![]() | Faculty of Arts & Science
2015-2016 Calendar |
Program Administrator
Munk School of Global Affairs, Room 228N
1 Devonshire Place
The fluid processes of transnationalization and modernization in Asia mean that it is increasingly anachronistic to approach the study of contemporary Asia from the perspective of just one country or a singular discipline. The Contemporary Asian Studies (CAS) major and minor programs offered by the Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs provide a multi-disciplinary lens through which to examine the linkages between Asia’s history, its emergence onto the global stage, and the challenges and opportunities inherent in its modernity, as well as Asia’s future(s) in the global arena.
The CAS program is thematically-driven, reflective of contemporary issues that are of relevance to understanding the complexities of today’s Asia. The CAS courses are distinctly pan-Asian in geographic scope, providing empirical and critical coverage of South, Southeast, and East Asia through multiple disciplinary approaches to the study of the region, including Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology.
By exposing students to current issues and debates in Asia, the CAS program is designed to prepare students for careers in or about Asia. In addition, the Asian Institute is committed to facilitating overseas experiential learning opportunities, including field schools, international course modules, professional internships, and study abroad opportunities. Upper-level CAS courses are designed to be research-intensive. There is no language requirement for the CAS major or minor. However, students are strongly encouraged to study an Asian language. One FCE in an approved Asian language can be credited towards the major or minor degree.
NOTE: Students who wish to count courses towards the CAS major or minor that are not listed as CAS courses or in Group A, B, or C below (including U of T courses and transfer credits) must seek pre-approval from the program director prior to taking the course. Asian content does not guarantee that the course will be approved for CAS program credit.
Contemporary Asian Studies Major (Arts program)(7.5 full courses or their equivalent)
1. CAS200Y1 or POL215Y1
2. CAS310H1 and CAS320H1
3. CAS400Y1
4. 1.0 FCE each from Group A, B, and C
5. 1.0 additional FCE at the 300 or 400 level from Group A, B, or C, or at any level in an Asian Language
6. 0.5 FCE in a quantitative reasoning or research methods course to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning competency required in the program. Students may use courses listed in the calendar posting below, or another course as approved by the program director.
(4 full courses or their equivalent)
1. CAS200Y1 or POL215Y1
2. CAS310H1 and CAS320H1
3. 2 additional FCEs from Group A, B, or C (excluding 100-level courses), OR 1 FCE from Group A, B, and/or C, and 1 FCE at any level in an Asian language.
Note: Not all electives are offered every year. Students are responsible for checking co- and prerequisites for all courses in Groups A, B, and C. Some of these courses may not be offered on a regular basis, and/or may only be offered to students enrolled in a POSt sponsored by the department or unit offering the courses.
These are courses pre-approved by the program to count towards Group A: Political Transformation. Students may use courses not on the list but must seek pre-approval from the program before enrolling in the course in question.
CAS200Y1: Global Asia
CAS430H1: Nationalism and Revolution in Asia
CAS440H1: Critical Asia: Power and Culture
SAS216H1: South Asia" Perspectives on Politics and Society
EAS251H1: Aesthetics and Politics in 20th Century Korea
EAS307H1: Chinese Political Philosophy
JHA384H1: Japan and the World, mid-16th to mid-20th century
JHA394H1: The Asia Pacific World
JMC301Y1: State & Society in 20th Century China
JPA410H1: Democracy and Identity in Asia
POL215Y1: Politics and Transformation of Asia- Pacific
POL328Y1: Politics and Government in South Asia
POL357Y1: Topics in South Asian Politics
POL376Y1: Transforming Global Politics: Comparative and Chinese Perspectives
POL431Y1: Politics and Society in Contemporary China
POL441H1: Topics in Asian Politics
NEW214Y1: Socially Engaged Buddhism
These are courses pre-approved by the program to count towards Group B: Economic Transformation. Students may use courses not on the list but must seek pre-approval from the program before enrolling in the course in question.
CAS420H1: Asian and the New Global Economy
EAS247H1:History of Capitalism in Modern Japan
EAS345Y1: The Rise of Greater China: Issues & Topics
EAS357H1: Mao's China & Beyond
EAS374H1: Modern Japan and Colonialism
ECO435H1: The Economics of Modern China
GGR342H1: The Changing Geography of Southeast Asia
GGR343H1: The Changing Geography of China
JPA331Y1: Issues in Contemporary Chinese Politics
JPA411H1: The Political Economy of Global Taiwan
These are courses pre-approved by the program to count towards Group C: Cultural Expression/ Exploration. Students may use courses not on the list but must seek pre-approval from the program before enrolling in the course in question.
