Anthropology Courses

Anthropology offers Social Science and Science Courses; below are first, Social Science courses, then Science courses.

Key to Course Descriptions.

| Course Winter Timetable |


Anthropology Social Science Courses

First Year Seminar [48S]

First Year Seminar [24S]

Undergraduate seminar that focuses on specific ideas, questions, phenomena or controversies, taught by a regular Faculty member deeply engaged in the discipline. Open only to newly admitted first-year students. It may serve as a distribution requirement course; Details here..

Introduction to Anthropology [48L]

Society and culture from various anthropological perspectives: socio-cultural, biological, archaeological, and linguistic.

Introduction to Archaeology (48L, 24P)

Cultures in the Old and New Worlds from an archaeological perspective. Principles of prehistoric research are applied to archaeological information, from the Early Pleistocene to the beginning of written history.
Recommended Preparation: ANT100Y1

Anthropology of the Contemporary World (formerly ANT204Y1)[24L, 12T]

A course focused on recent anthropological scholarship that seeks to understand and explain the transformation of contemporary societies and cultures. Topics may include some of the following: new patterns of global inequality, war and neo-colonialism, health and globalization, social justice and indigeneity, religious fundamentalism, gender inequalities, biotechnologies and society etc.
Recommended preparation: ANT100Y1

Exclusion: ANT204Y1

Craft of Social/Cultural Anthropology [24S]

This course introduces students to the skills they need to read theory, conduct research, write essays, and do presentations in the field of social/cultural anthropology. The emphasis is on interactive, small group learning.
Co-requisite: ANT204H1

Language & Society [24L]

This course introduces linguistic analysis with a view towards its application to the study of the relation between culture and social structure. The interplay of pronunciation, grammar, semantics, and discourse with rituals, ideologies, and constructions of social meaning and worldview are discussed in tandem with the traditional branches of linguistic analysis—phonology, morphology, grammar, syntax, and semantics. The objective of the course is to provide a broad framework for understanding the role of language in society.
Recommended Preparation: ANT100Y1

Exclusion: JAL253H1

Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details here.

Archaeological Interpretation

See Archaeology

Archaeological Fieldwork [TBA]

Practical field training through six weeks of excavation on an archaeological site. Basic principles of artifact handling and classification. (Offered only in Summer Session)
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1

Archaeological Laboratory

See Archaeology

Archaeology of the Pacific Northwest        [24L]

An archaeological survey of the human prehistory of northwestern North America from the late Pleistocene to the time of early European contact. Geographical coverage will include the Northwest Coast, California, and the Intermontane Plateau.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1

Arctic Archaeology [24L]

Archaeology and ethnohistory of Arctic cultures. Emphasis is on variation in social organization, settlement pattern, economy, ideology, and interaction with the expanding European world-system.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1

Ancient Cultures of Mesoamerica [24L]

This course provides an introduction to the cultures of Mesoamerica, from the first arrival of indigenous peoples to the appearance of the Spaniards in the sixteenth century. Students will become acquainted with cultures including Olmec, Zapotec, Teotihuacan, Maya, and Aztec, while also considering issues of method and evidence.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1
This is a Social Science course.

Archaeology of Eastern North America [24L]

This course examines the precontact and early contact period culture history of eastern North America, including Ontario, through archaeological evidence. Topics covered include the earliest peopling of the region at the end of the Ice Age, diversity of hunter-gatherer societies, introduction of agriculture, and the development of the dynamic First Nations societies who eventually met and interacted with Europeans.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1
This is a Social Science course.

The Preindustrial City and Urban Social Theory [24L]

This course offers a comparative examination of the rise and organization of ancient cities through a detailed investigation of urban social theory. We will explore competing anthropological interpretations of urban process while probing the political, ideological, and economic structures of the world’s earliest cities. Students will have the opportunity to consider a broad range of subjects, including mechanisms of city genesis; urban-rural relations; the intersections of city and state; and historical variation in urban landscapes, ideologies, and political economies.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1

Archaeology of North America (formerly ANT310Y1) [48L]

This course examines human prehistory in North America, North of Mexico, from the time of earliest occupation to European contact. Special topics include Paleoindian and Archaic adaptations, the rise of complex hunter-gatherers, origins of farming and the evolution of complex chiefdoms.

