New College Courses

Key to Course Descriptions.

For Distribution Requirement purposes, most NEW courses are classified as HUMANITIES courses. NEW240Y1, 241Y1, 250Y1, 329H1, 341H1, 348H1, 349H1, 359H1, 449H1, 451H1 AND452H1 count as SOCIAL SCIENCE or HUMANITIES courses, NEW338H1 and NEW342H1 count as SOCIAL SCIENCE courses, and NEW350Y1 counts as a SOCIAL SCIENCE or SCIENCE course.

| Course Winter Timetable |

Intensive Academic English

Intensive Academic English

Students will learn strategies for improving high-level reading comprehension, listening to lectures with full understanding, and giving successful oral presentations. A series of short writing assignments will develop and apply skills in grammar, vocabulary-building, and critical thinking. Suitable for humanities, social science and science students. This course has no credit value: it does not count toward degree requirements. For information, see

Interdisciplinary Special Topics [24S]

Topics vary from year to hear depending on the instructor.
This is a Humanities course

African Studies Courses

Introduction to African Studies [48L]

A multi-disciplinary study of Africa, emphasizing inquiry and critical analysis. Pre-colonial, colonial and contemporary African history, anthropology, politics, African humanism and society, religion, art, music, race, resistance, gender and Pan-Africanism.

Africa in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities [48L, 24T]

An introduction to the study of Africa as a living place rather than merely a site for intellectual speculation and study. Explores the issues that engage the attention of ordinary Africans, ranging from the dramatic to the seemingly trivial but quotidian concerns that occupy our lives. Topics will include urban life, family networks, kinship and social capital, religion and belief systems, indigenous government, courts and judicial processes, migration, and land tenure. Materials studied will include various African media in Toronto – radio, television, newspapers, literature, religion, politics, sports, music, film and food – as well as BBC World Service, allAfrica and Panapress and several African socio-cultural journals and texts.
This is a Humanities or Social Science course.

World Music Ensemble: African Drumming and Dancing [TBA]

Rehearsal, performance and study of West African music.

Exclusion: PMU 264
Prerequisite: permission of the African Studies Program Director

World Music Ensemble: Steel Pan

Rehearsal, performance and study of Steel Pan ensemble.

Exclusion: PMU 272
Prerequisite: permission of the African Studies Program Director

Introductory Swahili [24L, 72T]

Introduction to grammar and basic vocabulary of Swahili. Emphasis on comprehension and oral practice. Reading of selected texts. Relation of the language to its East African cultural context. (Offered in alternate years)

Black Freedom [48L, 24T]

People of African descent – from Olaudah Equiano to Angela Davis – have made profound contributions to the intellectual history and political practice of freedom in the Atlantic world. Black writers and historical actors have been at the vanguard of re-conceiving, implementing, and realizing the Enlightenment project of freedom.

Exclusion: HIS296Y1

The Contemporary African Novel (formerly NEW322Y1) [24S]

Novels written in the last forty years by English, French and Portuguese-speaking Africans. Ideological views concerning colonialism and neo-colonialism. Tradition, religious and secular; the use of African symbolism. A small number of historical and sociological texts are recommended as essential background reading. Works not written in English are read in translation. (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: NEW322Y1

Special Topics: AIDS in Africa: Challenges and Successes [24L]

Explores the pandemic of AIDS in Africa through a social science lens.
Recommended preparation: NEW150Y1

African Systems of Thought (formerly NEW252Y1) [48L]

The exploration of a range of African cosmologies, epistemologies, and theologies, as well as specific case studies on justice, the moral order, and gender relations. The influence of these richly diverse traditions is traced as well in the writings of African thinkers in the Diaspora.
Recommended preparation: NEW150Y1

Exclusion: NEW252Y1, JAP256H1/JAP356H1

Violence, Politics and the Media in Africa [24L]

Examines the relationships between the media, politics and the outbreak, resolution of conflicts and post-conflict reconstruction in Africa.
Presrequisite: NEW150Y1/NEW250Y1

Intermediate Swahili [24L, 72T]

Grammar and syntax. Conversation and written composition. Reading of texts: literary, journalistic. Relation of the language to its East African context. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: NEW280Y1

Advanced Topics in African Studies [24S]

A required course for all Specialists and Majors in the African Studies Program, enrolment is restricted to students enrolled in the program in their final year of study. The seminar is taught by the core faculty in the African Studies Program and is designed to build upon the accumulated knowledge of students and the interdisciplinary nature of the program. Topics vary from year to year.

