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2012-2013 Calendar |
The courses offered at Innis College are integral to The Cinema Studies Institute and two academic programs: Urban Studies and Writing and Rhetoric. Courses for the new Innis One Program have been inspired by the College's three academic programs.
Innis One: The Creative City
Innis One encourages first-year students to develop their creative and critical capacities by exploring the dynamism of the urban environment. By reaching beyond the walls of the academy to engage in an imaginative, inquiry-based, and civic-minded learning experience, students will gain a greater appreciation of the interplay between film, writing, and urban landscapes.
Students may enroll in one (0.5 FCE) or two (1.0 FCE) of the three half-credit courses (INI100H1, INI101H1, and INI102H1) offered in the Program. Limited to an enrolment of 25, these seminar courses, featuring group discussions, films, guest lecturers, and special field trips, offer students a unique experiential learning opportunity that will also help them to develop writing, research, and analytical skills.
All first-year students in the Faculty of Arts and Science (St. George campus) are eligible for admission. Students may apply to all three Innis One courses by ranking their preferences. Online applications and further information are available at www.utoronto.ca/innis/innisone.
Cinema Studies Institute
At the turn of the twentieth century, cinema emerged as a new medium of mass entertainment, source of information, economic force, and as the art form that would define the century. As the twentieth century proceeded, cinema adapted: technological innovations dramatically increased new possibilities for entertainment and communication globally, with these advances informed by shifting political and economic factors. Moving image culture was affected by such transformation, as well as by seismic alterations in ideas, critical theory, and approaches to film as an art. Now, in the early years of the twenty-first century, the evolving mediascape offers exciting opportunities to assess the ever-changing role of film within global culture.
Over the span of nearly four decades, Cinema Studies has developed into a major area of academic research, study and teaching at Innis College. As one of the oldest film study programs in Canada, the Cinema Studies Institute at Innis College has contributed in pivotal ways to the evolution of this academic discipline, both in Canada and internationally.
The Cinema Studies Institute offers courses that reflect the diverse nature of the cinematic experience. Film analysis, history and theory are at the core of the program, but other topics receive emphasis, including distinct types of film (such as documentary, animation and the avant-garde), film genre, and new media forms. The programs explore the social dimension of cinema, investigating national and transnational cinema, while also raising the issue of how race, class and gender function in moving image culture. Cinema Studies programs offer a range of research methods, scholarly frameworks and learning opportunities designed to develop students’ abilities to appreciate film within a variety of contexts - critical, economic, cultural, technological, and aesthetic.
Cinema Studies graduates achieve learning outcomes that include a strong historical and theoretical foundation coupled with highly developed analytical and critical skills. Thus they are exceedingly well-equipped to apply their knowledge to a variety of media-related careers. Our graduates have found employment as arts and entertainment journalists, as film programmers, and working in film archives, film distribution companies, and television and new media. The program does not offer filmmaking courses, but numerous graduates have successfully pursued professional work in different facets of film and media production.
Enquiries: Undergraduate Program Assistant, Room 122 Innis College (416-978-8571), cinema.studies@utoronto.ca, or the Cinema Studies website [www.utoronto.ca/cinema].
Urban Studies
Urban Studies at Innis College provides students with the tools to make sense of their urban world. The Program examines the complex and dynamic relations among institutions, people, and physical form that create, sustain, or destroy cities.
The Program is suited for those students who wish to study cities using several disciplinary approaches. It is also of interest to those students who wish to become involved in urban issues in Toronto. The Program offers an internship in the office of either a municipal politician, non-profit research group, or other government organization as part of its experiential learning program. Because urban issues are so varied, Urban Studies combines well with many other Subject POSt areas. Students are advised to consult the Program Director when designing programs that meet their particular interests. The Program encourages students to take advantage of the Study Elsewhere Program at the University of Toronto to broaden their knowledge of cities.
Enquiries: Director of Urban Studies, Professor Richard J. DiFrancesco, Ph.D., M.C.I.P., R.P.P. (richard.difrancesco@utoronto.ca) or Tony Pi, Writing and Rhetoric and Urban Studies Program Assistant, Room 233A Innis College (416-978-5809), urbanstudies.innis@utoronto.ca. Also see the Urban Studies website at www.utoronto.ca/innis/urban.
Writing and Rhetoric
The Minor Program in Writing and Rhetoric is built on a foundation of Innis College courses that cover academic essay writing, rhetoric, critical thinking, creative writing, media analysis, and writing in the workplace. The Program also draws on relevant University of Toronto courses in a range of disciplines. The Program’s design reflects three interrelated themes.
This discipline involves more than instruction in composition skills. Writing is related to rhetoric, logic, reasoning, and critical thinking. One of the main goals of the Program is to ensure that students graduate with a solid grounding in various modes of writing and with highly developed transferable skills.
Classical rhetorical terms and methods of argumentation and persuasion are central to the study of rhetoric. One of the oldest disciplines in the liberal arts, rhetoric as a contemporary discipline focuses on the influence of discourse on social forces. For the purposes of this Program, rhetoric will, broadly speaking, be used to signify both rhetoric in the classical sense of the term and the patterns of communication identifiable in a variety of disciplines and environments.
Critical Analysis:
One of the tenets of the Program is shared by many of the University’s Arts and Science disciplines: that problem-solving and creative, persuasive, and effective writing depend on the ability to analyze discourse critically.
Enquiries: Tony Pi, Writing and Rhetoric and Urban Studies Program Assistant, Room 233A Innis College (416-978-5809), writingandrhetoric.innis@utoronto.ca; or Cynthia Messenger, Director of the Writing and Rhetoric program (cynthia.messenger@utoronto.ca). Also see the Writing and Rhetoric website at www.utoronto.ca/innis/wr.
