Anatomy Courses

Key to Course Descriptions.
For Distribution Requirement purposes, all ANA courses are classified as SCIENCE courses (see page 26).

| Course Winter Timetable |

Human Anatomy and Histology [86L, 18P]

Structure of the human body and its relationship to function. Basic Human Cytology, Histology, Gross Anatomy, and
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1

Human Embryology [48L]

Human embryology from fertilization to the end of the fetal period. Current concepts in mammalian morphogenesis
applied to the development of the various organ systems; etiologies and pathogenesis of some of the more common
human congenital abnormalities.
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1

Project in Anatomy [TBA]

A research project in Histology, Cellular or Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology, Neuroanatomy or Gross Anatomy.
Prerequisite: Permission of a professor to supervise the project