Exclusion: ANT309H1, 310Y1
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1

Anthropology of Youth Culture [24L]

This course will present various perspectives on the nature and dynamics of youth culture. It will discuss the research accumulated over the past quarter century on youth lifestyles, from fashion and music to the formation and spread of slang. It will also look at the various critical and controversial aspects of adolescence in contemporary culture.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Social Theory through Contemporary Culture [48L, 24T]

Theories of culture and society, with examples from ordinary life and fantasy and their popular expressions.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ANT253H1/ one otHER 200+ course in ANT/SOC

Tourism & Globalization (formerly ANT443H1) [24L]

The course uses tourism as a lens to examine global connections. Particular focus will be on the politics of cultural encounters. Drawing examples from diverse ethnographic materials, the course explores how different visions of the world come into contact, negotiated and transformed, and how tourist encounters shape people’s everyday lives.

Exclusion: ANT443H1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
This is a Social Science course.

Writing Systems [24L]

Introduction to writing systems; their historical development, their relationship to language, and their role in culture and society. (Given by the Departments of Anthropology and Linguistics)
Prerequisite: ANT100Y1/LIN100Y1/LIN200H1

Language & Power Structure (formerly ANT329Y1) [24L]

The role of language and symbolism in the representation and manipulation of ideology and power structure. Case materials drawn from the study of verbal arts, gender, law, ethnic relations, consumption patterns, advertising, and politics with a focus on North America.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ANT253H1/ one of 200+ series “Y1” course in SOC/POL/Women’s Studies

Exclusion: ANT329Y1

Anthropology of Latin America [24L]

Provides a framework for understanding current anthropological issues in the different geo-political regions of Latin America. Special attention will be paid to historical/conceptual development of the discipline in the region, and the course will introduce a debate about the dealth and “resurgence” of area studies.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

China in Transition (formerly ANT341Y1) [24L]

This course offers a general introduction to contemporary China in a global context from an anthropological perspective. It covers four major aspects of Chinese culture and society: Political Economy, Social Relations, Modernities and Modernization, and Overseas Chinese.

Exclusion: ANT341Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Social Anthropology of Gender (formerly ANT343Y1) [24L]

Social anthropological perspectives on variations in gender roles and systems. Examines, through comparison of ethnography, the relationship of gender to social organization, economic and political processes, belief systems and social change.

Exclusion: ANT343Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives [24l]

This course examines medical anthropology’s contributions to, and critiques of, global health policies and programs. Topics covered include: colonialism and health, the political ecology of disease, indigenous constructions of illness and healing, medical pluralism, the politics of primary health care, population policies, reproductive health, and AIDS.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
Recommended preparation: ANT348H1

Anthropology of Food [24L]

Social anthropological perspective on the nature and meaning of food production, culinary cultures, industrial food, food as metaphor, and famine and hunger.
Prerequisite: ANT100Y1/ANT204H1

Metropolis: Global Cities [48L]

The role of culture, cultural diversity, space and performance in urban institutions and settings. The cultural context and consequence of urbanization.
Recommended preparation: ANT204H1

Anthropology of Health (formerly ANT348Y1) [24L]

Aspects of health and disease in cross-cultural perspective. Critical views on the interface between conventional “western” medicine and alternative, indigenous, and traditional therapeutic systems.

Exclusion: ANT348Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Globalization and the Changing World of Work [24L]

The course uses ethnographic material to examine the ways in which global forces have changed the nature of work in different sites since World War Two - North America, Europe, and the countries of the South are selectively included.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Contested Environments [24L]

This course utilizes a social movements perspective to examine the various kinds of conflicts emerging over “environment,” including disputes over food, animal rights, parks, wilderness, energy, and water. Building on the anthropological literature on landscape and political ecology, this course explores the various ways in which social movement constituencies are responding to and engaging with the uncertain and uneven nature of environmental change.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

South Asia: Practices, Theories, Representations (formerly ANT352Y1) [24L]

This course examines key themes in the constitution of South Asia as an area for ethnographic analysis. Lectures and discussions will focus on classic works in the anthropology of South Asia, examining the rise of gatekeeping concepts such as caste, the village, collectivity, and the oppression of women. The course provides theoretical and historical perspectives for the anthropological study of contemporary South Asia.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Exclusion: ANT352Y1

Anthropology of Indigeneity, Primary Resources and Environment in Canada        [24L]