This is a limited enrolment program that can only accommodate a limited number of students. Enrolment in the Cinema Studies programs requires completion of INI115Y1 'Introduction to Film Study,' and three additional full-course equivalents. Admission will be determined by a student’s mark in INI115Y1. It is expected that a final mark of at least 70% be required for admission in the coming cycle. Students can be considered for admission if they do not meet the minimum grade requirement in INI115Y1 by achieving a minimum grade of 70% in INI215Y1.
Meeting these minimum requirements may not guarantee admission.
Note: All Cinema Studies programs are Type 2L (limited enrolment) programs. See Registration Handbook and Timetable for application procedures.
(10 full courses or their equivalent (FCEs), at least 8.0 of which must have an INI designator)
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Second, Third and Fourth Year:
INI228H1 or 0.5 FCE from Breadth Category 5; in addition at least 5.5 FCEs from Groups A through G, of which 3.0 FCEs must be at the 300/400 level
Fourth Year:
1.0 FCE from the following: INI460H1, INI461H1, INI462H1, INI463H1, INI464H1, INI465H1, INI466H1, INI467H1, INI468H1, INI469H1, INI470H1, INI471H1, INI482Y1, INI483H1, INI484H1, INI485H1
Students must complete INI115Y1, INI215Y1 and INI315Y1 before taking any fourth-year courses.
This is a limited enrolment program that can only accommodate a limited number of students. Enrolment in the Cinema Studies programs requires completion of INI115Y1 'Introduction to Film Study,' and three additional full-course equivalents. Admission will be determined by a student’s mark in INI115Y1. It is expected that a final mark of at least 70% be required for admission in the coming cycle. Students can be considered for admission if they do not meet the minimum grade requirement in INI115Y1 by achieving a minimum grade of 70% in INI215Y1.
Meeting these minimum requirements may not guarantee admission.
Note: All Cinema Studies programs are Type 2L (limited enrolment) programs. See Registration Handbook and Timetable for application procedures.
(7 full courses or their equivalent (FCEs), at least 5.5 of which must have an INI designator)
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Second, Third and Fourth Year:
INI228H1 or 0.5 FCE from Breadth Category 5; in addition at least 3.0 FCEs from Groups A through G, of which 2.0 FCEs must be at the 300/400 level
Fourth Year:
0.5 FCE from the following: INI460H1, INI461H1, INI462H1, INI463H1, INI464H1, INI465H1, INI466H1, INI467H1, INI468H1, INI469H1, INI470H1, INI471H1, INI482Y1, INI483H1, INI484H1, INI485H1
Students must complete INI115Y1, INI215Y1 and INI315Y1 before taking any fourth-year courses.
This is a limited enrolment program that can only accommodate a limited number of students. Enrolment in the Cinema Studies programs requires completion of INI115Y1 'Introduction to Film Study,' and three additional full-course equivalents. Admission will be determined by a student’s mark in INI115Y1. It is expected that a final mark of at least 70% be required for admission in the coming cycle. Students can be considered for admission if they do not meet the minimum grade requirement in INI115Y1 by achieving a minimum grade of 70% in INI215Y1.
Meeting these minimum requirements may not guarantee admission.
Note: All Cinema Studies programs are Type 2L (limited enrolment) programs. See Registration Handbook and Timetable for application procedures.
(4 full courses or their equivalent (FCEs), with at least one at the 300+ level)
First Year:
Second Year:
Second, Third and Fourth Year:
2.0 FCEs from Groups A through G
Students must complete INI115Y1, INI215Y1 and INI315Y1 before taking any fourth-year courses.
Group A: Foundations
INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1
Group B: Genre and Modes
INI222H1, INI223H1, INI226H1, INI227H1, INI322Y1, INI325Y1, INI329Y1, INI396H1, INI460H1, INI461H1, INI462H1, INI482Y1
Group C: Social and Cultural Practices
INI228H1, INI323Y1, INI327Y1, INI383H1, INI388H1, INI397H1, INI463H1, INI464H1, INI465H1, INI483H1
Group D: Theory and Criticism
INI224Y1, INI330Y1, INI374H1, INI375H1, INI384H1, INI394H1, INI466H1, INI467H1, INI468H1, INI484H1
Group E: History and Nation
INI225Y1, INI324Y1, INI378H1, INI380Y1, INI381H1, INI385H1, INI387H1, INI390Y1, INI395H1, INI469H1, INI470H1, INI471H1, INI485H1
Group F: Independent Studies
INI476Y1, INI477H1, INI478H1
Group G: Cross-Listed
EAS237Y1, EAS431H1, FCS310Y1, FCS331H1, FIN250H1, FIN260H1, GER250H1, GER261H1, HIS335H1, HIS345H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS467H1, ITA240Y1, ITA340H1, ITA341H1, ITA347H1, SLA225H1, SLA226H1, SLA244H1, SLA424H1, SMC354H1, SMC355H1, SPA375H1, UNI325H1
For Program requirements and information, consult the Urban Studies website at www.utoronto.ca/innis/urban. Note: All Urban Studies programs are limited enrolment programs (see Registration Handbook and Timetable for application procedures).
This is a limited enrolment POSt that can only accommodate a limited number of students. Eligibility will be based on a student’s mark(s) in the required course(s). The precise mark thresholds outlined below are an estimate of what will be required in the coming POSt admission cycle. Achieving those mark(s) does not necessarily guarantee admission to the POSt in any given year.
Enrolment in the Specialist POSt requires two things:
- Completion of at least 4.0 FCEs in first year courses;
- Completion of at least 3.0 FCEs from the list of 4.0 FCEs in possible First Year selections below with an average final mark of not less than 72 percent across all three and individual final marks not less than 70 percent.
