American Studies Program
Enrolment in the programs listed below is open to students who have completed
four courses; no minimum GPA is
American Studies (Arts program)
Consult Prof. Elspeth Brown, ROOM 327N, Munk Centre for International
Studies (416-946-8011) for general program
Major program:
(6 full courses or their equivalent, including at least TWO 300+ series courses,
at least 0.5 400+ series courses, in at least three disciplines)
Second year:
1. HIS271Y1 or ENG250Y1 or POL203Y1 or GGR240H1/GGR254H1
Third year:
2. USA300H1
Second, third, or fourth year:
3. 4.5 courses from the following: ABS302H1, ABS341H1, ABS403H1, ABS405Y1; ANT357H1, ANT365H1; DRM310H1; ECO307H1,
ECO423H1; ENG250Y1, ENG254Y1, ENG268H1, ENG275Y1, ENG360H1, ENG363Y1, ENG364Y1, ENG365H1, ENG368H1, ENG434H1/ENG435H1/ENG436H1,
ENG437Y1/ENG438Y1/ENG439Y1; FAH375H1; GGR240H1, GGR254H1, GGR336H1, GGR339H1; HIS106Y1, HIS202H1, HIS271Y1, HIS316H1, HIS327H1,
HIS365H1, 369Y1, HIS370H1, HIS374H1, HIS376H1, 377Y1, HIS378H1, 379H1, HIS389H1, HIS393H1, HIS401H1, HIS404H1, HIS408Y1, HIS436H1,
HIS447H1, HIS471H1, HIS473Y1, HIS475H1, HIS476H1, HIS478H1, HIS479H1, HIS484H1, HIS487H1; INI225Y1, INI322Y1, INI324Y1, INI383H1, INI397H1,
INI398H1, INI429H1, INI460H1, INI463H1, INI467H1, INI482Y1, INI483H1, INI484H1; MUS306H1; POL203Y1, POL319Y1, POL326Y1, POL349H1,
POL420Y1, 433Y1; RLG315H1, RLG442H1; USA200H1, USA310H1, USA400H1, USA401H1, USA494H1, USA495Y1: VIC130H1, VIC132H1,
NOTE: OtHER 300+ series courses with American content may be allowed;
students should seek early approval of
program credit for such courses.
Minor program:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least ONE 300+ series course
in at least two disciplines)
Second year:
1. HIS271Y1 or ENG250Y1 or POL203Y1 or GGR240H1/GGR254H1
Third year:
2. USA300H1
Second, third, or fourth year:
3. 2.5 courses from the following: ABS302H1, ABS341H1, ABS403H1, ABS405Y1; ANT357H1, ANT365H1; DRM310H1; ECO307H1,
ECO423H1; ENG250Y1, ENG254Y1, ENG268H1, ENG275Y1, ENG360H1, ENG363Y1, ENG364Y1,ENG365H1, ENG368H1, ENG434H1/ENG435H1/ENG436H1,
ENG437Y1/ENG438Y1/ENG439Y1; FAH375H1; GGR240H1, GGR254H1, GGR336H1, GGR339H1; HIS106Y1, HIS202H1, HIS271Y1, HIS316H1, HIS327H1,
HIS365H1, 369Y1, HIS370H1, HIS374H1, HIS376H1, 377Y1, HIS378H1, 379H1, HIS389H1, HIS393H1, HIS401H1, HIS404H1, HIS408Y1, HIS436H1,
HIS447H1, HIS471H1, HIS473Y1, HIS475H1, HIS476H1, HIS478H1, HIS479H1, HIS484H1, HIS487H1; INI225Y1, INI322Y1, INI324Y1, INI383H1, INI397H1, INI398H1, INI429H1, INI460H1, INI463H1, INI482Y1, INI483H1, INI484H1; MUS306H1; POL203Y1, POL319Y1, POL326Y1, POL349H1, POL420Y1,
433Y1; RLG315H1, RLG442H1; USA200H1, USA310H1, USA400H1, USA401H1, USA494H1, USA495Y1; VIC130H1, VIC132H1
NOTE: Other 300+ series courses with American content may be allowed; students
should seek early approval of
program credit for such courses.