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LMP Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology

On this page: Introduction | Programs |
See also: Faculty Members | Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable | Prospective Student Guide to Academic Programs | More on Department


The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology provides a bridge between the basic sciences and medicine. Investigating the molecular mechanisms of disease is an important priority of the department. Faculty are concerned with the biochemical changes that may be associated with cell and tissue injury and with the etiology, pathogenesis and behaviour of disease. Research is carried out in such areas as cardiovascular disease, immunopathobiology, neuropathology, endocrinology and metabolism, neoplasia, bone and connective tissue disease, clinical and molecular epidemiology, antiobiotic resistance, and molecular pathogenesis of infectious disease.

The Pathobiology Specialist program gives students a broad understanding of contemporary medical research and basic scientific insights that have revolutionized our understanding of disease in recent years. Aspects of biochemistry, chemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and genetics are brought to bear upon human pathology. Graduates from the program will frequently pursue graduate studies in medical research and eventual research careers in academic, industrial, pharmaceutical, or governmental laboratories. A knowledge of cellular and molecular mechanisms of disease processes is also useful in a wide variety of multidisciplinary careers in government, regulatory agencies, law, and environment.

Undergraduate Secretary:

Dr. D.M. Templeton, Medical Sciences Building, Rm. 6209 (416-946-7459)

Web site:


Course Coordinators:

LMP300Y1: Dr. D.M. Templeton (416-978-3972)

LMP403H1: Dr.L Zhang (416-340-4915)

LMP301H1: Dr.A. Vandenbroucke (416-360-4000 ext. 2150)

LMP404H1: Dr. R. Vieth (416-586-5920)

LMP363H1: Dr. D.S.R. Sarma (416-978-5010)

LMP405Y1: Dr. S.H. Yeger (416-813-5958)/R. Vieth (416-586-5920)

LMP365H1: Dr. H.P. Elsholtz (416-978-8782)

LMP406H1: Dr. M. Bendeck (416-864-5652)

LMP402H1: Dr. M. McGavin (416-480-5831)

LMP436H1: Dr. R. Bishop (416-946-7103)



Enrolment in this program is limited and selection is based on performance in First Year required courses. Students enrol at the end of their first year of studies. Apply via the Web from early April to mid-May. At later times, contact the undergraduate secretary.

Specialist program:

(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two 400-series courses)

First Year:

BIO 150Y1; CHM (138H1, 139H1)/151Y1; MAT 135Y1/137Y1; PHY 138Y1/140Y1

Second Year:

BCH 210H1; BIO 250Y1; CHM 220H1, 247H1; PSL 302Y1

Third Year:

BCH 370H1; IMM 334Y1/MBY (377H1, 378H1); JLM 349H1; LMP 300Y1, 365H1

Fourth Year:

Option I:

Students who wish to concentrate on the microbiological and immunological aspects of disease should take LMP 402H1, 403H1, 436H1, and at least one of LMP 404H1/405Y1/406H1

Option 2:

Those who wish to concentrate on more cellular and molecular aspects should take LMP 402H1, 404H1, 406H1, and at least one of LMP 403H1/405Y1/ 436H1

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