Students who do not meet this criterion at the completion of year 1 (and hence are unsuccessful in their first application to the USP) may re-apply at the end of year 2 and the admission decision will be based on the completion of one of the following (in addition to INI235Y1) with a final mark of at least 70 percent in each:
– ECO220Y1 or
– The pairing of GGR270H1 and GGR271H1; or
– POL242Y1; or,
– The pairing of SOC200H1 and SOC202H1
(11.0 Full Course Equivalents (FCEs) including at least 4.0 FCEs at the 300+ level, 1.0 of which must be at the 400-level)
First Year:
Three of the following selections:
- 1.0 FCEs from First year Economics courses (e.g., ECO100Y1);
- 1.0 FCEs from First year Human/Urban/Social/Environmental (i.e., Social Science based) Geography courses (e.g., GGR101H1, GGR107H1 and GGR124H1);
- 1.0 FCEs from First year Political Science courses (e.g., POL101Y1).
- 1.0 FCEs from First year Sociology courses (e.g., SOC101Y1).
Higher Years:
- INI235Y1;
- ECO220Y1 or (GGR270H1 and GGR271H1) or POL242Y1 or (SOC200H1 and SOC202H1);
- INI338H1 (and/or INI336H1), INI430H1 and INI437Y1;
- 4.0 FCEs in at least three of groups A through G, including at least 2.0 FCEs at the 300-level or above.
This is a limited enrolment POSt that can only accommodate a limited number of students. Eligibility will be based on a student’s mark(s) in the required course(s). The precise mark thresholds outlined below are an estimate of what will be required in the coming POSt admission cycle. Achieving those mark(s) does not necessarily guarantee admission to the POSt in any given year.
Enrolment in the Major POSt requires the following:
- Completion of at least 4.0 FCEs in first year courses;
- Completion of at least 2.0 FCEs from the list of 4.0 FCEs in possible First Year selections below with an average final mark of not less than 72 percent across both courses and individual final marks not less than 70 percent.
Students who do not meet this criterion at the completion of year 1 (and hence are unsuccessful in their first application to the USP) may re-apply at the end of year 2 and the admission decision will be based on the completion of one of the following (in addition to INI235Y1) with a final mark of at least 70 percent in each:
– ECO220Y1 or
– The pairing of GGR270H1 and GGR271H1; or
– POL242Y1; or,
– The pairing of SOC200H1 and SOC202H1
(7.0 Full Course Equivalents (FCEs) including at least 2.0 FCEs at the 300+ level, 0.5 of which must be at the 400-level)
First Year:
Two of the following selections:
- 1.0 FCEs in 100-level Economics (e.g., ECO100Y1 or ECO105Y1);
- 1.0 FCEs from First year Human/Urban/Social/Environmental (i.e., Social Science based) Geography courses (e.g., GGR101H1, GGR107H1 and GGR124H1);
- 1.0 FCEs in 100-level Political Science courses (e.g., POL101Y1);
- 1.0 FCEs in 100-level Sociology courses (e.g., SOC101Y1)
Higher Years
- INI235Y1;
- (INI338H1 and INI430H1 as a pair) or INI437Y1
Note: INI336H1 (when offered) can be taken in place of INI338H1 and paired with INI430H1 to be used as 1.0 FCEs in core courses.
- 3.0 FCEs in at least two of groups A through G, including at least 1.0 FCEs at the 300-level or above.
For Program requirements and information, consult the Urban Studies website at www.utoronto.ca/innis/urban. Note: All Urban Studies programs are limited enrolment programs (see Registration Handbook and Timetable for application procedures).
This is a limited enrolment POSt that can only accommodate a limited number of students. Eligibility will be based on a student’s mark(s) in the required course(s). The precise mark thresholds outlined below are an estimate of what will be required in the coming POSt admission cycle. Achieving those mark(s) does not necessarily guarantee admission to the POSt in any given year.
Enrolment in the Minor POSt requires the following:
- Completion of at least 4.0 FCEs in first year courses;
- Completion of 1.0 FCE from the list of 4.0 FCEs in possible First Year selections below with a final mark not less than 70 percent.
Students who do not meet this criterion at the completion of year 1 (and hence are unsuccessful in their first application to the USP) may re-apply at the end of year 2 and the admission decision will be based on the completion of INI235Y1 with a final mark of at least 70 percent.
(4.0 full course equivalents, including at least 1.0 FCEs at the 300+ level)
First Year:
One of the following selections:
- 1.0 FCEs in 100-level Economics (e.g., ECO100Y1 or ECO105Y1);
- 1.0 FCEs from First year Human/Urban/Social/Environmental (i.e., Social Science based) Geography courses (e.g., GGR101H1, GGR107H1 and GGR124H1);
- 1.0 FCEs in 100-level Political Science courses (e.g., POL101Y1);
- 1.0 FCEs in 100-level Sociology courses (e.g., SOC101Y1)
Higher Years
- INI235Y1;
- 2.0 FCEs in at least two of groups A through G, including at least 1.0 FCEs at the 300-level or above.
Group A: Fine Art History (FAH)
FAH207H1, FAH215H1, FAH230H1, FAH303H1, FAH354H1, FAH376H1, FAH497H1.
Group B: Economics
ECO230Y1, ECO239Y1, ECO302H1, ECO310Y1, ECO313H1, ECO314H1, ECO321Y1, ECO332H1, ECO333Y1, ECO336Y1, ECO339Y1, ECO340H1, ECO342Y1, ECO360Y1, ECO364H1, ECO365H1, ECO429Y1, ECO433H1, ECO457Y1, ECO459H1.
Group C: Geography
GGR216H1, GGR221H1, GGR246H1, GGR252H1, GGR254H1, GGR320H1, GGR323H1, GGR327H1, GGR328H1, GGR329H1, GGR339H1, GGR352H1, GGR356H1, GGR358H1, GGR360H1, GGR361H1, GGR424H1, GGR431H1, GGR438H1, GGR458H1, IJC400H1, JGI216H1, JGI346H1, JGI454H1.
