European Studies Program
This is a limited enrolment program open only to those who earn a mark
of at least 70% in one of the required first-year language courses (for the
or in a first-year history or political science course (for the minor) and
who also successfully complete at least 4 full courses in first year. Visit
the European
Studies Program web site for updated information about requirements, course
offerings, and events: .
European Studies (Arts program)
Consult Dr. E. S. Klein, ROOM 325N, Munk Centre for International Studies
(416-946-8962) for general program requirements.
Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least TWO 300-series
courses. The language requirement consists of three full credits
in a single language
at a progressive level of difficulty.)
NOTE: Some of the courses listed
below may have prerequisites; some may be offered in alternate years. The
list reflects information
available at the
time of printing. Consult the Program Advisor for up-to-date information.
First Year:
One of the following: EST100Y1; FIN100Y1; FSL100H1 AND102H1/121Y1; GER100Y1/GER101H1/GER200Y1; HUN100Y1; ITA100Y1/ITA101Y1/102Y1/142Y1/ITA152Y1; PRT100Y1/PRT110Y1/PRT220Y1; SLA100Y1, SLA106Y1, SLA108Y1, SLA109Y1,
SLA205Y1, SLA207Y1, SLA237Y1; SPA100Y1/SPA220Y1
Second Year:
1. EUR200Y1
2. One full course equivalent from: EST200Y1; FIN200Y1; FSL221Y1; GER200Y1/GER300Y1/GER370H1; HUN200Y1; ITA250Y1/ITA251Y1/ITA252Y1/253Y1; PRT220Y1/PRT320Y1; SLA206Y1, SLA208Y1, SLA209Y1, SLA220Y1,
SLA305Y1, SLA307Y1, SLA316Y1; SPA220Y1/SPA320Y1
Third Year:
1. POL207Y1/POL324Y1/POL359Y1
2. One full course equivalent from: EST300Y1; FIN300H1; FSL331Y1/FSL341Y1/FSL366H1; GER300Y1/GER370H1/400Y1/GER470H1; HUN310Y1; ITA343H1, ITA344H1, ITA354H1, ITA355H1; PRT320Y1/PRT420Y1;
SLA306Y1, SLA308Y1, SLA320Y1, SLA327H1, SLA326Y1; SPA320Y1/SPA323H1/SPA420H1
Second, Third or Fourth Year:
Two full course equivalents from: ANT446Y1; ECO201Y1, ECO230Y1, ECO303Y1, ECO342Y1,
452H1; ENG202Y1, ENG329H1; EST400Y1; FCS195H1, FCS290H1, FCS291H1, FCS292H11, FCS297H1, FCS310Y1, FCS331H1, FCS390H1, FCS391H1, FCS392H1, FCS395H1, FCS490H1, FCS497H1; FIN230H1, FIN235H1 FIN240H1, FIN250H1, FIN260H1, FIN310H1, FIN330H1, FIN340H1, FIN350H1, FIN410H1, FIN415H1; FRE320Y1, 322Y1, 324Y1, 326Y1, 359H1, 360H1, 364Y1, 365H1, 367H1, 368H1, 449H1; FSL431Y1, FSL442H1, FSL443H1, FSL461Y1; GGR339H1, GGR344H1, GGR361H1; GER150H1, GER204H1, GER205H1, GER232H1, GER260Y1, GER305H1, GER310H1, GER324H1, GER325H1, GER327H1, GER331H1, GER334H1, GER335H1, GER351H1, GER354Y0, GER355Y0, GER360H1, GER362H1, 353Y, GER364H1, GER410H1, GER422H1, GER430H1, GER462H1; HIS208Y1, HIS220Y1, 232Y1, HIS241H1, HIS242H1, HIS245Y1, HIS251Y1, HIS302H1, 310Y1, HIS317H1, HIS325H1, HIS330H1, HIS331H1, HIS334Y1, HIS335H1, 337Y1, 338Y1, HIS339Y1, 341Y1, HIS344Y1, HIS349H1, HIS351Y1, HIS353Y1, HIS354Y1, HIS355H1, HIS357Y1, HIS388H1, HIS401H1, HIS407H1, HIS414H1, HIS415H1, HIS416H1, HIS418H1, 420H1, 421H1, HIS422H1, 429Y1, HIS436H1, 442Y1, HIS444H1, HIS445H1, HIS449Y1, HIS451H1, HIS453H1, 454H1, HIS455H1, HIS458Y1, HIS459H1, HIS460H1, HIS461H1, HIS477H1, HIS483H1, HIS488H1, HIS492Y1; HUN320Y1, HUN335H1, HUN345H1, HUN351H1, HUN355H1, HUN356H1, HUN440H1, HUN450H1, HUN451H1, HUN455H1; INI382H1, 462H1; ITA210Y1, ITA240Y1, ITA245Y1, ITA301H1, ITA310H1, ITA326H1, 340Y1, ITA341H1, ITA346H1, ITA347H1, ITA358Y0, ITA359Y0, ITA381H1, ITA405H1, ITA410H1, ITA415H1, ITA421H1, ITA441H1, ITA455H1, ITA491H1, ITA492H1; JEF100Y1; JHP304Y1, JHP435Y1, JHP454Y1; JPD439Y1; PHL210Y1, PHL217H1, PHL265H1, PHL310H1, PHL311H1, 312H1, PHL315H1, PHL316H1, PHL317H1, PHL320H1, PHL321H1, PHL322H1, PHL326H1, PHL338H1, PHL388H1; POL200Y1, POL317Y1, POL320Y1, POL321H1, POL324Y1, POL344H1, 354H1, POL359Y1, 366Y1, POL405Y1, POL414H1, POL415H1, POL422Y1, POL440Y1, POL452Y1, POL453Y1, POL462Y1; PRT250H1; SLA205H1, SLA215H1, SLA216Y1, SLA225H1, SLA226H1, SLA405Y1, 406Y1, 414H1, 416Y1, 424Y1, SLA425Y1, 434Y1, SLA445H1, SLA465H1, SLA475H1; SOC203Y1, SOC341Y1, 350Y1; SPA250H1, SPA341H1, SPA345H1, SPA435H1.
Minor program in European Union Studies:
(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least ONE 300/400
full-course equivalent)
1. EUR200Y1
2. POL207Y1/POL324Y1/POL359Y1
3. Two full credits or their equivalent in eligible elective
courses (see European Studies Major above)