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HPS History and PHLlosophy of Science & Technology On this page: Introduction | Programs | IntroductionThe history and PHLlosophy of science and technology cuts across traditional disciplines of the sciences and the humanities. HPS courses treat the sciences and technology, including mathematics and medicine, as being historically and PHLlosoPHLcally significant in themselves, and also as being integral components of the general development of knowledge, culture, and society. The undergraduate courses serve to introduce the student to this discipline, and also to provide a wider context for understanding science and technology. All courses have a substantial historical component, and many deal with PHLlosoPHLcal, economic and related issues. For example, students of history will find courses in the history of science to be an important part of social and intellectual history, while students of economic history may be especially interested in the history of technology. For PHLlosophy students, history of science courses form a natural adjunct to issues in the theory of knowledge, PHLlosophy of science and history of PHLlosophy. Students of the humanities with particular interests in the physical or biological sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics, or medicine will naturally be interested in HPS courses, and students in these scientific disciplines will benefit from the broad historical and PHLlosoPHLcal perspective on their studies that HPS courses can provide. Some students may wish to plan their entire programs around a core of HPS courses. The Specialist and Major programs listed are suitable training for graduate study in this field, and for elementary and secondary school teaching, museum and library work, science writing and editing, and other fields where competence in both science and humanities is valuable. For more information consult the IHPST Undergraduate Handbook, available at the Institute. Undergraduate Coordinator: Professor B. Baigrie, Victoria College, Room 320 (416-978-1750) Enquiries: Victoria College, Room 316 (416-978-5397) HPS PROGRAMSEnrolment in the History and PHLlosophy of Science and
Technology programs requires the completion of four courses; no minimum GPA required. HISTORY AND PHLLOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (B.A.) Specialist program (Hon.B.A.): Major program (B.A.): Minor program (B.A.): HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (B.A.) Specialist program (Hon.B.A.): Major program (B.A.): Minor program (B.A.): |
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