Arts & Science Calendar 97-98: Table of Contents: Programs and Courses
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Rules & Regulations:
Petitions: Term Work; Examinations; Deadlines; Appeals Of Petitions

On this page:

Petitions Regarding Term Work

Matters concerning term work normally fall within the authority of the instructor. Students unable to comply with given deadlines must contact their instructor prior to the deadline if an extension to the deadline is re- quested. All term work must be submitted by the last day of classes, unless an earlier date has been specified. Instructors may grant extensions beyond their own deadlines or beyond the last day of classes up to the last day of the examination period provided that a student presents reasons of illness, etc., with appropriate doc- umentation. Extensions beyond the last day of the examination period interfere with the Faculty's schedule for the submission of final grades and must therefore be approved by petition. These peti- tions for an extension of time for term work must be initiated by the last day of the relevant examina- tion period. Late requests will not be accepted. Students must file the petition after consultation with the instructor regarding a suitable extension date. The Committee on Standing consults the department concerned for information about the status of the course work, and the steps, if any, that must be taken to complete the course. Students seeking an extension of time for term work are expected to continue their course work while they await a decision. They will not be granted additional time after the petition decision has been issued.

Petitions Regarding Examinations

Petitions regarding final examinations must be submitted within five days after the end of the examination period. Late requests will not be accepted. Petitions based on travel, employment, or personal plans will not be considered. Students who for legitimate reasons are unable to write an examination may petition to write a deferred examination at the next available opportunity. These are normally scheduled as follows:

Final Examinations; Deferred Examinations

April/May June examination period, if course is offered in Summer Session May to June;
August/December examination period for all others
June August examination period, if course offered in Summer Session May/July - August
December examination period, if course offered in Winter (Fall Term)
August/December examination periods for all others
August December examination period
December April/May examination period, if course offered in Winter (Spring Term)
Reading Week for all others

Students are required to confirm their intent to write a deferred examination and to pay a fee of $70.00 for each deferred examination by a specified date prior to the examination period. Those who do not respond lose the privilege of a deferred examination and their grade reverts to one that includes a "0" for the final examination. Students are informed as early as possible of the date, time and location of the deferred examination.

Students who must write a deferred examination in a course that serves as a prerequisite for subsequent courses may enrol in those courses with the approval of the department concerned and provided that the term mark in the prerequisite (deferred) course is at least 60%.

Students who miss a deferred examination receive a grade of "0" for the examination in the calculation of the final grade. If the Faculty accepts the student's reasons for missing a deferred examination as legitimate, a further deferred examination may be permitted; however, the "SDF" notation will be replaced by the original grade. Students are charged a further fee for each subsequent deferred examination. Note that in such situations of further deferrals the Committee on Standing regularly prohibits registration in further sessions until the outstanding course work has been completed.

Appeals Against Petition Decisions

Appeals against petition decisions progress as follows:

  1. First petition to the Committee on Standing by appropriate deadline
  2. Appeal to the Committee on Standing within ninety days of the first decision; second petition submitted through the College Registrar;
  3. Appeal to the Faculty Academic Appeals Board within ninety days of the second decision; written request for a hearing submitted through the College Registrar;
  4. Appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee of Governing Council within ninety days of the decision of the Faculty Academic Appeals Board; written request for a hearing submitted directly to the Governing Council Office in Simcoe Hall.

Reassessment Of Marks

Reread of Final Examination

If a student believes that a final examination has been incorrectly marked in its substance, he/she may request a "reread." The student must first purchase a photocopy of the final examination from the Office of the Faculty Registrar, for a fee of $13.00 per course. The student must then fill out a "Request for Reread of Final Examination" form, which is available at College Registrar's Offices and at the Office of the Faculty Registrar. The student must demonstrate that his/her answers are substantially correct by citing specific instances of disagreement, supported by such documentary evidence as course handouts, textbooks, lecture notes, etc. The student must do more than simply assert that "I disagree with the marking," or that "I believe I deserve more marks." The Department concerned will reread the examination in light of the arguments presented. There is a $35.00 fee for this procedure, which is in addition to the fee of $13.00 charged for the photocopy of the final examination. The fee must be submitted, with the completed form, to the Office of the Faculty Registrar within six months of the final examination period. If the mark is changed as a result of this review both the photocopy and reread fees will be refunded. It should be noted that when a course is failed, the examination must be reread before the mark is reported.

Recheck of Course Mark

If a student believes that there has been an arithmetical error in calculating the course mark, he/she may request a "recheck." This can be done with or without purchasing a photocopy of the final examination. The student must fill out a "Request for Recheck of Course Mark" form, which is available at College Registrar's Offices and at the Office of the Faculty Registrar. The student must indicate precisely where he/she thinks the error has occurred. The Department concerned will check that all answers have been marked, and that the marks have been added correctly; the examination will not be reread. The Department will also check that all term work marks have been correctly calculated. There is a $13.00 fee for this procedure, which is in addition to the $13.00 fee charged for the photocopy of the final examination. The fee must be submitted, with the completed form, to the Office of the Faculty Registrar within six months of the final examination period. If the mark is changed as a result of this review, both the photocopy and recheck fees will be refunded.

NOTE: A reread or recheck may result in a raised mark, a lowered mark, or no change.

Deadlines for requesting a photocopy of a final examination, a reread or a recheck:

February examinations - the following August 30
April/May examinations - the following November 15
June examinations - the following January 15
August examinations - the following February 28/29
December examinations - the following June 30.

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Revised: August 19, 1998

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