Special Topics in African Studies [24L]

An upper level course. Topics of study vary from year to year.

Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health Courses

Socially Engaged Buddhism [24L]

A comprehensive survey of socially engaged Buddhism. Particular focus on contemporary movements in Vietnam, Tibet, China & Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and India. The role of women in Buddhism.
Exclusion: NEW214Y1

Buddhist Psychology: Theories & Applications (formerly NEW402Y1, NEW432Y1) [72S]

Explores the contributions of Buddhism to the study of human consciousness and behaviour. Focus is on the expanding academic discourse on the intersection of Buddhist and Western theories of psychology, phenomenology and psychotherapy. Includes analyses of the application of Buddhist mindfulness meditation in clinical interventions for mental and physical disorders.

Exclusion: NEW402Y1, NEW432Y1

Buddhism and the Science of Mindfulness Meditation [24S]

This course will examine the modern mindfulness movement from a scientific and Buddhist perspective. Emphasis will be placed on the key Buddhist sutras and commentaries related to the practice of mindfulness and their relation the mindfulness meditation practices increasingly popular in the West.
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1

Buddhism and Psychotherapy [24S]

This course will evaluate the relationship between Buddhist psychology and the practice of Western psychotherapy. Areas that will be studied include positive psychology, psychoanalysis, cognitive-behaviour therapy, mindfulness meditation and Jungian psychology. Comparisons with original Buddhist teachings and commentaries will be made.
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1

Buddhism and Cognitive Science [36L]

This course will explore some important connections between Cognitive Science and Buddhism. In particular it will examine the insights of cognitive science into central Buddhist concepts such as wisdom, mindfulness, meditation, insight and self-control, as well as related concepts such as flow and mystical experience.
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1/RLG206Y1

Research Seminar in Buddhist Psychology [24L]

Critically evaluates the empirical research literature relevant to the study of Buddhist psychology. Conceptual, methodological and interpretive limitations of the scientific literature are discussed. Students will apply their understanding by designing an experiment to empirically evaluate an aspect of Buddhist psychology.
Prerequisite: one statistics course (e.g. PSY201H1, PSY202H1, SOC202H1) or permission of the instructor
Recommended Preparation: NEW232Y1/NEW331H1/NEW333H1

Special Topics in Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health [24L]

Topics vary from year to year, depending on the instructor.
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1

Cultivating Consciousness:        Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness in Practice [24S]

This is a course on the scientific study of subjective experience. Students' own consciousness will be the laboratory for self-study using awareness-raising techniques from Buddhist and Yogic traditions including breathing exercises, conscious movement, concentration, and mindfulness. Students will objectively measure their experience and will be expected to maintain a daily meditation practice.

Advanced Special Topics in Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health [24S]

An upper-level seminar. Topics vary from year to year, depending on the instructor.
Recommended preparation: NEW232Y1/RLG206Y1

Caribbean Studies Courses

Caribbean Literature and Society [48S]

A study of Caribbean writers of fiction, poetry and drama, drawn from the major linguistic and racial/cultural groups in the region. Works are analyzed as literary texts and within the contexts of social and political life in which the writing is situated.

Caribbean Thought I [72L]

A multi-disciplinary exploration of writing pertaining to culture and consciousness particularly Afro- and Indo-Caribbean thought: theoretical perspectives on the implications and consequences of slavery and indenture, the struggle for freedom from the legacy of the plantation and colonial dependence, responses to domination and exploitation, race, gender, religion and music.
Recommended preparation: HIS106Y1

Caribbean Thought II [48L]

Critical enquiry at an advanced level into the construction of society, race, language, religion, culture and gender; theories of economy, resistance, self-affirmation, continuing colonization and place of the Caribbean within the global context; internal and external theoretical perspectives on “the Caribbean personality.”
Prerequisite: NEW224Y1

Caribbean Women Thinkers        [24L]

An examination of the historical and political significance of writings (literary, political, scholarly) by Caribbean women who engage problems within Caribbean culture and provide insights into the endeavours of the peoples of the region.

