![]() | Faculty of Arts & Science
2015-2016 Calendar |
Students study South Asia in an approach attentive to global formations. They are introduced to the study of South Asia—Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka—through a wide angle view of Asian modernities, political economies, and cultures, all the while delving into to specialist close-ups of South Asia. With open access to comparative courses in the Contemporary Asian Studies program, students can learn from tenured and tenure-track faculty specialists in South, East, and Southeast Asia.
With a curriculum motivated by the moving present—the changing face of South Asia today—the South Asian Studies minor offers rigorous training in major debates and questions in the rich field of South Asian Studies, and provides a basic foundation for many directions of future study. From historical contexts of ethnic conflict, to postcolonial readings of ancient traditions, to the politics of religious and ethnic identities, to the workings of vast-scale democracy and capitalism, to the worlds of cinema and public culture, students are exposed to the dynamic landscapes—political, material, and mythic—that constitute South Asia today.
Program Administrator
Munk School of Global Affairs, 1 Devonshire Place, room 228N
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
In addition to SAS courses, students may choose from the following courses as electives. For full course descriptions, please check with the sponsoring departments. Not all electives are offered every year. Students are responsible for checking co- and pre-requisites for all elective courses as well as priority controls. Students who wish to count courses towards the program that are not listed here (including U of T courses and transfer credits) must seek permission from the program director IN ADVANCE. Course approval is not guaranteed and will be given at the discretion of the program director. Please consult the program administrator at ai.asianstudies@utoronto.ca with questions.
ANT352H1 South Asia: Practices, Theories, Representations
ANT467H1 Ethnographies of Contemporary South Asia
CAS350H1 Asian Youth Cultures*
CAS360H1 Asian Genders*
CAS390H1 Special Topics in Contemporary Asian Studies*
CAS400Y1 Critical Perspectives on Asian Modernity*
CAS420H1 Asia and the New Global Economy*
CAS430H1 Nationalism and Revolution in Asia*
CAS440H1 Critical Asia: Power and Culture*
CAS490H1 Special Topics in Contemporary Asian Studies*
CAS498H1/Y1 Independent Research
ENG369H1 South Asian Literatures in English
FAH364H1 Art and Architecture in South Asia*
HIS282Y1 History of South Asia
HIS470H1 Rights in South Asia
HIN212Y5Y Introduction to Hindi (at UTM)
HIN312Y5Y Intermediate Hindi (at UTM)
JPA410H1 Democracy and Identity in Asia
LGGA70H3 Introductory Hindi I (at UTSc)*
LGGA71H3 Introductory Hindi II (at UTSc)*
POL328Y1 Politics and Government in South Asia*
RLG205Y1 The Hindu Religious Tradition
RLG311H1 Gender, Body and Sexuality in Asian Traditions
RLG363H1 Bhakti Hinduism
RLG366H1 Hindu Philosophy (Godless India)
RLG368H1 Yoga and Ayurveda
RLG377H1 Theravada Literature
RLG378H1 Buddhism in Nepal
RLG462H1 Newar Religion
RLG463H1 Causation and Time in Buddhist Scholastic Debate
RLG465H1 Buddhist Texts Readings: Buddhism as Translation*
RLG467H1 Theravada Practice
*Courses for which South Asian Studies students have priority enrolment
An interdisciplinary introduction to South Asian Studies emphasizing inquiry and critical analysis, drawing attention to the specificities of individual nations as well as the factors (historical, political, economic and cultural) that define South Asia as a region. Some attention will be paid to the South Asian Diaspora.
Exclusion: NEW114Y1, SAS114Y1Intensive introduction to phonology, grammar, syntax of the modern Hindi language; emphasis on basic writing and reading.
Exclusion: NEW212Y1, SAS202Y1; enrolment subject to placement evaluationA critical overview of South Asia, considering historical and social factors that account for both distinctiveness and connections among nations and communities. Special attention to the major role played by postcolonial histories in establishing the separate trajectories of each nation while preserving the significance of the region as a whole.
Exclusion: NEW216H1This course analyzes the impact of colonialism in South Asia and the various ways in which tradition intersect with and reshape colonialism in postcolonial South Asia. The course will examine the role of religion, education, ethnicity, gender, and caste. Some attention will be paid to postcolonial and indigenous theory.
Prerequisite: At least 6 FCEsThis course is an interactive, participatory seminar. It will provide an opportunity to complement theoretical understanding about Asia acquired in other courses through hands-on research and experiential learning. The course will enable students to link studying Asia and Canada to career trajectories in the field of development and research.
Prerequisite: At least 8 FCEsThis course offers students a multidisciplinary investigation of urban life in Asia. The thematic focus will be on how the urban intersects with Asian modernities and postcolonial formations. Drawing on recent scholarship in the social sciences, we will examine the realignment of cultural, political, and economic forces associated with Asia’s diverse processes of urbanization.
Prerequisite: CAS200Y1This upper-level seminar will introduce students to the interdisciplinary study of popular culture and mass-mediated cultural forms in Asia. Through readings about popular protest, festivals, cinema, print, television, and music this course provides methodological tools to interpret the politics of representation and the formation of alternative modernities in the Asian continent and among the diaspora. The course will furthermore familiarize students with a range of theoretical lenses for conceptualizing the different meanings of the public from a modern Asian perspective.
Prerequisite: At least 12 FCEs