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Rules and RegulationsWhile Departmental counsellors and the Registrars of the Colleges are always available to give advice and guidance, it must be clearly understood that THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH THE STUDENT for completeness and correctness of course selection, for compliance with prerequisite, co-requisite requirements, observance of exceeded courses, etc., for completion of Program details, for proper observance of degree requirements, the Distribution Requirement and for observance of regulations, deadlines, etc. Students are responsible for seeking guidance from a responsible officer if they are in any doubt; misunderstanding, or advice received from another student will not be accepted as cause for dispensation from any regulation, deadline, program or degree requirement. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Important NoticesThe undergraduate academic Calendar of the Faculty of Arts & Science is published in both online and printed editions. Every effort has been made to ensure the compatability of both versions. In the case of any discrepancy, the online version shall apply. Any post-publication corrections and/or updates to the print edition of this Calendar will be posted on the Faculty Registrar's web site at Students are strongly advised to check back regularly to keep informed of changes. While Departmental counsellors and the Registrars of the Colleges are always available to give advice and guidance, it must be clearly understood that THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH THE STUDENT for completeness and correctness of course selection, for compliance with prerequisite, co-requisite requirements, etc., for completion of Program details, for proper observance of the Distribution Requirement and for observance of regulations, deadlines, etc. Students are responsible for seeking guidance from a responsible officer if they are in any doubt; misunderstanding, or advice received from another student will not be accepted as cause for dispensation from any regulation, deadline, program or degree requirement. Degrees Offered on the St. George Campus Effective for students registering in a degree program in the Faculty for the first time in the 2001 summer session or later, the St. George Campus of the Faculty of Arts and Science has discontinued the 15-course (three-year) B.A. and B.Sc. degrees; ONLY 20-course (four-year) Honours B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com degrees will be available. Students registered in a degree program in the Faculty before the 2001 summer session may still choose a 15-course (three-year) degree. Changes in Programs of Study and/or Courses The programs of study that our Calendar lists and describes are available for the year(s) to which the calendar applies. They may not necessarily be available in later years. If the University or the Faculty must change the content of programs of study or withdraw them, all reasonable possible advance notice and alternative instruction will be given. The University will not, however, be liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such changes might cause. For each program of study offered by the University through the Faculty, the courses necessary to complete the minimum requirements of the program will be made available annually. We must, however, reserve the right otherwise to change the content of courses, instructors and instructional assignments, enrolment limitations, pre-requisites and co-requisites, grading policies, requirements for promotion and timetables without prior notice. Regulations and Policies As members of the University of Toronto community, students assume certain responsibilities and are guaranteed certain rights and freedoms. The University has several policies that are approved by the Governing Council and that apply to all students. Each student must become familiar with the policies. The University will assume that he or she has done so. The rules and regulations of the Faculty are listed in this calendar. In applying to the Faculty, the student assumes certain responsibilities to the University and the Faculty and, if admitted and registered, shall be subject to all rules, regulations and policies cited in the Calendar, as amended from time to time. All University policies can be found at Some policies or portions of policies are published in the "Rules and Regulations" section of this Calendar. Those which are of particular importance to students are: the Policy on Access to Student Academic Records; the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters; the Code of Student Conduct; the Grading Practices Policy; and the Policy on Official Correspondence with Students. More information about students’ rights and responsibilities can be found at Enrolment Limitations The University makes every reasonable effort to plan and control enrolment to ensure that all of our students are qualified to complete the programs to which they are admitted, and to strike a practicable balance between enrolment and available instructional resources. Sometimes such a balance cannot be struck and the number of qualified students exceeds the instructional resources that we can reasonably make available while at the same time maintaining the quality of instruction. In such cases, we must reserve the right to limit enrolment in the programs, courses, or sections listed in the calendar, and to withdraw courses or sections for which enrolment or resources are insufficient. The University will not be liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such limitations or withdrawals might cause. Copyright in Instructional Settings If a student wishes to tape-record, photograph, video-record or otherwise reproduce lecture presentations, course notes or other similar materials provided by instructors, he or she must obtain the instructor’s written consent beforehand. Otherwise all such reproduction is an infringement of copyright and is absolutely prohibited. In the case of private use by students with disabilities, the instructor’s consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Person I.D. (Student Number) Each student at the University is assigned a unique identification number. The number is confidential. The University, through the Policy on Access to Student Academic Records, strictly controls access to Person I.D. numbers. The University assumes and expects that students will protect the confidentiality of their Person I.D.’s. Fees and Other Charges The University reserves the right to alter the fees and other charges described in the Calendar. Notice of Collection concerning Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy The University of Toronto respects your privacy. Personal information that you provide to the University is collected pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of administering admission, registration, academic programs, university-related student activities, activities of student societies, financial assistance and awards, graduation and university advancement, and for the purpose of statistical reporting to government agencies. At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to or contact the University Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator at 416 946-7303, McMurrich Building,room 201, 12 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8. An expanded version of this Notice can be found at Registration Details of the procedures by which students of the Faculty of Arts and Science register and enrol in courses for which they are eligible, and pay or make arrangements to pay fees, are found in the Registration Handbook and Timetable, which students receive from their college. (Any student allowed to register one day after the end of the first week of classes is charged a late fee. Passed Courses May Not Be Repeated Students may not repeat any course in which they have already obtained a mark of 50% or higher. The only exceptions occur when students require a course with a specific grade for entry to a limited-enrolment Program. Students may repeat such a course only once as an “extra” course, which will have no effect on status or Grade-Point Average. There are no supplemental examinations or provisions to “upgrade” a mark. All courses taken, except those officially cancelled, remain on the record. Degree Courses and “Extra” Courses: Chronological Principle Courses are credited towards a degree chronologically. For example, if a student has already passed six 100-series courses and then enrols in further 100-series courses, the more recent courses are counted as “Extra” courses. An exception occurs when a student who has completed 5.5 100-series courses enrols in a full course at the 100-level in a subsequent session; the most recently taken half-course becomes “extra.” Taking Courses Outside the FacultyCourses at University of Toronto Scarborough and University of Toronto Mississauga Students registered on the St. George campus of