Group D: History
HIS220H1, HIS241H1, HIS242H1, HIS243H1, HIS244H1, HIS250Y1, HIS251Y1, HIS263Y1, HIS271Y1, HIS280Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS292Y1, HIS294Y1, HIS297Y1, HIS312H1, HIS313H1, HIS314H1, HIS365H1, HIS366H1, HIS369H1, HIS373H1, HIS378H1, HIS384H1, HIS484H1, HIS479H1, GGR240H1, GGR241H1, GGR336H1
Group E: Political Science
POL201Y1, POL316Y1, POL318H1, POL337Y1, POL370H1, POL413H1, POL438H1, POL443H1, POL447Y1, POL448H1, POL449H1.
Group F: Sociology
SOC205Y1, SOC207Y1, SOC214Y1, SOC243H1, SOC246H1, SOC250Y1, SOC257H1, SOC263H1, SOC270H1, SOC301Y1, SOC303H1, SOC304H1, SOC309Y1, SOC336H1, SOC356Y1, SOC363H1, SOC365Y1, SOC366H1, SOC367H1, SOC376H1, SOC382Y1.
Group G: Environment
ENV200H1, ENV221H1, ENV222H1, ENV307H1, ENV320H1, ENV335H1, ENV350H1, ENV430H1, GGR222H1, GGR314H1, GGR334H1, GGR335H1, GGR416H1, GGR419H1, JGE331H1, JGE347H1, JGE348H1.
Students may be able to substitute other courses offered by the faculty of Arts & Science, other faculties, Mississauga, and Scarborough for courses listed here. Please consult the Program Director for more details.
For Program requirements and information, see below, and visit the Writing and Rhetoric web site: http://www.utoronto.ca/innis/wr/ and click on the FAQs page and the Program Information Sheet. Also contact Tony Pi, Writing and Rhetoric and Urban Studies Program Assistant, Room 233A Innis College (416-978-5809), writingandrhetoric.innis@utoronto.ca.
This is a Type 1 program: enrolment in this program requires the completion of 4.0 courses. This program does not have specific first-year requirements. See the Registration Handbook and Timetable for application procedures.
Entrance Requirements:
Students who wish to be considered for enrolment in the Minor program must meet the following requirements:
1. Complete four full-course equivalents (any discipline).
Requirements for the Minor program: four full courses or their equivalent, as outlined below, including the equivalent of at least 1.0 FCEs at the 300/400-level. Note: No specialist or major degree is available in this program.
1. 2.5 INI writing courses (note: JEI206H1 counts as an INI course in the Writing and Rhetoric Program)
2. 1.5 other full-course equivalents from groups A, B, or C below. Courses outside these lists may be approved by the Program Director.
Courses For The Minor:
Note: Enrolment in all INI writing courses (except first-year and fourth-year courses) requires completion of 4 full-course equivalents. Students do not have to be enrolled in the minor to take INI writing courses. Students who are enrolled in the minor have first priority in most INI courses and in JEI206H1.
Innis Writing Courses
INI103H1, INI104H1, INI203Y1, INI204Y1, INI300H1, INI302H1, INI301H1, INI304H1, INI305H1, INI310H1, INI311Y1, INI409H1, INI410H1, JEI206H1
A. Critical Analysis and Reasoning
ARC235H1, ARC417H1; INI204Y1, INI304H1, INI310H1, INI409H1, INI410H1; LIN481H1; PHL247H1, PHL275H1, PSY370H1; TRN190Y1, TRN200Y1
B. Workplace Writing and Media
ARC232H1; FAH443H1; HIS316H1, HIS482H1; INI104H1, INI300Y1, INI301H1, INI302H1, INI384H1; PHL295H1, POL475H1; PSY327H1; SMC219Y1, SMC228Y1, SMC300H1; UNI221H1
C. Language and Rhetoric
ANT253H1, ANT329Y1, ANT427H1; ENG100H1, ENG110Y1, ENG205H1; ENG285H1; ENG385H1; INI103H1, INI203Y1, INI305H1, INI311Y1; JAL328H1, JAL355H1; JEI206H1, JPL315H1; LIN200H1, LIN201H1, LIN203H1, LIN204H1; VIC120Y1, VIC345H1, VIC350Y1; All Vic One Courses.
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. Details here.
Courses are listed in this order:
A study of the multiple facets of the city designated as the "place where movies are made" and "the place made by the movies." Focusing on Hollywood's origins in the early 20th century, this course charts how the city's mythic status was constructed through promotional means, giving special attention to how the movies have represented Hollywood.
Prerequisite: Admission to Innis OneAn introduction to the concept of the city as a creative environment promoting not only growth and wealth but also social justice, equality, cooperation, and civility. Students will learn to build their own blog to help them to observe, interpret, and reflect upon the process of urban interaction and the relationship between creativity and justice.
Prerequisite: Admission to Innis OneAn introduction to creative writing techniques and the personal essay form through which students will explore and develop their conscious connection to the natural-urban landscape. The course will include activities such as field trips, readings, interviews, and journaling to generate the material for personal essays on engagement with nature in the city.
Prerequisite: Admission to Innis One(Note: Where INI315Y1 is listed as a prerequisite or recommended preparation, INI214Y1/ INI314Y1 from previous years satisfies this requirement.)