CAS350H1: Asian Youth Cultures
CAS360H1: Asian Genders
CAS414H1: Public Culture and Media in Asia
SAS114H1: Introduction to South Asian Studies
SAS318H1: Colonialism and Tradition
SAS413H1: Asian and Canada
CIN376Y1: Chinese Cinemas
ANT341H1: China in Transition
ANT477H1: Transnational Korea in and outside the Peninsula
ANT467H1: Ethnographies of Contemporary South Asia
EAS105H1: Modern East Asia
EAS217Y1: Major Aspects of Contemporary Korea
EAS272H1: Post- War Korean Society
EAS333H1: Modern and Colonial Korea
EAS340Y1: The Chinese: Society & Culture
EAS347H1: Everyday Life in Modern Japan
EAS364H1: China's Cultural Revolution: History and Memory
EAS372H1: Postwar Korean History
EAS375H1: Postwar Japan: Crisis, Apocalypse
EAS378H1: Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto: Urban Life in Early Modern Japan
EAS394H1: Film Culture in Contemporary China
EAS431H1: Advanced Topics in Japanese Cinema
EAS457H1: Special Topics in Modern Japanese History
EAS462H1: Ethnographic Literature on Korea: Class, Gender & Family
EAS464H1: The Korean War
EAS473H1: Modern Korean History Seminar
EAS497H1: Beyond Orientalism
HIS281Y1: History of Modern Japan
HIS282Y1: History of South Asia
HIS283Y1: Southeast Asian Crossroads
HIS284Y1: Viet Nam: Crossroads of Asia
HIS315H1: Narratives of Viet Nam
HIS328H1: Modern China
HIS385H1: The History of Hong Kong
HIS385Y1: The History of Hong Kong
HIS448H1: Gender in East and Southeast Asia
HIS467H1: French Colonial Indochina: History, Cultures, Texts, Film
HIS470H1: History, Rights, and Differences in South Asia
MUS209H1: Performing Arts of South Asia
RLG205Y1: Hinduism
RLG207Y1: East Asian Religions
SOC218H1: Asian Communities in Canada
These are courses pre-approved by the program to count towards the required Quantitative Reasoning Competency. This requirement is designed to encourage students to enhance their research and analytical skills, tools that will greatly enhance their interdisciplinary study of Asia in the CAS program. Students may use courses not on the list but must seek pre-approval from the program before enrolling in the course in question.
DTS300H1: Research Design for Diaspora and Transnational Studies
EAS457H1: Special Topics in Modern Japanese History
ECO220Y1: Quantitative Methods in Economics
ECO227Y1: Quantitative Methods in Economics
GGR225H1: Power of Maps and Geographic Information
GGR270H1: Introductory Analytical Methods
GGR271H1: Social Research Methods
MUN105Y1: Global Problem-Solving: Laboratory Opportunities
POL322H1: Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning
POL419H1: Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis
PSY201H1: Statistics
PSY202H1: Statistics II
PSY319H1: Developmental Laboratory
STA201H1: Why Numbers Matter
STA220H1: The Practice of Statistics
SOC200H1: Logic of Social Inquiry
SOC302H1: Qualitative Analysis in Social Science Research
This course introduces students to Asia’s growing role in the contemporary global community. It provides an interdisciplinary take on key themes and topics in the study of the Asia with a particular emphasis on the dynamic movement of people, ideas, and resources across borders in the region. It provides conceptual and area studies backgrounds for students aiming to take more advanced courses on Asia and for students interested in the Contemporary Asian Studies major and minor. The course also examines the growth and character of economic, political, and cultural connections tying Asia to Canada.
Prerequisite: Completion of at least 1.0 FCEThis course analyzes the impact of colonialism in South, East, and Southeast Asia and the various ways in which pre-colonial traditions intersect with and reshape colonial and postcolonial process across the various regions of Asia. The course will examine the conjunctures of economy, politics, religion, education, ethnicity, gender, and caste, as these have played out over time in the making and re-making of Asia as both idea and place. Attention will be paid to postcolonial and indigenous theories, questions of ‘the colonial’ from the perspective of Asian Studies, and debates about the meaning of postcolonialism for the study of Asia now and in the future.
Prerequisite: CAS200Y1/ASI200Y1 or POL215Y1Since at least the late 1700s, the effects of capitalism across the globe have profoundly transformed both the rural and urban landscapes of human livelihood, consumption, production and governance in Asia. While colonial empires have declined, new empires have emerged, and a growing number of countries have witnessed the rise of nationalism and independent states, political and technological revolutions, and most recently neoliberal globalization. The varied nature and specificities of these dramatic transformations are only beginning to be understood. This course theorizes and explores “Asian modernities” in a comparative framework. It is aimed at students wishing to better understand the great transformations of 20th and 21st century Asia in a global context.