the Faculty of Arts and Science may enrol in most courses offered by University of Toronto Mississauga and University of Toronto Scarborough, provided that they meet the enrolment controls and prerequisites established by those divisions. These courses count towards the 20 credits required for a St. George degree and are included in the CGPA. These courses may also count towards St. George program requirements; students should check with their program office before enrolling. Courses of Other Divisions Students should select their courses from those offered in the Faculty of Arts and Science. If, however, they identify a course(s) offered in another division, faculty or school of the University that may be appropriate for inclusion in their degree program, they may petition for permission to register in the course for degree credit. In the petition, students must establish that the content and aims of the course(s) are valid for a specific Arts and Science program and cannot not be met by courses offered within the Faculty of Arts and Science. The students should initiate the procedure well in advance of the beginning of classes, so that they may choose alternate courses should the request is denied. The Faculty will not accept as reasons for taking courses in other divisions the wish to satisfy requirements to qualify for programs and organisations outside the Faculty or to prepare for non-academic or professional purposes. Graduate Courses: Acceptance of petitions to take graduate courses is further subject to the requirements of the School of Graduate Studies (CGPA of 3.0). Non-degree students may enrol through this Faculty in courses given by this Faculty or the University of Toronto Mississauga or the University of Toronto Scarborough only. See the section on petitions and appeals for more information. Courses of Other Universities (Letters of Permission and Transfer Credit) Degree students with a cumulative grade point average of at least 1.50 before studying elsewhere may take a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents elsewhere for transfer credit. Students admitted with transfer credit may be limited in the number of courses that they may transfer after admission and should consult the chart available on the web at Prior to taking courses at another university, students are advised to request a Letter of Permission to confirm acceptability of those courses for transfer credit. Otherwise, students may submit a request for transfer credit after completing courses elsewhere. Permission obtained from an instructor or from a department for program purposes, however, does not obligate the Faculty to grant transfer credit. There is a $25.00 non-refundable charge for each request. Assessments of transfer credit may take several weeks to process depending on the time of year and the nature of the request. Applicants are responsible for submitting requests well in advance of any deadlines they must meet and for obtaining the appropriate counselling concerning the Letter of Permission and/or Transfer Credit process. Note: Study Elsewhere Opportunities U of T offers a wide range of opportunities to study elsewhere. For more information contact: International Student Exchange Office Summer Abroad Program Cancelling Courses or RegistrationCancelling Courses Students who do not intend to complete a course or courses must use the Student Web Service to cancel the course before the final date to cancel courses from the academic record (see Sessional Dates, page 6). Students still enrolled in a course after the final date to cancel the course will receive a grade for that course. Not attending classes or ceasing to complete further course work or not writing the examination do not constitute grounds for cancellation without academic penalty from a course; the course remains on the record with the grade earned, including “0” for incomplete work. Students are not permitted to cancel or withdraw from a course in which an allegation of academic misconduct is pending from the time of the alleged offence until the final disposition of the accusation. Cancelling Registration Students who wish to cancel all their current courses, and do not intend to enrol in any other courses for the rest of the session (Fall, Winter or Summer) must cancel their registration by using the Student Web Service at or in writing by notifying their College Registrar. The cancellation of registration must be completed by the appropriate deadline in order for the student not to incur an academic penalty. Before any refund is authorized, they must:
Corrections to the Academic Record The Faculty will accept requests for corrections to an academic record of the Fall-Winter Session up to the following 15 November, and corrections to their record of the Summer Session up to the following 28/29 February. Note: Students are responsible for ensuring that they provide a valid mailing address to assure that they receive a Statement of Results at the end of the Fall-Winter and Summer Sessions. The mailing address must be kept up-to-date on the Student Web Service at Students who cease attending a course without officially cancelling or after the cancellation deadline will be considered to be enrolled in that course. It will be included in their official Statement of Results. FeesFees are subject to change at any time by approval of the Governing Council. Tuition fees normally consist of academic fees (including instruction and library) and incidental/ancillary fees (including Hart House, Health Services, Athletics and student organizations). Additional ancillary fees may also be assessed for enrolment in some specific courses. Consult the Student Accounts web site at or the Bursar of Trinity College. Fees Invoice and Payment Students receive an invoice by mail or in person at Students Accounts or their college bursar’s office (Trinity students) detailing fees for their specific program and selection of courses. Payment is made at a financial institution — consult the instructions sent with the invoice. You can also pay your fees using telephone or online banking if your bank offers this service. Refer to the Registration Handbook & Timetable for further details. Payment Deadlines Deadlines are available from the Student Accounts Office or from the college bursar’s offices (Trinity students). To avoid delays, students are advised to pay fees early. All fees and charges posted to your account are payable. If not paid in full, any outstanding account balance is subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5% per month compounded (19.56% per annum). Outstanding charges on your account from prior sessions are subject to a service charge as of the 15th of every month until paid in full." Students with outstanding accounts may not receive official transcripts and may not re-register at the University until these accounts are paid. Fees for International Students In accordance with the recommendation of the Government of Ontario, certain categories of students who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents of Canada are charged higher academic fees. Refer to the Student Accounts web site at for details. Further information on fees may be obtained by students of Innis, New, University, Victoria and Woodsworth Colleges from the Student Accounts Office, University of Toronto, 215 Huron St., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A2; 416-978-2142. Students of Trinity College should consult their College Bursar. Financial Assistance A limited number of in-course bursaries, scholarships and awards is available to students who need financial assistance or who qualify for them on the basis of academic merit. Information on these, and the Ontario Student Assistance Program, is available on the following web sites:
Sanctions on Account of Outstanding Obligations The following are recognized University obligations:
The following academic sanctions are imposed on Arts and Science students with outstanding University obligations:
Payments made by continuing or returning students will first be applied to outstanding University debts and then to current fees. Course MarksTerm Work and Term Test Regulations The following regulations summarize the Faculty’s implementation of the University’s Grading Practices Policy, Parts I and II of which are reprinted in full starting on page 484 (Part III is an administrative appendix and is available upon request from the Office of the Vice-President and Provost; however grade scales may be seen on page 478 of this Calendar). Marking Schemes Both essays (or equivalent work) and examinations (including term tests) are normally required for standing in courses. In courses where only one form of evaluation is used, a single piece of work cannot count for all of the final mark. Self-evaluation by individual students or by groups of students is not permissible unless the specific consent of the Arts and Science Faculty Council is received. As early as possible in each course, and no later than the last date to enrol in courses, the instructor must announce in a regularly-scheduled class the methods by which student performance will be evaluated, their relative weight in the final mark, including any discretionary factor, and the due dates. These methods must be in accord with applicable University and Faculty policies (See TERM WORK and TERM TEST below, especially bold-faced items.) Instructors must file a copy of their marking scheme for each course with the Departmental or Program Office at the beginning of the term. Once the weight of each component of the course work is given, it may not be changed unless approved by a majority of the students present and voting at a regularly-scheduled meeting of the class. After the last date to cancel the course without academic penalty, no change in marks weighting may take place unless there is unanimous consent of all students present and voting, and notice must be given at the regularly-scheduled class meeting previous to that at which the issue is to be raised. Students may petition for deletion of the course from their record and receive an appropriate fees refund, should an infraction of the Grading Practices Policy occur. Petitions must be filed by the last day of classes, before all course work has been completed. Term Work Instructors shall return by the deadline one or more marked assignments worth a combined total of at least 10% of the total course mark for H courses and 20% for Y courses. The deadline for returning such marked work shall be the last regularly scheduled class meeting prior to the deadline to cancel without academic penalty, with one exception: for courses that run the entire Fall/Winter Session (Y1Y or H1Y courses), the deadline shall be the last regularly-scheduled class meeting of the first week of classes in January. All term work must be submitted on or before the last day of classes in the course concerned, unless an earlier date is specified by the instructor. Students who for reasons beyond their control are unable to submit an assignment by its deadline must obtain approval from their instructor for an extension of the deadline. This extension may be for no longer than the end of the Final Examination period. If additional time beyond this period is required, students must petition through their College Registrar before the end of the examination period for a further extension of the deadline. Students are strongly advised to keep rough and draft work and copies of their essays and assignments, as these may be required by the instructor. All written work that has been evaluated should be returned with such detailed comment as the instructor deems appropriate, and time made available for discussion of it. Any enquiries about a graded piece of work must be made within one month of the date the work was returned to the class. Instructors must keep unclaimed term work for at least six months beyond the end of the course. Term Tests No term test or combination of term tests held in the last two weeks of classes at the end of any term may have a total weight greater than 25% of the final mark. All term tests must be held on or before the last day of classes. No term test may be held during the “Reading Week” in February, during the “Study Week” in April, or during Faculty Examination Periods, except for those in F or Y-courses scheduled by the Faculty in December. Missed Term Tests Students who miss a term test will be assigned a mark of zero for that test unless they satisfy the following conditions:
* Note This means that if a department is persuaded of the student’s grounds for missing the makeup test, it may decide to compensate for the missed test in whatever way it chooses, which could be by giving another makeup test; the student cannot demand another makeup test. Faculty Final ExaminationsA Faculty final examination common to all sections of the course and counting for between one-third and two-thirds of the final mark must be held in each 100-series course, unless exemption has been granted by the Arts and Science Faculty Council. In 200-, 300- and 400-series courses, the Departments will decide whether or not an examination is appropriate, and report to the Committee. The ratio of term work to examination mark will be the same for all sections of multi-section courses that have final examinations. The relative value of each part of a written examination must be indicated on the question paper. Final examinations are held at the end of each session or subsession. Students taking courses during the day may be required to write evening examinations, and students taking evening courses may be required to write examinations during the day. Examinations may be held on Saturdays. Students who make personal commitments during the examination period do so at their own risk. No special consideration is given and no special arrangements are made in the event of conflicts. Students who are unable to write their examinations due to illness, domestic affliction, etc., should contact their College Registrar (see "Petitions Regarding Examinations", page 481). Students who have two Faculty final examinations at the same time, or three consecutive Faculty final examinations (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening; or afternoon, evening, next morning) should contact the Office of the Faculty Registrar well before the examination period begins. Information regarding dates, times and locations of examinations will not be given by telephone or email; for the most up to date examination timetable consult the Faculty Website. Rules for the Conduct of Examinations
Special Accommodations Fee Students who request permission to write an examination outside the normal examination arrangements must submit a petition making their request at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the examination period. Late requests cannot be accommodated. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 for each examination is charged at the time of application. Students who have been granted permission to write a deferred examination will pay this fee in addition to the deferred examination fee of $70.00 per examination. If permission has been granted for the examination to be written at an “Outside Centre”, students are also responsible for all costs for invigilation, postage, etc. charged by the centres involved. These costs can reach as high as $100.00 per examination; students are advised to determine the total cost before petitioning. Such permission is granted only in the most extreme circumstances. Credit/No CreditEffective beginning the 2008-09 Fall-Winter Session, degree students in the Faculty of Arts & Science may select up to 1.0 full-course equivalents of their degree credits to be assessed on a Credit/ No Credit basis. Students must choose this mode of assessment no later than the last day to enrol in the relevant course. Once the deadline has passed, students may not under any circumstances reverse this decision. To achieve a status of CR (Credit), a student must achieve a final mark of at least 60%. Marks below that will be assessed as NCR (No Credit). Courses with a final status of CR will count as degree credits but will have no effect on the student’s GPA. They will count as Distribution Requirements and degree credits, but cannot be used to satisfy subject POSt requirements. Courses with a final status of NCR will not count as degree credits but will not count as failures, and will also not be included in the GPA calculation. Students may exercise this option to a total of 1.0 full-course equivalents within the total number of credits required for a degree. The choice is not restricted as to year or level of course. This option is not available to Arts & Science non-degree students or to students from other faculties/divisions of the University of Toronto.
Repeating a Courses as an "Extra" A student may repeat 1.0 full-course equivalent in which he or she has received a passing mark for reasons other than to gain a required mark above passing to qualify for entry into a Subject POSt or a course required for a prerequisite. Such a repeated course will be designated an "Extra" course: it will appear on the academic record, but will be marked “Extra” and will not be included in GPA calculations or in the degree credit count. Students requesting to repeat a course in this way must do so at their college registrar’s office, where they will receive appropriate advising and will be enrolled, provided there is space available, only after other degree students have had an opportunity to enroll. The Faculty of Arts & Science has approved a mechanism to assist students, in conjunction with their college registrars, to remedy situations, particularly in their early years at university, where personal or other circumstances mean they are irretrievably behind in a course.
Students who have fallen behind with
assignments or are not at all prepared to write exams in one
or more of courses will
expected to make use of this remedy, and should contact their
college registrar’s
office immediately.
