Faculty of Arts & Science
2011-2012 Calendar

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University Professor Emeritus
S. Hollander, OC, BScEcon, Ph D, LLD, FRSC

Professors Emeriti
R.A. Berry, BA, Ph D
R.M. Bird, MA, Ph D, FRSC
J.D. Bossons, AM, Ph D
A.A.Breton, OC, BA, Ph D, FRSC
F.R. Casas, MSc, Ph D
J.S. Cohen, MA, Ph D
M.G.S. Denny, B Sc, Ph D
S.M. Eddie, B Sc, Ph D
J.E. Floyd, MA, Ph D
D.K. Foot, AM, Ph D
M.A. Fuss, MA, Ph D
W. Haque, MA, M Sc, Ph D
M.J. Hare, B Com
G.K. Helleiner, OC, MA, Ph D, FRSC
J.A. Hynes, ABDG.V. Jump, BA, Ph D
G.V. Jump, BA, Ph D
Y. Kotowitz, BA, Ph D
A.M. Kruger, BA, Ph D
G.F. Mathewson, B Com, Ph D
D.E. Moggridge, MA, Ph D
J.H.A. Munro, MA, Ph D
K.J. Rea, MA, Ph D
S.A. Rea, AB, Ph D
A.E. Safarian, OC, BA, Ph D, FRSC
J.A. Sawyer, MA, Ph D
L.B. Smith, AM, Ph D
M.H. Watkins, B Com
A.M. Watson, B Com, MA
L. Waverman, MA, Ph D
T.A. Wilson, AM, Ph D, FRSC
J.W.L. Winder, MA, Ph D

Professor and Chair of the Department
A.J. Hosios, M Eng, MA, Ph D

Professor and Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
M.J. Osborne, BA, Ph D

Professor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
H.D. Benjamin, MA, Ph D

University Professor
M. Trebilcock, FRSC, LLM

V. Aguirregabiria, MSc, Ph D
V.A. Aivazian, BS, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
G. Anderson, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
M. Baker, MA, Ph D
L. Brandt, BS, Ph D
J.L. Carr, MA, Ph D
D.N. Dewees, B Sc, LL B, Ph D
G. Duranton, MA, M Sc, Ph D
M. Faig, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
C. Gourieroux, Ph D
M. Gunderson, MA, Ph D, FRSC
I. Horstmann, BA, Ph D +
S. Howson, MA, Ph D
H. Li, BS, Ph D
T. McCurdy, BA, Ph D +
A. Melino, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
J.E. Pesando, MA, Ph D
C. Pitchik, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
F.J. Reid, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
D. Restuccia, MA, Ph D
A. Rotstein, BA, Ph D
S. Shi, MA, Ph D
M. Smart, MA, Ph D
A. Siow, BA, Ph D
W.C. Strange, MA, Ph D +
D. Trefler, MA, Ph D
M.A. Turner, AM, Ph D
A.J. Yatchew, MA, Ph D
X. Zhu, MS, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)

Associate Professors
M. Alexopoulos, MA, Ph D
E. Damiano, MA, Ph D
M. Duarte, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
G. Hamilton, MA, Ph D
G. Kambourov, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
B. Kuruscu, MA, PhD
J. Maheu, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
R. McMillan, BA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
P. Oreopoulos, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
M.B. Stabile, MA, Ph D +

Assistant Professors
G. Bobonis, BA, Ph D
L. Brooks, BA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
M. Burda, MA, Ph D
K. Dasgupta, MA, MS, Ph D
R. Deb, MA, M Phil, (University of Toronto Mississauga)
C. Goh, MA, Ph D
Y. Halberstam, MA, (ABD)
E. Malinova, MA, Ph D
J. Mondria, MA, Ph D
P. Morrow, MA, Ph D
A. Park, M.Phil., Dipl.Wirt.Math, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
C. Serrano, MS, MA , Ph D
X. Shi, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
C. Stewart, MA, M Phil, M Sc, Ph D
J. Suzuki, MA , Ph D
M. Tanaka, MA, Ph D
L.M.F. Turner, BA, M Sc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
R. Wolthoff, MSc, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)

Adjunct Professors
D.P. Dungan, MA, Ph D
P. Masson, BA, Ph D

Senior Lecturers
L. Bailey, BA, MA (University of Toronto Mississauga)
G. Indart, MA, Ph D
J. Murdock, M Phil, Ph D

S.A. Hussain, MA, Ph D
K. Wong, BA, MA , Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)

Sessional Lecturers
M. Anjomshoa, MA, M Phil
K. Furlong, MA, Ph D
G. Gagnon, MA, Ph D
G. Georgopoulos, MA, Ph D
R. Ghaeli, MA, Ph D
J. Kantarevic, MA, Ph D
R. Satchu, MBA
P. Tomlinson, BA, Ph D
W.G. Wolfson, B Com, MA
A. Yang, MBA, MS, PhD
Z.F. Yang, MA
P.M.V. Yu, MS, Ph D


+ cross appointed

Economics is a social science that encompasses a broad range of human behaviour and has a strong influence on the structure, well-being and development of a society.

