New College courses have in common a commitment to be explorative
and inventive and to widen students experience by critically examining relationships among academic disciplines.
These courses take their place within our various Specialist, Major and Minor
programs. These programs are open to all students in the University.
Integration of student experience is a major concern in a college with students
from all faculties in the University. The Independent Studies courses provide
an opportunity for students to design their own programs and to test their analytic,
synthetic, and creative skills by writing a thesis.
The African Studies Program
(Specialist, Major, Minor) offers opportunities to study Africa through
a selection of courses devoted to African history, society and culture.
The core courses are drawn from anthropology, history, literature and
political science.
The Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health Program
(Minor) allows students to choose from a wide range of courses on
mind, consciousness, cognitive science, psychology of religion, health psychology,
and sociological analyses of physical and mental health to acquire
an understanding of the contributions of Buddhism to the modern understanding
of consciousness,
mental health and illness, and determinants of physical health.
Caribbean Studies Program
(Specialist, Major, Minor) Offers students an interdisciplinary
approach to the study of Caribbean history, society, economy and
culture. In
addition to core offerings, students can also directly engage the
Caribbean through
courses drawn from history, literature, women and gender studies,
Spanish and Portuguese.
The Equity Studies Program
(Major) is an interdisciplinary program that examines various models
- historically and culturally specific - for conceptualizing
social inequities and for bringing about equity. It draws together discourses
on equity
the humanities, social sciences and sciences.
The Human Biology
offer a broad education in life sciences with courses offered
by departments in both the Faculties of Arts and Science, and
(see Human
Biology section of the Calendar.)
The Paradigms and Archetypes
(Minor) provides opportunities for undergraduates in discipline-based
programs to access, through a comparative analysis of primary
sources, the structure
and dynamics of paradigms:
archetypal narratives, assumptions, myths, fantasies, analytical
protocols and methodologies which govern the conduct of disciplines
in every field and
all cultures.
The Women and Gender Studies Program
(Specialist, Major, Minor) provides an interdisciplinary and
culturally inclusive approach to understanding gender. The
curriculum addresses
the meaning and
importance of gender in a variety of individual, institutional
and transnational contexts. It provides opportunities to
learn about
feminist activism
and resistance in areas such as citizenship, globalization,
religious fundamentalism,
technoscience, environmentalism and womens
health. The program fosters a strong student community through
a wide range of workshops and events as well as academic
and practical links to local, national
and international organizations. Women and Gender Studies
scholarship and organizational initiatives thus address the
location of UofT within a culturally diverse,
economically disparate and socially complex city and nation.
Program Secretarys Office:
New College, room 133 (416-978-5404 or
Registrars Office:
New College, room 107 (416-978-2460)
New College Programs
African Studies (Arts program)
Consult Program Co-ordinator, Dr. T. Tieku, New
College, 416-946-0283. For general enquiries cALL 416-978-5404.
in the Specialist, Major, and Minor programs in African Studies is open
to students who have completed four courses; no minimum GPA required.
Specialist program:
(11 full courses or their equivalent, including at least fOUR 300+ series courses
with at least one full course at the 400-level)
1. NEW150Y1, NEW450Y1
2. Three full course equivalents from Group A, to be chosen from at
least two different departments/programs
3. Two full course equivalents from Group B
4. Two full course equivalents from Groups A or B
5. A combination of two language full course equivalents as outlined
in Group C
Note: Four full course equivalents of the eleven courses must be 300/400
series (including at least ONE 400-series course) of which at least one
must be from Group A and another from Group B
Major program:
(6 full courses or their equivalent, including two at the 300+level)
1. NEW150Y1, NEW450Y1
2. Two full course equivalents from Group A
3. Two full course equivalents from Groups B, or NEW280Y1 AND380Y1
Note: At least TWO 300/400-series full course equivalents from Groups
A and/or B
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including one at the 300+level)
1. NEW150Y1
2. One full course equivalent from Group A
3. One full course equivalent from Group B, or another one from Group
4. One full course equivalent from Group B or NEW280Y1,
NEW281Y1 or NEW380Y1
Note: At least one full course equivalent must be a 300+series course
from Groups A and/or B
Group A (Courses that deal exclusively with Africa. These include but are
not limited to the following):
HIS383H1, 396Y1, HIS481H1, 486H1; NEW250Y1, NEW296Y1, NEW322Y1, NEW350H1, NEW351Y1, NEW359H1, NEW450Y1, NEW451H1, 452H1; POL301Y1, POL488Y1, POL489H1; SMC209H1; an independent studies course approved by the Program Committee
Group B (Courses that deal with Africa and/or one or more of its diaspora.