Prerequisite: CAS200Y1/ASI200Y1 or POL215Y1The course covers topics of interest in China from the Communist takeover in 1949 through to the reform period of the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. It will also address aspects of China’s diplomacy related to its growing economic power. (Given by the Department of Political Science and the Contemporary Asian Studies Program)
Prerequisite: POL201Y1/POL215Y1/CAS200Y1In focusing on youth in Asia, this course brings together two disputed cultural formations of substantial contemporary importance. Both youth and Asia are increasingly invoked on the global stage in support of a wide range of interests. Examining practices of young people and the idea of youth in the context of Asia requires critical attention to the promises and fears that attach to the rise of Asian economies, international demographic transitions, the growth of a global middle-class, increasing consumption disparities, changing immigration patterns, expanding technological skills, global/local environmental concerns, and young people’s shifting political priorities and loyalties. The course may consider: youth subcultures, styles, music, and politics.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 4 FCEsThis course will explore ways that gender is mobilized and produced in parts of Asia. It seeks to understand gender in its diversity and in attempts to “fix” or locate it in various bodies and places. Attempts will be made to see how gender is made knowable in terms of sexuality, medicine, nation, class, ethnicity, religion, and other discourses.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 4 FCEsThis course examines Japan within the context of world history from the mid-16th to the mid-20th century. Rather than seek comprehensive coverage of Japan's national history along a linear timeline, we will use Japan as a lens through which to consider key moments in the history of the modern world.
Prerequisite: HIS102Y1/HIS103Y1/HIS107Y1/HIS241H1/HIS242H1/HIS244H1/HIS250H1/HIS250Y1/HIS271H1/HIS280Y1/HIS281Y1/HIS282Y1/HIS283Y1/HIS291H1/HIS291Y1/HIS292H1/HIS292Y1/HIS297Y1 or permission of the instructor2014-15 topic TBA. Check www.utoronto.ca/cas for an updated description.
Prerequisite: At least 6 FCEsSupervised independent research on a topic agreed on by the student and supervisor before enrolment in the course. Open to advanced students with a strong background in contemporary Asian studies. A maximum of one year of Independent Research courses is allowed per program. Contact hours with the supervisor may vary, but typically comprise of one hour per week. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.
Prerequisite: At least l0 FCEs, permission from Program DirectorSupervised independent research on a topic agreed on by the student and supervisor before enrolment in the course. Open to advanced students with a strong background in contemporary Asian studies. A maximum of one year of Independent Research courses is allowed per program. Contact hours with the supervisor may vary, but typically comprise of one hour per week. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.
Prerequisite: At least 10 FCEs, permission from Program DirectorThis course examines the Second World War in the Asia Pacific region and highlights: (1) how imperialism and colonialism of both the Euro-American and Japanese varieties were central to the War's outbreak, conduct, and “resolution”; (2) various “local” rather than simply national experiences and memories of the War, including those of marginalized groups in Japan and its colonies, “comfort women,” victims of war atrocities, Asian North Americans, African Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
Prerequisite: HIS107Y1/HIS242H1/HIS250H1/HIS251H1/HIS263Y1/HIS271Y1/HIS280Y1/HIS281Y1/HIS282Y1/HIS283Y1/HIS284Y1/HIS292Y1/HIS311Y1/HIS317H1/HIS328H1/HIS338H1/HIS343Y1/HIS344Y1/HIS351Y1/HIS361Y1/HIS377H1/HIS385H1/HIS385Y1This seminar course examines the diverse postwar experiences of countries in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The region comprises a wide range of countries that at once differ, but also share some commonalities in cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, in levels of social and economic development, and in political regimes. To make sense of this diversity, a comparative, multi-disciplinary perspective will be introduced. Highlighting the principal theme of interdependence – of countries but also of fields of enquiry (geography, history, political science) – the first term will look at the interactions between economic development, political change, and migration. The second term will continue with these themes, but will pay particular attention to environmental issues, and history as memory and politics. The course will critically examine various social science theories that seek to explain socio-economic change in its many manifestations, and aim to find an appropriate balance between the particular and the general or universal.
Prerequisite: At least 14 FCEs including POL215Y1 or CAS200Y1/ASI200Y1 and enrollment in the Contemporary Asian Studies major.The course explores the ways in which identity has been empowered, represented, and institutionalized in Asia’s emerging democracies; how identity claims challenge historically notions of state and nation; various ways in which democracy is being shaped and challenged by demands for identity recognition. Thematic, cross-regional approach; pan-Asian (East, Southeast, South Asia). (Given by the Department of Political Science and the Contemporary Asian Studies Program)
Exclusion: ASI410H1This course explores the place of Taiwan the new global economy from historical, comparative, and international relations perspectives. (Given by the Department of Political Science and the Contemporary Asian Studies Program)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities or Social Science courseThis course is an interactive, participatory seminar. It will provide an opportunity to complement theoretical understanding about Asia acquired in other courses through hands-on research and experiential learning. The course will enable students to link studying Asia and Canada to career trajectories in the field of development and research.