The course will focus on the dynamic interplay between developments in Canadian Indigenous rights, contested understandings of the environment and primary resource exploration/development in mining, forestry and hydro. The changing relationship is challenging industry to re-think social/environmental responsibility, local vs national equity with implications beyond the Aboriginal community.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Japan in Global Context: Anthropological Perspectives (formerly ANT354Y1) [24L]

This course examines how what we know as Japan and its culture has been constructed through global interactions. Topics include gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, social and family life, work and leisure, and Japanese identity amid changing global power relations.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Exclusion: ANT354Y1

Language and Gender [24L]

An introduction to some of the principal questions of feminist theory, as viewed from sociolinguistics. Topics include: socialization into gendered discourse patterns, cultural and ethnic differences in gendered interactions; the role of language and gender in legal, medical and labour settings; multilingualism, migration, imperialism and nationalism; sexuality, desire and queer linguistics, language, gender and globalization.
Prerequisite: One full course equivalent at THE 200-level in ANT/JAL/LIN/SOC/WGS.
Recommended preparation: ANT204H1/ANT253H1/ SOC200H1/SOC214Y1/SOC215Y1

Anthropology of Religion [24L]

This course introduces anthropological definitions of religion; debates on rituals and rites of passage; rationality, religion and modernity; belief and body; religion and the media. It also engages with studies in the anthropology of popular and transnational religion, and the politics of religious movements.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Cultures of U.S. Empire [24L]

Anthropological perspectives on how continental and overseas expansion and conquest have shaped the cultures of the U.S. and of those it has dominated within and beyond its borders. Topics include interventions into health and education of colonized groups, sport and imperial masculinity, culture of U.S. military bases/cities, living with “terror.”
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Medical Anthropology and Social Justice [24L]

It is widely acknowledged that sharp disparities in disease burden and access to medical care characterize global patterns in health. These disparities affect the life chances of much of the world’s population, based on class position, gender, and geographical region.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Culture and Difference [12L, 10T]

The concept of culture in historical and current debates about difference between human beings. The relationship between anthropological and other treatments of difference (psychoanalytical, philosophical, literary, and artistic). Political implications: multiculturalism, separatism, imperialism.
Prerequisite: At least TWO 200-level courses in the humanities or social sciences.
Recommended preparation: ANT204H1

Prehistory of the Near East [48L]

See Archaeology

Field Archaeology [TBA]

See Archaeology

Anthropology of State Societies [48L, 24T]

Origins, history and internal dynamics of early and modern state societies, examined with a view to placing our own system in an historical and comparative perspective. Case studies include material from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.

Exclusion: ANT363H1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Environment & Globalization [48L]

This course will examine the relationships between humans and the environment in the context of contemporary efforts to ‘develop’ within or in opposition to the political economy of neoliberal globalization. We will critically examine the discourses of progress and environment within a broader theoretical inquiry of structure/agency and power.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Native America and the State (formerly ANT365Y1) [24L]

Culture areas and types existing in precontact and early contact times in North America; problems arising out of contacts between North American Indians and Euroamericans.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Exclusion: ANT365Y1

Anthropology of Social Movements: Theory and Method (formerly ANT366Y1) [24L, 12T]

Explores how anthropologists have traditionally studied social movements and how new social movements have challenged anthropologists to rethink some of their ethnographic methods and approaches. Some specific movements covered include those related to indigenous rights, environmentalism, refugees, gay and lesbian issues, biotechnology, new religions, and globalization.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Exclusion: ANT366Y1

Indigenous Spirituality [48L]

This course focuses upon religion and spirituality amongst peoples with a direct, experiential relationship to the world. The first term examines case studies from Australia, Native North America and Africa; the second term examines aspects of the “world religions’.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1/RLG201Y1

Introduction to Social Anthropological Theory [24P]

An in-depth critical review of foundational ideas in the development of the practice of Anthropology. Topics may include questioning fieldwork, origins and legacies of functionalism, cultural materialism, politics of culture, power and political economy, globalization and post modernism, gender and post-structuralism.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Human Nutritional Ecology        (formerly ANT471H1) [24L]

A detailed review of human dietary adaptations, subsistence strategies and the suite of cognitive, cultural and life history traits that make humans so adaptable. Focus is on the relevance of the past to understanding the modern world food system and finding solutions to contemporary problems in population, food, and health.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1/ANT204H1

Exclusion: ANT471H1
This is a Social Science or Science course.

