Sociology Courses

Key to Course Descriptions.

For Distribution Requirement purposes, all SOC courses are classified as SOCIAL SCIENCE courses.

Note 1.

Enrollment in SOC200H1, 202H1, 203Y1, 204H1, 300H1, 376H1, 377H1, 387H and 401Y1 can be restricted as stated in the course descriptions below. Ineligible students will be removed even if the course appears on their timetable.

| Course Winter Timetable |

First Year Seminar [48S]

First Year Seminar [24S]

Undergraduate seminars that focus on specific ideas, questions, phenomena or controversies, taught by a regular Faculty member deeply engaged in the discipline. Open only to newly admitted first year students. It may serve as a distribution requirement course; Details here..

Introduction to Sociology [48L, 24T]

The basic principles and methods of Sociology applied to the study of human societies; social sources of differing values and conceptions of reality, and the influences of these on the behaviour of individuals, patterns of relations among groups, and social stability and change.
Obtaining 65% or more in SOC101Y1 is required for entry into all SOC programs. Credit for higher-level SOC course will not waive this requirement.

200-Series Courses


Almost all upper-level SOC courses have Prerequisites. Students without course Prerequisites can be removed at any time they are discovered.

Logic of Social Inquiry (formerly SOC200Y1) [24L, 24T]

This course reviews the basic issues that concern all types of data collection methods used by social scientists to test theory. Key topics include selection, sampling, and measurement. The course explores how error affects the data gathered in experiments and non-experimental studies, and in qualitative and quantitative research. The course emphasizes critical thinking about the empirical research presented in everyday life, as well as preparation for more advanced research courses. SOC200H1 is a restricted course. Enrollment is limited to Sociology Majors (see Note 1 above).
Exclusion: SOC200Y1, JBS229H1, POL242Y1, UNI200Y1, UNI200H1, WDW350Y1, GGR271H1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Quantitative Analysis in Social Science Research (formerly SOC300Y1) [24L]

Introduction in quantitative social science research – from descriptive statistics to hypothesis testing using various strategies for the analysis of bivariate relationships. Enrollment is limited to Sociology Majors (see Note 1 above).
Exclusion SOC200Y1, SOC300Y1, ECO220Y1, GGR270H1, PSY201H1, STA220H1, STA248H1, POL242Y1, WDW350Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1, SOC200H1.

History of Social Theory [48L]

Development of sociological theory in the 19th and 20th centuries; history of ideas; formal analysis; relationship between theory and empirical inquiry. Enrollment is limited to Sociology Majors (see Note 1 above).
Exclusion: SOC314Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Qualitative Analysis in Social Science Research [24L]

Introduction to the methods and issues of qualitative research – the theories, methods for data collection and analysis, and the personal and ethical issues relating to qualitative research. Enrolllment is limited to Sociology Majors.
Exclusion: SOC200Y1, SOC387Y1, GGR271H1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1. SOC200H1

Urban Sociology [48L]

Complementary perspectives of the city: as an evolving entity historically (urbanization); as a way of life and adaptation, reflecting cultures and subcultures (urbanism); as territorial parts reflecting and contributing to social processes (ecological perspective); as a unit managed by formal and informal parties (structural perspective).
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Work & Occupations [48L]

The nature and meaning of work in relation to changes in the position of the professions, unions and government, of women and minority groups, and in industrial societies more generally. Career choice and strategies, occupational mobility, and individual satisfaction at work.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Ethnicity in Social Organization [48L]

Impact of racial, ethnic, and linguistic heterogeneity and of various patterns of immigration on economic, political, and cultural institutions, and on individual identity, self-conceptions, social attitudes, and relations.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Deviance and Control [48L]

Sociological analysis of deviance (acts or persons that violate the normative structures of society) and social control (societal responses that attempt to reduce, treat, or transform deviance). What is deviance? What are different ways societies respond to deviance? What are the consequences of efforts to regulate, prevent, and punish deviance?
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Law and Society [48L]

An introduction to social scientific perspectives and research on the nature, sources, dimensions, and impact of law; conceptual issues and methodological strategies in establishing and interpreting linkages between legal and other social structures and processes.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Families [48L, 24T]

