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2011-2012 Calendar |
Interdisciplinary program
Where is home? Need it be in one place? Is it always attached to territory? Diaspora and transnational studies examines the historical and contemporary movements of peoples and the complex problems of identity and experience to which these movements give rise as well as the creative possibilities that flow from movement. The program is comparative and interdisciplinary, drawing from the social sciences, history and the arts. Students are required to take a year long course that offers an introduction to a broad array of themes and disciplinary methodologies. The program offers a wide selection of additional courses, giving students the opportunity to learn about a range of diasporic communities as well as key debates in the field.
Enrolment in this program requires the completion of 4.0 courses.
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two 300+ series courses)
1. DTS200Y1
2. JQR360H1
3. 4.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) from Group A and B courses, with at least two FCEs from each group. Coverage must include at least two diasporic communities or regions, to be identified in consultation with the program advisor.
4. Any of the two DTS 400-level courses
Enrolment in this program requires the completion of 4.0 courses.
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 300+ series course)
1. DTS200Y1
2. JQR360H1
3. 2 full-course equivalents (FCEs) from Group A and B courses, with at least one FCE from each group.
4. Any one DTS 400-level course
Group A (Humanities) Courses
Students are responsible for checking the co- and prerequisites for all courses in Groups A and B.
Note: course = one full course or the equivalent in half courses.
East-Asian Studies
EAS105H1 Modern East-Asian History
EAS251H1 Aesthetics and Politics in 20th Century Korea
EAS271H1 20th Century Korean History
EAS318H1 Rethinking Modernism: The Perspectives of Mainland China,Taiwan and Hong Kong
EAS333H1 Modernism and Colonial Korea
EAS374H1 Modern Japan and Colonialism
EAS439H1 The Global Bildungsroman: Narratives of Development, Time and Colonialism
ENG268H1 Asian North American Literature
ENG270Y1 Colonial and Postcolonial Writing
ENG275Y1 Jewish Literature in English
ENG277Y1 African Canadian Literature
ENG285H1 The English Language in the World
ENG370H1 Postcolonial and Transnational Discourses
ENG375H1 Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture
FIN320H1 The Finnish Canadian Immigrant Experience
FRE332H1 Francophone Literature I
FRE334H1 Francophone Cinema
FRE336H1 Postcolonialism: Francophone LIterature
FRE438H1 Advanced Topics in Francophone Literatures: Black Blanc Beur: Ecrire la banlieue
GER361H1 Yiddish Literature and Culture in Translation
GER362H1 Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Culture in the Soviet Union
GER365H1 Knights, Dybbuks, and Fairies: Yiddish & German Story-Telling Before 1700
HIS202H1 Gender, Race and Science
HIS208Y1 History of the Jewish People
HIS263Y1 Introduction to Canadian History
HIS282Y1 History of South Asia
HIS284Y1 Viet Nam: Crossroads of Asia
HIS291Y1 Latin America: The Colonial Period
HIS294Y1 Caribbean History & Culture: Indigenous Era to 1886
HIS303H1 The Mediterranean, 600-1300: Crusade, Colonialism, Diaspora
HIS305H1 Popular Culture and Politics in the Modern Caribbean
HIS312H1 Immigration to Canada
HIS330H1 Germany from Frederick the Great to the First World War
HIS336H1 Medieval Spain
HIS338H1 The Holocaust, to 1942
HIS352H1 Secularism and Strife: Modern Jewish Politics and Culture
HIS356H1 Zionism and Israel
HIS359H1 Regional Politics and Radical Movements in the 20th Century Caribbean
HIS360H1 African-Canadian History, 1606-Present
HIS361H1 The Holocaust, from 1942
HIS369H1 Aboriginal Peoples of the Great Lakes from 1500
HIS370H1 The Black Experience in the United States Since the Civil War
HIS383H1 African Women from Colonial Conquest to the Era of Structural Adjustment
HIS384H1 Colonial Canada
HIS385H1/Y1 The History of Hong Kong
HIS393H1 Slavery and the American South
HIS403Y1 Jews and Christians in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
HIS408Y1 History of Race Relations in America
HIS412Y1 Crusades, Conversions and Colonization in the Medieval Baltic
HIS413H1 Slave Emancipation in the Atlantic World
HIS414H1 The Third Reich