Prerequisite: At least 8 FCEsThis upper-level seminar will introduce students to the interdisciplinary study of popular culture and mass-mediated cultural forms in Asia. Through readings about popular protest, festivals, cinema, print, television, and music this course provides methodological tools to interpret the politics of representation and the formation of alternative modernities in the Asian continent and among the diaspora. The course will furthermore familiarize students with a range of theoretical lenses for conceptualizing the different meanings of the public from a modern Asian perspective.
Prerequisite: At least 12 FCEsThis course explores the rise of Asia and its integration into the new global economy (labour, capitalism, knowledge economy, economic nationalism, inequality, gender, the meaning of capitalism, democracy, among others), exposing students to different disciplinary perspectives. Geographical coverage is pan-Asian, including East, Southeast and South Asia.
Prerequisite: At least 14 FCEsThis course explores the far-reaching social, political, and cultural transformations in East, Southeast, and South Asia, focusing on the regions; twentieth-century revolutionary histories and struggles to establish modern nation-states. The course adopts a topical approach within a chronological and comparative framework to highlight major historical movements and theoretical issues significant to the Asian experience.
Prerequisite: At least 12 FCEs“Power” is critically examined in Asia from a variety of possible perspectives, times, and locations. Possible topics may include: revolution, states, resistance, colonialism, Orientalism, and mutual aid. “Power” is studied from a cultural and interdisciplinary perspective, so as to integrate and deepen students’ previous studies of Asia.
Prerequisite: At least 10 FCEs including ASI200Y1/CAS200Y1 or POL215Y12014-15 Topic: Asian Authoritarianisms. In the wake of Arab Spring, the Asia Pacific has displaced the Middle East in the spotlight as a holdout region whose countries remain significantly resistant to global democratizing tends. Despite notable breakthroughs in Taiwan, Korea and more recently, Indonesia, the region remains home to a remarkably diverse group of functioning authoritarian and semi-authoritarian regimes, including Vietnam, North Korea, Myanmar, Singapore, China and Malaysia. In the light of the growing interest among social scientists in the authoritarian revival, this course will seek to explore the conditions for authoritarian sustainability and prospects for political change in the region.
Prerequisite: At least 10 FCEs including POL215Y1 or ASI200Y1/CAS200Y1; and enrolment in the Contemporary Asian Studies major or minor or permission from the Program DirectorSupervised independent research on a topic agreed on by the student and supervisor before enrolment in the course. Open to advanced students with a strong background in contemporary Asian studies. A maximum of one year of Independent Research courses is allowed per program. Contact hours with the supervisor may vary, but typically comprise of one hour per week. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.
Prerequisite: At least 12 FCEs including POL215Y1 or ASI200Y1/CAS200Y1; enrolment in the Contemporary Asian Studies major or minor, and permission from the Program DirectorSupervised independent research on a topic agreed on by the student and supervisor before enrolment in the course. Open to advanced students with a strong background in contemporary Asian studies. A maximum of one year of Independent Research courses is allowed per program. Contact hours with the supervisor may vary, but typically comprise of one hour per week. Not eligible for CR/NCR option.
Prerequisite: At least 12 FCEs including POL215Y1 or ASI200Y1/CAS200Y1; enrolment in the Contemporary Asian Studies major or minor, and permission from the Program DirectorIn addition to the CAS and joint courses listed above, the following courses offer priority enrolment to CAS students:
CIN376Y1 Chinese Cinemas
JPA331Y1 Issues in Contemporary Chinese Politics
JPA411H1 The Political Economy of Global Taiwan
POL215Y1 Politics and Transformation of Asia-Pacific
POL328Y1 Politics and Government in South Asia
POL376Y1 Transforming Global Politics: Comparative and Chinese Perspectives
SAS114H1 Introduction to South Asian Studies
SAS216H1 South Asia: Perspectives on Politics and Society
SAS318H1 Colonialism and Tradition
This course offers students a multidisciplinary investigation of urban life in Asia. The thematic focus will be on how the urban intersects with Asian modernities and postcolonial formations. Drawing on recent scholarship in the social sciences, we will examine the realignment of cultural, political, and economic forces associated with Asia’s diverse processes of urbanization.
Prerequisite: CAS200Y1