An examination of cross-cultural variations and social-historical changes in the organization of family life, followed by a critical look at the key activities in family life today. Emphasis is on gender relations.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Socialization [48L]

The acquisition and reproduction of personality, culture, and social structure. The social construction of everyday life and secondary socialization is emphasized, with focus on work and family.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Asian Communities in Canada (formerly SOC342Y1) [48L]

The course will explore the structures and processes of Asian communities in Canada. Historical development of various Asian communities will be explored. Other topics include ethnic economy, ethnic media, ethnic churches, and ethnic voluntary organizations in Asian communities. Experts in related topics are invited to present their research findings.
Exclusion: SOC342Y1/SOC394Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Social Inequality in Canada [48L]

An analysis of historical and contemporary empirical patterns of inequality in Canada. The focus is on income, power, ethnic, regional, and gender inequalities.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Health and Illness [24L]

Provides overview of how social factors influence behaviours related to health and illness, definitions of illness and social responses to illness. Addresses questions such as why rates of illness and responses to illnesses vary with historical and biographic conditions or how behaviours related to health and illness affect social relations.
Exclusion: SOC242Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Health Care [24L]

Examines factors that influence the organizational structure of health care systems, how these organizations develop, how they are maintained, and how they can be change. Topics also include the social forces that influence the relationship between healthcare providers and consumers.
Exclusion: SOC242Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

The Sociology of Aging [36L]

Social gerontology deals with many social aspects of advanced age, e.g. problems of retirement, post-retirement life, living arrangements and family, changes in identity, and new roles for later life, in Canada and in a cross-cultural perspective. Focus is on individual aspects of aging.
Exclusion: SOC245Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

The Sociology of Aging II [36L]

Social gerontology deals with many social aspects of advanced age. Focus is on institutional level analysis of the programs that assist with aging problems.
Exclusion: SOC245Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Religion [48L]

This course will examine religious beliefs, practices, and experiences from a historical-sociological and comparative perspective. Classical and contemporary theories will be reviewed and applied to investigate such topics as: the social origins of religions; the formation of religious communities; heresies, schisms and the making of orthodoxies; secularization and fundamentalism; cults and new religious movements; religious regulation of the body and person; and the variable linkages of religion to politics, war, art and science.
Exclusion: RLG210Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Lives and Societies [24L]

Characteristics of very different kinds of societies, from hunters and gatherers to modern postindustrial countries, and how these affect features of individual lives including: life stages, their status, and transitions between them; the variety of possible life courses; rates of birth and death, and their implications for people, their kin, and their societies.
Exclusion: SOC255Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Lives in Canada [24L]

The life course in Canada, in the twentieth century and today, with some comparisons to other first world countries. How lives have changed over the past century; how lives are affected by history and social location; the impact of the life trajectories on health and crime.
Exclusion: SOC255Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Power and Policy in Canadian Society [48L]

Examination of the forces and factors that drive and shape policy in Canadian society. The policy areas examined may include: education, labour force and employment, employment equity, ethnocultural relations, and the environment. Exploration of the applications of Sociology in the formulation and evaluation of policy choices.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

The Quality of Social Life [24L]

This course focuses on macro-micro connections between qualities of social aggregates (ranging from families to nations) and the subjective experiences of members of those aggregates (ranging from happiness/satisfaction to social isolation and stigma).
Exclusion: SOC262Y1
Prerequisite: PSY100H1 or SOC101Y1

Comparative Social Inequality [24L]

This course offers an introduction to the study of processes of social stratification and structures of inequality with an emphasis on comparative, cross-national studies that include Canada as point of reference.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Introduction to Social Policy [48L]

1) Introduces students to the theoretical foundations of social policy; and 2) examines some of the key social policy issues. The first part of the course will focus on the theoretical bases of the social policy, including class, gender, race, social citizenship, and welfare regimes. We will also try to situate these ideas in historical and societal contexts. The second part will examine some of the key social policy issues, such as health care, housing, immigration, race, and politics of welfare retrenchment.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Contentious Politics [24L]

This course introduces students to the sociological study of collective action. Students will explore how movements in a variety of historical and global contexts endeavor to produce social change. In this process, we will examine political and cultural opportunities and obstacles, organizational dynamics, resources, collective action frames, strategies and tactics.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

An opportunity to explore a sociological topic in depth. Courses relate to instructor’s area of research, so topics vary from year to year. Consult the Departmental website for current course offerings.

