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Economics Courses For Distribution Requirement purposes, all ECO courses are classified as SOCIAL SCIENCE courses. |
SSC199H1/Y1 Undergraduate seminar that focuses on specific ideas, questions, phenomena or controversies, taught by a regular Faculty member deeply engaged in the discipline. Open only to newly admitted first year students. It may serve as a distribution requirement course; see page 45.
Enrolment in most Economics courses above the 100-level and, therefore,
in all Economics Programs, is based on grades in ECO100Y1 or ECO105Y1 and,
in some cases, MAT133Y1 or MAT135Y1 or MAT137Y1. Additional information is contained in the Registration Handbook and Timetable
and the Departmental Handbook. Not all courses are offered each year. ECO100Y1 An introduction to economic analysis and its applications: price determination; the role of competition; international trade and finance; the theory of production and employment; the role of money and the banking system; monetary and fiscal policy. NOTE graphical and quantitative analysis are used extensively. ECO105Y1 An introduction to the principles and methods of economics in association with policy issues. Lectures cover 24 topics, including economic growth, the importance of productivity, international trade, competitive markets, macroeconomic issues and more specific topics such as rent controls, OPEC, the international debt crisis, trade restrictions, the national debt and sustainable development. Students who intend to complete a minor, major, or specialist program in Economics are advised to take ECO100Y1. ECO200Y1 Theory of markets and prices. Determination of prices through the interaction of the basic economic units, the household as consumer and as supplier of inputs and the business firm as producer and as employer of inputs. The pricing system as the mechanism by which social decisions and allocation of goods are made in a market economy. ECO202Y1 Theory of output, employment and the price level; techniques for achieving economic stability; central banking and Canadian financial institutions and markets; foreign exchange markets and the exchange rate. This course is not intended for those in the B.Com program; please see ECO209Y1. ECO206Y1 This course deals more rigorously and more mathematically with the topics included in ECO200Y1 and is intended primarily for students in certain Specialist programs. ECO208Y1 This course deals more rigorously and more mathematically with the topics included in ECO202Y1 and is intended primarily for students in certain Specialist programs. ECO209Y1 Restricted to Commerce students. ECO210H1 An introduction to mathematical methods commonly used in economic theory. Topics include unconstrained multivariate optimization, multivariate optimization subject to equality or inequality constraints and differential equations. ECO220Y1 Numerical and graphical data description techniques; data collection and sampling; probability; sampling distributions; statistical inference; simple and multiple regression analysis. Study methods, the basis for these methods, when each is or is not appropriate, and how to correctly interpret and understand results. ECO227Y1 A rigorous introduction to probability and mathematical statistics intended for economics specialists. Probability and estimation theory, sampling distributions, hypotheses testing, multiple regression analysis. Students should be familiar with the tools used to characterize scenarios where randomness and uncertainty occur in economics and finance. ECO230Y1 The key concepts of international trade and finance are reviewed with an eye to understanding contemporary issues and recommending policy initiatives. Attention is given to empirical assessment of alternative trade theories and to broader international relations issues. ECO239Y1 Application of economic analysis to current issues in labour policy: immigration, retirement, education, unemployment, earnings differentials, employment and pay equity, labour unions, minimum wage, income policies. WDW244H1 See Woodsworth College ECO250Y1/251H1/252H1 Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Secretary for details). ECO299Y1 Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. See page 45 for details.
The development of the west European economy from the apogee of the Commercial
Revolution era and the ensuing economic crises of the later - early 14th
centuries to the eve of the modern Industrial Revolution, focusing on Italy,
Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Low Countries and England. Major
topics: feudalism, serfdom and other barriers to economic growth; demographic,
and other macroeconomic forces; the development of market economies; structural
changes in and interactions among the agrarian, commercial, financial,
and industrial sectors; overseas expansion and colonization; the role of Church,
state, warfare, and social/political institutions; Mercantilism. ECO302H1 Contrasting ways in which the factors of production - land, labour and capital - are organized in human society. Tribal, feudal, mercantilist and market economies are considered. A conceptual framework related to both market and non-market economies is examined, based on the work of Karl Polanyi. ECO303Y1 The economic development of modern Europe, focusing on urban industrialization in the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, up to World War I. Major topics: technological, institutional, and social factors in economic growth; demographic and monetary forces; structural changes in and interactions among the agrarian, commercial, financial, and industrial sectors; international trade and capital flows; the role of the state; the role of economic theory and ideology; theories of post-1850 imperialism. ECO307H1 This course addresses the evolution of North American markets, with emphasis on the pre-Civil War period. Labor markets are examined, including those for indentured servants and apprentices, as well as the economics of slavery. The timing and impact of technological change and the evolution of manufacturing production are also covered. The U.S. economy and the role of Canadian economic activity within the broader North American context will be examined (formerly offered as Special Topics course ECO354H1). ECO308H1 This course will focus on demographic economic history within a North American context. Topics covered include changes over time in marriage markets, fertility, mortality and stature. We study, for example, the impact of property rights within marriage, illegitimacy, the decline of fertility in the nineteenth century and the puzzling inter-temporal divergence between height and wealth during the early nineteenth century (formerly offered as Special Topics course ECO355H1) ECO309H1 This course evaluates economic development strategies in Southeast Asia and their implications for growth, industrialization, and income inequality. It first reviews trade and development theory that can explain the economic development of Southeast Asia. Then, it explains the initial conditions provided by resource endowments, geographical location, trade-international economic relations, and domestic economic development policies, and how these conditions have affected the process of development. The course focuses on the five most populous and resource abundant countries of the region: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam (formerly offered as Special Topics course ECO355H1) ECO310Y1 Study of how firms compete and structure