Much of human activity is directed towards the satisfaction of material wants. In many areas of the world, the greater part of human effort must be directed towards meeting the most elemental demands for food, clothing, and shelter. Even in technologically advanced societies, where these basic requirements can be met with comparative ease, the desire for more goods and services never appears to be fully satisfied. In consequence, every society - whatever its political orientation - is both competitive and cooperative. It is competitive because its members contend with one another to satisfy their individual wants from a limited supply of productive resources. It is cooperative because the greatest supply of goods is available when the activity of producing them is coordinated and organized. Economics deals with any issue arising out of the conflict between the demand for goods and services, and a limited supply of resources to satisfy those demands.

Undergraduate training in economics is intended to familiarize students with the discipline of economic thinking, and to equip them for intelligent appraisal of contemporary economic problems. It is also intended to make students aware of the nature of economic science, and of the directions in which economic theory is moving.

Economic theory makes considerable use of mathematics in its enquiries. All economics programs require at least one course in mathematics.

Because of advances in economic theory, an undergraduate degree is not sufficient to become a professional economist. For this or other reasons, graduate work may be necessary. Students who wish to do graduate work should seek advice from the Department concerning their choice of courses. The Economics Specialist program and the Economics and Mathematics program, with their greater emphasis on mathematics, are designed to prepare students for graduate study, and are an excellent starting place.

Undergraduate Administrator: R. Innes

Undergraduate Assistant:  D. Navarro

Commerce Assistant: J. Fan

Enquiries:  150 St.George Street (416-978-4603)

Economics Programs

Economics Programs

These are limited enrolment programs.  All students who request the program and obtain at least the specified mark(s) in the required course(s) will be eligible to enrol (please read entry requirements for each program carefully). Consult the Registration Handbook & Timetable for details.

NOTE:  Please read prerequisites and exclusions carefully.  Course prerequisites are strictly enforced and are not just “recommended preparation.” For all mathematics and statistics course prerequisites, the level of the course is also important.  For all third and fourth year economics courses, FULL YEAR intermediate course prerequisites are mandatory:  a similar “half course” version is not acceptable. All prerequisites must be fully completed before a course can be taken. Courses that are prerequisites cannot be taken simultaneously with the courses for which they are a prerequisite (i.e., they are not "co-requisites"). Students from other institutions must show their transcripts to the department if they are using prior courses as prerequisites. The same rules apply.

Economics Specialist (Arts program)

This is a limited enrolment program.  All students who request the program and obtain at least the specified mark(s) in the required course(s) will be eligible to enrol.

Required courses: ECO100Y1 with a final mark of at least 70%, and
MAT135H1 with a final mark of at least 63% and MAT136H1 with a final mark of at least 63%, OR
MAT137Y1 with a final mark of at least 60%, OR
MAT157Y1 with a final mark of at least 60%

(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 400-series course)

Note that MAT133Y1 is not a suitable substitute for (MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1.

First Year:
ECO100Y1; (MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1

Higher Years:
1. ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1, ECO220Y1 (70%)/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1, STA261H1), ECO325H1, ECO326H1, ECO375H1
New2. 6.5 full additional 300+ series ECO courses, including at least one full course at the 400 level.
(a) Strongly recommended: ECO376H1;
(b) MAT223H1/MAT240H1 is strongly recommended as preparation for ECO375H1.  Students taking one of these MAT courses can have it count in lieu of one half 300+ level ECO course;
(c) (MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1) or ECO210H1 is strongly recommended.. Students taking one of these courses can have it count in lieu of one half 300+ level ECO course;
 (d) STA302H1/STA303H1 is not accepted in lieu of ECO375H1;
 (e) (STA250H1, STA255H1) are not accepted in lieu of (ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1)

Economics Major (Arts program)

This is a limited enrolment program.  All students who request the program and obtain at least the specified mark(s) in the required course(s) will be eligible to enrol.

Required courses: ECO100Y1 with a final mark of at least 67%, OR
ECO105Y1 with a final mark of at least 80%, and
MAT133Y1 with a final mark of at least 63%, OR
MAT135H1 with a final mark of at least 60% and MAT136H1 with a final mark of at least 60%, OR
MAT137Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%, OR
MAT157Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%.


(7 full courses or their equivalent)

First Year:
ECO100Y1/ECO105Y1; MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1,MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1

Higher Years:
1. ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA250H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
2. Two full additional 300+ series ECO courses

NOTE: Students in the Major program in Economics cannot be enrolled in the Minor program in Environmental Economics.

Economics Minor (Arts program)

This is a limited enrolment program.  All students who request the program and obtain at least the specified mark(s) in the required course(s) will be eligible to enrol.

Required courses: ECO100Y1 with a final mark of at least 67%, OR
ECO105Y1 with a final mark of at least 80%, and
MAT133Y1 with a final mark of at least 63%, OR
MAT135H1 with a final mark of at least 60% and MAT136H1 with a final mark of at least 60%, OR
MAT137Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%, OR
MAT157Y1 with a final mark of at least 55%.

1. ECO100Y1/ECO105Y1; MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
2. ECO 200Y/204Y/206Y
3. One full 300+ series ECO course
(a) Students enrolled in the Minor Program in Economics cannot be enrolled in any other Minor, Major, Specialist or Joint Specialist Economics program;
(b) Many 300-level and higher courses in economics require ECO220Y1. While not a formal part of the Economics Minor program, students MUST meet the specified prerequisites for 300+ economics courses, and should seriously consider taking ECO220Y1.

