Molecular Genetics & MicrobiologyOn this page: Introduction | Programs | See also: Faculty Members | Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable | More on Department Introduction |
Molecular biology has revolutionized the fields of genetics and microbiology.
The Department of Medical Genetics and Microbiology offers a combined
Specialist program in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, which emphasizes
the molecular aspects of both disciplines. Genetics, the science of
heredity, and microbiology, the study of microorganisms (microbes),
have long served as meeting grounds for a variety of biological disciplines.
Developments in genetics and microbiology have contributed greatly to
our basic understanding of the fundamental processes of life as well
as to the treatment of genetic and infectious diseases. The Molecular Genetics and Microbiology program is a research-intensive
program and is designed to provide a strong background in science that
is applicable to a variety of careers. Career opportunities for graduates
include employment in research institutes, universities and other educational
institutions, and industry. The program provides an excellent preparation
for post-graduate research and professional programs. Undergraduate Coordinator: Dr. B. Funnell, Medical Sciences Building (416-978-1665; email: Undergraduate Office/General Inquiries: Medical Sciences Building Rm 4286 (416-978-5561; email: More information is available on our website: Microbiology Students entering the 3rd or 4th year of the Microbiology Specialist Program follow the requirements that are outlined in the 2003-2004 Calendar, except that, due to changes in laboratory courses, the requirements for Fourth Year should read: Four full-course equivalents from the following lists: List 1. Three to four full-course equivalents must be taken from: LMP 436H1; MGY 428H1, 432H1, 434H1, 440H1, 445H1, 480Y1, 485H1. At least 0.5 of these course equivalents must be a laboratory course, i.e. MGY 432H1 and/or MGY 480Y1. List 2. Up to one full-course equivalent may be taken from: BCH 304H1,
305H1, 422H1, 426H1, 441H1; BOT 404H1, 405H1, 452Y1; IMM 430H1; JBI
428H1; JZM 357H1, 358H1; LMP 402H1, 403H1; MGY 420H1, 425H1, 451H1,
452H1, 460H1, 470H1, ZOO 357H1 Molecular Genetics and Microbiology ProgramMolecular Genetics and Microbiology (Science program)Enrolment in this program is limited and selection is based on performance in First year required courses. Apply at the end of the First year via the Faculty's Subject POSt web site. At later times, contact the Undergraduate Coordinator. Specialist program: (14 full courses or their equivalent) First Year: Second Year: Third Year: Fourth Year: |
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