BCH Biochemistry CoursesBCH299Y1 Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. See page 42 for details. BCH310H1 An introductory course in biochemistry intended for students who are NOT taking BCH321Y as part of their program. The course is divided
into three sections, covering proteins, enzymes, and metabolism. BCH321Y1 An introductory course in biochemistry. Intended for students specializing in
biochemistry and related programs, and requiring a more intensive background in chemistry
than BCH310H. BCH370H1 Techniques in biochemical research and analytical laboratories. Intended for students
who are not proceeding further in biochemistry. (Enrolment limited) BCH371H1 An introduction to laboratory techniques of modern biochemistry. Experiments illustrate
and develop the concepts described in BCH321Y, and
prepare the student for advanced training in biochemical laboratory techniques. (Enrolment
limited) BCH421H1 Elements of protein structure and conformations are presented, and their role in
protein functions is discussed in detail. Proteins as enzymes are described, and the
structures and functions of membrane proteins are discussed. Recent advances in protein
engineering, and site-directed mutagenesis are presented. (Enrolment limited) BCH422H1 Structure and biogenesis of cell surface membranes; relationship of structure to
functional aspects of the cell surface, cell-cell interactions, transmembrane signals,
hormone receptors, cell surface enzymes and transport. BCH423H1 Mechanisms of control of mammalian intermediary metabolism. Kinetics of feedback,
allosteric proteins and enzymes; control of carbohydrate, lipid, amino acid, and
nucleotide metabolism; relationship between metabolism and cell growth. (Offered in
alternate years) BCH424H1 The application of mechanistic chemistry to enzyme systems. Catalysis, chemical model
systems, coenzymes, metals, covalent catalysis. (Offered in alternate years) BCH425H1 Theory and practice of modern biophysical techniques as applied in the study of
structure and function of macromolecules; emphasis on protein X-ray crystallography, NMR,
and other spectroscopic methods; discussion of selected examples. BCH429H1 Structure, chemistry, and occurrence in biological systems of glycerides,
phospholipids, glycolipids, and sterols, and aspects of their metabolism. Physical
chemistry of complex lipids, principles governing assembly into bilayer membranes, and
methods for studying membrane structure. (Offered in alternate years) BCH430H1 The objective of the course is to introduce students to the chemistry of nucleic acids
and nucleo proteins and how structure affects their functions as the reservoir of genetic
information and as structural elements in biological systems. BCH471Y1 Experiments demonstrating modern concepts of biochemistry and molecular biology.
(Enrolment limited) BCH473Y1 Research in a particular area of biochemistry, by arrangement with the Department and
the instructor concerned. |
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