Introduction to film analysis; concepts of film style and narrative. Topics include: Documentary, avant-garde, genres, authorship, ideology, and representation.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities courseExamines the practices, theories and debates surrounding the emergence of cinema through to the development of studio system filmmaking in the first half of the 20th Century. Topics include: Film's relation to the other arts; formalist and realist traditions; technological innovations; audiences and reception; and cultural industries.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Examines film theory and practice from the 1950s onward, and the impact of media change on earlier film cultures and aesthetics. Topics include: New Waves; the politicization of theory; spectatorship; counter-cinemas; transnational film and “Global Hollywood”; and media theory from the analog to the digital.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1, INI215Y1Action cinema holds a dominant place in our contemporary era of the blockbuster and CGI effects. This course examines the modes and function of this popular genre, while also tracing Action's longevity and diversity to include its significant precursors, its social contexts, and forms of spectatorship.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities courseSex and eroticism and their various representations have long been central and controversial components of filmic pleasure. This course examines how sex and its regulation in cinema suggest broader ideas and concerns. Topics include: Obscenity laws and the history of film censorship; the emergence of sexploitation and pornography; porno chic and art cinema.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities courseHorror film as a genre, focusing on three types of international horror: The un-dead, body horror, and the supernatural. The genre's popular appeal, affective power, unique means of producing pleasure, and its current global resurgence will be emphasized. Topics include: The aesthetics of gore and violence; technologies of fear; J-Horror, new French extremity; cult fandom and paracinema; and media convergence.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities courseStudy of science fiction film in its role as a commercial film genre, social allegory and speculation on technology and the future.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities courseFilm experimentation in the context of modern art and poetry from the 1920s through the 1990s. Influences range from Cubism and Dada-Surrealism to late-era modernism and postmodernism.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Critical survey of documentary practice including newsreels, direct cinema, cinema verité, ethnographic films, and various hybrid narrative forms, with emphasis on the rhetorical, aesthetic, and political dimensions of the "art of record." Topics include: Poetics, argument, and modes of address; evidence, authenticity, and persuasion; filmmaker/subject/audience nexus; historiography, hagiography, and memory; reflexive irony and performance.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Study of theoretical and analytical models of film genres and narratology; structuralist, cognitive, and semiotic approaches to filmic narration. Genres to be studied include: Westerns; crime films; gothic and fantastic; and art cinema.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Courses in special topics designed for Specialists and Majors in Cinema Studies. Past courses include: "Fantasy Film/Cinéma Fantastique," "B Movies and Cult Cinema," and "American Animation after 1950."
Prerequisite: INI115Y1See course description for INI462H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSee course description for INI462H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorConsideration of the status of a selected film genre from historical and theoretical perspectives. Past seminars include: “Comedy,” “Melodrama,” “Film Noir,” and “The End in Cinema.”
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSeminars in special topics designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in Cinema Studies.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorExamines cinema as a commercial enterprise, a technology and a formal system, with an emphasis on devising numerically-based approaches to amplify the study of cinema. This course fulfills the Category 5 Quantitative Reasoning requirement.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities or Social Science courseGender politics of feminist film culture since the 1970s. Topics include: Apparatus theory and its legacy, models of spectatorship, feminist historiography, stardom, the cinematic (re)production of identity, the relationship between social movements and cinema; "postfeminism."
Prerequisite: INI115Y1/ permission of instructorHow race functions in cinema. Topics include: the foundational role of racial inscription and its expansion beyond the black/white paradigm; visual ethnography, 'the primitive,' and Orientalism; aboriginal media; the 'Black Atlantic' and Diaspora; Banlieu and exilic film practice and theory; border aesthetics; race and urban space; 'post-race'; and the evolving racial imaginary in the Obama era.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1, INI215Y1An introduction to early animation, considering its vaudeville roots, its industrialization, its emerging aesthetics and representational tropes. Examination of the early corpus of animation from 1900-1950 and in-depth study of the artistic, social and cultural milieux from which animation derived.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1, INI215Y1Students will develop screenwriting skills under the guidance of a renowned screenwriter-in-residence through a combination of writing workshops and individual consultations. Like the course, the Universal Screenwriter-in-Residence is a biannual appointment.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Courses in special topics designed for Specialists and Majors in Cinema Studies.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1See course description for INI465H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSee course description for INI465H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorConsideration of cinema and its social relations. Past seminars include: “American Independent Film,” “Children in the Movies,” “Sub-Saharan African Cinema,” “International Film Festivals” and “The Revolution Will/Will Not Be Televised.”
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSeminars in special topics designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in Cinema Studies.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorClose examination of the careers and works of four auteur directors.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Analysis of contemporary screen cultures to assess the age-old question 'what is cinema?' How transformations of the cinematic expose continuities and ruptures with earlier film theories. Topics include: sound; medium specificity; comparison of psychoanalytic, cognitive, and phenomenological models; assessing theoretical frameworks for understanding new forms of aesthetics and spectatorship within multimodal cross platform contexts of digital media.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1, INI315Y1Advanced study of issues in film authorship through intensive examination of two major filmmakers.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Advanced study of issues in film authorship through intensive examination of one or more major filmmakers.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1The practice of film criticism: studies of examples of journalistic and scholarly critical writing; practical sessions of process writing; and collaborative editing. Course includes regular film screenings.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1 and one additional Cinema Studies full-course equivalent/ permission of the instructorCourses in special topics designed for Specialists and Majors in Cinema Studies.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1, INI215Y1See course description for INI468H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSee course description for INI468H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorAdvanced study of select approaches to film theory and criticism. Past seminars include: “Corporeality and the Cinema,” “Godard,” “The Cinematic City: Urban Spaces in Film,” “Sound and Music in Film,” and “Neoformalism.”
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSeminars in special topics designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in Cinema Studies.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorExamination of the art of popular film in its social, political, and commercial contexts, through the study of selected popular films from the 1970s to the present.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities courseIndustrial, economic, ideological and aesthetic dimensions of the American studio era.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Examines historical trends, influential filmmakers, and social and cultural factors influencing the development of Hungarian cinema, assessing its impact within the context of Eastern Europe and internationally.
Prerequisite: INI115Y/ permission of instructorMajor contemporary developments beyond Hollywood and European filmmaking, examining a select number of national/regional cinemas: Africa, Asia, Iran, India (Hindi cinema) and Latin America, outlining generic and stylistic conventions, cultural contexts, distribution networks and reception within a global economy.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1In-depth treatment of a national cinema. Past courses include: "British Cinema," "Australian and New Zealand Cinema" and "The Other Europe."
