South Asian Studies

On this page: Introduction | Programs |
See also: Faculty Members | Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable |


The South Asian Studies Program provides the opportunity for students to study traditional and modern South Asia. The history and culture of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka are presented in courses offered by a number of departments.

South Asian Studies (Arts program)

Consult Program Co-ordinator, I. Hasnu, New College, 416-978-8277 or the Program Office, 416-978-5404 or email

Enrolment in the South Asian Studies programs is open to students who have completed four courses; no minimum GPA required.

Specialist program:

(10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least fOUR 300+ series courses with at least one full course at THE 400-level)

1. Two language courses from SAS211Y1, SAS212Y1, SAS213Y1, SAS311Y1, SAS312Y1, SAS315Y1; EAS282Y1, EAS381H1, EAS383H1; RLG260Y1 or demonstrate intermediate (2nd Year level) proficiency in another South Asian language by examination administered by the South Asian Studies Program
2. SAS114Y1
3. HIS282Y1
4. One full course equivalent from SAS413H1, SAS414H1; HIS470H1, HIS480H1
5. One full course equivalent from: ANT352Y1, POL201Y1, POL208Y1, POL417Y1, POL447Y1, or other social science course approved by the Co-ordinator
6. One full course equivalent from: EAS368Y1, 468Y1; FAH364H1, FAH365H1; NEW306H1, NEW308H1; SAS214Y1; RLG100Y1, RLG205Y1, RLG206Y1, RLG280Y1, RLG361H1, RLG363H1, RLG365H1, RLG366H1, or other course in religion or philosophy approved by the Co-ordinator
7. Two full course equivalents from Group A (below)
8. One full course equivalent from Groups A or B; or three full course equivalents from Groups A or B, in the case of a student satisfying the language requirement (see 1. above) by examination rather than by A&S courses

Major program:

(6 full courses or their equivalent, including TWO 300+ series courses)

1. SAS114Y1
2. HIS282Y1
3. Two full course equivalents from Group A (below)
4. Two full course equivalents from Groups A or B

Minor program:

(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one at THE 300+ level; 2 courses must have full South Asian content)

1. SAS114Y1
2. One full course equivalents from Group A (below)
3. Two full course equivalents from Groups A or B

Note: Some courses may be offered in alternate years.

Group A (courses with a major focus on South Asia):
ANT352Y1; EAS282Y1, EAS368Y1, EAS379H1, EAS381H1, EAS383H1, EAS480H1/Y1, EAS482H1, EAS488H1/Y1; FAH364H1, FAH365H1, FAH466H1; HIS282Y1, 364H1, HIS386H1, HIS470H1, HIS480H1; NEW306H1, NEW308H1; POL201Y1, POL357H1, POL403H1; RLG205Y1, RLG206Y1, RLG246H1, RLG260Y1, RLG361H1, RLG363H1, RLG364H1, RLG365H1, RLG366H1, RLG367H1, RLG460H1, RLG471H1, RLG472H1; SAS211Y1, SAS212Y1, SAS213Y1, 214Y1, SAS215H1, SAS216H1, SAS217H1, SAS311Y1, SAS312Y1, SAS315Y1, SAS413H1, SAS414H1; WGS368H1, WGS425Y1; or other courses with the approval of the Co-ordinator of the SAS program

Group B (courses with a minor focus on South Asia):
EAS468Y1; ECO459H1; ENG270Y1, ENG370H1, ENG382Y1; ENV333H1, ENV447H1; GGR338H1, GGR439H1; HIS329H1; HMB303H1, HMB443H1; MUS211H1; NMC185H1, NMC392H1; PHL323H1; POL208Y1, POL417Y1, POL447Y1; RLG100Y1, RLG236H1, RLG280Y1, RLG353H1, RLG362H1, RLG375H1, 465H1; SAS224Y1, 324Y1, 326Y1; UNI307Y1; WGS369H1; or other courses with the approval of the Co-ordinator of the SAS program