Reading Ethnography: Classic Ethnographies [24P]

The focus of this course is on reading full length ethnographies considered to be foundational to social and cultural anthropology. It will expose students to key issues in anthropological writing.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Special Topics in Anthropology [48S]

Special Topics in Anthropology [48S]

Studies in anthropology taken abroad. Areas of concentration vary depending on the instructor and year offered.
Recommended Preparation :ANT100Y1/ANT204H1

Independent Experiential Study Project

Independent Experiential Study Project

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details here.

Field Linguistics [52P]

Practice in language analysis based on elicited data from a native speaker of a foreign language, emphasizing procedures and techniques. (Given by the Departments of Anthropology and Linguistics)
Prerequisite: Completion of LIN322H1, LIN331H1 except for students in their final year where LIN331H1 is a corequisite.

Lithic Analysis [24L,12P]

Core reduction strategies, replication, experimental archaeology, use-wear, design approaches, ground stone, inferring behaviour from lithic artifacts.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH312Y1, ARH305H1

Inka and Aztec States [24L]

This course provides a comparative study of the emergence, organization, and transformation of the two historically-documented states of the native Americas: the Inka and the Aztec. Students will have the opportunity to analyze ethnohistorical and archaeological data in order to critically evaluate models of the pre-industrial “state” while gauging the anthropological significance of either convergence or particularity in the historical development of centralized political formations.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH305H1

Archaeology of Landscapes & Regions [24L,12P]

The survey and spatial analysis of archaeological evidence over territories larger than individual camps, villages or towns. Settlement systems, regional exchange and communication, rank-size analysis, nearest neighbour analysis etc.
Prerequisite: ARH305H1
Recommended preparation: GGR270H1

Hunter-Gatherers Past & Present [24S]

Examines the diversity of recent hunter-gatherer societies, as a source of analogues for understanding the archaeological record of past foraging peoples.
Prerequisite: ARH305H1

Advanced Archaeological Theory [24S]

Seminar in the critical examination of major schools of archaeological thought.
Prerequisite: ARH305H1

Historical Archaeology [24L, 12P]

Introduces the problems, methods and some of the material culture of colonial and industrial archaeology with emphasis on Canada and colonial America. Covers the use of documentary evidence, maps, architecture, and a variety of artifact classes.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1/HIS374H1/HIS384H1

Laboratory in Faunal Archaeo-Osteology [48S, 48P]

Examination and interpretation of faunal material from archaeological sites as evidence for culture.
Prerequisite: ARH312Y1

Archaeology of Settlements & Households [24L]

Methods for studying the socio-spatial aspects of the archaeological evidence for households and communities.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH305H1

Current Debates in Palaeolithic Archaelogy [24S]

Current research in Palaeolithic Archaeology reflecting emerging issues.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1 or ANT203Y1

Archaeology of Inequality [24L]

How social complexity is manifested in the archaeological record. Origins and evolution of prehistoric complex societies, from small-scale chiefdoms to large-scale states.
Prerequisite: ANT200Y1, ARH305H1
Recommended preparation: ANT363Y1

Royal Courts of the Ancient New World [24L]

This course examines the institution of the royal court in the ancient New World as a nexus for negotiation of power and assertion of cultural identity. Case studies concentrate on the Maya; Aztec and Inca cultures provide important comparative contexts. We also explore the integration of textual and material evidence in investigating ancient cultures.
Prerequisite: ARH305H1
This is a Social Science course.

Language in Anthropological Thought [24L]

How ideas about language fit into the overall views of humankind as expressed by selected anthropologists, linguists, sociologists, and philosophers.

Exclusion: ANT425Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ ANT253H1

Orientalism: Western Views of of Muslims and Jews [36L]

Language and imagery representing the “oriental” in the West. Emphasis on representations of the “Semites”, the Islamic peoples of North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, as well as the Jews from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century.
Prerequisite: ANT323Y1/ANT329H1/ANY 300-level course in INI/VIC/NMC/Jewish Studies

Language, Ideology, & Political Economy [24S]

Theoretical and empirical studies on the role of language in the reproduction and transformation of ideology, hegemony and political economy. Topics may include language & colonialism, imperialism, globalization, nationalism, racism, sexism, bureaucratic interactions, environmentalism, migration, gentrification. Compares and contrasts critical discourse analytic and linguistic anthropological approaches to method and politics.
Prerequisite: ANT253H1
Recommended Preparation: ANT329H1

Anthropology of Childhood and Childcare [24L]

A detailed review of the classic and recently emerging literature on the anthropology of children, childhood, and childcare. Focus is on theories for evolution of human parenting adaptations, challenges in research methodology and implications for contemporary research, practice and policy in the area of care and nutrition of infants and children.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1
This is a Social Science or Science course.