These include but are not limited to the following):
ANT203Y1, ANT363Y1, ANT367Y1, ANT426H1, ANT454H1; DTS200Y1, DTS401H1, DTS402H1; ECO230Y1, ECO324Y1; ENG270Y1, ENG277Y1, ENG278Y1, 370Y1; ENV422H1, ENV446H1; FCS291H1, FCS392H1; FRE332H1; GGR207H5, GGR338H1; HAJ453H1; HIS106Y1, HIS294Y1, 295Y1, HIS296Y1, HIS305H1, 360Y1, 366Y1, HIS370H1, HIS383H1, HIS393H1, HIS408Y1, 446Y1, HIS456Y1, HIS475H1, 476Y1, HIS487H1; HMB202H1, HMB203H1, HMB303H1, HMB433H1, HMB443H1; INI327Y1; JGE221Y1; NFS490H1; NMC201Y1, NMC366Y1, NMC376H1, NMC377Y1, NMC378H1; NEW223Y1, NEW224Y1, NEW324Y1, NEW325H1, NEW326Y1; POL201Y1, POL321H1, 358H1, POL403H1, POL479H1, POL486H1; SOC210Y1; WGS435H1, WGS440H1
Group C:
(NEW280Y1, NEW380Y1)/(FSL221Y1, FSL331Y1/FSL341Y1/ FSL431Y1/ FSL362Y1)/(NML210Y1, NML310Y1)/(PRT100Y1/ PRT110Y1, PRT220Y1);
or two courses in a major African language approved by the Program Committee
Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health (Arts program)
Consult Program Director, Prof. A. Toneatto, Centre for Addiction
and Mental Health (CAMH), (416) 535-8501, ext. 6828 or
general enquiries cALL 416-978-5404 or email
Enrolment in the Minor program in Buddhism, Psychology and Mental
Health is open to students who have completed four courses; no minimum GPA
Minor Program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including one at the 300+level)
1. NEW232Y1 (Buddhist
Psychology: Theories and Applications)
2. NEW332H1 (Buddhism
and Psychotherapy) and NEW333H1 (Buddhism and Cognitive Science)
3. NEW331H1 (Buddhism
and the Science of Mindfulness Meditation) or NEW338H1 (Research Seminar in Buddhist Psychology)
4. NEW433H1 (Advanced
Topics) or RLG373H1 (Buddhist Meditation))
5. 1.0 full course equivalent from:
ANT100Y1, 204Y1, ANT253H1, ANT348H1; EAS324H1, EAS346H1, EAS361Y1, EAS368Y1, EAS369Y1; HPS100H1, HPS250H1; NEW214Y1, NEW232Y1, NEW303H1, NEW331H1, NEW338H1, NEW339H1, NEW433H1; PHL100Y1, PHL201H1, PHL232H1, PHL240H1, PHL244H1, PHL319H1, PHL320H1, PHL331H1, PHL332H1, PHL340H1, PHL342H1; PSY100Y1, PSY230H1, PSY240H1, PSY270H1, PSY314H1, PSY321H1, PSY325H1, PSY333H1, PSY336H1, PSY341H1, PSY342H1, PSY343H1; RLG206Y1, RLG211Y1, RLG231H1, RLG301H1, RLG302H1, RLG373H1, RLG375H1, RLG376H1, RLG421H1, RLG463H1, 465H1, RLG466H1, 467H1; SOC101Y1, SOC212Y1, SOC363H1; UNI250Y1, UNI302H1, UNI401H1, UNI402H1; VIC106H1
Caribbean Studies (Arts program)
Consult Program Director, Prof. D. A. Trotz, New College, 416-978-8286.
For general enquiries cALL 416-978-5404 or email
Enrolment in the Specialist, Major and Minor programs in
Caribbean Studies is open to students who have completed
four courses;
no minimum GPA required.
Specialist Program:
(10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least fOUR 300+ series courses
with at least one full course at the 400-level)
1. NEW224Y1, NEW324Y1
2. Eight full courses or their equivalent, with at least six from Group
A, the remaining two from Group A or Group B.
