PHL347H1/PHL349H1/PHL381H1/PHL383H1/PHL384H1; SOC303H1/SOC306Y1/SOC309Y1/SOC312Y1/SOC317Y1/SOC320Y1/SOC327Y1 /SOC339H1/SOC344Y1/SOC347H1/SOC355Y1/SOC356Y1/SOC363H1/SOC365Y1/SOC366H1/SOC369Y1/SOC370Y1/SOC373H1/SOC374H1/SOC375Y1/SOC381Y1/SOC382Y1/385Y1/SOC386Y1/SOC388H1
5. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level science series (see Note 6. below): HMB421H1/HMB431H1/HMB435H1/HMB436H1/HMB441H1/HMB499Y1; BCH 400-series (see Note 4 below); CSB428H1/CSB429H1/CSB430H1/CSB452H1/CSB458H1/CSB459H1/CSB460H1/CSB472H1/CSB474H1/CSB483H1/CSB484H1; EEB459H1/EEB460H1/463H1; LMP 400-series; MGY 400 Series (see Note 5 below); NFS 400-series; PCL477H1; PSL 400-series
6. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level Science, Bio-social or Social Perspective (see Note 6 below): HMB 400-series; ANT428H1/429H1/ANT433H1/ANT448H1/ANT450H1; GGR415H1/GGR416H1/GGR439H1/450H1; PHL407H1/PHL440H1/PHL470H1/PHL475H1/PHL482H1/PHL483H1; JFG475H1; NEW425Y1/465H1; BCH 400-series (see Note 4 below); CSB428H1/CSB429H1/CSB430H1/CSB452H1/CSB458H1/CSB459H1 /CSB460H1/461H1/CSB472H1/CSB474H1/482Y1; EEB459H1/EEB460H1/463H1; LMP 400-series; MGY 400-series (see Note 5 below); PHC 400-series; PSL 400-series

Global Health Specialist program

(15.5 to 16 full courses or their equivalent, including at least TWO 400-series courses)
First Year:
1. BIO150Y1
2. 1.0 FCE from: CHM138H1, CHM139H1; MAT135Y1/MAT136Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; PHY110Y1/(PHY131H1+PHY132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/(PHY151H1+PHY152H1)
3. 1.0 FCE from: ANT100Y1; GGR100H1/GGR107H1/GGR124H1
4. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: PHL100Y1; PSY100H1; SOC101Y1; TRN150Y1/TRN151Y1; VIC170Y1/VIC171Y1; NEW150Y1; POL105Y1/POL108Y1
Second Year:
1. HMB203H1, (BIO240H1+BIO241H1)/250Y1/BIO255Y1, STA220H1
2. 1.0 FCE from Environment or Resource Management: EEB215H1; ENV236Y1; FOR201H1; GGR201H1/GGR203H1/GGR206H1/233Y1; JGE221Y1
3. 1.0 FCE from Social, Cultural or Political Science: ANT204Y1; GGR220H1/256H1; JGI216H1; WGS261Y1; PHL273H1/PHL275H1/281Y1; POL201Y1/POL208Y1; PSY220H1; SOC205Y1/SOC210Y1/SOC214Y1/242Y1/SOC246H1/SOC247H1
Second Year and Higher Years:
1. 1.0 FCE from Biological Sciences: HMB265H1/HMB342H1/HMB397H1; ANT203Y1; BCH210H1; BIO251Y1; BIO252Y1/(BIO270H1+BIO271H1); EEB225H1/EEB263Y1/EEB265Y1; ENV234Y1/ENV236Y1; PSL302Y1; STA221H1
2. HMB303H1
3. 0.5 FCE in Laboratory Sciences: HMB312H1; BCH370H1; MGY376H1; PSL372H1; CSB330H1
4. 1.5 FCE from Basic Medical Sciences: LMP363H1; NFS284H1; MGY377H1/MGY378H1; CSB351Y1
5. 0.5 FCE from Ecology/Evolution: EEB319H1/EEB321H1/EEB323H1/EEB324H1/EEB328H1/EEB362H1/EEB365H1; CSB375H1; BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1
6. 1.0 FCE from Environmental Issues: GGR303H1/GGR305H1/GGR307H1/GGR314H1; ENV321Y1; FOR302H1/FOR303H1
7. 1.0 FCE from Social Sciences or Humanities: ANT348Y1/349H1/ANT364Y1, ENV350H1; GGR334H1/GGR338H1/393H1; ENV320Y1/32H1/ENV341H1/35H1; JIE307Y1; WGS367H1/72H1; PHL373H1/PHL380H1/PHL381H1/PHL382H1/PHL383H1/PHL384H1, POL301Y1/POL317Y1/POL343Y1/ 346H1/POL350H1/POL380H1/POL380Y1; PSY333H1/PSY335H1; SOC309Y1/SOC312Y1/SOC327Y1/SOC381Y1
8. 1.0 FCE from 400-level Science/Env/Eco series: HMB433H1/HMB434H1/HMB443H1/HMB473H1/HMB498Y1/HAJ453H1; CSB452H1/CSB458H1; EEB428H1/EEB440H1/EEB459H1/EEB462H1 /EEB465H1/469H1/EEB471H1/EEB495Y1; GGR403H1/GGR409H1; LMP402H1/LMP406H1/LMP436H1; MGY434H1/MGY440H1; MIJ485H1; NFS486H1/NFS487H1/NFS490H1; PSL420H1/PSL421H1/PSL470H1/PSL472H1; JEH455H1
9. 1.0 FCE from 400-level Soc/Hum/Proj series: HMB420H1/HMB433H1/HMB498Y1/HMB499Y1; ANT427H1/440Y1/ANT448H1/ANT450H1/ANT452H1/455Y1; ENV423H1/441H1; GGR415H1/GGR418H1/GGR439H1/450H1/451H1; JFG475H1; INI422H1/446H1; NEW425Y1/465H1; POL401H1/POL412H1/POL413H1/POL417Y1/418Y1; PHL415H1/PHL440H1/447Y1/PHL470H1/PHL482H1; TRN410Y1/TRN411Y1/TRN419Y1/TRN421Y1, UNI410H1/UNI464H1

