Arts & Science Calendar 97-98: Table of Contents: Programs and Courses
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Rules & Regulations:
Faculty Final Examinations; Outside Examination Centres

Students taking courses during the day may be required to write evening examinations, and students taking evening courses may be required to write day examinations.

A Faculty final examination common to all sections of the course and counting for between one-third and two-thirds of the final mark must be held in each 100-series course, unless exemption has been granted by the Committee on Academic Standards. In 200-, 300- and 400-series courses, the Departments will decide whether or not an examination is appropriate, and report to the Committee.

Final examinations are held at the end of both terms in each session. Students who make personal commitments during the examination period do so at their own risk. No special consideration is given and no special arrangements are made in the event of conflicts. Information regarding dates, times and locations of examinations will not be given by telephone.

Students who have two Faculty final examinations in the same time slot, or three consecutive Faculty final examinations (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening; or afternoon, evening, next morning) should contact the Office of the Faculty Registrar.

The ratio of term marks to examination mark will be the same for all sections of multi-section courses that have final examinations. The relative value of each part of a written examination must be indicated on the question paper.

Rules for the Conduct of Examinations

  1. No person will be allowed in an examination room during an examination except the candidates concerned and those supervising the examination.
  2. Candidates must appear at the examination room at least twenty minutes before the commencement of the examination.
  3. Candidates shall bring their signed student cards and place them in a conspicuous place on their desks. Candidates registered in the Faculty of Arts and Science must have a student registration card bearing their photograph.
  4. Bags and books are to be deposited in areas designated by the Chief Presiding Officer and are not to be taken to the examination desk or table. Students may place their purses on the floor under their chairs.
  5. The Chief Presiding Officer has authority to assign seats to candidates.
  6. Candidates shall not communicate with one another in any manner whatsoever during the examination.
  7. No materials shall be brought into the room or used at an examination except those authorized by the Chief Presiding Officer or Examiner.
  8. Candidates who bring any unauthorized material into an examination room or who assist or obtain assistance from other candidates or from any unauthorized source are liable to penalties under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, including the loss of academic credit and expulsion.
  9. No cellular telephones or pagers shall be brought into an examination room by candidates.
  10. In general, candidates will not be permitted to enter an examination room later than fifteen minutes after the commencement of the examination, nor to leave except under supervision until at least half an hour after the examination has commenced.
  11. Candidates shall remain seated at their desks during the final ten minutes of each examination.
  12. At the conclusion of an examination, all writing shall cease. The Chief Presiding Officer may seize the papers of candidates who fail to observe this requirement, and a penalty may be imposed at the discretion of the instructor.
  13. Examination books and other material issued for the examination shall not be removed from the examination room except by authority of the Chief Presiding Officer.

Outside Centre Special Accommodations Fee

Students who request permission to write an examination outside the normal examination arrangements must submit a petition making their request at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the examination period. Late requests cannot be accommodated. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 for each examination is charged at the time of application. Students who have been granted permission to write a deferred examination will pay this fee in addition to the deferred examination fee of $70.00 per examination.

For "Outside Centre" examinations, students are also responsible for all costs for invigilation, postage, etc. charged by the centres involved. These costs can reach as high as $100.00 per examination; students are advised to determine the total cost before petitioning. Such permission is granted only in the most extreme circumstances.

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Revised: August 19, 1998

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