Prerequisite: INI115Y1History and diversity of Canadian and Québécois cinemas. Analyses of film and critical frameworks examine how co-productions, multiculturalism, and post-national arguments are re-shaping the production and reception contexts of national cinema. Annual emphasis will be placed on one of the following topics: the emergence of the feature film, documentary or experimental cinema.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1An overview and analysis of Canadian television's history, its current role within the so-called "multi-channel universe," and its future prospects within evolving delivery systems and changing consumption patterns. Issues include: The CBC as official public broadcaster, the future of domestic production, the prospect for niche carriers, and the impact of the internet.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1/ SMC219Y1/ permission of instructorExamination of recent Chinese films in their three production centres: The People's Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Production, commercial and aesthetic trends and international reception; major auteurs and genres. Directors include Chen Kaige, Zang Yimou, Edward Yang, John Woo, and Wong Kar-Wai.
Prerequisite: INI115Y1Courses in special topics designed for Specialists and Majors in Cinema Studies. Past courses include: “Quebec Cinema.”
Prerequisite: INI115Y1See course description for INI471H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSee course description for INI471H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSeminars in historiography and questions of national cinema. Past seminars include: “Film Historiography,” “Early Cinema,” “Reviewing Hollywood Classicism,” “Women Pioneers” and “Emergent Technologies.”
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSeminars in special topics designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in Cinema Studies.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1/ permission of instructorSee course description for INI478H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1 and permission of Cinema Studies FacultySee course description for INI478H1 listed below.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1 and permission of Cinema Studies FacultyIndependent research projects devised by students and supervised by Cinema Studies faculty. Open to advanced Specialist and Major students in the Program. Submit applications to the Undergraduate Program Office: Fall 2012 courses, June1/ Winter 2013 courses, November 1/ Summer 2013 courses, April 1.
Prerequisite: At least ten full-course equivalents, including INI115Y1, INI215Y1, INI315Y1 and permission of Cinema Studies FacultyEAS237Y1, EAS431H1, FCS310Y1, FCS331H1, FIN250H1, FIN260H1, GER250H1, GER261H1, HIS335H1, HIS345H1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS467H1, ITA240Y1, ITA340H1, ITA341H1, ITA347H1, SLA225H1, SLA226H1, SLA244H1, SLA424H1, SMC354H1, SMC355H1, SPA375H1, UNI325H1
Examines the processes of globalization, mass urbanization and economic change that are taking place in cities around the world. This includes an interdisciplinary exploration of the locational and economic shifts that have ensued as a result of globalization, as well as the social and cultural manifestations associated with the emergence of global cities.
Recommended Preparation: GGR124H1Explores the culture, thoughts, institutions, policies, and processes shaping our urban areas. Emphasis is placed on understanding the problems and prospects associated with growth and change in the city. Disciplines used to provide various interpretations include Economics, Environmental Studies, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, Urban Design and Planning.
Prerequisite: Four courses with at least one of the following - ECO100Y1/ECO105Y1 or 1.0 FCE from 100-level GGR courses including GGR101H1, GGR107H1, and GGR124H1 or 1.0 FCE from 100-level POL courses including POL103Y1, POL105Y1, POL108Y1, or POL214Y1, or SOC101Y1See ENV307H1 in Centre for Environment listings.
This course critically examines the concept of urban sustainability in theory and application. Case studies of ongoing urban sustainability programs in the developed world help students assess the successes and failures of these programs. The course also examines the current state of research and implementation efforts toward urban sustainability.
Prerequisite: One of the following: JEG221Y1/JIE222Y1 and enrolment in a Centre for Environment program OR INI235Y1 OR permission of the instructor (particularly for students who have completed JEG222Y1/JIE222Y1/GGR233Y1/POL209Y1/SOC205Y1/260Y1)Examines the struggle to create a civic society within Toronto as it becomes a global city. Sample topics include: the neighbourhood and the city, the outer city and the urban region, planning and sprawl, public and private transportation, the natural and the urban environment, housing and homelessness, levels of government, civic culture and multiculturalism.
Prerequisite: one of the following - ECO100Y1/ECO105Y1 or 1.0 FCE from 100-level GGR courses including GGR101H1, GGR107H1, and GGR124H1 or 1.0 FCE from 100-level POL courses including POL103Y1, POL105Y1, POL108Y1, or POL214Y1, or SOC101Y1.Examines the importance of infrastructure to urban societies from a technical, environmental, political, historical, and social perspective. Students study energy and communications systems, transportation, water, solid waste disposal, parks and recreation facilities, schools, hospitals, and community facilities and services. Key issues include growth management, financing and maintenance, public-private partnerships, and international development.
Prerequisite: INI235Y1 or permission of the instructor.In this course, students develop an understanding of the city as a dynamic organism that is constantly changing as a result of economic, social and political pressure. The course material is organized around a series of industry cluster case studies including: automotive, culture, information technology and health care. The emphasis of the course will be on the extension and refinement of theories and arguments developed in INI235Y1.
Prerequisite: INI235Y1. Priority is given to students enrolled in the Urban Studies Minor, Major, or Specialist Programs. However, consideration may be given to students with suitable course background as determined by the Program Director. Note: INI335H1 cannot be taken concurrently with INI235Y1.)A prominent thesis in the fields of planning and economic geography is that the presence of creative occupations in a city correlates positively with the overall health of urban regions. This course will investigate the nature of this link from theoretical and empirical perspectives and examine its potential usefulness in a planning/policy context.
Prerequisite: completion of 1.0 FCEs from these 100-level GGR courses: GGR100H1/GGR107H1/GGR124H1/GGR124Y1; completion of INI235Y1This course will focus on an examination of the immediate difficulties facing Toronto and by extension all Canadian cities. Instruction will consist of a combination of lectures by the instructor and by noted experts/practitioners in a range of topic areas including urban governance, finance, planning, environmental sustainability and social welfare.