HIS431H1 Gender and the Holocaust
HIS433H1 Polish Jews Since the Partition of Poland
JHP435Y1 Linguistic and Cultural Minorities in Europe
HIS439H1 Russia’s Empire
HIS442H1 European Women in the Twentieth Century
HIS444H1 Topics in Jewish History: Jewish Identity in the Modern World
HIS446H1 Gender and Slavery in the Atlantic World
HIS456Y1 Black Slavery in Latin America
HIS467H1 French Colonial Indochina: History, Cultures, Texts, Film
HIS472H1 Indigenous-Newcomer Relations in Canadian History
HIS475H1 Race, Segregation, and Protest: South Africa and the United States
HIS476H1 Voices From Black America
HIS478H1 Hellhound on my Trail: Living the Blues in the Mississippi Delta
HIS480H1 Modernity and its Others: History and Postcolonial Critique
Innis College
INI327Y1 Screening Race
INI380Y1 Contemporary World Cinema
Innis College – Urban Studies
JGI216H1 Urbanization and Global Change
INI308H1 The City of Toronto
Italian Studies
ITA334H1 Italian-Canadian Literature I: Life in a New World
ITA493H1 Italian-Canadian Literature II: Identity and Voice
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
NMC150H1 Hebrew Bible and Ancient Jewish Literature in Translation
NMC250H1 Dead Sea Scrolls
NMC254H1 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
NMC256Y1 Literature and Culture of Modern Israel
NMC274Y1 Steppe Frontier in Islamic History
NMC275H1 Muslims and Jews: The Medieval Encounter
NMC284H1 Judaism And Feminism
NMC352H1 Faith and Doubt in Modern Hebrew Poetry
NMC370Y1 Ancient Israel
NMC384H1 Life Cycle and Personal Status in Judeism
NMC473H1 Intellectuals of the Modern Arab World
NMC475H1 Orientalism and Occidentalism
New College - African Studies
NEW250Y1 Africa in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
NEW296Y1 Black Freedom
NEW351Y1 African Systems of Thought
New College - Caribbean Studies
NEW223Y1 Caribbean Literature and Society
NEW224Y1 Caribbean Thought
NEW325H1 Caribbean Women Thinkers
NEW326Y1 Indenture, Survival, Change
NEW422Y1 Performing and Transforming the Caribbean
New College – Equity Studies
NEW341H1 Theories and Histories in Equity Studies
NEW342H1 Theory and Praxis in Food Security
NEW449H1 Contemporary Theories in Disability Studies
PRT252H1 Portuguese Island Culture
PRT255H1 The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture and Identity
RLG202Y1 The Jewish Religious Tradition
RLG220H1 Philosophical Responses to the Holocaust
RLG221H1 Religious Ethics: the Jewish Tradition
RLG243H1 Diasporic Religions
RLG280Y1 World Religions: A Comparative Study
RLG319H1 Reconception of Biblical Figures in Early Jewish and Christian Sources
RLG325H1 Visions and Revelations in Ancient Judaism and Christianity
RLG326H1 Judaism and the Roots of Christianity
RLG340Y1 Classical Jewish Theology
RLG341H1 Dreaming of Zion: Exile and Return in Jewish Thought
RLG342Y1 Judaism in the Modern Age
RLG344Y1 Antisemitism
RLG345H1 Social Ecology and Judaism
RLG346H1 Time and Place in Judaism
RLG430H1 Jewish Culture in Medieval Latin, Greek, and Arabic Europe
RLG432Y1 Natural Law in Judaism and Christianity
RLG434H1 Modern Jewish Thought
RLG453H1 Christianity and Judaism in Colonial Context
Slavic Languages and Literature
SLA202H1 Jewish Communities in Slavic Countries
SLA222H1 Roma (Gypsies) and Slavs
SLA238H1 Literature of the Ukrainian-Canadian Experience
SLA302H1 The Imaginary Jew
SLA303H1 Literary Imagination and Jewish Identity in Modern Europe
SLA325H1 Magic Prague
SLA380H1 Language, Politics and Identity
SLA357H1 Yugoslavia’s Literary Émigrés and Exiles
SLA312H1 Nabokov
SLA238H1 Literature of the Ukrainian-Canadian Experience
SLA318H1 Kyiv-Kiev-Kijow: A City through Cultures and Centuries
South Asian Studies
SAS217H1 Tamil Studies in South Asia and the Diaspora
St. Michael’s College
SMC413H1 The Irish in Canada
SMC414H1 The Scots in Canada
SMC416H1 Irish Nationalism in Canada and the United States
SMC421H1 Jews and Judaism in Christian Traditions Spanish
SPA480H1 Theories of Culture in Latin America
SPA486H1 Contemporary Caribbean Literatures and Identities
Victoria College
VIC350Y1 Creative Writing: A Multicultural Approach
Women and Gender Studies
WGS366H1 Gender and Disability
WGS368H1 Gender and Cultural Difference: Transnational Perspectives
WGS369H1 Studies in Post-Colonialism
WGS375H1 Colonialism, Sexuality, Spirituality and the Law
WGS380H1 Aboriginal, Black and Immigrant Women in the Land of Dollars