Financial Economics Specialist (Science program)

This is a limited enrolment program.  Students enrolled in this program cannot simultaneously be enrolled in any other Economics specialist, joint specialist, major or minor program in Economics, or in Economic History or in the B.Com program.  

To be eligible for admission, applicants must have completed at least 8.0 FCEs, and have obtained at least the specified minimum marks in the following required courses:     70% in ECO100Y1/ECO100Y5, 63% in MAT133Y1/MAT133Y5 or 60% in MAT134Y5/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT135Y5 or 55% inMAT137Y1/MAT138Y5, 70% in ECO206Y1/ECO206Y5, 70% in ECO208Y1/ECO208Y5, 70% in ECO227Y1/ECO227Y5/(STA257H1, STA261H1)/(STA257H5, 261H5).   

This is a Type 2L limited program and so meeting the minimum course marks specified above will not necessarily guarantee admission.  Note:  The program and marks thresholds for admission will be reviewed in the 2011-2012 academic year and those published in the 2012-2013 Calendar will apply to those applying for admission in Spring 2012.

The revised program description and marks required for admission will be posted on the Economics Department website as soon as the review is complete. 

(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 400-series full course)

NOTE – Some required courses may be offered only on the St. George or on the University of Toronto Mississauga campus in any given year. Students registered in this program at either campus may have to attend lectures on the other campus in such cases.

First Year:
ECO100Y1/ECO100Y5, MAT132Y5/MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/MAT133Y5/MAT134Y5/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT135Y5/MAT137Y1/MAT138Y5/MAT157Y1

Higher Years:
1. ECO206Y1/ECO206Y5
2. ECO208Y1/ECO208Y5
3. ECO227Y1/ECO227Y5/(STA257H1,STA261H1)/(STA257H5, STA258H5/STA261H5)
4. ECO325H1/ECO325H5, ECO326H1/ECO326H5
5. (ECO375H1, ECO376H1)/ECO327Y5
6. ECO358H1/ECO358H5, ECO359H1/ECO359H5
7. 5 additional full 300+ ECO credits or their equivalent, of which at least 1.0 must be chosen from ECO349H1, ECO356H1, ECO357H1, ECO434H5, ECO456H1, ECO460H5, ECO461H1, ECO462H1, ECO463H5.
8. NOTES:(a) Strongly recommended: ECO376H1;(b) MAT223H1/MAT223H5/MAT224H5/MAT240H1 is strongly recommended as preparation for ECO327Y5/ECO375H1. Students taking one of these MAT courses can have it count in lieu of one half 300+ ECO credit required for this program;(c) (MAT232H5/MAT233H5/MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/MAT248Y5)/ECO210H1 is strongly recommended for this program. Students taking one of these courses can have it count in lieu of one half 300+ credit required for this program;
(d) STA302H1STA303H1/STA302H5/STA331H5 is not accepted in lieu of ECO327Y5/ECO375H1/ECO376H1 for this program;
(e) (STA250H1,STA255H1) are not accepted in lieu of (ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)

Economics & Mathematics Specialist (Science program)

This is a limited enrolment program.  All students who request the program and obtain at least the specified mark(s) in the required course(s) will be eligible to enrol.

Required courses: ECO100Y1 with a final mark of at least 70%, and
MAT137Y1 with a final mark of at least 60%, OR
MAT157Y1 with a final mark of at least 60%

(13 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 400-series full course)

First Year:
ECO100Y1; MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1

Second and Higher Years:
1. ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1, ECO220Y1(70%)/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
2. (MAT223H1/MAT240H1), (MAT237Y1, MAT246H1)/MAT257Y1, MAT244H1/MAT267H1
3. MAT337H1/MAT357H1, APM462H1
4. ECO325H1, ECO326H1, ECO375H1, ECO376H1
5. 0.5 300+series ECO course, 0.5 400 series ECO course
6. 1.5 300+series MAT (or APM) courses


(a) Students must meet all prerequistes for upper-year math and economics courses, and should choose their sequencing of courses accordingly.

(b) APM462H1 is a program requirement and cannot be used to also fulfill (6.) as well.

Other Programs

Finance & Economics (B.Com.) - See Rotman Commerce

Environmental Economics - See Centre for Environment

Economics Courses

ECO100Y1    Introduction to Economics[48L/24T]

An introduction to economic analysis and its applications: price determination; the role of competition; international trade and finance; the theory of production and employment; the role of money and the banking system; monetary and fiscal policy. NOTE graphical and quantitative analysis are used extensively.

Exclusion: ECO105Y1
Recommended Preparation: MCV4U (Calculus & Vectors) and MHF4U (Advanced Functions), or equivalent secondary school mathematics credits
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO105Y1    Principles of Economics for Non-Specialists[48L/24T]

An introduction to the principles and methods of economics in association with policy issues. Lectures cover a variety of topics, including economic growth, the importance of productivity, international trade, competitive markets, macroeconomic issues and more specific topics such as rent controls, OPEC, the international debt crisis, trade restrictions, the national debt and sustainable development. Students who intend to complete a minor, major, or specialist program in Economics are advised to take ECO100Y.