Recommended Preparation: GGR124H1 and/or INI235Y1This course will expose students to a range of contemporary theoretical, analytical, and policy oriented debates in Urban Studies. The emphasis will be on establishing a broad knowledge base in the multifaceted field of urban studies. The exact topics to be covered will fall broadly under the banner of urban socioeconomic change, and specific syllabi, year to year, will follow contemporary and emerging debates. This will be expanded upon in this course’s 400 level counterpart.
Exclusion: GGR347H1Overview of how planning tools and practice shape the built form of cities. This course introduces twentieth century physical planning within its historical, social, legal, and political contexts. Community and urban design issues are addressed at local and regional scales and in both central cities and suburbs. The focus is on Toronto and the Canadian experience, with comparative examples form the other counties, primarily the United States.
Recommended Preparation: GGR124H1, INI235Y1Presents cutting edge research on cities from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will attend six to eight presentations in the Cities Centre Seminar Series, given by eminent scholars, and meet with the course instructor to critique these presentations.
Prerequisite: INI235Y1 and completion of 10.0 full-course equivalents or permission of the instructor. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Innis College Urban Studies Program.This course is meant to be a senior complement to INI338H1 whereby important theoretical, analytical and/or policy debates are addressed in a research seminar format. Students in INI430H1 will be expected to extend, or refine research topics identified and explored in INI338H1 in a major independent research project. Students will present their proposals, their progress reports, and their final results to the instructor and the class.
Prerequisite: INI235Y1, and INI338H1. Priority is given to students enrolled in the Urban Studies Major or Specialist Programs. However, consideration may be given to students with suitable course background as determined by the Program Director. Note: INI430H1 cannot be taken concurrently with INI235Y1.)From time to time, the Urban Studies Program organizes community outreach and information sessions. At the discretion of the Director, students may enroll in a special topics course and investigate these issues more deeply under the supervision of an agreeable faculty member. Proposals including a letter from an agreeable faculty member should be submitted to the Director by June 1 for a Fall or Year-long course, or by November 1 for a Spring course.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a major or specialist program in Urban Studies.From time to time, the Urban Studies Program organizes community outreach and information sessions. At the discretion of the Director, students may enroll in a special topics course and investigate these issues more deeply under the supervision of an agreeable faculty member. Proposals including a letter from an agreeable faculty member should be submitted to the Director by June 1 for a Fall or Year-long course, or by November 1 for a Spring course.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a major or specialist program in Urban Studies.From time to time, the Urban Studies Program organizes community outreach and information sessions. At the discretion of the Director, students may enroll in a special topics course and investigate these issues more deeply under the supervision of an agreeable faculty member. Proposals including a letter from an agreeable faculty member should be submitted to the Director by June 1 for a Fall or Year-long course, or by November 1 for a Spring course.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in a major or specialist program in Urban Studies.Designed to allow strong students in the Major and Specialist programs to extend a piece of urban research under the supervision of a faculty member from any aligned department. Choice of ‘H’ or ‘Y’ session pursuant to the scope of the research envisioned, the proposed supervisor’s assessment of depth of the inquiry, and the approval of the program director. Proposals, including a letter from an agreeable supervisor should be submitted to the program director by June 1 for a Fall or Year session course and by November 1 for a Spring session course.
Prerequisite: INI235Y1, completion of research design and research methods courses, and suitable 4th-year standing (in terms of credits completed) in an aligned social science discipline. Enrolment in the Urban Studies Major or Specialist Subject POSts.Designed to allow strong students in the Major and Specialist programs to extend a piece of urban research under the supervision of a faculty member from any aligned department. Choice of ‘H’ or ‘Y’ session pursuant to the scope of the research envisioned, the proposed supervisor’s assessment of depth of the inquiry, and the approval of the program director. Proposals, including a letter from an agreeable supervisor should be submitted to the program director by June 1 for a Fall or Year session course and by November 1 for a Spring session course.
Prerequisite: INI235Y1, completion of research design and research methods courses, and suitable 4th-year standing (in terms of credits completed) in an aligned social science discipline. Enrolment in the Urban Studies Major or Specialist Subject POSts.Designed to allow strong students in the Major and Specialist programs to extend a piece of urban research under the supervision of a faculty member from any aligned department. Choice of ‘H’ or ‘Y’ session pursuant to the scope of the research envisioned, the proposed supervisor’s assessment of depth of the inquiry, and the approval of the program director. Proposals, including a letter from an agreeable supervisor should be submitted to the program director by June 1 for a Fall or Year session course and by November 1 for a Spring session course.
Prerequisite: INI235Y1, completion of research design and research methods courses, and suitable 4th-year standing (in terms of credits completed) in an aligned social science discipline. Enrolment in the Urban Studies Major or Specialist Subject POSts.A method of studying city issues that combines readings, seminar discussions, and field trips with an 8 hour / week internship in the office of a municipal politician, local government, or non-profit organization. Readings focus on community development, urban planning, economic development and local governance. Students must fill out a ballot for the course (available on the Urban Studies website - www.utoronto.ca/innis/urban ) by June 1. Enrolment in this course is competitive and at the discretion of Dr. Shauna Brail (Director, Urban Studies Placement Program).
Prerequisite: INI235Y1. Priority is given to students enrolled in the Urban Studies Minor, Major, or Specialist Programs. However, consideration may be given to students with suitable course background as determined by the Program Director. Note: INI437Y1 cannot be taken concurrently with INI235Y1.)Focuses on the role of a planning practitioner in contemporary society using a wealth of examples drawn from recent issues and debates in Canadian cities and regions. The course will walk students through the demands made of planners in terms of both technical expertise as well as political necessity and ask them to think actively about how to prepare for the extraordinary growth of cities during the next century. Examples of issues that will be discussed in some detail include the myths surrounding the city vs. the suburbs, the creativity and passion involved in planning work and the need to see Toronto’s future from a regional perspective.