WGS430H1 Queer Diasporas
WGS440H1 Gender and the Sacred
WGS445H1 Migrations and the Sacred
Group B (Social Sciences) courses
ANT318H1 The Preindustrial City and Urban Social Theory
ANT324H1 Tourism & Globalization
ANT341H1 China in Transition
ANT345H1 Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives
ANT346H1 Anthropology of Food
ANT347Y1 Metropolis: Global Cities
ANT348H1 Anthropology of Health
ANT350H1 Globalization and the Changing World of Work
ANT351H1 Contested Environments
ANT354H1 Japan in Global Context: Anthropological Perspectives
JAL355H1 Language and Gender
ANT356H1 Anthropology of Religion
ANT357H1 Cultures of U.S. Empire
ANT359H1 Culture and Difference
ANT366H1 Anthropology of Social Movements: Theory and Method
ANT370H1 Introduction to Social Anthropological Theory
ANT375H1 Reading Ethnography: Classic Ethnographies
ANT426H1 Orientalism: Western Views of Muslims and Jews
ANT427H1 Language, Ideology, & Political Economy
ANT475H1 Reading Ethnography: Contemporary Ethnographies
ANT467H1 Ethnographies of Contemporary South Asia
ANT426H1 Orientalism: Western Views of the Other
ANT440H1 Society in Transition
ANT446H1 Anthropology of Western Europe: Issues and Ideas
ANT448H1 Ethnicity & Nationalism
ANT450H1 Nature, Culture and the City
ANT452H1 Anthropology & Human Rights
ANT456H1 Queer Ethnography
ANT466H1 The Philippines and the Filipino Diaspora
GGR216H1 Global Cities
JGI216H1 Urbanization & Global Change
GGR320H1 Geographies of Transnationalism, Migration, and Gender
GGR336H1 Urban Historical Geography of North America
GGR339H1 Urban Geography, Planning and Political Processes
JGI346H1 The Urban Planning Process
GGR361H1 Understanding the Urban Landscape
GGR363H1 Critical Geographies: An Introduction to Radical Ideas on Space, Society and Culture
GGR366H1 Historical Toronto
GGR452H1 Space, Power, Geography: Understanding Spatiality
GGR457H1 The Post-War Suburbs
Political Science
POL215Y1 Politics and Transformation of Asia-Pacific
POL311Y1 Ideas and Ideologies in Canadian Politics
POL321H1 Ethnic Politics in Comparative Perspective
POL345Y1 Becoming Israel: War, Peace, and the Politics of Israel’s Identity
JPR364Y1 Religion and Politics
POL403H1 Colonialism/Post-Colonialism: The Colonial State and Its Forms of Power
POL421H1 Maimonides and His Modern Interpreters
POL429H1 Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Democracy
POL430Y1 Comparative Studies in Jewish and non-Jewish Political Thought
POL443H1 The Colonial State and its Forms of Power
JPF455Y1 Cities
SOC214H1 Family Patterns
SOC215Y1 Socialization
SOC218H1 Asian Communities in Canada
SOC220H1 Social Inequality in Canada
SOC243H1 Sociology of Health and Illness
SOC244H1 Sociology of Health Care
SOC246H1 The Sociology of Aging
SOC247H1 The Sociology of Aging II
SOC250Y1 Sociology of Religion
SOC270H1 Comparative Social Inequality
SOC279H1 Contentious Politics
SOC306Y1 Sociology of Crime and Delinquency
SOC330Y1 Comparative Ethnic Relations
SOC336H1 Immigration and Race Relations in Canada
SOC357H1 Lives in Canada
SOC341Y1 The Jewish Community in Europe and North America
SOC344Y1 Contemporary International Migration
SOC358H1 Cities and Social Pathology
SOC360Y1 Sociology of Cultural Studies
SOC364H1 Urban Health
SOC367H1 Race, Class, and Gender
SOC370Y1 Sociology of Labour
SOC381Y1 Culture and Social Structure
SOC383H1 The Sociology of Women and International Migration
SOC388H1 Sociology of Everyday Life
SOC483Y1 Methods and Models of Demography
University College – Canadian Studies
JWU200H1 Toronto in the Canadian Context
UNI220Y1 Understanding Canada Today: Re-imaging the Nation
UNI280H1 Canadian Jewish History
UNI307Y1 Asian Cultures in Canada
UNI320Y1 Canadian Quesitions: Issues and Debates
UNI380H1 Socio-Cultural Perspective of the Canadian Jewish Community
Victoria College
VIC183H1 Individuals and the Public Sphere: Shaping Memory
VIC184H1 Individuals and the Public Sphere: History, Historiography and Making Cultural Memory
Woodsworth College - Criminology
WDW383H1 Immigration and Crime
Women and Gender Studies
WGS425H1 Women and Issues of International Development
WGS426H1 Gender and Globalization: Transnational Perspectives
University of Toronto Scarborough courses that can be applied to the program
Please visit http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~humdiv/Diaspora/dia_overview_new.htm.