Exclusion, Prerequisite, Recommended preparation: varies according to particular course offering; consult descriptions at Departmental website for exact Prerequisites

Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details here.

300-Series Courses


Almost all upper-level SOC courses have Prerequisites. Students without course Prerequisites will be removed at any time they are discovered.

Applications of Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (formerly SOC300Y1) [24L, 24T]

Provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of the logic of multivariate analysis applying various strategies for the analysis of complex multivariate data. Enrollment priority is given to Sociology Specialists.
Exclusion: SOC300Y1, ECO220Y1, PSY202H1, STA222H, STA250H1
Prerequisite: SOC202H1 or equivalent.

Theories of Inequality [48L]

Theories of social inequality, its historical evolution, and the determinants of continuity and change of patterns of social inequality.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Family Demography [24L]

Describes the political, social and economic implications of diversity in family structure. Uses empirical studies in the sociological tradition to describe current trends in living arrangements and family relationships. Examines social and economic consequences of the inconsistencies between public definitions and the reality of family life.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Status Attainment        [24L]

Shows how “getting ahead” or becoming “downwardly mobile” are affected by social as well as economic factors. Links the experience of mobility to larger scale social change.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Crime and Delinquency [48L]

Examines explanation, theory construction, measurement procedures, and techniques for data collection and analysis within the Sociology of crime and delinquency.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

HIV and AIDS: Social Policies and Programs [48L]

Explores and discusses specific theories of action. Applies theories to various factors associated with AIDS/HIV. Examines political, scientific, health, social, economic, and cultural environments. This course forces students to examine the hidden theoretical assumptions surrounding AIDS/HIV.
Exclusion: SOC309H
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

The Sociology of Juvenile Crime [24L]

Examine and evaluate sociological theories and research on the causes and correlates of juvenile crime, with a focus on recent theoretical developments and quantitative analyses of juvenile offending (not delinquency). The course highlights the effects of structural conditions, cultural factors, and individual decisions.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Population and Society [48L]

Population processes (birth, death, and migration) and their relationship to social, cultural, and economic change.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Industrial Sociology        [48L]

Labour/management relations in industrial societies; impact of technological change on work organizations and labour markets; implications for understanding various topics including social mobility, labour market segmentation, job satisfaction, work/family relations, immigration and race, power in organizations, union and industrial conflict, organizational culture, and the social control of industry.
Exclusion: SOC316Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Applied Sociology [48L]

Uses of sociological research in guiding social policies and programs. Evaluation research and needs assessment methods are emphasized. Students are required to engage in a research practicum (apprenticeship) at an agency working towards social change or providing social services.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Society in the Labyrinth of Technology [48L]

Evolving contemporary ways of life on the basis of highly specialized knowledge as opposed to tradition has led society into a labyrinth of technology. It involves breaking the bonds with local cultures and ecosystems in order to re-create them around a universal science, technology, economy and ecological footprint.
Exclusion: SOC356Y1 if taken in 2006-07 and SOC393Y1 if taken in 2007-08
Recommended Preparation: 2 years of Sociology

Families and Health [48L]

Themes include the demand for caregiving, evolving and emerging diseases (genetic, environmental, social, cancer-linked), state’s role in health care, factors affecting caregivers, home health care procedures, how families organize to deal with health problems.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Comparative Ethnic Relations [48L]

Comparative study of interethnic relations, including comparisons of ethnic groups and types of ethnic groups and comparisons of their relative position in different institutions, social structures, and societies. Comparisons made with respect to the impact of society on ethnic groups, and ethnic groups in society.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Immigration and Race Relations in Canada [24L]

Examines the economic, social, cultural and political impacts of 20th century immigration in Canada, and emerging race and ethnic relations. Topics include immigration policy; population impact; community formation; labour markets; enclave economies; welfare use by immigrants; the criminal justice system; racial conflict; multiculturalism and race; and equity policies.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Immigration and Employment [24L]

Examines labour market and employment situation of immigrants, from economic and sociological perspectives, emphasizing recent Canadian experience in comparative context. Topics include immigrant human and social capital, declining immigrant earnings, the knowledge economy, skill-underutilization, racial discrimination, labour market structure, unionization, immigrant entrepreneurship, immigrant offspring, and labour market and immigration policy.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

The Jewish Community in Europe and North America [72L]

Classical and recent writings on Jewish ethno-national identity in the modern period; communal organization; forms of Jewish life in the diaspora and its relationship to other ethnic groups and to society at large; contemporary role of the Holocaust and ethnic memory; Jews in Canada; gender in the Jewish community.

