Arts & Science Calendar 97-98: Table of Contents: Programs and Courses
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Rules & Regulations:
Registration; Enrolling In & Repeating Courses; Courses Elsewhere

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Details of the procedures by which students of the Faculty of Arts and Science register and enrol in courses for which they are eligible, and pay or make arrangements to pay fees, are found in the "Registration Handbook and Timetable", which students receive from their college. (Any student allowed to register one day after the end of the first week of classes is charged a late fee of $43.00; for each day thereafter the fee is an additional $5.00.)

Passed Courses May Not Be Repeated

Students may not repeat any course in which they have already obtained a mark of 50% or higher. The only exception occurs when students require a 100-series course with a specific grade higher than "D" for entry to a limited-enrolment Program. Students may repeat such a course once as an "extra" course, which will have no effect on status or Grade-Point Average. There are no supplemental examinations or provisions to "upgrade" a mark. All courses taken, except those officially dropped, remain on the record.

Degree Courses and Extra Courses: Chronological Principle

Courses are credited towards a degree chronologically. For example, if a student has already successfully completed six 100-series courses and then enrols in further 100-series courses, the more recent courses will be counted as "Extra" courses. An exception occurs when a student who has completed 5.5 100-series courses enrols in a full course at the 100-level in a subsequent session; the most recently taken half-course becomes "extra".

Courses Outside the Faculty

See below, and the section on the Study Elsewhere Program.

Courses of Other Campuses

Subject to written Departmental and Faculty approval, students registered on the St. George Campus may include a limited number of courses of Erindale College or Scarborough College for degree credit. Students should consult their College Registrar. Students are responsible for ensuring that courses taken on other campuses do not duplicate, nor are exclusions of, their St. George Campus enrolments.

Courses of Other Divisions

Certain courses offered in other Faculties and Schools of the University may be appropriate for degree credit for students in Arts and Science. After consulting an academic advisor, students should petition to take these courses through their College Registrar. The procedure must be initiated well in advance of the beginning of classes, so students may choose alternate courses in case the request is rejected. Permission to take such courses for degree credit is granted when students can establish that their particular aims are valid for an Arts and Science program but cannot be met by courses offered within the Faculty of Arts and Science. The Faculty will not accept as reasons for taking courses in other divisions the wish to satisfy requirements to qualify for programs and organizations outside the Faculty or to prepare for non-academic or professional purposes. Acceptance of petitions to take graduate courses is further subject to the requirements of the School of Graduate Studies. Special Students may enrol through this Faculty only in courses given by this Faculty or by Scarborough College.

Courses of Other Universities (Letters of Permission and Transfer Credit)

Degree students with a cumulative grade point average of at least 1.50 prior to studying elsewhere may take a maximum of 5.0 courses elsewhere for transfer credit. Students admitted with transfer credit may be limited in the number of courses that they may transfer after admission and should consult their College Registrar about the number of courses they may subsequently take elsewhere. Prior to taking courses at another Canadian or American university, students are advised to request a Letter of Permission to confirm acceptability of those courses for transfer credit. Otherwise, students may submit a request for transfer credit after completing courses elsewhere. Permission obtained from an instructor or from a department for program purposes, however, does not obligate the Faculty to grant transfer credit. There is a $30.00 non-refundable charge for each request. Assessments of transfer credit may take several weeks to process depending on the time of year and the nature of the request. Applicants are responsible for submitting requests well in advance of any deadlines they must meet and for obtaining the appropriate counselling concerning the Letter of Permission and/or Transfer Credit process.

NOTE: Only one transfer credit may be used to satisfy the requirement of 300+ series courses for the degree. Please refer to the information sheets on the Request for a Letter of Permission and the Request for Transfer Credit in the Office of your College Registrar. Study Elsewhere Program Participants should consult the Study Elsewhere Information Booklet for the regulations that apply to them.

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Revised: April 3, 1998

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