University of Toronto Mississauga courses that can be applied to the program
Please visit http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/8940.0.html.
The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. Details here.
What is the relationship between place and belonging, between territory and memory? How have the experiences of migration and dislocation challenged the modern assumption that the nation-state should be the limit of identification? What effect has the emergence of new media of communication had upon the coherence of cultural and political boundaries? All of these questions and many more form part of the subject matter of Diaspora and Transnational Studies. This introductory course ex-amines the historical and contemporary movements of peoples and the complex issues of identity and experience to which these processes give rise as well as the creative possibilities that flow from movement and being moved. The area of study is comparative and interdisciplinary, drawing from the social sciences, history, the arts and humanities. Accordingly, this course provides the background to the subject area from diverse perspectives and introduces students to a range of key debates in the field, with particular attention to questions of history, globalization, cultural production and the creative imagination.
Exclusion: DTS201H1, DTS202H1Examines the Canadian population census through the experience of diasporic groups in Canada. Approaches the census as a statistical tool, an historical source and an ideological project of citizenship and nationalism. Uses census data to explore mathematical and statistical concepts and to integrate numerical ways of thinking with qualitative analysis. (Jointly sponsored by African Studies, Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Caribbean Studies, Equity Studies and Latin American Studies).
Prerequisite: DTS200Y1, NEW150Y1/NEW224Y1/NEW240Y1, LAS200Y1A scholarly project chosen by the student, approved by the Department, and supervised by one of its instructors. Consult with the Diaspora and Transnational Studies Program Office for more information.
Prerequisite: DTS200Y1A scholarly project chosen by the student, approved by the Department, and supervised by one of its instructors. Consult with the Diaspora and Transnational Studies Program Office for more information.
Prerequisite: DTS200Y1Topics change from year to year. Not offered in 2011-2012.
Prerequisite: DTS200Y1Who belongs? Who does not? What are the mechanisms by which individuals become included and excluded? Once bounded by the sovereign nation-state, these questions have taken on new significance in a world now organized by proc-esses of disapora and transnationalism. This course, in response, explores new coordinates for membership.
Prerequisite: DTS200Y1As they travel through space and time, material objects play an important role in the production of diasporic identity. This course focuses on the culturally defined and socially regulated processes of circulation, transaction, and use to examine the ways in which diasporic communities identify value and meaning in objects and how those objects give value to the social relations that define communities. Through readings, guest lectures and discussions, we will address questions such as: What roles do objects play in the constitution and reproduction of diasporic communities? What qualities are read into objects, through what mechanisms, and how does their meaning vary across space? What is the relationship between object, narrative, affect and identity? What conditions affect the durability of the relation between object and diasporic identity?
Prerequisite: DTS200Y1The course examines patterns of Jewish stories popular in the countries of the Jewish Diaspora. We will start with biblical stories, then move on to the moralistic tales of the Talmud, medieval Ladino and Hebrew ballads and legends, tales of Dybbuks, Golems and other supernatural beings, Hassidic tales, Yiddish wonder stories, immigration folklore of the 20th and 21st century.
Prerequisite: DTS200Y1