2005/2006 Calendar
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Planetary Science

On this page: Introduction | Programs |
See also: Faculty Members | Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable | More on Department


Sponsored by the Departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Chemistry,
Geology and Physics
The Planetary Science Program is an interdisciplinary program sponsored by the Departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Chemistry, Geology and Physics. It focuses mainly on the study of the planets in our own solar system, but extrasolar planets
are also discussed. The aim is to provide information about different techniques for studying the nature and origin of planets
and planetary systems.
Students enrolled in this program must consult the undergraduate secretary of one of the participating departments for advice
on the selection of courses. Students interested in pursuing graduate studies in one of these disciplines should include core
courses from the appropriate department(s) in their course selection.

Planetary Science Program

Planetary Science (Science program)

Specialist Program:
(14 full courses or equivalent, including at least one 400+series course)
Enrolment in the Planetary Science Specialist program is open to students who have completed four full course equivalents.

First Year:
(CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/CHM151Y1; MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1; PHY138Y1/PHY140Y1 (MAT137Y1 and PHY140Y1 preferred)
First or

Second Year:
Second or

Third Year:
AST221H1; CHM225Y1/(PHY252H1, PHY256H1); CHM238Y1; GLG206H1, GLG216H1/GLG207H1; MAT235Y1/MAT237Y1 (MAT237Y1
preferred); MAT244H1; PHY251H1, PHY255H1
Third and/or Fourth Years:
1. PHY315H1, PHY359H1
2. At least three of AST325H1; CHM327H1, CHM338H1; GLG318H1, GLG440H1, GLG465H1; PHY351H1, PHY407H1, PHY408H1, PHY499H1
3. One additional 300+series course; consult with appropriate Undergraduate Secretary for course selection

Fourth Year:
PLN420H1, PLN425H1

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