More information on using the LWD mechanism can be found
at Grading Regulations
* The grade point values above apply to marks earned in individual courses; grade point averages are weighted sums of the grade points earned (see below), and thus do not necessarily correspond exactly to the scale above. For example, a B+ average would include grade point averages from 3.20 to 3.49, while the lowest B- average would be 2.50. Note: In order to “obtain standing” in a course, a student must receive at least a passing grade (50%) in that course. A Grade of “F” is a failure. There are no supplemental examination privileges in the Faculty. Other notations, which have no grade point values, and which may be authorized only by petition, are:
Grade Point Average The Grade Point Average is the weighted sum (a full course is weighted as 2, a half-course as 1) of the grade points earned, divided by the number of courses in which grade points were earned. However, courses noted “AEG” are not included in the average, nor are transfer credits, courses taken elsewhere on a Letter of Permission, nor courses designated as “extra.” Courses taken as Non-degree students and Non-degree visiting students are included in the CGPA. Three types of grade point averages are used:
A Sessional, Annual, and Cumulative GPA is also calculated for all Non-degree and Non-degree visiting students. For Non-degree students who have completed a degree in the Faculty, the Cumulative GPA includes all courses taken both as a degree student and as a non-degree student. Academic StandingThere are four kinds of academic standing which apply to students who have attempted at least four courses in the Faculty: In Good Standing; On Probation; On Suspension; Refused Further Registration Academic standing is assessed twice a year:
In Good Standing: Students are described as In Good Standing if they are neither On Probation, Suspended nor Refused Further Registration; these terms are explained below. For students with particularly noteworthy academic results, there are three specific forms of recognition, which are described in the “Student Services &Resources” section starting on page 12. Probation; Suspension; Refused Further Registration The following regulations apply to students who have attempted at least four courses* in the Faculty.
* Courses attempted are those in which a student remains formally enrolled on the last date for cancellation, unless the academic penalty normally attached to a later cancellation is removed by petition. NOTE: Students “On Academic Probation” may take no more than five courses in each of the Fall and Winter Sessions. Grades Review Procedure The Arts and Science Faculty Council administers the Grading Regulations, and reviews course grades submitted by Departments. The Faculty, through this Committee, is responsible for assigning the official course grades, which are communicated to the students by the Faculty Registrar. Each Chair appoints a departmental review committee to review grades submitted by instructors. The committee may ask for clarification of any anomalous results or distributions, or disparity between sections of the same courses. Both the departmental review committee, through the Chair, and the Faculty review committee, through the Dean, have the right, in consultation with the instructor of the course, to adjust marks where there is an obvious and unexplained discrepancy between the marks submitted and the perceived standards of the Faculty. Final marks are official, and may be communicated to the students only after the review procedure has taken place. Grades, as an expression of the instructor’s best judgment of each student’s overall performance, will not be determined by any system of quotas. Appeals and PetitionsStudents are responsible for observing sessional dates, course prerequisites, and exclusion, satisfying the degree requirements and following the rules and regulations in the Calendar and the Registration Handbook and Timetable; failure to inform themselves of the preceding information may result in academic and/or financial penalties. Students should always consult their College Registrar immediately for guidance if anything happens that interferes with continuing or completing their courses, or that appears to be contrary to rules, regulations and deadlines. Departmental Appeals Issues arising within a course that concern the pedagogical relationship of the instructor and the student, such as the organization of a course, grading practices, or conduct of instructors, fall within the authority of the department or college sponsoring the course. Students are encouraged to discuss any issues regarding the academic aspects of a course with the instructor. It is recommended that if appropriate an issue should be documented in writing. The successive stages of appeal after the course instructor are as follows: the Undergraduate Secretary; the Chair of the Department or the College Program Director; then the Dean of the Faculty. An appeal must have been reviewed at the departmental level before referral to the Dean; appeals to the Dean MUST be in writing. Petitions to the Faculty Issues relating to degree requirements and administrative regulations may be petitioned to the Faculty within specific time limitations. The Faculty considers petitions to have regulations waived or varied, if a student presents compelling reasons; however, students must convince the Faculty that they have acted responsibly and with good judgment in observing Faculty regulations. The Committee on Standing routinely denies petitions that in its view do not present a valid reason for an exemption from the regulations. Students are encouraged to seek counselling and, if necessary, to initiate a petition through the office of their College Registrar. Petitions must 1) state the student’s request; 2) the reasons for the request in a clear and concise manner; and 3) be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation. The petition is considered in confidence by the Committee on Standing, which is charged with interpreting and administering the regulations of the Faculty. The Committee has the authority to grant exceptions and to attach conditions to its decisions. It is the responsibility of the student to provide an accurate mailing and email (UTORmail) address to which a petition decision may be sent. Non-receipt of a decision due to incorrect address/email address is not grounds for reconsideration. Deadlines to File Petitions
All supporting documentation must be submitted within three weeks of the date of initiating the petition. Late petitions and petitions with late documentation will not be considered. Documentation in Support of Petitions The Faculty seeks documentation that provides pertinent evidence for decisions determining whether or not an exception should be made to regulations that are designed to ensure equitable treatment for all students. Medical Documentation: The University of Toronto Student Medical Certificate must be submitted in support of a request for an exemption from Faculty regulations, if illness is being used as the reason for the request. The claim of illness, however, is not sufficient grounds in itself to guarantee approval of the request. This certificate is available online at, or at the Health Services (Medical and Psychiatric Services), the Office of the Faculty Registrar, College Registrar’s Offices, departments and other offices of the University as well as in the Registration Handbook and Timetable. The certificate is titled as follows: University of Toronto Medical Certificate Other medical notes will not be accepted. Note that the physician’s report must establish that the patient was examined and diagnosed at the time of illness, not after the fact. The Faculty will not accept a statement that merely confirms a report of illness made by the student and documented by the physician. Petitions Regarding Courses in Other Divisions–see above. Petitions Regarding Term Work (see also Term Work) Matters concerning term work normally fall within the authority of the instructor. Students unable to comply with given deadlines must contact their instructor prior to the deadline if an extension to the deadline is requested. All term work must be submitted by the last day of classes, unless an earlier date has been specified. Instructors may grant extensions beyond their own deadlines or beyond the last day of classes up to the last day of the examination period provided that a student presents reasons of illness, etc., with appropriate documentation. Extensions beyond the last day of the examination period interfere with the Faculty’s schedule for the submission of final grades and must therefore be approved by petition. These petitions for an extension of time for term work must be initiated by the last day of the relevant examination period. Late requests will not be accepted. Students must file the petition after consultation with the instructor regarding a suitable extension date. The Committee on Standing consults the department concerned for information about the status of the course work, and the steps, if any, that must be taken to complete the course. Students seeking an extension of time for term work are expected to continue their course work while they await a decision. They will not be granted additional time after the petition decision has been issued. Petitions Regarding Examinations (see also Examinations) Students are expected to write examinations as scheduled. Only in cases of documented debilitating illness or legitimate conflict should a student request a deferral of a final examination. Students who are too ill and/or incapacitated at the time of the examinations should petition to defer the examination they are unable to attend due to their medical condition. Petitions based on travel, employment, or personal plans will not be considered. A deferred special examination at a subsequent examination period or the regular offering of the examination when next taught may be granted at the discretion of the Faculty. Satisfactory evidence in the form of the University of Toronto Student Medical Certificate* (see above) must be provided to corroborate the illness. Students with chronic illnesses must provide medical documentation for the specific date on which the illness was acute. Students must submit a petition within one week of the end of the examination period through their college registrar. There is a fee of $70.00 per deferred examination (maximum $140.00). In the petition decision students are notified of the examination period in which the deferred examination will take place, and if the examination will be a regular or special examination. They must register and pay the fee by a given deadline, in order that arrangements can be made, an examination requested, etc. The Faculty will notify those who do not register by the deadline that they have lost their privilege of a deferred examination and will revert the grade to one that includes a “0” for the final examination. No further consideration will be given. The Faculty posts personal deferred examination schedules online for students who have paid the deferred examination fee, as soon after the regular examinations have been scheduled as possible. Those who do not pay the deferred examination fee lose the privilege of a deferred examination and their grade reverts to one that includes a “0” for the final examination. .