Exclusion: ECO100Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO200Y1    Microeconomic Theory[48L/24T]

Theory of markets and prices. Determination of prices through the interaction of the basic economic units, the household as consumer and as supplier of inputs and the business firm as producer and as employer of inputs. The pricing system as the mechanism by which social decisions and allocation of goods are made in a market economy.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%)/ECO105Y1(80%); MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
Exclusion: ECO204Y1,ECO206Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO202Y1    Macroeconomic Theory and Policy[48L/24T]

Theory of output, employment and the price level; techniques for achieving economic stability; central banking and Canadian financial institutions and markets; foreign exchange markets and the exchange rate. This course is not intended for students enrolled in the B.Com program; please see ECO209Y1.

NEWPrerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%)/ECO105Y1(80%); MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
Exclusion: ECO208Y1, ECO209Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO204Y1    Microeconomic Theory and Applications (for Commerce)[48L/24T]

The use of microeconomics to analyze a variety of issues from marketing and finance to organizational structure. Consumer preferences and behavior; demand, cost analysis and estimation; allocation of inputs, pricing and firm behavior under perfect and imperfect competition; game theory and public policy, including competition policy. Business cases are used to connect theory and practice and to highlight differences and similarities between economics and accounting, marketing and finance. This course is restricted to students in the Commerce programs.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%), MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
Exclusion: ECO200Y1, ECO206Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO206Y1    Microeconomic Theory[48L/24T]

This course deals more rigorously and more mathematically with the topics included in ECO200Y1and is intended primarily for students in certain Economics Specialist programs.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(70%); MAT133Y1(63%)/(MAT123H1(63%),MAT124H1(63%))/(MAT135H1(60%), MAT136H1(60%))/MAT137Y1(55%)/MAT157Y1(55%)
Exclusion: ECO200Y1, ECO204Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO208Y1    Macroeconomic Theory[48L/24T]

This course deals more rigorously and more mathematically with the topics included in ECO202Y and is intended primarily for students in certain Economics Specialist programs.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(70%); MAT133Y1(63%)/(MAT123H1(63%),MAT124H1(63%))/(MAT135H1(60%), MAT136H1(60%))/MAT137Y1(55%)/MAT157Y1(55%)
Exclusion: ECO202Y1, ECO209Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO209Y1    Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (for Commerce)[48L/24T]

Macroeconomic issues relevant for commerce students. Analytical tools are used to examine policy issues: Canadian government budgets, Bank of Canada monetary policy, exchange rate policy, foreign trade policy and government regulation of financial intermediaries. This course is restricted to students in the Commerce programs.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%); MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1,MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
Exclusion: ECO202Y1, ECO208Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO210H1    Mathematical Methods for Economic Theory[24L/12T]

An introduction to mathematical methods commonly used in economic theory. Topics include unconstrained multivariate optimization, multivariate optimization subject to equality or inequality constraints and differential equations.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%)/ECO105Y1(80%); MAT133Y1(63%)/(MAT123H1(63%),MAT124H1(63%))/(MAT135H1(60%), MAT136H1(60%))/ MAT137Y1(55%)/MAT157Y1(55%)
Corequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: None

ECO220Y1    Quantitative Methods in Economics[48L/24T]

Numerical and graphical data description techniques; data collection and sampling; probability; sampling distributions; statistical inference; hypothesis testing and estimation; simple and multiple regression analysis. Study methods, the basis for these methods, when each is or is not appropriate, and how to correctly interpret and explain results.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%)/ECO105Y1(80%); MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
Exclusion: ECO227Y1, GGR270Y, GGR270H1, PSY201H1, PSY202H1, SOC300Y, SOC300H1, STA107H, STA220H1, STA221H1, STA247H1, STA248H1, STA250H1, STA255H1, STA257H1, STA261H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3) + The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

ECO227Y1    Quantitative Methods in Economics[48L/24T]

A rigorous introduction to probability and mathematical statistics intended for economics specialists. Probability and estimation theory, sampling distributions, hypotheses testing, multiple regression analysis. Students will learn the tools used in economics and finance to model and address randomness and uncertainty.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(70%); MAT133Y1(63%)/(MAT123H1(63%),MAT124(63%))/(MAT135H1(60%), MAT136H1(60%))/MAT137Y1(55%)/MAT157Y1(55%)
Corequisite: Recommended Co-requisite: MAT223H1/MAT240H1, MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/ECO210H1
Exclusion: ECO220Y1, GGR270Y, GGR270H1, PSY201H1, PSY202H1, SOC300Y, SOC300H1, STA107H, STA247H1, STA248H1, STA250H1, STA255H1, STA257H1, STA261H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

ECO230Y1    International Economic Institutions and Policy[48L/24T]

This course is intended primarily for students in the International Relations and in the Peace & Conflict Studies programs. The key concepts of international trade and finance are reviewed with an eye to understanding contemporary issues and recommending policy initiatives. Attention is given to empirical assessment of alternative trade theories and to broader international relations issues.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%)/ECO105Y1(80%)/enrolment in the International Relations Specialist or Major Programs, or the IR/Peace and Conflict Studies joint Specialist Program
Exclusion: ECO328Y1/ECO364H1/ECO365H1/ECO364H5/ECO365H5
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO239Y1    Labour Markets and Policies[48L/24T]

This course is intended primarily for students in the Employment Relations programs. Application of economic analysis to current issues in labour policy: immigration, retirement, education, unemployment, earnings differentials, employment and pay equity, labour unions, minimum wage, income policies.