Society in Transition [24L]

An exploration of the conceptual tools used to understand reflexive modernity. Focus on the articulated web of global and local networks that produce simultaneously inequalities and potentially new identities and collectivities.

Exclusion: ANT440Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, at least one area course in anthropology

Anthropology and New Technologies [24L]

The relationship between technology and culture through a focus on reproductive, genetic and communications technologies.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, a 300 level, or above, Social Cultural Anthropology course

Research Methods in Social & Linguistic Anthropology [48S]

Social and linguistic anthropological approaches to research in urban settings. Methodology, field techniques and research ethics. Students must formulate and complete a field research project.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Science as Culture and Practice [24S]

This course examines science and technology from an anthropological perspective. Throughout the course, in addition to introducing major concepts of science studies, we will examine multiple “concrete things,” like computers as cultural artifacts, connected to wider social, political, economic, ideological, and cultural contexts.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
Recommended Preparation: one science course

Anthropology of Western Europe:  Issues and Ideas (formerly ANT446Y1) [24L]

Europe is a, landmass and a (transnational) collection of people – in both cases rather vaguely defined. Europe is also an idea, one often closely associated with “western civilization”. So if anthropology is a combination of the ethnographic study of a place and its people, and also the critical study of a culture, then certainly both of these perspectives could usefully be applied to a course on Europe. Both of these dimensions are also of pressing concern to within Europe today.

Exclusion: ANT446Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Aboriginal Australia [24S]

The course investigates the nature and significance, in history and the history of ideas, of the ways of life of the Australian Aborigines. The emphasis is on the influence of religion and music on the economic, political and social organization of the people.
Prerequisite: ANT367Y1/permission of the instructor

Ethnicity & Nationalism [24S]

An examination of theories and critique of ethnicity and nationalism from an anthropological perspective. The problem of the cultural context of ethnicity. Case studies.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, ONE 300-level course in Social Cultural or Linguistic Anthropology

Anthropology and the Sustainable City [24S]

Comparative examination of human ecological adaptations, livelihood strategies, spiritual and cultural values and their relation to environmental maintenance or degradation. Explores contemporary “grass roots” environmental movements and ideologies.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, a 300-level or above Social Cultural Anthropology course

Anthropology & Human Rights [24S]

The concept of human rights in its universal claims rises fundamental questions for anthropology as it challenges a central value of the discipline: cultural relativism. Students are asked to consider epistemological and theoretical questions and case studies (e.g. claims of rights by ethnic collectivities).
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, ONE 300 level social-cultural/linguistic ANTcourse

The Anthropology of Music & Art (formerly ANT360Y1) [24S]

This course investigates the connection between religion, music and society from an anthropological point of view. The primary focus is on societies where music is seen by people as the principal vehicle for religious expression. Examination of religions and musics of Australian aboriginal, Melanesian, Native North America, African societies, others.
Prerequisite: ANT367Y1

Exclusion: ANT360Y1

Sexuality, Culture and Movement [24L]

This course explores, first, how and where forms of desire and sexual practice have become sites of anthropological inquiry and exemplars of particular cultural logics. Tracing, then, the “transnational turn” in the anthropology of sexuality, the course engages important debates about culture, locality, and globalization. By focusing on the transnational movement of desires, practices, and pleasures through activisms, mass media, and tourism, the course asks how sex is global and how globalization is thoroughly sexed. Course material will stress, but not be limited to, forms of same-sex or otherwise “queer” sexualities.