Students who must write a deferred examination in a course that serves as a prerequisite for subsequent courses may enrol in those courses with the approval of the department concerned and provided that the term mark in the prerequisite (deferred) course is at least 60%. Notes: N.B. Students who are granted Deferred Standing (i.e., the notation of “SDF”, for an extension of time for term work or for a deferred examination) and who have earned a Cumulative Grade Point Average of less than 1.50, will not be permitted to enrol in further courses until the outstanding course work has been completed and final cumulative and sessional GPAs and status for the session have been assessed. If students decide to write an examination which does not go well, they MAY NOT PETITION FOR A REWRITE. Post hoc arguments claiming an inability to function at full potential or to exhibit full knowledge of the subject matter will not be accepted as grounds for consideration of a petition concerning performance on an examination. Furthermore, students who choose to write an examination against medical recommendation should do so knowing that they will not be given consideration after the examination has been written. Students must not only take responsibility for making appropriate judgements about their fitness to attend examinations, but also must accept the outcome of their choices. Students who miss a deferred examination receive a grade of “0” for the examination in the calculation of the final grade. If the Faculty accepts the student’s reasons for missing a deferred examination as legitimate, a further deferred examination may be permitted; however, the “SDF” notation will be replaced by the original grade. Students are charged a further fee for each subsequent deferred examination. Note that in such situations of further deferrals the Committee on Standing regularly prohibits registration in further sessions until the outstanding course work has been completed. Appeals Against Petition Decisions Appeals against petition decisions progress as follows:
Reassessment of MarksReread of Final Examination If a student believes that a final examination has been incorrectly marked in its substance, he/she may request a “reread.” The student must first purchase a photocopy of the final examination from the Office of the Faculty Registrar, for a fee of $13.00 per course. The student must then fill out a “Request for Reread of Final Examination” form, which is available at the Office of the Faculty Registrar and on the Faculty Registrar’s web site at The student must demonstrate that his/her answers are substantially correct by citing specific instances of disagreement, supported by such documentary evidence as course handouts, textbooks, lecture notes, etc. The student must do more than simply assert that “I disagree with the marking,” or that “I believe I deserve more marks.” The Department concerned will reread the examination in light of the arguments presented. There is a $35.00 fee for this procedure, which is in addition to the fee of $13.00 charged for the photocopy of the final examination. The fee must be submitted, with the completed form, to the Office of the Faculty Registrar within six months of the final examination period. If the mark is changed as a result of this review both the photocopy and reread fees will be refunded. It should be noted that when a course is failed, the examination must be reread before the mark is reported. Recheck of Course Mark If a student believes that there has been an arithmetical error in calculating the course mark, he/she may request a “recheck.” This can be done with or without purchasing a photocopy of the final examination. The student must fill out a “Request for Recheck of Course Mark” form, which is available at the Office of the Faculty Registrar and on the Faculty Registrar’s web site at The student must indicate precisely where he/she thinks the error has occurred. The Department concerned will check that all answers have been marked, and that the marks have been added correctly; the examination will not be reread. The Department will also check that all term work marks have been correctly calculated. There is no charge for this procedure. The completed form must be submitted to the Office of the Faculty Registrar within six months of the final examination period. If the mark is changed as a result of this review, the photocopy fee will be refunded.
Note: Deadlines for requesting a photocopy of a final examination, a reread or a recheck:
Student RecordsThe “official student academic record” is maintained by the Faculty, which shall designate the document, form or medium containing the official version and how official copies of such information will be identified. Student academic records refer to information concerning admission to, and academic performance at, this University. The “official student academic record” contains:
Access to Student Records
Refusal of Access The University reserves the right to withhold transcripts of students who have outstanding debts. Custody of Student Academic Records Academic records are normally under the custodial responsibility of the academic divisions. Seventy-five years after a student has ceased to be registered, all such records become the responsibility of the University Archivist and become open to researchers authorized by the University of Toronto. Personal Information Personal information is a vital part of the student’s official University record and is used to issue statements of results, transcripts, graduation information, diplomas and other official documents. The University is also required by law to collect certain information for the Federal and Provincial Governments; this is reported only in aggregate form and is considered confidential by the University. Any change in the following must therefore be reported immediately to the College Registrar:
Mailing Address Address information (mailing and permanenet) must be viewed and changed on the Student Web Service (at or in your College Registrar’s Office. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the mailing address is kept up-to-date on the SWS. E-Mail Address As a student at the University of Toronto, you have automatic access to the Information Commons, which is your passport to e-mail, the library and the Internet. Once you have your TCard, you must activate your University of Toronto e-mail account. Setting up a UTORmail account is mandatory; see "University Policy on Official Correspondence with Students". The T Card is a wallet-sized card bearing the student’s photograph, and serves as evidence of registration in the Faculty and as a library card. It is used for identification purposes within the University, such as Faculty examinations, student activities, and Athletic Association privileges. The loss of the card must be reported promptly to the College Registrar, and the card must be surrendered if a student withdraws from the University or transfers to another College or Faculty. There is a fee for the replacement of lost cards. Statement of Results Beginning with the 2008 Summer Session, the Faculty of Arts & Science will no longer be mailing Statements of Results to students in good standing. Students will be able to check their course results, grade point averages and academic status by accessing their academic record online through the Student Web Service. Final course results will be available for viewing on the Student Web Service as soon as they are approved while academic status and grade point averages will be available approximately two weeks after the end of the examination period. Note that academic status and cumulative grade point averages are only assessed in June (for the Fall/Winter Sessions) and in August (for the Summer Session). Students not in good standing, those with amended grades and those with graduation requests will receive notification in writing by surface mail. . Transcripts The transcript of a student’s record reports their complete registration history at the university including courses in progress and the standing in all courses attempted along with course average, information about the student’s academic status including records of suspension and refusal of further registration, current academic sanctions, and completion of degree requirements and of subject POSt(s). Final course results are added to each student’s record at the end of each session and Summer subsession. GPAs are calculated at the end of each session. Individual courses that a student cancels within the normal time limit are not shown. Copies of the transcript are issued at the student’s request, subject to reasonable notice. In accordance with the University’s policy on access to student records, the student’s signature is required for the release of the record. The University of Toronto issues only a consolidated transcript, including a student’s total academic record at the University. Students may request consolidated transcripts on the Web at: Requests may also be made in person or by writing to:
University of Toronto Transcript Centre A fee of $10.00 (subject to change), which includes GST, is charged for each transcript. Cheques and money orders should be made payable to the University of Toronto. Students must indicate at the time of the request if the purpose of the transcript is for enclosure in a self-administered application. Such transcripts are issued in specially sealed envelopes. The University of Toronto cannot be responsible for transcripts lost or delayed in the mail. Transcripts are not issued for students who have outstanding financial obligations with the University. University Policy on Official Correspondence with StudentsThe University and its divisions may use the postal mail system and/or electronic message services (e.g., electronic mail and other computer-based on-line correspondence systems) as mechanisms for delivering official correspondence to students. Official correspondence may include, but is not limited to, matters related to students’ participation in their academic programs, important information concerning University and program scheduling, fees information, and other matters concerning the administration and governance of the University. Postal Addresses and Electronic Mail Accounts Students are responsible for maintaining and advising the University, on the University’s student information system (currently ROSI), of a current and valid postal address as well as the address for a University-issued electronic mail account that meets a standard of service set by the Vice-President and Provost. Failure to do so may result in a student missing important information and will not be considered an acceptable rationale for failing to receive official correspondence from the University. University rights and responsibilities regarding official correspondence The University provides centrally supported technical services and the infrastructure to make electronic mail and/or on-line communications systems available to students. University correspondence delivered by electronic mail is subject to the same public information, privacy and records retention requirements and policies as are other university correspondence and student records. The University’s expectations concerning use of information and communication technology are articulated in the guidelines on Appropriate Use of Information and Communication Technology (available on the web site of the Office of the Vice-President and Provost: Students’ rights and responsibilities regarding retrieval of official correspondence Students are expected to monitor and retrieve their mail, including electronic messaging account[s] issued to them by the University, on a frequent and consistent basis. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. Students have the right to forward their University-issued electronic mail account to another electronic mail service provider address but remain responsible for ensuring that all University electronic message communication sent to the official University-issued account is received and read. University Grading Practices PolicyPurpose The purpose of the University Grading Practices Policy is to ensure:
Application of Policy The Policy applies to all individuals and committees taking part in the evaluation of student performance in degree, diploma, and certificate credit courses (hereafter referred to as courses). Amendment to Policy Amendments to the Policy shall be recommended to the Academic Board. Changes to the divisional regulations on grading practices shall be forwarded to the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs. Distribution of Policy A copy of the Grading Practices Policy as well as the description of the grade scales and the substance of divisional regulations indicated in Part II of this Policy shall be published in the Calendar of the division. Similarly a copy shall be given to all students upon initial registration and to all instructors and others, including teaching assistants, involved in the evaluation of student performance. The Policy is in three parts: Part I deals with grades, Part II outlines grading procedures to be adhered to in divisional regulations adopted as part of this Policy, and Part III is an administrative appendix that is available on the Governing Council website: Part I: Grades Meaning of Grades Grades are a measure of the performance of a student in individual courses. Each student shall be judged on the basis of how well he or she has command of the course materials. I.1 A grade assigned in a course is not an assessment of standing within a program of studies. To determine the requirements for credit and standing in a program of studies, the academic regulations of the division in which the program is offered should be consulted. I.2 Grades for each course shall be assigned with reference to the following meanings (which may be expanded in the divisional regulations under Part II): Excellent, Good, Adequate, Marginal, Inadequate. Grade Scales I.3 Once a judgment on the performance of the student has been made, the following grade scales are to be used:
Grades vs. Scores I.4 Grades should always be based on the approved grade scales. However, students may find that on any one evaluation they may receive a numerical or letter mark that reflects the score achieved on the test or essay. The cumulative scores may not be directly identified with the final grade. Grades are final only after review by the divisional review committee described below. (NOTE: A table of correspondence and a translation table are defined (under “Grading Regulations” on page 478) for each of the letter grade scales referred to in I.3(a) in order to allow the conversion, when necessary, of a grade assigned from one scale to the corresponding grade in another. It should be noted that these tables are not to be used to translate a score to a grade directly.) Grade Reporting I.5 Grades will be assigned according to the numerical scale of marks referred to in I.3 (b) above, and converted to the refined letter grade scale of I.3(a) above. The H/P/FL and CR/NCR scales of I.3(d) above may also be used. However, the grades assigned in a course must all be from the same scale. I.6 All non-grade designators used in reporting course results must correspond to the University-wide standard. A list of the currently approved designators and their meanings is given in the Appendix A.2 I.7 The information in grade reports and transcripts must be communicated to the user, whether within or outside the University, in a clear and meaningful way. To that end, transcripts must include:
Part II: Grading Procedures Approval of Grades Grades shall be recommended by the instructor to the chair or division head. The grades shall then be reviewed and approved following the divisional review procedure. Grades shall not be reported or released to students as official until the divisional review procedure has been carried out. The divisional review constitutes final approval of grades except when grades are changed on appeal. Divisional Review Committee II.1 In each division, a committee chaired by the divisional head or designate, and where appropriate, an additional committee structure, with the chairs (or their designates) of departments or other academic units of divisions serving as chairs, shall:
Classroom Procedures II.2 To ensure that the method of evaluation in every course reflects appropriate academic standards and fairness to students, divisional regulations governing classroom procedures must be consistent with the practices below.
In formulating their own regulations divisions may add to items (a) to (g) and may adopt fuller or more specific provisions, for example in place of such terms as “a simple majority” (b), “one-third of the final grade” (d), or in particularizing the evaluation methods referred to in (a) and (b). Procedures in the Event of Disruptions II.3 The following principles shall apply in the event of disruption of the academic program:
Assessment in Clinical and Field Settings II.4 Divisions may make reasonable exemptions to the classroom procedures described above in circumstances such as field or clinical courses where adherence to these procedures is not possible. Nevertheless, it is obligatory that the assessment of the performance of students in clinical or field settings should be fair, humane, valid, reliable and in accordance with the principles enunciated in the University Grading Practices Policy. Accordingly, where a student’s performance in a clinical or field setting is to be assessed for credit, the evaluation must encompass as a minimum:
In addition, for such clinical and field experiences, divisions must ensure that:
Any exception from the above would require a divisional request with explanation for approval by the Governing Council. Grade Review and Approval Process II.5 The following principles and procedures shall govern the grade review and approval process.