Prerequisite: 15 FCEs, 5.0 of which must be GGR/INI Urban StudiesIntroduces the fundamentals of essay writing within an interdisciplinary context. Includes the history of the essay and its various rhetorical modes (narrative, descriptive, expository, argumentative), with a focus on humanities and social sciences essays. Both non-academic essays and essays from across the academic disciplines are examined in terms of purpose, audience, and persuasive strategies.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities or Social Science courseIntroduces the fundamentals of report writing within an interdisciplinary context. This writing intensive course focuses on improving writing skills appropriate to report writing genres. Informal, formal, research, and professional workplace reports are examined in terms of purpose, audience, structure, style, persuasive strategies, and use of visual rhetoric (tables, charts, graphs). This course also examines qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities or Social Science courseDesigned to teach students to write persuasively and to recognize persuasive strategies at work in writing they analyze. Classical rhetorical terms, elements of style, and modes of argument are central to the course. Assignments include a rhetorical analysis, in-class essays, and a term essay. Readings include prose from a variety of disciplines, excluding fiction and poetry. Students who enrol in the course must demonstrate competence in the English language.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents.The strategy necessary to write complete pieces of non-fiction prose, especially exposition and argument. Concepts of planning and organization include: focusing, research, outlining, patterns of logical development, introduction, paragraph development, conclusion, argumentation and persuasion, documentation, and revision. Students for whom English is a second language should have an advanced level of fluency in English before enrolling.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents.This course teaches students who already write effectively how to write clear, compelling, research-informed English essays. The course aims to help students recognize the function of grammar and rhetoric, the importance of audience, and the persuasive role of style.
Prerequisite: 1.0 ENG FCE or any 4.0 FCE. English students have priority.Aims to teach students to recognize the rhetoric of the professional workplace and to communicate strategically and ethically using written and oral discourse appropriate to business, government, and not-for-profit organizations. Case study analysis using ethical reasoning models is a central component of the course.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents.Examines how the language and rhetoric of print media shape social issues. Rhetorical strategies at work in the media reporting of such controversial issues as international crises and military actions are examined. The construction of the columnists persona and the role of editorials are also examined.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents.Designed for and restricted to undergraduates in Rotman Commerce. Assignments and course aims reflect the learning goals of the Rotman Commerce program. This course focuses on critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and the rhetoric of the world of business. The theory and practice of written and oral communication are also central. Case study analysis using ethical reasoning models is a central pedagogical tool.
Prerequisite: Completion of 10.0 full-course equivalents.This seminar in critical reading, analysis, and writing focuses on the nature, the evaluation, and the use and abuse of evidence in the process of formulating and supporting an argument. The case study method will be employed to assess the level of authority, credibility, and objectivity evident in public discourse, official sources, and academic inquiry.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents.The rhetorical term Ekphrasis, which refers to writing that is about visual art, is central in the examination of the persuasive power of the conversation or discourse that is produced when the written word attempts the evocation of visual images. Course readings will include ekphrastic texts drawn from several disciplines and genres: journalism, informal essays, poetry, and scholarly writing.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 full-course equivalents.A study of professional editorial conventions, focusing on three stages of the editorial process: substantive editing, stylistic editing, and copy editing. As students learn these stages, they enhance their critical thinking, sharpen their language skills, and practise strategies for strengthening their own writing and the writing of others.
Prerequisite: Completion of 4.0 FCEsThis workshop course examines methodological approaches to literary fiction from the perspective of the creator. Through course readings, discussion, and creative writing assignments, student writers will learn how prose writers combine stylistic techniques, point-of-view, setting, character, scenes, and structure to produce literary effects.
Prerequisite: Experience or strong interest in writing fiction. 4.0 full-course equivalents, fluency in English.Independent research projects devised by students and supervised by the Writing and Rhetoric staff. Open only to students who are completing the Minor Program in Writing and Rhetoric Program. Applications should be submitted to the Program Director by June 1 for a Fall session course or by November 1 for a Spring session course.
Prerequisite: Permission of Program Director.Independent research projects devised by students and supervised by the Writing and Rhetoric staff. Open only to students who are completing the Minor Program in Writing and Rhetoric Program. Applications should be submitted to the Program Director by June 1 for a Fall session course or by November 1 for a Spring session course.
Prerequisite: Permission of Program Director.Independent research projects devised by students and supervised by the Writing and Rhetoric staff. Open only to students who are completing the Minor Program in Writing and Rhetoric Program. Applications should be submitted to the Program Director by June 1 for a Fall session course or by November 1 for a Spring session course.
Prerequisite: Permission of Program Director.Seminars in special topics designed for students who are completing the Minor Program in Writing, Rhetoric, and Critical Analysis.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.Seminars in special topics designed for students who are completing the Minor Program in Writing, Rhetoric, and Critical Analysis.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.Seminars in special topics designed for students who are completing the Minor Program in Writing, Rhetoric, and Critical Analysis.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details here.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a None courseUnder the supervision of a faculty member, students explore topics of their own choice and design their own research projects for a course not otherwise available within the Faculty. The student should submit a detailed proposal and a letter of support from the supervisor by June 1 for Y and F courses and by September 1 for S courses.
Prerequisite: Normally requires completion of 15.0 full-course equivalents with 3.3 CGPA and permission of the Innis College Vice-Principal.Under the supervision of a faculty member, students explore topics of their own choice and design their own research projects for a course not otherwise available within the Faculty. The student should submit a detailed propsal and a letter of support from the supervisor by June 1 for Y and F courses and by September 1 for S courses.
Prerequisite: Normally requires completion of 15.0 full-course equivalents with 3.3 CGPA and permission of the Innis College Vice-Principal.Under the supervision of a faculty member, students explore topics of their own choice and design their own research projects for a course not otherwise available within the Faculty. The student should submit a detailed proposal and a letter of support from the supervisor by June 1 for Y and F courses and by September 1 for S courses.
Prerequisite: Normally requires completion of 15.0 full-course equivalents with 3.3 CGPA and permission of the Innis College Vice-Principal.