Women and Gender Studies

On this page: Introduction | Programs |

See also: Faculty Members | Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable |


Women and Gender Studies provides an interdisciplinary and culturally inclusive approach to gender that critiques, interrogates and expands the parameters of traditional disciplines.

Students in the Undergraduate Program in Women and Gender Studies (UWGS) have access to a wide range of courses in a rapidly developing, intellectually challenging field. The program offers integrated, interdisciplinary courses that reflect the cutting-edge research of our core and cross-listed faculty as well as the most current national and international Women and Gender Studies scholarship.

Students are also offered a wide range of support services through annual events such as the career workshop, the one-day student workshop, the International Women’s Day celebration, and community and research seminars which are designed for students who will be working in fields related to Women and Gender Studies.

The Undergraduate Program in Women and Gender Studies seeks to inform and transform traditional forms of knowledge and provides a physical and intellectual space to conduct anti-racist feminist scholarship.

Undergraduate Coordinator: Dr. J. Larkin, New College, Room 3034 (416-978-8282).

Undergraduate Administrator: Marian Reed, New College, Room 2036 (416-978-3668).

Enquiries: (416-978-3668)

Email: grad.womenstudies@utoronto.ca

Web site: www.utoronto.ca/wgsi

Women and Gender Studies Programs

Women and Gender Studies (Arts Program)

Specialist program:

(10 full courses or their equivalent, including at least five full 300+ series courses and at least one course at the 400-level)

1. WGS160Y1

2. WGS262Y1

3. WGS460Y1 and one additional full-course equivalent at the 400+ level

4. Four additional full-course equivalents from the core group below

5. Two additional full-course equivalents from Group A or B

Major program:

(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least three full 300+ series courses)

1. WGS160Y1

2. WGS262Y1

3. Three additional full-course equivalents from the core group below

4. Two additional full-course equivalents from Group A or B

Minor program:

(4 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one full 300+ series course)

1. WGS160Y1 and/or WGS261Y1

2. Two (with both WGS160Y1 and WGS261Y1) or three (with only one of WGS160Y1 or WGS261Y1) additional full-course equivalents from the core group below or from Group A

Core Group:

WGS160Y1, WGS261Y1, WGS262Y1, WGS271Y1, WGS330H1-339H1, WGS362H1, WGS363H1, WGS365H1, WGS366H1, WGS367H1, WGS368H1, WGS369Y1, WGS372H1, WGS373H1, WGS374H1, WGS375H1, WGS380H1, JNV300H1, WGS425Y1, WGS434H1, WGS435H1, WGS440H1, WGS445H1, WGS451H1, WGS460Y1, WGS461Y1, WGS462H1, WGS463H1, WGS465H1, WGS470Y1

Group A: (Women and gender relations)

ANT343Y1, ANT460H1; CLA219H1, CLA220H1; EAS303H1, EAS452H1, EAS453H1; ENG233Y1, ENG307H1, ENG355H1, FAH425H1,, FCS497H1; FRE304H1, FRE404H1; GER421H11; GGR327H1; HIS202H1, HIS245Y1, HIS306H1, HIS354Y1, HIS363H1, HIS366Y1, HIS383H1, HIS418H1, HIS431H1, HIS446Y1, HIS448H1, HIS481H1, HIS483H1; ITA455H1; JAL355H1; JHP440Y1; JPP343Y1; NEW240Y1, NEW325H1; NMC284H1, NMC484H1; PHL243H1, PHL267H1; POL315H1, POL344H1, POL432Y1, POL351Y1, POL450H1, POL480H1; PSY323H1; RLG 236H1, RLG237H1, RLG313H1, RLG314H1, RLG315H1; SLA248H1, SLA453H1; SOC365Y1, SOC366H1, SOC367H1, SOC383H1; SPA382H1; VIC341H1, VIC343Y1, VIS209H1

Group B: (General interest)

ANT329Y1,ANT342H1, ANT427H1; EAS462H1, ENG273Y1, ENG290Y1; FCS395H1; GGR362H1, GGR363H1; HIS341Y1, HIS459H1; INI327Y1; ITA493H1; NEW302Y1, NEW424Y1; NMC276Y1; PHE 403H1; PHL281Y1, PHL384H1;PRT351H1; SOC207Y1, SOC214Y1, SOC215H1, SOC220Y1, SOC375Y1; SPA380H1; TRN311H1, TRN320Y1; UNI255H1, UNI354H1, UNI355H1, UNI371H1; VIC210Y1; VIS310H1