Appeal Procedure II.6 Every division shall establish divisional appeal procedures. Students may appeal grades according to the procedures established for that purpose in the division. The appeal may be made whether marks have been altered by the review process or not. These procedures shall be outlined in the divisional Calendar, and available upon request at the faculty or registrar’s office. Student Access to Examination Papers II.7
Conflict of Interest II.8 Where the instructor or a student has a conflict of interest, or is in a situation where a fair and objective assessment may not be possible, this should be disclosed to the chair or division head who shall take steps to ensure fairness and objectivity. Discipline: Code of Behaviour on Academic MattersThe Governing Council of the University of Toronto has approved a Code of Behaviour, which sets out clearly the standard of conduct in academic matters expected of members of the University community. The Code is enforced by the Provost and the Disciplinary Tribunal. Below are extracts from the Code, covering offences, sanctions and procedures as they apply to students. The full text is available at, from the Office of the Dean, and the Offices of College Registrars. The University and its members have a responsibility to ensure that a climate that might encourage, or conditions that might enable, cheating, misrepresentation or unfairness not be tolerated. To this end all must acknowledge that seeking credit or other advantages by fraud or misrepresentation, or seeking to disadvantage others by disruptive behaviour is unacceptable, as is any dishonesty or unfairness in dealing with the work or record of a student. Wherever in the Code an offence is described as depending on “knowing”, the offence shall likewise be deemed to have committed if the person ought reasonably to have known. B.I. Offences 1. It shall be an offence for a student knowingly:
2. It shall be an offence for a faculty member knowingly:
3. It shall be an offence for a faculty member and student alike knowingly:
4. A graduate of the University may be charged with any of the above offences committed intentionally while he or she was an active student, when, in the opinion of the Provost, the offence, if detected, would have resulted in a sanction sufficiently severe that the degree would not have been granted at the time it was. B.II. Parties to Offences 1.
2. Every member who, having an intent to commit an offence under this Code, does or omits to do anything for the purpose of carrying out that intention (other than mere preparation to commit the offence) is guilty of an attempt to commit the offence and liable upon conviction to the same sanctions as if he or she had committed the offence. 3. When a group is found guilty of an offence under this Code, every officer, director or agent of the group, being a member of the University, who directed, authorized or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and is liable upon conviction to the sanctions provided for the offence. C.I.(a) Divisional Procedures NOTE: Where a student commits an offence, the faculty in which the student is registered has responsibility over the student in the matter. In the case of Scarborough and Erindale colleges, the college is deemed to be the faculty. 1. No hearing within the meaning of Section 2 of the Statutory Powers of Procedures Act is required for the purposes of, or in connection with, any of the discussions, meetings and determinations referred to in Section C.I.(a), and such discussions, meetings and determinations are not proceedings of the Tribunal. 2. Where an instructor has reasonable grounds to believe that an academic offence has been committed by a student, the instructor shall so inform the student immediately after learning of the act or conduct complained of, giving reasons, and invite the student to discuss the matter. Nothing the student says in such a discussion may be used or receivable in evidence against the student. 3. If after such discussion, the instructor is satisfied that no academic offence has been committed, he or she shall so inform the student and no further action shall be taken in the matter by the instructor, unless fresh evidence comes to the attention of the instructor, in which case he or she may again proceed in accordance with subsection 2. 4. If after such discussion, the instructor believes that an academic offence has been committed by the student, or if the student fails or neglects to respond to the invitation for discussion, the instructor shall make a report of the matter to the department chair or through the department chair to the dean. (See also Section C.I.(B)1.) 5. When the dean or the department chair, as the case may be, has been so informed, he or she shall notify the student in writing accordingly, provide him or her with a copy of the Code, and subsequently afford the student an opportunity for discussion of the matter. In the case of the dean being informed, the chair of the department and the instructor shall be invited by the dean to be present at the meeting with the student. The dean shall conduct the interview. 6. Before proceeding with the meeting, the dean shall inform the student that he or she is entitled to seek advice, or to be accompanied by counsel at the meeting, before making, and is not obliged to make, any statement or admission, but shall warn that if he or she makes any statement or admission in the meeting, it may be used or receivable in evidence against the student in the hearing of any charge with respect to the offence or alleged offence in question. The dean shall also advise the student, without further comment or discussion, of the sanctions that may be imposed under Section C.I.(B), and that the dean is not obliged to impose a sanction but may instead request that the Provost lay a charge against the student. Where such advice and warning have been given, the statements and admissions, if any, made in such a meeting may be used or received in evidence against the student in any such hearing. 7. If the dean, on the advice of the department chair and the instructor, or if the department chair, on the advice of the instructor, subsequently decides that no academic offence has been committed and that no further action in the matter is required, the student shall be so informed in writing and the student’s work shall be accepted for normal evaluation or, if the student was prevented from withdrawing from the course by the withdrawal date, he or she shall be allowed to do so. Thereafter, the matter shall not be introduced into evidence at a Tribunal hearing for another offence. 8. If the student admits the alleged offence, the dean or the department chair may either impose the sanction that he or she considers appropriate under Section C.I.(B) or refer the matter to the dean or Provost, as the case may be, and in either event shall inform the student in writing accordingly. No further action in the matter shall be taken by the instructor, the department chair or the dean if the dean imposes a sanction. 9. If the student is dissatisfied with a sanction imposed by the department chair or the dean, as the case may be, the student may refer the matter to the dean or Provost, as the case may be, for consideration. 10. If the student does not admit the alleged offence, the dean may, after consultation with the instructor and the department chair, requires that the Provost lay a charge against the student. If the Provost agrees to lay a charge, the case shall then proceed to the Trial Division of the Tribunal. 11. Normally, decanal procedures will not be examined in a hearing before the Tribunal. A failure to carry out the procedures referred to in this Section, or any defect or irregularity in such procedures, shall not invalidate any subsequent proceedings of or before the Tribunal, unless the chair of the hearing considers that such failure, defect or irregularity resulted in a substantial wrong, detriment or prejudice to the accused. The chair will determine at the opening of the hearing whether there is going to be any objection to defect, failure or irregularity. 12. No degree, diploma or certificate of the University shall be conferred or awarded, nor shall a student be allowed to withdraw from a course from the time of the alleged offence until the final disposition of the accusation. However, a student shall be permitted to use University facilities while a decision is pending, unless there are valid reasons for the dean to bar him or her from a facility. When or at any time after an accusation has been reported to the dean, he or she may cause a notation to be recorded on the student’s academic record and transcript in a course and/or the student’s academic status is under review. A student upon whom a sanction has been imposed by the dean or the department chair under Section C.I.