Prerequisite: ECO100Y1(67%)/ECO105Y1(80%)
Exclusion: ECO339Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)


Labour Relations

See Woodsworth College

ECO250Y1    Special Topics in Economics[48L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: None

ECO251H1    Special Topics in Economics[24L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: None

ECO252H1    Special Topics in Economics[24L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: None

ECO299Y1    Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. Details here.

Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: None

ECO301Y1    European Economic History, 1250 1750 [48L/24T]

The development of the West European economy from the apogee of the Commercial Revolution in the mid-12th century and the ensuing economic crises of the later Middle Ages to the eve of the modern Industrial Revolution, in the mid-18th century, focusing on Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Low Countries and England. Major topics: feudalism, serfdom and other barriers to economic growth; demographic, monetary and other macroeconomic forces; the development of market economies; structural changes in and interactions among the agrarian, commercial, financial, and industrial sectors; overseas expansion and colonization; the role of Church, state, warfare, and social/political institutions; Mercantilism.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1
Exclusion: ECO201Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO302H1    Comparative Economic Institutions in History[24L]

Contrasting ways in which the factors of production - land, labour and capital - are organized in human society. Tribal, feudal, mercantilist and market economies are considered. A conceptual framework related to both market and non-market economies, based on the work of Karl Polanyi.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1
Exclusion: ECO302Y, ECO354H1(2001-02 and 2002-03)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO303Y1    The Economic History of Modern Europe to 1914[48L/24T]

The economic development of modern Europe, focusing on urban industrialization in the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, up to World War I. Major topics: technological, institutional, and social factors in economic growth; demographic and monetary forces; structural changes in and interactions among the agrarian, commercial, financial, and industrial sectors; international trade and capital flows; the role of the state; the role of economic theory and ideology; theories of post-1850 imperialism.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1
Exclusion: ECO203Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO306H1 American Economic History [24L, 12T]

A survey of American economic history from the ante-bellum period to the present.  Potential topics include the the rapid growth of the American economy in the late 19th and early 20th century; Causes of the onset of the Great Depression; The economic impact of slavery and its aftermath; Health and demographic trends; and 20th century trends in inequality.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1;
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO308H1    The Economics of Life: A Historical Perspective[24L]

Demographic economic history within a North American context. Topics include changes over time in marriage markets, fertility, mortality and stature. The impact of property rights within marriage, illegitimacy, the decline of fertility in the nineteenth century and the puzzling inter-temporal divergence between height and wealth during the early nineteenth century.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO355H1 (The Economics of Life: A Historical Perspective)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO310Y1    Industrial Organization and Public Policy[48L/24T]

A study of how firms compete and structure of markets. Emphasize oligopoly markets and use of game theory. In addition to theory, study empirical industrial organization including estimation of demand. Applications to competition policy with a focus on evaluating antitrust implications of horizontal mergers.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1, STA248H1)/(STA250H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO313H1    Environmental Economics and Policies[24L]

This course demonstrates how a rigorous application of microeconomic techniques can inform our responses to various environmental problems. Topics may include: air and water pollution and renewable resource management.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO314H1    Energy and Resource Economics[24L]

NEWThis course surveys important features of energy markets and key challenges such as global warming and other environmental externalities. Microeconomic tools, like energy demand and supply analysis are used.  Topics include renewable energy, feed-in-tariffs, conservation, carbon taxes, ‘cap-and-trade’ and incentive regulation..

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)

ECO316H1    Applied Game Theory[24L]

Focuses on core ideas and concepts and on applications in various fields such as economics, political science, evolutionary biology. Topics may include voting theory, electoral competition, theory of public goods, free rider problem, oligopoly, repeated interaction, bargaining, evolutionary equilibrium, matching, and auctions. 

NEWNote: This course cannot be taken as a substitute in programs that require ECO326H1

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1
Exclusion: ECO326H1, ECO326H5
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO320H1    Economic Analysis of Law[24L]

The practical application of microeconomic theory to common legal problems: torts, contracts, property and crime, and the limitations of economic analysis. No previous familiarity with the law is assumed. (This is an economic analysis of legal issues, not a course in law.)

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO321Y1    Canadian Economic History since 1500[48L]

Canadian economic growth and development as viewed through the staples thesis of Harold Innis. Reference to United States economic history throughout the course.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1
Exclusion: ECO221Y1, ECO307H1, ECO323Y5
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO324Y1    Economic Development[48L]

Economic development theory and policy related to the economic transformation of the developing countries, including industrial and agricultural sector strategies, international trade policy, public sector activities and the importance of productivity growth and poverty reduction programs.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO325H1    Advanced Economic Theory - Macro[24L/12T]

A development of the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic theory to expand students analytic skills by constructing and solving macroeconomic models. Topics may include: dynamic choice, neoclassical growth theory, uncertainty and rational expectations, business cycles, as well as fiscal and monetary policy.