Indenture, Survival, Change [48L]

Indian survival in the Caribbean despite hardships of indentured labour; social and cultural change; role of Hinduism and Islam; resistance to Colonial domination; contribution of Indo-Caribbean intellectuals to literature, politics, and education. (Offered in alternate years)

The Hispanic Caribbean: Race, Religion and Revolution in Cuban History and Culture [48L]

Examines Cuba’s relevance and legacy from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Explores the tensions of Cuban life in counterpoint with its creative rendering in the arts and literature, through a variety of fresh approaches in fields such as cultural studies, historical sociology, anthropology, and sociology of religion.
Recommended preparation: LAS200Y1/NEW224Y1

       Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [24L]

An upper level course. Topics of study vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: NEW224Y1 or permission of the instructor

Performing and Transforming the Caribbean [48S, 72P]

Addresses ways in which performance can be a force for cultural resistance and social change. Examines Caribbean performances such as jonkonnu, theatre, dance hall and carnival, looking at how these forms engage questions of neo-colonialism, transculturation, gender, race and nation, community and identity and diasporic memory.
Prerequisite: NEW324Y1 or permission of instructor

Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [24S]

An upper-level seminar. Topics vary from year to year, depending on the instructor.
Prerequisite: NEW324Y1

The Capitalist Press and the New Imperialism (formerly NEW424H1) [72S]

Social analysis of the state-corporate mainstream capitalist press (print/electronic) problematically named “The Free Press”; its racist-sexist globalizing EuroAmerican cultural imperialism; the production of the commoditized consumer-subject and other re-conquest narratives and their implications for Caribbean and other World Majority peoples.
Prerequisite: NEW324Y1

Exclusion: NEW424H1

Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [36S]

Special Topics in Caribbean Studies [72S]

An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year, depending on the instructor.
Prerequisite: NEW324Y1


Equity Studies Courses

Socially Engaged Buddhism [48L]

See Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health Courses above

Introduction to Equity Studies [48L]

An interdisciplinary study of issues of social diversity exploring debates about the origins of inequity and the various means of addressing it. Course readings draw from a broad range of relevant literature in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural and Medical Sciences.

Introduction to Disability Studies [48L]

Introduces students to the theory and practice of Disability Studies. Explores the history of the development of disability studies. Examines cultural representations of disability and critically assesses the ways disability is conceptualized in societal institutions. Forms of disability activism are also discussed.

Theories and Histories in Equity Studies        [24S]

Explores theories that inform Equity Studies and situates them historically to examine both the social conditions and practices that generate inequities and the responses by equity advocates. Examines texts in relevant fields such as post-colonial theory, queery theory, disability studies, feminist theory and transnational studies.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of instructor

Theory and Praxis in Food Security        [24S]

Explores the concept of food security in the context of equity issues related to global food systems. Provides opportunities for field work experience in topics addressed in the course.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of the instructor

The Romani Diaspora in Canada [24L]

Romani history and culture through theories on the origins and diaspora of the Roma (often misnamed “gypsies”). Historic and current equity issues facing the Roma people (particularly newcomers) in Canada from c1890 to the present.
Recommended preparation: NEW240Y1 or a course in East European History

Equity and the Body [48L]

An analysis of the body as the product of complex social organizations, processes and structures. Examines cultural narratives recounted about the body through topics that include genetics, beauty, health, pathology and the multiples identities that intersect at the site of the body.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of the instructor

Special Topics in Equity Studies [24L]

An upper level course. Topics of study vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of the instructor

Disability and Representation [24S]

Explores the connection between disability and representation through contemporary social theries and methods in disability studies. Problematizes disability representation to challenge the taken-for-granted cultural assumption that disability is a problem that requires a solution.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1/366H1 or permission of the instructor

Advanced Topics in Equity Studies [24S]

Advanced Topics in Equity Studies [24S]

An advanced level seminar course. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of instructor

Social Change and Non-Violence        [24S]

Examines theories and practices that promote the building of cooperative, non-violent communities. Grounded in a series of historical cases studies, the course critically considers Gandhian principles and the ways in which these have been translated into collective action.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1 or permission of the instructor

Contemporary Theories in Disability Studies [24S]

Explores the influence of contemporary social theory in the formation of Disability Studies and its contemporary expressions. Examines how contemporary feminist theory, queer theory, and post-colonial theory intersect with Disability Studies to develop an understanding of disability as a socio-political phenomenon.
Prerequisite: NEW240Y1/366H1 or permission of the instructor

Paradigms and Archetypes Courses

Stories: Constructs of Knowledge [48L, 24T]

Examines cross-disciplinary issues raised by the telling and retelling of stories: sequence and consequence; narrative as argument and proof by scenario; construction and deconstruction of identities; instabilities amongst “history,” “fact,” “fiction,” “myth,” “law” and “science”. Works by Certeau, Darwin, Davis, Foucault, Freud, Gould, Kincaid, Kuhn, Plato, etc.
Prerequisite: Four course credits or permission of the instructor.