(B) or who has been convicted by the Tribunal shall not be allowed to withdraw from a course so as to avoid the sanction imposed. 13. A record of cases disposed of under Section C.I.(A) and of the sanctions imposed shall be kept in the academic unit concerned and may be referred to by the dean in connection with a decision to prosecute, or by the prosecution in making representations as to the sanction or sanctions to be imposed by the Tribunal, for any subsequent offence committed by the student. Information on such cases shall be available to other academic units upon request and such cases shall be reported by the dean to the Secretary of the Tribunal for use in the Provost’s annual report to the Academic Board. The dean may contact the Secretary of the Tribunal for advice or for information on cases disposed of under Section C.II. hereof. 14. Where a proctor or invigilator, who is not a faculty member, has reason to believe that an academic offence has been committed by a student at an examination or test, the proctor or invigilator shall so inform the student’s dean or department chair, as the case may be, who shall proceed as if he or she were an instructor, by analogy to the other provisions of this section. 15. In the case of alleged offences not covered by the above and not involving the submission of academic work, such as those concerning forgery or uttering, library or computer material or library or computer resources, and in cases involving cancellation, recall or suspension of a degree, diploma or certificate, the procedure shall be regulated by analogy to the other procedures of this section. C.I.(b) Divisional Sanctions 1. In an assignment worth 10 percent or less of the final grade, the department chair may handle the matter if:
If the student does not admit guilt, or if the department chair chooses, the matter shall be brought before the dean. 2. One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed by the dean where a student admits to the commission of an offence:
3. The dean shall have the power to record any sanction imposed on the student’s academic record and transcript for such length of time as he or she considers appropriate. However, the sanctions of suspension or a notation specifying academic misconduct as the reason for a grade of zero for a course shall normally be recorded for a period of five years. 4. The Provost shall, from time to time, indicate appropriate sanctions for certain offences. These guidelines shall be sent for information to the Academic Board and attached to the Code as Appendix “C”. Conduct: Code of Student ConductSummary of Code of Student Conduct Non-academic offences are defined in the University’s Code of Student Conduct (2002), the full text of which may be obtained from the Office of the Assistant Vice-President, Student Affairs. A summary of the Code is provided below. Extracts from the Code are printed here in ordinary type, and additional comments etc., are in italics. References in square brackets are to original section numbering in the Code. [B.] Offences The following offences constitute conduct that shall be deemed to be offences under this Code, when committed by a student of the University of Toronto, provided that such conduct:
1. Offences Against Persons
2. Disruption No person shall cause by action, threat or otherwise, a disturbance that the member knows obstructs any activity organized by the University of Toronto or by any of its divisions, or the right of another member or members to carry on their legitimate activities, to speak or to associate with others. For example, peaceful picketing or other activity outside a class or meeting that does not substantially interfere with the communication inside, or impede access to the meeting, is an acceptable expression of dissent. And silent or symbolic protest is not to be considered disruption under this Code. But noise that obstructs the conduct of a meeting or forcible blocking of access to an activity constitutes disruption. 3. Offences Involving Property
4. Unauthorized Entry or Presence No person shall, contrary to the expressed instruction of a person or persons authorized to give such instruction, or with intent to damage or destroy the premises of the University of Toronto or damage, destroy or steal any property on the premises of the University of Toronto that is not her or his own, or without just cause knowingly enter or remain in or on any such premises. 5. Unauthorized Use of University Facilities, Equipment or Services
6. False Charges No person shall knowingly or maliciously bring a false charge against any member of the University of Toronto under this Code. 7. Aiding in the Commission of an Offence No person shall counsel, procure, conspire with or aid a person in the commission of an offence defined in this Code. 8. Refusal to Comply with Sanctions No person found to have committed an offence under this Code shall refuse to comply with a sanction or sanctions imposed under the procedures of this Code. 9. Unauthorized Possession or Use of Firearms or Ammunition No person other than a peace officer or a member of the Canadian Forces acting in the course of duty shall possess or use any firearm or ammunition on the premises of the University of Toronto without the permission of the officer of the University having authority to grant such permission. [C.] Procedures 1. General
2. Specific
[D.] interim conditions and measures 1. Interim Conditions: Ongoing Personal Safety In those cases where the allegations of behaviour are serious and, if proven, could constitute a significant personal safety threat to other students or members of the University community, the head of the division is authorized to impose interim conditions that balance the need of complainants for safety with the requirement of fairness to the respondent student. The interim conditions are in no way to be construed as indicative of guilt, and shall remain in place until the charges are disposed of under the Code’s procedures. 2. Interim Measures: Urgent Situations In some circumstances, such as those involving serious threats or violent behaviour, it may be necessary to remove a student from the University. Where the head of the division has requested an investigatioin by the Investigating Officer and the investigation is pending, the Vice-President & Provost (or delegate) may, on the advice of the head of the division, suspend the student or students temporarily for up to three working days if, in the opinion of the Vice-President & Provost (or delegate), there is reasonable apprehension that the safety of others is endangered, damage to University properly is likely to occur, or the continued presence of the student(s) would be disruptive to the legitimate operations of the University. The student(s) shall be informed immediately in writing of the reasons for the suspensionb and shall be afforded the opportunity to respond. Any such temporary suspension may be reviewed by the Vice-President & Provost (or delegate) within the three-day temporary suspension period, following a preliminary investigatioin, and either revoked or continued. If the suspension is continued, the student(s) may appeal to the Senior Chair (or delegate), or the Associate Chair (or delegate) of the University Tribunal, who shall hear and decide on the appeal within five days. [E.] Sanctions The following sanctions or combinations of them may be imposed upon students found to have committed an offence under this Code. In addition, students found to have committed an offence may be placed on conduct probation for a period not to exceed one year, with the provision that one or more of the following sanctions will be applied if the conduct probation is violated. 1. Formal written reprimand. 2. Order for restitution, rectification or the payment of damages. 3. A fine or bond for good behaviour not to exceed $500. 4. Requirement of public service work not to exceed 25 hours. 5. Denial of access to specified services, activities or facilities of the University for a period of up to one year.
6. Suspension from registration in any course or program of a division or divisions for a period of up to one year. 7. Recommendation of expulsion from the University.