Prerequisite: ECO208Y1/ECO202Y1(70%)/ECO209Y1(70%), ECO220Y1(70%)/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1(70%),STA248H1(70%))/(STA250H1(70%), STA255H1(70%))/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Recommended Preparation: MAT223H1/MAT240H1, MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/ECO210H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO326H1    Advanced Economic Theory - Micro[24L/12T]

Game theory and applications. Topics include: strategic and extensive games, with applications to economics.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1(70%)/ECO204Y1(70%)/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1(70%)/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1(70%),STA248H1(70%))/(STA250H1(70%), STA255H1(70%))/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
NEWExclusion: ECO316H1, ECO326H5
Recommended Preparation: MAT223H1/MAT240H1, MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1/ECO210H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO332H1    Economics of the Family[24L]

A use of microeconomics to study the behaviour of the family, including marriage, divorce, intra-family allocations, investment in children and gender roles.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO333Y1    Urban Economics[48L/24T]

Spatial economic theory and urban public policy: firms and individuals in partial and general equilibrium, land development and land-use controls, urban transportation, efficiency and equity in spending and taxing.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1,MAT124H1)/(MAT135H1, MAT136H1)/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO336Y1    Public Economics[48L]

Theory of public goods, externalities, and the politics of government policy. Analysis of equity, incidence and incentive effects of taxes. An analytical treatment of the public sector.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO236Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO339Y1    Economics of Labour[48L/24T]

The operation of labour markets; determinants of supply and demand for labour; wage differentials; discrimination; investment in schooling and training; unemployment; economics of unions.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO239Y1, 361Y5
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO340H1    Economics of Income Distribution[24L]

The personal distribution of income and wealth; measurement of inequality and poverty. The distributional effects of the tax system, government spending and economic regulation (including policies such as minimum wages, pay equity and employment equity).

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO342Y1    Twentieth Century Economic History[48L]

Economic development of Europe and certain overseas areas, particularly Japan and the United States. Special attention to globalization before 1914, problems of the interwar years, the Great Depression of the 1930s, the period since 1945, international trade, the balance of payments and exchange rate mechanisms, growth performance of the major industrial countries.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1/(ECO230Y1, POL208Y1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO349H1    Money, Banking and Financial Markets[24L]

This course studies the interaction of the monetary and banking sectors with financial markets and the broader economy. It builds especially on tools developed in intermediate macroeconomics, but also focuses on the institutional structure of the Canadian monetary sector, including the role and operation of the Bank of Canada.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO349H5
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO350Y1    Special Topics in Economics[48L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO351H1    Special Topics in Economics[24L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO352H1    Special Topics in Economics[24L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO356H1    Special Topics in Financial Economics[24L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO357H1    Islamic Banking and Finance[24L]

What makes Islamic Banking and Finance distinct? This course provides an overview of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking. Students will develop basic understanding and principles governing Islamic Economics & Finance, its history, growth and place in the world economy.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO356H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO358H1    Financial Economics I[24L]

An introduction to economics of financial assets and financial markets. Topics: inter-temporal choice, expected utility theory, security valuation, selected asset pricing models, market efficiency, and the term structure of interest rates - essential materials for an understanding of the role and operation of financial markets.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
NEWExclusion: ACT349H1, MGT331Y1, MGT337Y1, RSM332H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO359H1    Financial Economics II: Corporate Finance[24L]

Agency and incomplete information problems inherent in financial transactions; the role of contractual arrangements in overcoming them. Financial constraints on investment decisions of firms; the financial system in economic growth; the legal system in the functioning of financial markets. A look at theoretical and empirical literature covering these issues.

Prerequisite: ECO358H1
NEWExclusion: ACT349H1, MGT331Y1, MGT337Y1, RSM333H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO362H1    Economic Growth[24L]

The course considers a broad range of issues that underlie economic growth, including technical progress and the accumulation of human and physical capital. Beyond these factors, the course also investigates the efficiency with which capital is used, the role of foreign trade, and the possible roles for government and culture.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO352H1, ECO360Y1, ECO362H5
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO364H1    International Trade Theory[24L/12T]

An examination of the causes and consequences of international trade. The first half develops traditional models of comparative advantage, with the second half examines more recent theoretical and empirical work on trade & wages, the political economy of trade, outsourcing, and firm heterogeneity.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO230Y1/ECO328Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO365H1    International Monetary Economics[24L/12T]

Introduction to open economy macroeconomics and international finance. The core objective of the course is to develop macroeconomic models of open economies that can be applied towards gaining an understanding of recent events such as US deficits, financial crises, Chinas exchange rate policy and the Euro.

Prerequisite: ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1
Exclusion: ECO230Y1/ECO328Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO369Y1    Health Economics[48L]

The provision of health care provides many special problems of informational asymmetry, regulation, insurance and redistribution. A consideration of the demand and supply side problems. Alternative reform proposals for health care are explored.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO370Y1    Economics of Organizations[48L]

An introduction to the economic analysis of the firm that highlights how organizations and special contractual relationships emerge as alternative institutions to the market for allocating resources. Incentive problems and informal relationships, within and between firms, are important components of this analysis.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO381H1, ECO426H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO374H1    Applied Econometrics (for Commerce)[24L/12T]

An introduction to econometrics similar to ECO375H1, with greater focus on applications drawn from business and financial economics. The course is built around the statistical foundations and economic applications of the multiple regression model. Using statistical software, students will also learn how to conduct, present, and critique empirical research.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1(70%)/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO327Y1/ECO375H1, STA302H1
Recommended Preparation: MAT223H1/MAT240H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO375H1    Applied Econometrics I[24L/12T]

An introduction to econometrics , theoretical and practical, focusing on the multiple regression model. Statistical assumptions, theory, and results are carefully developed, as are the necessary conditions for the valid application of regression analysis to economic data. Students apply these techniques to economic data using statistical software.  