Contemporary International Migration [48L]

This overview course focuses on trends and issues associated with contemporary international migration flows and migrant settlement. Emphasis is on Canada although attention is also given to other countries. Topics include causes and types of migration, immigration policy, immigrant women, children of immigrants, and health, language and economic issues.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Language [24L]

This course studies the effects of language on human societies, focusing attention on how language changes with social class, gender, and social situations. This course will include studies of language taboos, pidgin and Creole languages, and bilingualism and multilingualism.
Exclusion: JAL253H1, SOC274H1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology & Emotions [24L]

This class will provide a broad overview of major issues and theories in the Sociology of emotions, and more generally considers the role of emotions in a range of sociological theories. There is an emphasis on how emotions are related to social rankings.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Introduction to Canadian Health Care Policy [24L]

This course will introduce students to development and issues related to Canadian health care policy. The course will examine: 1) basic policy making process; 2) policy making process in Canadian context; 3) development of Canadian health care policy; and 4) current health care reform debates and issues.
Exclusion: SOC351Y1, UNI300Y1
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Emergent Issues in Health and Social Policies [24L]

This course explores emerging issues in health and social policies. Using the framework of social determinants of health, this course examines: 1) the implications of social factors such as socio-economic inequity, gender, race, homelessness, age, and citizenship status on individual health, and 2) policy options to address these issues.
Exclusion: SOC351Y1, UNI300Y1
Prerequisite: SOC352H1

Structural Analysis [48L]

The structure of social relationships, including both personal networks and the overall organization of whole social settings. The role of social structure in social support, access to scarce resources, power conflict, mobilization, diffusion, and beliefs.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Technology and Society [48L]

This course analyzes the interplay between new communication technologies and society. It will consider how technological
developments affect social systems, and conversely, how social systems affect the nature and use of technology. Much of the course will be devoted to studying the impact of computerization and the advent of the information highway.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Cities and Social Pathology [24L]

Focuses on relationship between urbanization and crime. Urbanization and the size of cities are examined as correlates, and perhaps causes, of crime, delinquency, the development of “deviant service centers”, mental illness, and suicide. Does housing level show a link between housing design, crowding, floor level, etc. and crime, delinquency, depression?
Prerequisite: SOC205Y1 or SOC212Y1

Sociology of Cultural Studies [48L]

Examination of cultural process practices through which culture is constituted (ordered) and reproduced. A dominant cultural order is created and reproduced through the process of selective tradition, which is treated as natural and “taken for granted.” The cultural processes involve the interaction of economic, political, ideological and cultural practices.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Sociology of Mental Health and Mental Disorders [24L]

An overview of the link between social inequality and emotional inequality, focusing on differences in mental health across social groups and the role of stress and coping resources in explaining group differences.
Exclusion: SOC262Y, SOC264H
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course, or PSY101H1 or a 200+ level PSY course

Urban Health [24L]

Cities are home to particular populations (the poor, the homeless, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and the young and old) and have distinct risks and protections relevant to health. Patterns of health in cities, historical developments, and emerging literature and methodology are used to uncover how everyday settings influence health.
Exclusion: SOC396H1 in 02-03 or 04-05
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Gender Relations [48L]

Examination of historical and contemporary sources of gender inequity, and the many dimensions of gender difference and inequality today.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Sociology of Women and Work [24L]

Women’s paid and unpaid work and the relationship between the two. Questions about gender gap in earnings, sexual segregation of the labour force, restructuring of paid work, sexual harassment, paid domestic work, and the division of housework and child care.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Race, Class, and Gender [24L]

In this class, we analyze the ways in which race, class, gender and sexuality interact and shape communities, life opportunities, perspectives and politics. We will read contemporary ethnographies concerning work, socialization, and urban life against current sociological theories about inequality and intersectionality, and identity.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