Major program:
(6 full courses or their equivalent including two at the 300+level)
1. NEW224Y1, NEW324Y1
2. Four full courses or their equivalent from Group A or Group B, including
at least one at the 300+level
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent including one at the 300+level)
1. NEW224Y1, NEW324Y1
2. Two courses from Group A or Group B
Group A:
ANT426H1; ENG270Y1; HIS106Y1, HIS294Y1, HIS296Y1, HIS305H1, 333Y1 HIS496H1; NEW150Y1, NEW223Y1, NEW240Y1, NEW325H1, NEW326Y1, NEW327Y1, NEW329H1, NEW422Y1, NEW423H1, NEW424Y1, NEW426Y1; POL201Y1, POL301Y1, POL305Y1, 357Y1, POL358Y1; SPA486H1; WGS330H1, 369Y1, WGS375H1, WGS380H1, WGS425Y1, WGS445H1
Group B:
ANT349H1; ENG370H1; DTS200Y1, DTS401H1, DTS402H1;
HIS295Y1, HIS390Y1, HIS408Y1, HIS476H1, HIS480H1; NEW296Y1, NEW322Y1; POL403H1, POL417Y1; RLG204Y1, RLG205Y1; SOC330Y1, SOC336H1; SPA380H1, SPA381H1, SPA382H1
Equity Studies (Arts program)
Consult Program Co-ordinator, Dr. J. Larkin, 416-978-8282. For general
inquiries cALL 416-978-5404 or email
in this program is open to students who have completed four courses; no
minimum GPA required.
Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including two at the 300+level)
1. NEW240Y1
2. One full course equivalent from the core group below
3. Five full course equivalents from: Groups A, B, C, D, E (including one or more full-course equivalents from at least three of the five groups)
Core Group
NEW214Y1, NEW241Y1, NEW341H1, NEW342H1, NEW343H1, NEW344Y1, NEW348H1, NEW349H1, NEW441H1, NEW442H1, NEW444H1, NEW449H1
Group A: Gender
ANT460H1; CLA219H1, 220H1; EAS303H1, 452H1, EAS453H1; ENG233Y1, ENG307H1, ENG355H1, ENG383H1; FCS497H1; FRE304H1, 305H1; GER421H1; GGR327H1; HIS202H1, HIS245Y1, HIS306H1, HIS348H1, HIS354Y1, HIS363H1, 366Y1, 395Y1, HIS406H1, HIS418H1, 446Y1, HIS448H1, HIS481H1, HIS483H1; ITA455H1; JAL355H1; JHP440Y1; JNV300H1; JPP343Y1; NEW325H1; NMC284H1, NMC484H1; PHL267H1; POL351Y1, POL432H1, POL440Y1, POL450H1; PSY323H1; RLG236H1, RLG237H1, RLG251H1, 313H1, RLG314H1; SLA248H1; SOC214Y1, SOC365Y1, SOC366H1, SOC383H1; SPA382H1, VIC341H1, VIC343Y1; VIS209H1; WGS160Y1, WGS261Y1, 262Y1, WGS271Y1, WGS330H1, WGS334H1, WGS335H1, WGS336H1, WGS362H1, WGS363H1, WGS365H1, WGS366H1, WGS367H1, WGS368H1, WGS369H1, WGS372H1, WGS373H1, WGS374H1, WGS375H1, WGS380H1,WGS385H1, WGS425Y1, WGS434H1, WGS435H1, WGS440H1, WGS445H1, WGS460Y1, WGS461Y1, WGS462H1, WGS463H1, WGS465H1, WGS470Y1
Group B: Race, Creed, Ethnicity
