Architectural Studies Courses For Distribution Requirement purposes,
ARC courses are classified as Humanities courses |
ARC131H1 A comprehensive introduction to the discipline, art and profession of architecture using case studies, both historical and contemporary, local and international. ARC132H1 An introductory survey of contemporary international architecture that examines how design is responding to technological change, environmental degradation, accelerating globalization of economy and media, and the politics of regional and cultural identity. ARC213H1 An introductory design studio that explores design issues and methods as they relate to constructed spaces and territories. The studio explores concepts of site and place as an introduction to the allied disciplines of architectural design, landscape architecture and urban design. The conventions of representation introduced in ARC 221 are carried forward and applied to the set design problems. ARC221H1 A studio-based introduction to the conventions and techniques of graphic communication and visual representation in the design disciplines. The course serves as a hands-on introduction to drawing technique and theory, analytical drawing and diagramming, geometry and composition, and three-dimensional representation in drawing and model. ARC231H1 A selected survey of projects in the history of architecture exemplary for exploring the relationship between architecture and technological change. ARC232H1 An introduction to the interrelationship between architectural theory and studies in media and communications during the twentieth century. ARC233H1 An introduction to the emerging field of research in history and theory concerning the role of architecture, urban design and allied design areas in the relationship between western and non-western nations during and after the period of colonialism. ARC234H1 An introduction to contemporary issues in architecture pertaining to cultural difference, the politics of cultural identity, and possible structures and strategies for heterogeneity. ARC235H1 An introductory course in architectural criticism that reviews the writings of major critics, the history of criticism in architecture and the use of alternative critical perspectives. ARC236H1 A survey of the social, economic, technological and cultural factors that have been instrumental in transforming material culture since the Industrial Revolution. ARC237H1 An introduction to the history and theory of urban landscape design. ARC238H1 An introduction to projects and practices, theories and issues in contemporary urban design considered from a historical perspective and in the context of changing forces and paradigms or urbanization, technology, ecology and culture. ARC239H1 An introduction to the history and current state of architectural theory. ARC313H1 An intermediate design studio that explores design issues and methods as they relate to tectonics and material assemblies. A critical framework is established through the introduction of theories, precedents and experimental design strategies. ARC314H1 A final design studio that investigates techniques, methods and theories for building design. Students are given an opportunity to create a synthetic architectural design proposal that incorporates ideas and methods developed over the combined studio cycle of the program. ARC321H1 An intermediate studio-based course that explores a range of contemporary techniques and theories in visual representation as they are deployed in the design disciplines. Students are given the opportunity to work in a selection of two-dimensional, three-dimensional and digital media. ARC331Y0 For students in the International Summer Program. Documentation and analysis of architecture and urbanism in the city where the programme is based. Topics may include building types, urban morphology and development, public spaces, urban precincts, and ways of life supported by them. Cities may vary each year. ARC333H1 An introduction to selected projects and practices, theories and issues in contemporary urban design considered from an historical perspective and in the context of changing forces and paradigms of urbanization, technology, ecology and culture. ARC334H1 A selective survey of the interrelationships between theories and practices of landscape, ecology, and urbanism from the mid-eighteenth century to the late twentieth. ARC335H1 Study of landscape architecture elements in gardens, public open space, parks, and urban development. Fosters an understanding of landscape architecture considering examples from ancient to modern times. Places historical positions in landscape architecture within a more contemporary context. Landscape architectural design from the standpoint of: a work of art, a manifestation of cultural ideologies, and an act of humans in nature. ARC337H1 Urban housing forms and processes siNCE 1800. Contemporary housing theories and policies in the context of world issues. Design principles, criteria and practice investigated through case studies. ARC338H1 An in depth examination of the work and thought of German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. ARC341H1 An introduction to building technology considered historically, in its relation to design theory, and its relation to the history and theory of technology. ARC342H1 A topic-based course in the history and theory of building science and structures. ARC398H0 ARC399Y0 An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details here. ARC431H1 An introduction to selected projects, writings and issues in contemporary world architecture considered from an historical perspective and in the context of changing technologies, ecologies and cultural formations. ARC432H1 A second introduction to selected projects, writings and issues in contemporary world architecture considered from an historical perspective and in the context of changing technologies, ecologies and cultural formations. ARC436H1 The nature and origin of theories and principles in contemporary landscape architecture through lectures, seminar discussions and workshops. Design problems and the historic relationship to landscape issues; alternative design methods and characteristics of design motivations, constraints and expression in landscape as a media of practice. |