The Canadian Community [48L]

Attention focused on case studies which investigate the social organization of Canadian communities. The case study approach emphasizes theory and methods. The major course requirement is an ethnographic study of a “community.”
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Sociology of Labour [72L]

The role and development of labour and the labour movement in Canada, its differential success in various industries and regions, and its impact on other aspects of society.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Sociology of Disability I [24L]

The experience of disability and the social definition of the experience for self and others. Combination seminar and lecture format.
Exclusion: SOC273H1

Sociology of Disability II [13L/13S]

The experience of disability and the social definition of the experience for self and others. Combination seminar and lecture format. Continuation of Disability I.
Exclusion: offered as SOC297H1 in 20011 session

Sociology of Organizations [48L]

Internal structure of formal and informal organizations; bureaucracies; patterns of interorganizational relations; impact of organizations on social structure and social classes of different societies.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Theories of Private and Public Life [24L]

A selective introduction to major thinkers (such as De Beauvoir and Habermas) and approaches in contemporary Sociology. Enrollment is limited to Sociology Specialists.
Exclusion: SOC389Y1
Prerequisite SOC203Y1

Micro and Macro Theory [24L]

A selective introduction to major thinkers (such as Fanon, Blau, and Collins) and approaches in contemporary Sociology. (adjunct to Theories of Private and Public Life). Topics include the structure-agency debate, methodological individualism, and anticolonialism. Enrollment is limited to Sociology Specialists.
Exclusion: SOC389Y1
Prerequisite: SOC203Y1

Sociology of Everyday Life 1: Institutional Context [24L]

The study of social institutions at the macro and meso- levels, through every day experiences. These broader structures are examined through people’s personal experiences. A related course, SOC388H1, focuses on the structures of social interaction at the micro level. SOC380H1 compliments SOC388H1, but can be taken independently.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Culture and Social Structure [48L]

Our society includes many varieties of cultural tastes and practices. How are these related to inequality? How do cultural repertoires shape people’s lives, including school success, careers, romance, marriage and friendship? How is culture produced in art worlds and industries, transmitted more or less successfully and creatively received?
Exclusion: SOC393Y1
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Social Issues [48L]

Many on-going changes - in education, crime, family life, population, and the environment, among others - give rise to troubling social problems. This course uses sociological analysis and the findings of sociological research to examine public discussions and policies proposed to deal with both new and enduring social problems.
Exclusion: SOC399Y1
Prerequisite: A 200+level SOC course

The Sociology of Women and International Migration        [24L]

Examines the international migration of women in post-industrial economies with emphasis on Canada. Topics include: theories of female migration; the impacts of immigration policies; migration trends and entry status; integration issues pertaining to family, language knowledge, citizenship and economic status; labour market barriers and public policy consideration.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1

Social Ecology [24L]

Provides a framework for the empirical analysis and practical solution of problems dealing with human well-being which have contextual dimensions. Topics dealt with cover both built and natural environments, as well as aspects of technology. Each student examines a particular problem in detail.
Prerequisite: A 200-level SOC course; or an Environmental Science course focusing on urban and/or natural environments.

Urbanization [48L]

Examines explanation, theory construction, measurement procedures, and the logic of quantitative analysis within urban Sociology and social demography.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Qualitative Analysis [24L]

This course gives students the opportunity to apply their understanding of the research process to the design and implementation of an original research project. Enrollment priority is given to Sociology Specialists.
Exclusion: SOC387Y1
Prerequisite: SOC204H1

Sociology of Everyday Life 2 [24L]

Explores the structure and interactions of everyday experience. Views our lives as socially ordered and ourselves as agents. Offers experience in qualitative research and using writing experience.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level SOC course

Independent Research [TBA]

Independent Research [TBA]

Independent Research [TBA]

An opportunity to pursue independently a sociological topic of interest with a Departmental advisor. Intended for students in a Sociology program who have completed a minimum of 10 courses.
Prerequisite: By application (see Department before session begins). Consult Departmental website for procedure.


Independent Research courses SOC390Y1, SOC391H1, and392H1 are restricted. Deadline for submitting applications to Department, including supervisor’s approval, is the first day of classes of the session. Strongly recommend earlier application as arrangements with supervisor are required in advance.