ANT204Y1, ANT343H1, 344Y1, 349H1, ANT367Y1, ANT426H1, ANT446H1, ANT448H1, 453H1; ARC234H1; ENG268H1, ENG270Y1, ENG275Y1, ENG277Y1, ENG278Y1, ENG355H1, ENG368H1, ENG370H1; FIN320H1; HIS107Y1, HIS208Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS294Y1, 295Y1, HIS296Y1 HIS303H1, HIS312H1, HIS338H1, 341Y1, HIS355H1, HIS359H1, 360Y1 HIS370H1, HIS383H1, HIS384H1, HIS393H1, 394H1, 396H1, 402H1, HIS408Y1, HIS412Y1, HIS416H1HIS456Y1, HIS470H1, HIS475H1, HIS476H1; INI327Y1; ITA493H1; LAS301H1, LAS302H1; NEW150Y1, NEW223Y1, NEW224Y1, NEW296Y1, NEW322Y1, NEW324Y1, NEW326Y1, NEW424Y1, NEW426H1, NEW426Y1; NMC276Y1, NMC384H1, NMC477H1, NMC484H1; POL301Y1, 304H1, POL321H1, POL342H1, POL403H1 POL425Y1; PRT255H1; RLG201Y1, RLG220H1, RLG236H1, RLG237H1, RLG243H1, RLG315H1, RLG344Y1; SOC210Y1, SOC330Y1, SOC336H1, SOC339H1; SPA486H1; UNI304H1, UNI307Y1
Group C: Sexual Diversities
ANT456H1; ENG273Y1, ENG290Y1; POL315H1; PHL243H1; SOC410H1; UNI255H1, UNI256H1, UNI325H1, 335H1, UNI354H1, UNI355H1, UNI365H1, UNI375H1, UNI455H1, UNI475H1; WGS374H1
Group D: General Equity
ABS201Y1, ABS250H1, ABS300Y1, ABS301Y1, ABS302H1, ABS320Y1, ABS341H1, ABS350Y1, ABS351Y1, ABS352H1, ABS353H1, ABS354H1, ABS402H1, ABS403H1, ABS404H1, ABS405Y1; ANT329H1, 342H1, ANT348H1, 362Y1, ANT364Y1, ANT366H1, 368Y1, ANT425H1, ANT447H1, ANT452H1; ARC233H1; DTS200Y1, DTS401H1, DTS402H1; EAS462H1; ECO239Y1, ECO332H1, ECO339Y1, ECO340H1, ECO369Y1, 425H1; ENG254Y1; ENV446H1; FAH390H1/Y; GGR216H1, GGR320H1, GGR328H1, GGR338H1, GGR339H1, GGR363H1, 375H1, 451H1; HAJ453H1; HIS106Y1, HIS313H1, HIS323H1, 367H1; 369Y1, 395Y1, HIS424H1, HIS459H1, 468H1, HIS472H1, HIS480H1; HMB203H1, HMB303H1, HMB443H1; HPS324H1; INI429H1; JAG321H1; JGI216H1; JFP450H1; NMC358H1; PHL281H1, PHL380H1, PHL384H1; POL201Y1, POL342H1, POL344H1, POL350H1, POL358Y1, POL403H1, POL405Y1, 412Y1, POL439H1, 480H1; PRT351H1; RLG201Y1, RLG225H1, RLG317H1; SOC220Y1, SOC270H1, SOC301Y1, SOC309Y1, SOC344Y1, SOC354H1, SOC355Y1, SOC360Y1, SOC364H1, SOC367H1, SOC370Y1, SOC373H1, SOC374H1; SPA380H1; UNI220Y1, 317Y1, 371H1; VIC185H1, VIC261H1, VIC351H1; VIS310H1
Group E: Disability
NEW241Y1, NEW344Y1, NEW349H1, NEW449H1; PHL383H1; SOC360Y1, SOC363H1, SOC373H1, SOC374H1; WGS366H1
Note: students are responsible for checking the co- and prerequisites for all
courses in Groups A,B,C, D and E
Human Biology: see Human Biology
Paradigms and Archetypes (Arts program)
For general enquiries cALL 416-978-5404 or email
Enrolment in this program is open to students who have completed
four courses; no minimum GPA is required.
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including one at the 300+level)
1. NEW209Y1
2. NEW301Y1/NEW304Y1
3. One full course equivalent from NEW232Y1, NEW301Y1 (if
not chosen in 2 above), NEW302Y1, NEW303H1, NEW304Y1 (if not chosen in 2 above), NEW306H1, NEW308H1, NEW402Y1, NEW403H1, NEW404H1
4. One full course equivalent from ABS300Y1; HPS201H1, HPS202H1, HPS210H1, HPS211H1, HPS250H1; NEW332H1, NEW333H1, NEW344Y1; NMC101Y1,
185Y1, 201Y1; RLG200Y1, RLG204Y1, RLG205Y1, RLG206Y1, RLG211Y1, RLG231H1; any NEW courses listed in 3 above.
South Asian Studies: see South Asian Studies
Womens Studies: see Women and Gender Studies