Health & Disease Specialist program

(14.5 to 15 full courses or their equivalent, including at least TWO 400-series courses)

First Year:
1. BIO150Y1
2. CHM138H1, CHM139H1
3. 1.0 FCE from: MAT135Y1/MAT136Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; PHY110Y1/(PHY131H1+PHY132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/(PHY151H1+PHY152H1)
4. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: ANT100Y1; GGR107H1; GGR124H1; PHL100Y1/PHL102Y1; PSY100H1; SOC101Y1; VIC170Y1/VIC171Y1
Second Year:
1. HMB202H1, HMB265H1/BIO260H1; BCH210H1; (BIO240H1+BIO241H1)/250Y1/BIO255Y1; CHM247H1
2. 1.0 FCE from: ANT203Y1/204Y1; ENV236Y1; GGR220H1/GGR246H1/256H1/GGR270H1; JGE221Y; WGS261Y1; PHL240H1/PHL245H1/PHL237H1/255H1/PHL275H1/281Y1; SOC205Y1/SOC207Y1/SOC210Y1/SOC212Y1/SOC213Y1/SOC214Y1 /SOC220Y1/242Y1/SOC246H1/SOC247H1/SOC260Y1/SOC263H1
Higher Years:
1. HMB302H1; BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1; (MGY377H1+MGY378H1)/CSB351Y1; PSL302Y1
2. 0.5 FCE science laboratory from: HMB312H1; BCH370H1; MGY376H1; PSL372H1; CSB330H1
3. 0.5 FCE from the sciences: HMB305H1/HMB322H1/HMB325H1/HMB342H1/HMB397H1; ANA300Y1/ANA301H1/304Y1; BIO251Y1/252Y1/(BIO270H1+BIO271H1); CSB325H1/CSB327H1/CSB328H1/329H1/CSB331H1/CSB332H1/CSB340H1/345H1/ CSB346H1/CSB347H1/CSB353H1/357H1; BCH 300-series (see Note 4 below); EEB331H1/EEB340H1/EEB341H1; IMM334Y1; PSY397H1; LMP301H1/LMP363H1; NFS284H1/NFS386H1; PCL201H1/PCL302H1/PCL362H1; PSL303Y1
4. 1.0 FCE from a Bio-Social or Social perspective: ANT 300-series; GGR314H1/331H1/GGR333H1/GGR334H1/GGR335H1/GGR338H1/393H1; HPS318H1/HPS319H1/323H1/HPS324H1/HPS326H1/328H1/333H1/HPS350H1; WGS365H1/WGS366H1/WGS367H1/WGS368H1/WGS372H1/WGS373H1; PHL341H1/PHL342H1/PHL345H1/PHL347H1/PHL349H1/PHL381H1/PHL383H1/PHL384H1; SOC303H1/SOC306Y1/SOC309Y1/SOC312Y1/SOC317Y1/SOC320Y1/SOC327Y1/SOC339H1 /SOC344Y1/SOC347H1/SOC355Y1/SOC356Y1/SOC363H1/SOC365Y1/SOC366H1/SOC369Y1/SOC370Y1/SOC373H1/SOC374H1/SOC375Y1/SOC381Y1/SOC382Y1/385Y1/SOC386Y1/SOC388H1
5. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level science series (see Note 6. below): HMB402H1/HMB422H1/HMB432H1/HMB440H1/442H1/HMB470H1/HMB471H1/HMB472H1/HMB473H1/HMB499Y1; BCH 400-series (See Note 4 below); CSB428H1/CSB429H1/CSB430H1/CSB452H1/CSB458H1/CSB460H1/ CSB472H1; EEB460H1/463H1; IMM429H1/IMM430H1/IMM435H1; JBI428H1; PSY497H1; LMP 400-series; MGY 400-series; NFS 400-series; PCL470Y1/PCL471Y1/PCL473Y1/PCL475Y1/PCL477H1/PCL481H1; PSL 400-series
6. 1.0 FCE from a 400-level Science, Bio-social or Social Perspective (see Note 6. below): ANT428H1/429H1/ANT433H1/ANT434H1/440Y1/ANT448H1/449H1/ANT450H1; GGR415H1/GGR416H1/GGR439H1/450H1; PHL407H1/PHL440H1/PHL470H1/PHL475H1/PHL482H1/PHL483H1; JFG475H1; NEW425Y1/465H1; BCH 400-series (See Note 4 below); CSB428H1/CSB429H1/CSB430H1/CSB452H1/CSB458H1/CSB460H1/461H1/CSB472H1/482Y1; EEB460H1/463H1; HMB 400-series; IMM429H1/IMM430H1/IMM435H1; PDY497H1; JZP428H1; MIJ485H1; LMP 400-series; MGY 400-series; NFS484H1/NFS486H1/NFS488H1/NFS490H1; PCL470Y1/PCL471Y1/PCL473Y1/PCL475Y1/PCL481H1; PHC 400 Series; PSL 400-series

Neuroscience Specialist program:

(13.5 to 14 full courses or their equivalent, including at least TWO 400-series courses)

First Year:
1. BIO150Y1
2. CHM138H1, CHM139H1
3. 1.0 FCE from: MAT135Y1/MAT136Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; PHY110Y1/(PHY131H1+PHY132H1)/138Y1
4. PSY100H1
Second Year:
1. HMB200H1, HMB265H1/BIO260H1, BCH210H1/CHM247H1, (BIO240H1+BIO241H1)/250Y1/BIO255Y1; STA220H1/PSY201H1
2. 0.5 FCE from: ANT204Y1/ANT253H1/LIN200H1/PSY260H1/PSY270H1/PSY280H1
3. PSL300H1/BIO252Y1/(BIO270H1+BIO271H1)
Higher Years:
1. HMB300H1, HMB310H1, HMB320H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1
2. 2.0 FCE from: CSB325H1/CSB328H1/CSB330H1/CSB332H1/345H1/CSB346H1/CSB347H1; EEB322H1; JAL355H1; JLP315H1/JLP374H1; PCL201H1/PCL302H1; PSL301H1/ PSL303Y1/PSL372H1/PSL374H1; PSY202H1/PSY342H1/PSY371H1/PSY372H1/PSY373H1/PSY375H1/PSY393H1/PSY394H1/PSY396H1/PSY397H1; WGS372H1
3. 2.0 FCE from 400-level Science Series: HMB400Y1/HMB420H1/HMB430H1/HMB440H1/HMB471H1/HMB473H1; CSB425H1/CSB428H1/CSB430H1/CSB445H1; EEB459H1/EEB496Y1; JLS474H1; JLP471H1; PCL475Y1; PSL432H1/PSL440Y1/PSL443H1/PSL444Y1/PSL450H1/PSL452H1/PSL454H1/PSL472H1; PSY440H1/PSY460H1/PSY470H1/PSY471H1/PSY480H1/PSY490H1/PSY497H1