Exclusion: ANT343H1/Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 plus ANY 300-level course in Social-Cultural or Linguistic Anthropology

Maps and Places [24L]

A study of the cross-cultural meaning of two-dimensional representations of space and the socio-political relevance of place.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Global Perspectives on Women’s Health [24S]

This fourth-year seminar examines how female gender shapes health and illness. Using case studies of sexual health, fertility and its management, substance use/abuse, mental health, and occupational/labor health risks, the course investigates the material, political, and socio-cultural factors that can put women at risk for a range of illness conditions.
Prerequisite: ANT343H1/ANT348H1

The History of Anthropology  and the Limits of Theory [48L]

History and development of theories which underlie contemporary anthropology.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1

Anthropology and the Intimate: Studies in Affect and Action [24S]

This course examines how anthropologists have studied the way that people hope, imagine, love, and despise. Ethnography of “the intimate” realms of affect raises important questions about knowledge production and methodology as well as offering insight into how people come to act upon the world and what the human consequences of such action are. The course will also examine how “the intimate” is socially produced and harnessed in the service of politics and culture. Topics will include grief and its lack; dreams and activism; love and social change; memory and imperialism; sexuality and care; and violence and hope.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 plus ANY 300-level course in Social-Cultural or Linguistic Anthropology

Native Rights, Canadian Law [24S]

Drawing on ethnographies, anthropological theories of social change and case law, the course will explore recent Canadian legal decisions dealing with Native issues and review how the Indigenous argument for Aboriginal difference (land and treaty rights, customary law, self-governance) is shaped in legal contexts and affects changes to the practice of Aboriginality in Canada.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1
Recommended Preparation: ANT365H1

Anthropology of Oral History and Narrative [24S]

This course reviews the issues in theory and practice of oral history and narratives, examining the multiple forms of oral evidence, its reliability, and strategies for compilation and analysis of oral data. One important component of the course will be the conducting of interviews.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 and one other anthropology course from Group D

Anthropology of Subjectivity [24S]

This course explores themes such as the emergence of political and religious imaginaries; the relationship between anthropology and psychoanalysis; anthropology of transnational and diasporic subjectivity; affect and violence; subjectivity and the state.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 and at least one otHER 300+ social-cultural anthropology course

The Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora [24S]

This seminar studies the Philippines and in the Filipino diaspora. It draws on anthropological, historical, and literary perspectives on culture and social practices, with an eye to considering the ways “the Philippines” as an object of inquiry is differently understood in a real/anthropological studies, feminist, North American ethnic studies and transnational studies.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 or permission of instructor

Ethnographies of Contemporary South Asia [24S]

This seminar course explores critical issues in contemporary South Asia through ethnographies centering on popular culture, globalization, gender and sexuality, activism, and development.

Exclusion: ANT352Y1
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, and at least ONE 300+ course in social-cultural or linguistic anthropology.
Recommended Preparation: ANT352H1

Reading Ethnography: Contemporary Ethnographies [24P]

This course draws on many of the themes developed in the third year course but with an emphasis on contemporary ethnography. A sequence of full length recent ethnographies will be read.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1, ANT375H1

Special Topics in Anthropological Research [24S]

Unique opportunity to explore a particular anthropological topic in-depth. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level ANTcourse

Special Topics in Archaeology [24S]

See Archaeology. Unique opportunity to explore a particular archaeological topic in-depth. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level ANTcourse

Special Topics in Linguistic Anthropology [24S]

This course will focus on an advanced topic in Linguistic Anthropology. Topic will vary from year- to-year.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1/ANT253H1/300 Level course in Linguistic and Semiotic anthropology

Field Course in Social and Cultural Anthropology [24L, 52P]

An instructor-supervised experiential study project in social and cultural anthropology. Course takes place in an off-campus setting.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 and two additional social-cultural anthropology courses

Independent Research [TBA]

Independent Research [TBA]

Independent Research [TBA]

Supervised independent research on a topic agreed on by the student and supervisor before enrolment in the course. Open in exceptional circumstances to advanced students with a strong background in Anthropology. Course Supervisor must be a member of the Anthropology faculty. Application for enrolment should be made to the Department in the preceding term. A maximum of one year of Independent Research courses is allowed per program.
Prerequisite: A minimum of 10 credits, permission of Supervisor and Undergraduate Coordinator.

Anthropology Science Courses

Key to Course Descriptions.

