See also: Course Descriptions | Prospective
Student Guide to Academic Programs | More on Department
Several departments and programs in the Faculty offer courses on the culture and
civilization of their respective areas; the readings in these courses are all in English.
The list below brings these together for your convenience. The detailed description of
each course is found under the Calendar entry for its three-letter designator; e.g., the
description for ABS200Y: Aboriginal Studies I is located
in the ABS entry.
ABS201YIntroduction to Aboriginal Studies
ABS300YWorldview, Indigenous Knowledge & Oral
ABS301YNative Language &Culture
*CLA160YIntroduction to Classical Studies
EST210HIntroduction to Baltic Folklore
FCS195YFrench Culture from Napoleon to Asterix (formerly
FCS294HWomen and Power in French Society
FCS296HFrench Youth Culture and its Media
*FCS297HComic Books and French Culture
FCS298HFrench Culture and Asia
*FCS394HCrime and Punishment in French Culture
FCS395HSensuality and the French
FCS495HGlobal Impact of French Language and Culture
*FIN210YIntroduction to Finnish Literature and Culture
*FIN310HFinnish Folklore: The Kalevala
FIN320HThe Finnish-Canadian Experience
*FIN340HFinland-Swedish Literature and Culture
GER235YGerman Culture in a European Context
GER303YGerman Pop Culture
HUM101YCivilizations and Cultures of Asia
IAS200YIbero-America: History, Civilization, Culture
*ITA200YContemporary Italy
*ITA233HEthnicity and Mainstream: Italian Canadian
*ITA245YItalian Culture and Civilization
*NEW223YCaribbean Literature and Society
NMC201YIslamic Civilization
*PRT250HPortuguese Culture and Civilization
*RLG230YReligion and Literature
SLA215HCzech and Slovak Cultures
*SLA216YDynamics of Polish Literature and Culture
*SLA217YSerbian Cultural History
*SLA218YUkrainian Literature and Culture
*SLA227YCroatian Cultural History
*SLA250YRussian Cultural Heritage
*SLA251YOrigins of Slavic Civilization
SMC240YCeltic Culture Through the Ages
*SMC343YCeltic Literature and Society 500-1500
*SPA250YSpanish Culture and Civilization
*SPA251HCatalan Culture and Civilization
UNI202HAspects of Quebec Culture
*VIC240YRenaissance Culture
* Please note that the asterisked courses above employ primarily literary texts to explore
the culture of their respective area or period. These asterisked courses comprise one of
the Groups in the World Literatures Program (found under the WLD Calendar entry) and may
be taken to count toward fulfillment of that program.