Assessing Global Change: Science and the Environment 52L, 12T
The perspective scientists bring to the understanding and resolution of environmental
concerns having global
implications:atmospheric systems and climate change, the biosphere and conservation of biodiversity.
Exclusion: BIO150Y1 (applies only to students in Arts & Science)
This Science course is intended to fulfill the environmental literacy requirement for students in the BA programs of the Division
of the Environment or the science distribution course requirement for Commerce, Humanities and Social Science students.
JIE222Y1 The Study of Environment 52L, 24T
The foundation for students in the programs of the Division of the Environment and in the Environmental Studies Program,
Innis College. Draws from relevant environmental domains in an examination of environmental degradation, the responses of
various actors and models for a more sustainable society.
Exclusion: INI220Y1
This is classified as BOTH a Social Sciences and a Humanities course
ENV234Y1 Environmental Biology 52L, 39P
A broad-based science course drawing on elements from geology, systematics, soil science, and ecology to understand past
and present environments and how humans are altering the environment. Emphasis is placed on examination of ecological
phenomena in relation to population, community and ecosystem processes with particular reference to the biomes of Ontario.
Descriptive and experimental laboratory studies including some weekend field trips (total cost $50.00). (Provided by the
Departments of Botany, Geology and Zoology and the Faculty of Forestry).
Prerequisites: BIO150Y1/GGR100Y1/JGF150Y1/JGG150Y1
This is a Science course
ENV235Y1 Physics and Chemistry of Planet Earth 52L, 26T
This course considers the fundamental chemical and phsyical processes of the Earth's natural environment. The first semester
of the course focuses primarily on the atmosphere: its evolution, structure, composition and dynamical character. Particular
emphasis is given to a discussion of global climate and the underlying physical, chemical and biogeochemical factors that drive
climate change. Within this context, stratospheric ozone depletion, ocean chemistry, urban air pollution, acid rain and water
quality are also discussed. The second semester focuses on the solid Earth: its formulation and evolution, internal dynamics,
mantle-core differentiation, volcanism, tectonics and paleoclimate/ice ages. Throughout the course, the operation of the Earth
as a coupled physico-chemical system over a range of timescales is emphasized.
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1/157Y1, MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/JMB170Y1, PHY138Y1/PHY140Y1
This is a Science course
Human Interactions with the Environment 52L,
A course emphasizing both the role of the environment in shaping human behaviour, and the impact of humans on the
environment. Coverage includes human biological and cultural evolution and the diffusion of humans across the globe. It
focuses on human environment interactions in North America since the last ice age, and concludes by considering some of the
environmental consequences of European settlement. (Offered in alternative, even numbered, years)
Prerequisite: BIO150Y1/GGR100Y1/JGF150Y1/JGG 150Y1 or permission of instructor
This is a Science course
ENV299Y1 Research Opportunity Program
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. See page 43 for details.
Chemical Analysis of Environmental Samples 26L,
Instrumental analysis techniques for environmental scientists of all disciplines. In addition to a solid grounding in the theory of
each analytical technique, particular emphasis is placed on the laboratory work. In each lab, groups of two students receive
instruction from an experienced analyst and acquire hands-on experience using state-of-the-art analytical equipment for most
of the techniques covered. These include INAA, XRD, XRF, SEM, AA, ICPOES, GC ,IC and ICPMS.
Exclusion: CHM217H1, 314Y1; GLG335H1
Prerequisite: (CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1 and any second year ENV or GLG courses
This is a Science course
Approaches to Environmental Issues 52L, 24T
(formerly ENV221Y1)
The approaches to environmental issues from a selection of natural science, humanities, and social science disciplines (e.g.,
Earth Sciences, Philosophy, Economics, and Political Sciences) are introduced, compared and contrasted.
Exclusion: ENV221Y1
Prerequisite: a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Recommended preparation: JIE222Y1
This is classified as BOTH a Social Sciences and a Humanities course
ENV398H0/399Y0 Independent Experiential Study Project
An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. See page 43 for details.
JIE410H1 Environmental Research Skills 26L
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the perspectives and methods used for quantitative and qualitative
research on humans, done for both academic and professional purposes. The focus is on qualitative research on current
environmental issues.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in an environmental program and completion of at least 10 full courses
Co-requisite: ENV421H1/INI420Y1/a recognized alternative
This is classified as BOTH a Social Sciences and a Humanities course
ENV421H1 Environmental Research 26S
A research course for all students in the Division combining report writing, independent and group-based research on an
interdisciplinary topic. Application of skills learned in JIE410H1.
Co- and or Prerequisite: ENV221Y1/JIE222Y1, 321Y1; JIE410H1
This is classified as BOTH a Social Sciences and a Humanities course
ENV481H1 Special Topics in the Environment I 26S
Students participate and report in graduate seminars and faculty research projects or working groups sponsored by the
Division, the Adaptation and Impacts Research Group (AIRG) or the Institute for Environmental Studies.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Division sponsored program and 14 FCEs, a minimum CGPA of 2.3
This is classified as BOTH a Social Sciences and a Humanities course
ENV482H1 Special Topics in the Environment II 26S
Students select 0.5 FCE worth of points from activities currently on-going in graduate courses on the environment.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a Division sponsored program and 14 FCEs, a minimum CGPA of 3.0
This is classified as BOTH a Social Sciences and a Humanities course
ENV490Y1 Senior Essay TBA
Open only to Specialists in the Division of the Environment who have completed 15 courses. A major scholarly essay
demonstrating the student's ability to integrate the individual course elements from their theme.
Prerequisite: ENV221Y1/JIE222Y1, 321Y1
Co-requisite: ENV421H1
Independent Research in Environment TBA
A research project or selected topic in an area of environment not otherwise available in the Faculty. A written proposal
cosigned by the student and supervisor must be submitted for approval by the Director of the Division normally by 31 May of
the previous academic year.
Prerequisite: A CGPA of 3.0