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Actuarial Science Courses

Key to Course Descriptions

For Distribution Requirement purposes, ACT courses are classified as Science courses

| Course Winter Timetable |

Mathematics of Investment & Credit       26L, 13T

Interest, discount and present values, as applied to determine prices and values of annuities, mortgages, bonds, equities; loan repayment schedules and consumer finance payments in general; yield rates on investments given the costs on investments.
Prerequisite: MAT133Y1/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1

Financial Principles for Actuarial Science I       26L, 13T

Term structure of interest rates, cashflow duration, convexity and immunization, forward and futures contracts, interest rate swaps, introduction to investment derivatives and hedging strategies.
Prerequisite: ACT240H1 (no minimum grade required)

Introductory Life Contingencies        39L

Probability theory applied to survival and to costs and risks of life assurances, life annuities, and pensions; analysis of survival distributions; international actuarial notation.
Prerequisite: ACT240H1; MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1; STA257H1
Co-requisite: MAT237Y1

Advanced Life Contingencies        39L

Determination of benefit premium and benefit reserves for life insurance and annuities; analysis of insurance loss random variables; theory of life contingencies for multiple lives.
Prerequisite: ACT240H1 (minimum grade C); ACT245H1 (minimum grade C); ACT247H1 (minimum grade C); (STA257H1,STA261H1); MAT237Y1

Corporate Finance for Actuarial Science Mathematics        26L, 13T

Actuarial applications of financial mathematics and economics.
Prerequisite: ACT240H1 (minimum grade C); ACT245H1 (minimum grade C); ACT247H1 (minimum grade C); (STA257H1, STA261H1); MAT237Y1; ECO206Y1

Exclusion: ECO358H1, ECO359H1, MGT331Y1, MGT337Y1

Financial Principles for Actuarial Science II

Mathematical theory of financial derivatives, discrete and continuous option pricing models, hedging strategies and exotic option valuation.
Prerequisite: ACT240H1 (minimum grade C); ACT245H1 (minimum grade C); ACT247H1 (minimum grade C); (STA257H1,STA261H1); MAT237Y1

Independent Experiential Study Project

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. See page 45 for details.
This is a Science course.

Loss Models        39L

Loss models and their estimation, mixture distributions, compound distributions, partial insurance, stop-loss insurance, censoring and truncation of data, product-limit estimation, Cox proportional hazard model.
Pre- or co-requisite: ACT348H1; STA347H1

Advanced Topics in Actuarial Science        39L

Advanced life contingencies, multiple decrement theory, insurance policy expenses, multi-state transition models, Poisson processes.
Prerequisite: ACT348H1, ACT451H1; STA347H1

Stochastic Methods for Actuarial Science        39L

Applications of the lognormal distribution, Brownian motion, geometric Brownian motion, martingales, Ito's limma, stochastic differential equations, interest rate models, the Black-Scholes model, volatility, value at risk, conditional tail expectation.
Prerequisite: ACT370H1; STA347H1

Credibility and Simulation        39L

Limited fluctuation credibility, Bayesian estimation, Buhlmann credibility, non-parametric credibility methods, inverse transformation simulation method, specialized simulation methods for the normal and lognormal distributions, Monte Carlo methods, the bootstrap method.
Prerequisite: ACT451H1; STA347H1

Advanced Pension Mathematics        39L

Topics in pension mathematics; funding methods for pension plans. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: ACT348H1 or permission of instructor
Corequisite: ACT455H1

Actuarial Applications of Finance        39L

Assets, liability and investment management for pension plans. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: ACT349H1/MGT 331Y1/MGT337Y1/(ECO358H1, ECO359H1) or permission of instructor

Issues in Actuarial Practice        39L

Practical issues that arise for insurance, pension and casualty actuaries.
Prerequisite: ACT348H1

Readings in Actuarial Science        TBA

Independent study under the direction of a faculty member. Persons wishing to take this course must have the permission of the Undergraduate Secretary and of the prospective supervisor.

Readings in Actuarial Science        TBA

Independent study under the direction of a faculty member. Persons wishing to take this course must have the permission of the Undergraduate Secretary and of the prospective supervisor.

African Studies: see New College