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

An opportunity to explore a sociological topic in depth. Courses relate to instructor’s area of research, so topics vary from year to year. Consult the Departmental website for current course offerings.
Prerequisite: Varies according to particular course offering; consult description at Departmental website for exact Prerequisites

Independent Experiential Study Project

Independent Experiential Study Project

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details here.

400-Level Courses


Almost all upper-level SOC courses have Prerequisites. Students without course Prerequisites will be removed at any time they are discovered.

Advanced Seminar [48S]

Provides Sociology Specialists with an opportunity to explore a sociological topic in depth. Varies in focus from year to year. Consult the Departmental website for current course offering. Enrollment priority is given to Sociology Specialists.
Prerequisite: SOC300H1/SOC300Y1, SOC376H1, SOC377H1, SOC387H1
Corequisite: take 1 or more Prerequisite at the same time

Sexuality and Modernity [24L]

A sociological examination of sexuality in the modern West, including the treatment of sexuality as a topic of investigation by science (sexology, psychoanalysis), the sociohistorical context of these investigations, and issues around sexuality and urbanization, capitalism, and mass culture more generally.
Prerequisite: 300-level Sociology course

Social Problems [48L]

This course examines how social problems and the contexts in which they occur change historically. Topics discussed include poverty, substance abuse, crime and violence, racial and ethnic relations, sexism and gender inequality, workplace problems, unemployment, family issues, ageism, urban problems, homelessness, war and terrorism, and social problems of the future.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1
Recommended Preparation: One or more 2nd or 3rd year courses in Sociology

Political Sociology [24L]

This fourth year course will provide an advanced treatment of selected topics in political Sociology. Specific topics to be covered are the relationship between political systems and cleavage voting, the relationship between social class and attitudes and voting, the post-materialist thesis, social capital and civic participation, gender politics, the various varieties, causes and effects of welfare states, and social movements. The course will have both a Canadian and international focus.
Prerequisite: Introductory Sociology (SOC101Y1) or introductory political science.

Practicum in Health Studies [48L]

Individual field placement with a health research or administration professional, in which the student applies theory and skills to a specific project. Culminates in an oral and written report.
Exclusion: UNI400Y1
Prerequisite: 300 level Sociology course

Analysis and Interpretation of Survey Data [24L]

Covers statistical methods currently used in the major sociological journals including multiple linear regression, logistic regression, and the fitting of loglinear models to tables of cross-classified categorical data. Stresses presentation skills and sociological interpretation of results.
Prerequisite: SOC300H1; or a full-course equivalent to SOC300H1 (see Department before enrolling in course)

Methods and Models of Demography [24L]

Students learn to calculate life tables and total fertility rates, and apply these concepts in computer projections and simulations.
Prerequisite: SOC101Y1, SOC200H1

Culture and Cognition [48L]

This course examines the social foundations of thinking and action, with focus on how individuals think and act through shared cognitive embedded in larger social structures. There is an overview of classical and contemporary theories that are instrumental for understanding how culture and cognition work, and a research component to put this understanding in practice.
Prerequisite: 300-level Sociology course

Independent Research [TBA]

Independent Research [TBA]

Independent Research [TBA]

An opportunity to pursue independently a sociological topic of interest with a Departmental advisor. Intended for students in a Sociology program who have completed a minimum of 15.0 courses.
Prerequisite: By application (see Department before session begins). Visit Department or consult Departmental website for procedure.


Independent Research courses SOC490Y1, SOC491H1, and 492H1 are restricted. Deadline for submitting applications to Department, including supervisor’s approval, is the first day of classes of the session. Strongly recommend earlier application as arrangements with supervisor are required in advance.

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

Selected Topics in Sociological Research [TBA]

An opportunity to explore a sociological topic in depth. Courses relate to instructor’s area of research, so topics vary from year to year. Visit Department or consult the Departmental website for current course offerings.
Prerequisite: Varies according to particular course offering; consult description at Departmental website for exact Prerequisites


Graduate courses are available to fourth-year Specialists with permission of the instructor and a minimum GPA of 3.3 for undergraduate program credit. Consult the Department for enrollment procedures.