of markets. Emphasize oligopoly markets and use game theory. Study differentiated goods, price discrimination, barriers to entry, vertical relationships, advertising, strategic behaviour, and empirical industrial organization including estimation of demand and costs. Applications to competition policy emphasizing evaluation of horizontal mergers. ECO313H1 This course demonstrates the way that a rigorous application of microeconomic techniques can inform our responses to various environmental problems. Topics may include: air and water pollution and renewable resource management. ECO314H1 An investigation of the way that a rigorous application of microeconomic techniques can 1) improve our understanding of how resources like oil, minerals, fish, and forests are extracted in equilibrium, and 2) lead to improved management policies. ECO320H1 The practical application of microeconomic theory to common legal problems: torts, contracts, property and crime, and the limitations of economic analysis. No previous familiarity with the law is assumed. (This is an economic analysis of legal issues, not a course in law.) ECO321Y1 Canadian economic growth and development as viewed through the staples thesis of Harold Innis. Reference to United States economic history throughout the course. ECO324Y1 Economic development theory and policy related to the economic transformation of the developing countries, including industrial and agricultural sector strategies, international trade policy, public sector activities and the importance of productivity growth and poverty reduction programs. ECO325H1 This course develops the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic theory and expand students analytic skills by constructing and solving macroeconomic models. Topics may include: dynamic choice, neoclassical growth theory, uncertainty and rational expectations, business cycles, as well as fiscal and monetary policy. ECO326H1 Game theory and applications. Topics include: strategic and extensive games, with applications to economics. ECO327Y1 The development and application of statistical techniques in estimating economic models and testing economic theory. The implications and treatment of special statistical problems that arise in estimating economic relationships. ECO328Y1 The operation of the international economy and the economic interdependence among nations, in terms of international monetary relationships, commodity trade and factor movements. ECO329H1 Theories and techniques in monetary economics, including the equilibrium asset-pricing theory and modeling money as a medium of exchange, the Lucas supply curve, the choice of monetary policy rules versus discretion, and the liquidity effect of open market operations. Emphasis on the interactions between macroeconomic phenomena and individual decisions. ECO332H1 This course uses microeconomics to study the behaviour of the family, including marriage, divorce, intra-family allocations, investment in children and gender roles. ECO333Y1 Spatial economic theory and urban public policy: firms and individuals in partial and general equilibrium, land development and land-use controls, urban transportation, efficiency and equity in spending and taxing. ECO336Y1 Theory of public goods, externalities, and the politics of government policy. Analysis of equity, incidence and incentive effects of taxes. An analytical treatment of the public sector. ECO338H1 Application of microeconomic theory to conceptual and policy issues in education. Topics include the economic benefits and costs of education; investment in human capital and the returns to educational expenditures; the role of government in education; educational financing and planning. ECO339Y1 The operation of labour markets; determinants of supply and demand for labour; wage differentials; discrimination; investment in schooling and training; unemployment; economics of unions. ECO340H1 The personal distribution of income and wealth; measurement of inequality and poverty. The distributional effects of the tax system, government spending and economic regulation (including policies such as minimum wages, pay equity and employment equity). ECO342Y1 Economic development of Europe and certain overseas areas, particularly Japan and the United States. Special attention to globalization before 1914, problems of the interwar years, the Great Depression of the 1930s, the period since 1945, international trade, the balance of payments and exchange rate mechanisms, growth performance of the major industrial countries. ECO350Y1/351H1/352H1 Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Secretary for details). ECO353Y1/354H1/355H1 Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Secretary for details). ECO358H1 An introduction to economics of financial assets and financial markets. Topics: inter-temporal choice, expected utility theory, security valuation, selected asset pricing models, market efficiency, and the term structure of interest rates - essential materials for an understanding of the role and operation of financial markets. ECO359H1 Agency and incomplete information problems inherent in financial transactions; the role of contractual arrangements in overcoming them. Financial constraints on investment decisions of firms; the financial system in economic growth; the legal system in the functioning of financial markets. A look at theoretical and empirical literature covering these issues. ECO360Y1 With emphasis on the United States, Japan and Canada, this course examines theories of capitalism; Long Wave Cycle, the importance of productivity growth and Solows residual, the economics of technological change, the Japanese/U.S. trade interface, the economic slowdown since 1973 and the current Canadian productivity challenge. ECO369Y1 The provision of health care provides many special problems of informational asymmetry, regulation, insurance and redistribution. The course considers the demand and supply side problems. Alternative reform proposals for health care are explored. ECO370Y1 An introduction to the economic analysis of organizations and, in particular, the firm. An investigation of how markets can solve the twin problems of coordinating activities and motivating individuals; and, when markets are less successful, how organizations and special contractual relationships emerge as alternative institutions for allocating resources. ECO380H1 This course in applied microeconomics is concerned with the functioning of markets and the behaviour of firms within these markets. The focus is on strategic relationships between organizations. This includes competitive relationships among firms in the same market and cooperative relationships between a firm and its suppliers and distributors. ECO381H1 An examination of selected material on compensation and incentives in organizations. Topics include recruitment and hiring, training, turnover, downsizing, motivating workers, teams, allocating authority and task assignment. ECO382H1 Strategic business in any organization depends crucially on people the customers using the products and the employees executing the strategy. Using population economics as a foundation, topics covered include strategic management, consumer behaviour, life cycle models, generational analysis, trend analysis, marketing, risk analysis, global competitive analysis, diversification strategy, human resource planning, government relations, change management and sustainability. ECO398H0/399Y0 An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. See page 45 for details.