Human Biology Major Programs

Enrolment in a Human Biology Major program requires completion of 4.0 FCEs, no minimum GPA and registration in only one Human Biology Major program.

Environment & Health Major program (8.0 FCE):

First Year (2.5 FCE)
: BIO150Y1; CHM138H1,CHM139H1; GGR100H1/GGR101H1/GLG102H1/MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
Higher Years:
1. 2.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1
2. 1.0 FCE: E&H core course ENV221Y1/GGR221Y1/JGE221Y1/ENV234Y1/ENV236Y1
300- & 400-level:
3. 0.5 FCE: E&H core course ENV341H1
4. 1.0 FCE: PSL302Y1
5. 0.5 FCE from E&H-relevant course HMB302H1/HMB303H1/HMB304H1/HMB305H1/HMB314H1/HMB322H1/HMB397H1/HMB498Y1*/HMB499Y1*; ANA300Y1/ANA301H1, BCH311H1*/CSB349H1/PSL350H1, BCH370H1, CHM310H1, CSB325H1/CSB327H1/CSB328H1/CSB331H1/CSB346H1/CSB347H1/CSB350H1/CSB351Y1, EEB318H1/EEB319H1/EEB321H1*/EEB328H1/EEB362H1/EEB375H1/EEB428H1, ENV315H1/ENV336H1/JGE347H1/JGE348H1, GGR303H1/GGR305H1/GGR310H1/GGR409H1/JGE347H1/JGE348H1, GLG351H1/GLG450H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/LMP363H1, MGY377H1, NFS382H1*/NFS386H1/NFS488H1*, PSL372H1/PSL420H1, PSY335H1*
6. 0.5 FCE: E&H depth course JEH455H1

Genes Genetics & Biotechnology Major (8.0 FCE):

First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO150Y1; CHM138H1, CHM139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
Higher Years:
1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/BIO251Y1/BIO270H1, BIO271H1
2. 0.5 FCE: GGB core course HMB201H1
300- & 400-level:
3. 0.5 FCE: GGB core course HMB301H1/HMB311H1/HMB321H1
4. 0.5 FCE: BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1
5. 0.5 FCE from GGB relevant courseHMB301H1/HMB304H1/HMB305H1/HMB311H1/HMB314H1/HMB321H1/ HMB397H1/HMB402H1/HMB421H1/HMB431H1/HMB435H1/HMB436H1/HMB441H1/HMB489H1/
HMB499Y1; ANA300Y1/ANA301H1; BCB410H1*; BCH370H1/BCH422H1/BCH426H1/BCH440H1/BCH441H1/BCH444H1/BCH445H1/BCH446H1;CSB325H1/CSB327H1/CSB328H1/CSB331H1/CSB340H1/CSB350H1/
CSB351Y1/CSB352H1/CSB353H1/CSB428H1/CSB429H1/CSB435H1/ CSB450H1/CSB458H1/CSB459H1/CSB460H1/CSB472H1/CSB473H1/CSB474H1/ CSB475H1,
EEB303H1/EEB318H1/EEB323H1/EEB331H1/EEB362H1/EEB460H1,FOR300H1/FOR310H1/FOR410H1/FOR423H1, GGR305H1/GGR310H1,IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/LMP363H1/LMP404H1, MGY350H1/
MGY377H1/MGY378H1/MGY428H1/MGY451H1, NFS382H1*/NFS386H1/NFS487H1*,PSL462H1
6. 0.5 FCE from GGB depth course HMB421H1/HMB431H1/HMB435H1/HMB436H1/HMB441H1/HMB499Y1