Analogy and Its Rituals [48L, 24T]

Issues of rhetorical proof, analysis and interpretation in open (alogical) systems; mediation and the media; the scandal of chaos; motives for metaphor, custom and culture, anatomies of reason, idea and ideology. Works by Aristotle, Beckett, Camus, Kafka, Langer, McLuhan, Ryle, Plato, Shelley, etc. (Offered in alternate years)
Recommended preparation: NEW209Y1

C.G. Jung: Stories, Dilemmas, Rituals [48L]

Impact of Jung’s analytical psychology, critical methodology and interpretative practice on issues in religion, anthropology, art and literature, popular culture, gender studies and postmodernist critique. Theoretical studies include traditional Jungian and contemporary post-Jungian texts together with anti-Jungian, feminist, and non-Jungian sources.
Prerequisite: At least one course in the humanities

The Hypothesis of the Unconscious [24L]

Current discussions of the hypothesis, especially Jung’s collective unconscious; critical examination through retrospective analysis of the evolution and development of the concept in works from philosophy, psychology, poetry, ethnology, science and popular culture that anticipated, influenced or were influenced by the work of Freud and Jung, post-Freudians and post-Jungians.
Recommended preparation: NEW302Y1

Dilemmas [48L, 24T]

Issues raised by the problem/solution paradigm and the construction of truth as binary; strategies of paradox, aporia, paradigm anomaly, enigma, puzzlement; mystery and mystification; crisis, crux and apocalypse. Works by Borges, Carroll, Dostoevski, Freud, Mill, Nishitani, Rorty, Ryle, Sophocles, Watson, etc,. (Offered in alternate years)
Recommended preparation: NEW209Y1

Rabindranath Tagore: Paradigms of Culture [24L]

Examines Tagore’s concepts of humanity, art, personality, freedom, nationalism, ashram, science, education. Evaluates Tagore’s literary contribution, his work in rural reconstruction, and Tagore-Gandhi tensions over education and the non-cooperation movement. Reading knowledge of Bengali not presumed; however students with knowledge of language encouraged to read materials in Bengali.

Satyajit Ray: Paradigms of Vision [24L]

Examines the artistic vision of Satyajit Ray as chronicler of Bengali culture and one of the greatest filmmakers of our time: his life and work; his films as expressions of his humane vision; cultural orientation and values; fictional compositions, visual and musical artistry; affinities and continuity with Rabindranath Tagore. Reading knowledge of Bengali not presumed; however students with knowledge of language encouraged to read materials in Bengali.

Advanced Special Topics in Paradigms and Archetypes [48S]

Topics vary from year to year, depending on the needs of the program and the interests of students and instructors.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

Advanced Special Topics in Paradigms and Archetypes [24S]

Advanced Special Topics in Paradigms and Archetypes [24S]

Topics vary from year to year depending on the needs of the program and the interests of students and instructors.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

Independent Studies Courses

New College Independent Study courses are designed both to complement regular offerings in New College programs and to provide an opportunity for New College students in any program to enrich their studies. The normal expectation of a project course is that the student, aided and advised by the supervisor, will read relevant literature, and plan, execute, analyze and report on an original and independent investigation of an appropriate topic. Written applications (detailed proposal, reading list and a letter of support from a faculty member who is prepared to supervise) should be made through the Program Office for approval by the College’s Committee for Academic Affairs by May 1 for the Summer Session or by the last Friday in August for the Winter Session. Students will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of an application. For more information and application forms, please see the Independent Studies website:
Enquiries: New College, room 132 (978-5404)

Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details here.

New College Independent Studies [TBA]

New College Independent Studies [TBA]

Prerequisite: Permission of College

New College Independent Studies [TBA]

New College Independent Studies [TBA]

Prerequisite: Permission of College