The Nature of Humans [48L, 24P]

This course examines where humans fit in the fabric of the natural world. It explores the history of ideas about humans in nature, humans as primates, the story of human evolution and modern human physical and genetic diversity.
Recommended preparation: ANT100Y1/BIO150Y1

Introduction to Archaeometry [24L, 12P]

Introduction to methods for remote sensing of buried archaeological remains, dating, and analysis of ancient materials. Application of methods and interpretation of results in archaeological contexts. (Offered in alternate years) (Given by the Departments of Physics and Anthropology)

Exclusion: JPA300Y1

Physics and Archaeology (formerly JPA310H1)        [24L, 12P]

Introduction to the principles behind archaeometric methods for remote sensing, dating, and analysis of archaeological materials, and interpretation of results. Offered in conjunction with JPA305H1. (Offered in alternate years) (Given by the Departments of Physics and Anthropology)

Exclusion: JPA300Y1, 310H1
Prerequisite: Any 1st-year Physics course/permission of instructor
Co-requisite: JPA305H1

Paleoanthropology Field School        (Offered on an irregular basis) [24L, 78P]

This course provides background in the practical and theoretical aspects of fieldwork in Paleoanthropology. Students are trained in the treatment and analysis of fossil vertebrates, plant macro- and micro-fossils and sediments. Excursions to paleoanthropological localities of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens, and excavation at a hominoid site. (Joint undergraduate-graduate)
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1

Living Primate Adaptations [48L, 24P]

A survey of living primates, this lab-oriented course describes and compares the diverse behavioural and anatomical adaptations that are characteristic to this order of mammals. The understanding of the biological diversity and evolutionary history of primates is important for further understanding of human adaptation and evolution.

Exclusion: ANT333H1
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1
Recommended preparation: ANT334Y1; BIO150Y1

Human Skeletal Biology [39L, 39P]

Exploration of the development and maintenance of the human skeleton and dentition, with emphasis on application to archaeological, forensic and biomedical sciences.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1

Human Evolution        [24L, 39P]

A survey of the fossil evidence of human evolution from our ape ancestors through to the appearance of modern humans. Includes an extensive lab component using a large collection of primate skeletons and fossil human casts.

Exclusion: ANT429H1, ANT332H5, 333H5, 434H5, ANTC17H3
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1

Laboratory in Faunal Archaeo-Osteology [48S, 52P]

Examination and interpretation of faunal material from archaeological sites as evidence for culture.
Prerequisite: ARH312Y1

Primate Conservation Biology [24L]

The focus of this course is on the science of primate conservation biology in an anthropological context. Topics will include primate biodiversity and biogeography, human impacts, and conservation strategies/policies. The effects of cultural and political considerations on primate conservation will also be discussed.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1

The Evolving Human Skull [12L, 24P]

The comparative and functional anatomy of the human skull from an evolutionary perspective. Foci include cranial anatomy, the face, mastication, diet, brains and cognition. Includes an extensive lab component using a large collection of primate skeletons and fossil human casts.

Exclusion: ANT326Y1
Prerequisite: ANT335Y1

The Evolving Human Body [12L, 24P]

The comparative and functional anatomy of the human body from the neck down from an evolutionary perspective. Foci include body size and proportions, human posture and movement, manual dexterity and bipedalism. Includes an extensive lab component using a large collection of primate skeletons and fossil human casts.

Exclusion: ANT326Y1
Prerequisite: ANT335Y1

Health, Diet & Disease in the Past [24L, 12P]

Advanced exploration of the life histories of past populations, through the application of palaeodietary analyses, palaeopathology and other appropriate research methods.
Prerequisite: ANT334Y1

Anthropology of Childhood and Childcare [24L]

A detailed review of the classic and recently emerging literature on the anthropology of children, childhood, and childcare. Focus is on theories for evolution of human parenting adaptations, challenges in research methodology and implications for contemporary research, practice and policy in the area of care and nutrition of infants and children.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1
This is a Social Science or Science course.

Primate Ecology & Social Behavior [24L]

This course will provide an overview of the ecology and social behavior of extant nonhuman primates. Topics will include socioecology, conservation biology, biogeography, aggression and affiliation, community ecology, communication, and socio-sexual behavior. There will also be extensive discussions of methods used in collecting data on primates in the field.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1

Human Nutritional Ecology (formerly ANT471H1) [24L]

A detailed review of human dietary adaptations, subsistence strategies and the suite of cognitive, cultural and life history traits that make humans so adaptable. Focus is on the relevance of the past to understanding the modern world food system and finding solutions to contemporary problems in population, food, and health.
Prerequisite: ANT203Y1/ANT204H1

Exclusion: ANT471H1
This is a Social Science or Science course.

Special Topics in Biological Anthropology [24S]

Unique opportunity to explore in-depth a particular topic in Biological Anthropology. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: A 200+ level ANTcourse