Global Health Major (8.0 FCE):

First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO150Y1; CHM138H1, CHM139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
Higher Years:
1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/BIO270H1, BIO271H1
2. 0.5 FCE: GH core course HMB203H1
300- & 400-level:
3. 0.5 FCE: GH core course HMB303H1/HMB323H1
4. 1.0 FCE from GH relevant courses:
HMB303H1/HMB304H1/HMB305H1/HMB312H1/HMB314H1/HMB323H1/HMB325H1/HMB342H1/HMB397H1/HMB404H1/HMB433H1/HMB434H1/442H1/HMB443H1/HMB444H1/HMB473H1/HMB498Y1/HAJ453H1, ANA300Y1/ANA301H1; BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1; BCH370H1,CSB325H1/CSB327H1/CSB328H1/CSB330H1/CSB331H1/CSB346H1/CSB351Y1/CSB431H1/CSB483H1, EEB318H1/EEB319H1/EEB321H1*/
EEB328H1/EEB362H1/EEB375H1/EEB428H1/EEB460H1, IMM334Y1,LMP301H1/LMP363H1/LMP404H1/LMP406H1, MGY350H1*/MGY377H1/MGY378H1*, NFS382H1*/NFS386H1/NFS487H1*, PCL389H1*,
PHC320H1*, PSL372H1/PSL420H1/PSL421H1, PSY321H1*
5. 0.5 FCE from GH depth course HMB433H1/HMB434H1/HMB443H1/HMB498Y1/HAJ453H1

Health & Disease Major program (8.0 FCE):

First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO150Y1; CHM138H1, CHM139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
Higher Years:
1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/BIO270H1, BIO271H1
2. 0.5 FCE: H&D core course HMB202H1300- & 400-level
3. 0.5 FCE: H&D core course HMB302H1/HMB312H1/HMB314H1/HMB322H1
4. 1.0 FCE H&D-relevant courses: HMB302H1/HMB304H1/HMB305H1/HMB306H1/HMB312H1/HMB314H1/HMB322H1/HMB325H1/HMB342H1/HMB397H1/HMB322H1/HMB402H1/HMB404H1/HMB406H1/HMB422H1/
HAJ453H1; ANA300Y1/ANA301H1; BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1; BCH370H1/BCH426H1*/BCH441H1*/BCH444H1*/BCH446H1*, CSB325H1/CSB327H1/CSB328H1/CSB330H1/CSB331H1/CSB332H1/CSB346H1/CSB347H1/CSB351Y1/CSB352H1/CSB431H1/CSB435H1/CSB472H1/CSB473H1/
CSB483H1, EEB318H1/EEB323H1/EEB331H1/EEB375H1/EEB460H1/EEB461H1,IMM334Y1, LMP301H1/LMP363H1/LMP404H1/LMP406H1/LMP412H1,
MGY350H1*/MGY377H1/MGY378H1*, NFS382H1*/NFS386H1/NFS486H1*,PCL389H1*, PHC320H1*, PSL372H1/PSL420H1/PSL421H1/
PSL425H1/PSL470H1/PSL472H1, PSY333H1*/PSY341H1*
5. 0.5 FCE H&D depth course: HMB402H1/HMB422H1/HMB432H1/HMB440H1/442H1/HMB470H1/HMB471H1/HMB472H1/HMB473H1/HMB499Y1

Health Care Ethics Major program (8.0 FCE):

First Year (2.5 FCE): BIO150Y1; CHM138H1, CHM139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1/PSY100H1
Higher Years:
1. 3.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1; PSL302Y1/BIO270H1, BIO271H1
2. 0.5 FCE: HCE core course PHL281H1/PHL275H1/HPS250H1
300- & 400-level: 3. 0.5 FCE: HCE core course HMB306H1
4. 0.5 FCE: HCE relevant humanities course PHL380H1/PHL381H1/PHL382H1/PHL383H1/PHL384H1, HPS300H1/HPS318H1/HPS319H1
5. 0.5 FCE: HCE relevant science course HMB303H1/HMB305H1/HMB314H1/HMB322H1/HMB325H1/HMB342H1/HMB397H1/
HMB402H1/HMB422H1/HMB432H1/HMB434H1/HMB440H1/442H1/442H1/HMB444H1/JEH455H1/470H1/471H1/472H1/473H1/499H1*, ANA300Y1/ANA301H1, BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1, BCH370H1, CSB325H1/CSB327H1/CSB328H1/CSB331H1/CSB346H1/CSB351Y1, EEB318H1/EEB319H1/EEB321H1, IMM334Y1, LMP301H1, NFS382H1*/NFS386H1/NFS490H1*, PSL372H1/PSL420H1, PSY314H1/PSY370H1
6. 0.5 FCE: HCE depth course HMB406H1