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO220Y1(70%)/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO327Y1/ECO374H1, STA302H1
Recommended Preparation: MAT223H1/MAT240H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO376H1    Applied Econometrics II[24L/12T]

A research-oriented course continuing from ECO375H. The regression model is extended in several possible directions: time series analysis; panel data techniques; instrumental variables; simultaneous equations; limited dependent variables. Students will complete a major empirical term paper, applying the tools of econometrics to a topic chosen by the student.

Prerequisite: ECO375H1(60%)/ECO374H1(70%), NOTE: STA302H1 is not adequate preparation
Exclusion: ECO327Y1, STA302H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO380H1    Managerial Economics I: Competitive Strategy[24L]

This course in applied microeconomics is concerned with the functioning of markets and the behaviour of firms within these markets. The focus is on strategic relationships between organizations, including competitive relationships among firms in the same market and cooperative relationships between a firm and its suppliers and distributors.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO381H1    Managerial Economics II: Personnel Economics[24L]

An examination of selected material on compensation and incentives in organizations. Topics include recruitment and hiring, training, turnover, downsizing, motivating workers, teams, allocating authority and task assignment.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO370Y1, ECO426H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO398H0    Independent Experiential Study Project

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details here.

Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: None

ECO399Y0    Independent Experiential Study Project

An instructor-supervised group project in an off-campus setting. Details here.

Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: None

400-level courses


Many 400-level courses are offered as joint undergraduate and graduate courses. Students interested in any of these courses should consult with the instructor before enrolling.

Topics in Economic Policy [24L, 12T]

This course covers basic issues in the theoretical and empirical evaluation of public policy. Sample topics include income redistribution through taxation and the provision of social insurance and public goods, the mitigation of externalities, and welfare analysis in behavioral models.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1); At least one FCE in ECO at the 300 level or higher.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

Topics in Health Economics [24L, 12T]

This course explores a variety of topics in health economics, providing students with an overview of current and historical institutional characteristics of the market for, and public policy towards, health care. Students will apply theoretical and empirical tools to current domestic and international issues in health policy. No previous background in health economics is required.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1); At least one FCE in ECO at the 300 level or higher.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

Topics in Managerial Economics [24L, 12T]

Applies quantitative economic methods to real world business-oriented cases. Sample topics include: New product design, Decision making under uncertainty, Market segmentation and price discrimination, Inventory analysis, Game theoretic analysis of price wars, Financial portfolio design, and optimal pricing. Involves substantial modeling in Excel, regression analysis, optimization methods, and financial reports.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1(75%)/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1); At least one FCE in ECO at the 300 level or higher.
Recommended Preparation: ECO374H1/ECO375H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

Topics in Money, Banking, and Finance [24L]

This course examines the foundations of money and financial institutions using tools mastered in micro and  macroeconomics. The goal is a set of principles valid for the analysis of monetary policy and institutional regulation in a variety of real world settings.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1;ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1); At least one FCE in ECO at the 300 level or higher.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO416H1    Macroeconometric Models for Policy Analysis and Forecasting[24L/12T]

The construction and operation of macroeconometric models. The use of models for conducting policy simulations and for generating quantitative forecasts of economic activity.

Prerequisite: ECO325H1, ECO327Y1/ECO374H1/ECO375H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO418H1    Empirical Applications of Economic Theory[24L]

Topics class in applied econometrics, emphasizing empirical industrial organization. Emphasis on a balanced treatment of theory and econometric techniques used in empirical research in industrial organization (the study of firms and markets). How firms behave, how market equilibriums arise and how economic policies are used to affect market equilibriums.

Prerequisite: ECO327Y/ECO374H1/ECO375H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO419H1    International Macroeconomics[24L]

Contemporary issues in international monetary economics and macroeconomic policy formulation in open economies like Canada. A study of forces determining interest rates and exchange rates, inflation and unemployment; analysis of government policy in relation to financial markets.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1, ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1) permission of instructor
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO420Y1    Special Topics in Economics[48S]

Seminars or workshops may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department. (See the Undergraduate Administrator for details.)

Prerequisite: TBA, permission of instructor
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO421H1    Special Topics in Economics[24S]

Seminars or workshops may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the Prerequisites announced by the Department. (See the Undergraduate Administrator for details.)

Prerequisite: TBA; permission of instructor
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO422H1    Special Topics in Economics[24S]

Seminars or workshops may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by the Department. (See the Undergraduate Administrator for details.)


Prerequisite: TBA, permission of instructor
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO423H1    Topics in North American Economic History[24L]

Themes are incentives, contracts, and the impetus for change. Topics include indigenous people of North America; indentured servitude; slavery; apprenticeships; the evolution of production from artisan shop to the factory; invention and the diffusion of technological innovations; institutions and growth.

Prerequisite: ECO206Y1(70%),ECO220Y1(70%)/ECO227Y1(70%)/STA257H1(70%),STA261H1(70%), or permission of the instructor
Exclusion: ECO307H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO429Y1    History of Economic Thought[48L]

Development of analytical economics from the 18th century with emphasis on Adam Smith and the British Classical School (David Ricardo, T.R. Malthus, and J.S. Mill), Karl Marx, the Marginalists and their successors to 1939, including Keynes.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1/ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO202Y1/ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1
Exclusion: ECO322Y1, ECO322Y5
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO430Y1    Reading Course or Thesis[TBA]

Intended for advanced Specialist students who have exhausted course offerings in a particular area. Open only when a faculty member is available and willing to supervise. Students must obtain the approval of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies before enrolling.

Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO431H1    Reading Course or Thesis[TBA]

Intended for advanced Specialist students who have exhausted course offerings in a particular area. Open only when a faculty member is available and willing to supervise. Students must obtain the approval of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies before enrolling.

Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

Topics in Economics of the Family [24L]

Economics bring an analytic and quantitative approach to the study of the family. The course will discuss analytic and empirical models of family behaviour, including nature versus nurture, parental investments, quantity and quality tradeoff in children, marital matching, resource allocation within the household, and gender roles.

Prerequisite: ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1, ECO326H1, ECO374H1/ECO375H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO433H1    The Economics of Cities and Regions[24L/12T]

Broad introduction to modern regional and urban economics. In the first part, we study how and why cities grow and develop. In the second part, we explore how cities interact and why they differ in size and perform different activities. The last part looks at regional development and attempts to understand the determinants of regional inequalities.

Corequisite: ECO327Y1/ECO374H1/ECO375H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO434H1    Political Economy[24L]

The tools of economic analysis, like rational choice and optimizing behavior, as well as strategic interaction that can be modeled using game theory, are increasingly applied in the domain of politics. This course introduces students to the theoretical applications, and empirical evaluation, of economic models to political behavior.

Prerequisite: ECO326H1, ECO374H1/ECO375H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO435H1    The Economics of Modern China (formerly ECO335Y1)[24L]

A focus on post-1949 Chinese economy, and the PRCs economic legacy. Economic development during the Maoist period, particularly post-1979 reforms. China's experience is compared to Eastern Europe's and the role of China in the rapidly growing East Asian economy. This is a limited enrolment seminar requiring extensive reading.

Prerequisite: ECO200Y1(70%)/ECO204Y1(70%)/ECO206Y1(60%); ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA247H1,STA248H1)/(STA250H1,STA255H1)/(STA257H1,STA261H1)
Exclusion: ECO335Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO437H1    Quantitative Macroeconomics[24L]

In order to capture the complexity of economic behavior and interactions, especially with a significant time dimension, modern models of the macroeconomy make considerable use of computer simulation. This course teaches students both how to develop the economic models, and how to solve and work with them computationally.

Prerequisite: ECO325H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

Topics in the Economics of Business Cycles [24L]

This course will review the stylized empirical facts, introduce the basic Real Business Cycle model, and discuss the current extensions of the model in a Dynamic General Equilibrium framework. Students will learn some basic methods used to solve these types of models and work with common data need to calibrate and/or estimate the models.

NEWPrerequisite: EO325H1(80%), ECO374H1(80%)/ECO375H1(80%)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO451H1    Macroeconomic Growth[24L]

An introduction to modern theories of the determinants of macroeconomic growth that examines the important question of why some countries are rich and others are poor. Topics include: investigation of empirical literature pertaining to international comparisons of recent and past rates of economic growth across countries.

Prerequisite: ECO325H1, ECO327Y/ECO375H1,ECO376H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO456H1    Special Topics in Financial Economics[24L]

Courses may be offered in one or more subjects each year. Students must meet the prerequisites announced by the Department (see the Undergraduate Administrator for details).

Prerequisite: TBA
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO457Y1    The International Economy since 1870[48S]

Topics vary with the interest and backgrounds of the participants; subjects normally include international monetary arrangements; patterns of international trade, competition and payments; migration and capital flows; imperialism and dependency; international fluctuations; the effects of the world wars on the international economy and the evolution of international economic institutions.

Prerequisite: grade of "B" in at least one of ECO364H1, ECO365H1, or ECO342Y1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO459H1    International Trade Regulation[24L]

The theory and political economy of international trade, with examination of specific trade institutions: Bretton Woods, WTO, NAFTA, tariff administration, most-favoured nation treatment, antidumping regulation, subsidies and countervailing duties, agriculture, trade in services, trade-related intellectual property, trade and environment, trade and developing countries.

Prerequisite: ECO328Y/ECO364H1, permission of instructor
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO461H1    The Economics of Financial Risk Management[24L]

This course is intended primarily for students in the Financial Economics specialist program and is not open to students in the B.Com program. The role of risk management in both private and public sectors, a discussion of why firms and government should hedge financial risks; individual and social gains of financial risk management; identification and quantification of financial risks (including Value-at-Risk measures); how derivative securities can be used for financial risk management.

Prerequisite: ECO358H1(70%)/ECO460H5(70%)
Exclusion: ACT349H1, MGT331Y1, 337Y1, 438H1, RSM332H1, RSM333H1, RSM435H1
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)

ECO462H1    Financial Econometrics[24L]

This course is intended primarily for students in the Financial Economics specialist program. An introduction to the econometrics used in empirical finance, with an emphasis on estimation and inference using computer based applications. Topics will include parametric and nonparametric models of volatility, evaluation of asset pricing theories and models for risk management and transactions data.

Prerequisite: ECO358H1(70%),327Y(70%)/ECO375H1(70%),ECO376H1(70%)
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)