Human Biology Major program

(7.5 to 8 full courses or their equivalent)

First Year:
1. BIO150Y1, CHM138H1, CHM139H1
2. 0.5 to 1.0 FCE from: JMB170Y1; MAT135Y1/MAT136Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; PHY110Y1/(PHY131H1+PHY132H1)/138Y1/140Y1/(PHY151H1+PHY152H1); PSY100H1; VIC170Y1/VIC171Y1
Second Year:
1. HMB265H1/BIO260H1, BCH210H1, (BIO240H1+BIO241H1)/250Y1/BIO255Y1
Third Year:
1. 1.0 FCE from: BIO251Y1/252Y1/(BIO270H1+BIO271H1); PSL302Y1
2. 1.0 300+level FCE from: BIO; BOT; EEB; CSB; HMB; PSY; ZOO
3. 1.0 300+level FCE from: ANA; BCH; HMB; IMM; LMP; MGY; NFS; NRS; PCL; PSL (see Note 2 below)

Neuroscience Major program (8.0 FCE):

First Year (3.0 FCE): BIO150Y1; CHM138H1, CHM139H1; MAT135Y1/PHY131H1; PSY100H1
Higher Years:
1. 2.0 FCE: BCH210H1/CHM247H1; BIO240H1, BIO241H1; HMB265H1/BIO260H1
2. 0.5 FCE: NRS core course HMB200H1/HMB204H1
3. 0.5 FCE from 200-series PSY course
300- & 400-level:
4. 0.5 FCE: NRS core course HMB300H1/HMB310H1/HMB320H1
5. 0.5 FCE: PSL300H1
6. 0.5 FCE from NRS relevant course HMB300H1/HMB310H1/HMB320H1/HMB397H1/HMB400Y1/HMB420H1/HMB430H1/HMB440H1/HMB471H1/HMB473H1/HMB489H1; ANA300Y1/ANA301H1,
BCH311H1/CSB349H1/PSL350H1, BCH446H1,CSB325H1/CSB328H1/CSB332H1/CSB346H1/CSB347H1/CSB425H1/CSB428H1/CSB430H1/CSB445H1, EEB322H1*; JLP315H1;
LMP410H1, NFS489H1*, PCL475Y1, PSL372H1/PSL432H1/PSL440Y1/PSL443H1/PSL444Y1/PSL452H1/PSL472H1, PSY 300-series*/397H1/460H1*/PSL470H1*
7. 0.5 FCE from NRS depth course
HMB400Y1/HMB420H1/HMB430H1/HMB440H1/HMB471H1/HMB473H1, CSB425H1/CSB428H1CSB430H1/CSB445H1, PSL432H1/PSL452H1/PSL472H1, PSY460H1*/PSY470H1*/PSY497H1*

*Some courses require additional prerequisites. Check course listings.


1. EEB202H1/EEB214H1/EEB215H1/EEB216H1; CSB200Y1; PSL201Y1 will not be considered for program requirements.
2. SOME 200-, 300- AND 400-level courses have specific prerequisites. Check prerequisites of upper level courses you are interested in prior to making First Year course selections.
3. In choosing between ENV235Y1 and ENV236Y1, pay particular attention to their respective prerequisites.
4. Students who have completed BCH210H1 with high standing may enrol in 300- or 400-series lecture courses with permission of the Department of Biochemistry program coordinator.
5. Students who have completed BIO349H1/CSB349H1 with high standing may be eligible to enrol in other MGY 400-series courses with permission from the instructor.
6. An independent research or reading course may be used towards THE 400-level FCE requirement after approval by the Human Biology program committee.