2004/2005 Calendar
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Victoria College Courses

Vic One, Literary Studies; Renaissance Studies; Semiotics; World Literatures; Other.)

See page 27 for Key to Course Descriptions.

| Course Winter Timetable |


VIC 160Y1
Ideas and Their Consequences 52S, 25T

A study of the ideas and concerns of creative thinkers and their impact upon cultures. The course will include philosophical and scientific thinkers as well as religious figures from the major traditions. Attention will be given to modes of reasoning, cultural definition and expression.
Co-requisites: JEF 100Y1 & VIC 161Y1

VIC 161Y1
Cultural Forms and Their Meanings 52S, 25T

A study of culture with a view to developing basic concepts with examples drawn from the visual arts, music, film, architecture, and/or local urban artefacts.
Co-requisites: JEF 100Y1 & VIC 160Y1

VIC 180Y1
Individuals and the Public Sphere 52S, 25T

A seminar course that examines the contribution of an individual or individuals to the public sphere. The course will explore how public service and citizenship are developed in the context of studying the social, philosophical, cultural and scientific context of the period. Topics could include the role of law and government, civil liberties, rights and responsibilities, the role of protest.
Co-requisites VIC 181Y and a first year course in History or Political Science or another 100-series social science course with permission of the Coordinator.

VIC 181Y1
Events and the Public Sphere 52S, 25T

A seminar course that examines a specific event or events in relation to the public sphere. The course will use events or an event as an entry point to discuss the nature of society. Events could include such things as major revolutions, economic crises, the impact of the appearance of significant artistic or cultural works, and the impact of technological changes.
Co-requisites: VIC 180Y and a first year course in History or Political Science or another 100-series social science course with permission of the Coordinator.

Literary Studies Courses

For Distribution Requirement purposes (see page 22), all VIC Literary Studies courses are classified as HUMANITIES courses.

Ancient and Medieval Literary Modes: Conventions and Continuities        52L

Selected genres, topoi, or modes (such as epic, romance, satire, tragedy, lyric, utopia, autobiography, confession), with special
attention to their roots in the Ancient and Medieval period.

Exclusion: VIC110Y1

Literary Studies II: Empire, Literature and Modernity        52L, 26T

The rise of modern European literatures in various contexts - colonialism, humanism, literacy, nation-states, democratic movements, ideologies, individualism - which prompted development of new literary genres and sub-genres, figures, personae and filiations. Texts: Petrarch, (selected poems); Montaigne, Essays, (selection); Shakespeare, The Tempest; Cervantes, Don Quixote; Milton, Paradise Lost; Juana Ines de la Cruz, (selected poems and prose); Defoe, Robinson Crusoe; Wheatley, (selected poems); Rousseau, Emile; Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Woman; Goethe, Elective Affinities; Claire de Duras, Ourika, (MLA Texts and Translations); Bremer, The Colonel's Daughter; Tolstoy, The Cossacks; Haggard, She; Pauline Johnson, (selected short stories)

Literature and Film: Issues of Adaptation        52L

Cinematic readings of epic and lyric poetry, folk tale, biblical narrative, novel, short story. The focus will be on cross-cultural translation in a wide variety of cinematic styles and forms, including classic Hollywood film, animation, film noir, neo-realism, surrealist film.

Exclusion: INI328Y1

Special Topic in Literary Studies        78S

Interdisciplinary seminar on an author or extensive work (eg. Proust's, Remembrance of Things Past, Joyce's, Finnegans Wake) or on a historical period (eg. Late Antiquity, Romanticism, the Harlem Renaissance) or critical event. Emphasis on literature and its relation to fine arts, philosophy, politics, history
Prerequisite: VIC 110Y1/VIC201Y1/301Y1/VIC310Y1/instructor's approval

Literary Studies III: Readings in 20th Century Literature        52L, 26T

The avant-garde and its querying of language, representation, and interpretation. In the first term, intensive study of Joyce's Ulysses. In the second term, works by writers such as Borges, Robbe-Grillet, Brecht, Gombrowicz, Beckett, Levi, Wolf, Garcia Marquez, Shalamov, Spiegelman.

Seminar in Comparative Studies        78S

For students enrolled in the Literary Studies program, although other students are welcome. Intensive study of general issues of
poetics and critical theory, including representative literary and philosophical texts from the European tradition.
Prerequisite: VIC110Y1/VIC210Y1/VIC310Y1/a course in the study of literature

Postmodernist Approaches to Film and Literature        36S

Study of current filmic and literary theories, with emphasis on the rhetoric of film: the concept of the trope, metaphor, metonymy, allegory, irony, repetition, and specific thematic tropes like the eye, the face, the death mask, the mirror, the dream, etc.
Prerequisite: VIC110Y1/VIC210Y1/VIC310Y1/a course in the study of literature

Renaissance Studies Courses

See page 27 for Key to Course Descriptions.
For Distribution Requirement purposes (see page 22), all VIC Renaissance Studies courses are classified as HUMANITIES courses.

The Civilization of Renaissance Europe        52L

An interdisciplinary introduction to the civilization of the Renaissance illustrated by a study of the institutions, thought, politics, society and culture of both Italy and Northern Europe. Italian city states such as Florence, Urbino and Venice, Papal Rome and despotic Milan are compared with the northern dynastic monarchies of France and England.

The Self and Society: Women, Men and Children        26S

A study of the changing conception of the human self in the Renaissance, and of its representation by major authors: Erasmus, Rabelais, Marguerite de Navarre, Castiglione, Machiavelli and others.

Sex and Gender (formerly VIC343H1)        52S

An interdisciplinary approach to questions of gender and sexuality in early modern Europe, with special focus on the representations of the sexual drive, the gender roles of men and women, and varieties of sexual experience in the literature and art of the period.

Exclusion: VIC343H1

Renaissance Narrative (formerly VIC242H1)        26S

Focuses on analysis of short stories and longer prose works including, in English translation: Boccaccio's stories of love, fortune and human intelligence in the Decameron; Rabelais' humorous parody of high culture in Gargantua; the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet; and the adventures of picaresque rogues in Lazarillo de Tormes and Nashe's Unfortunate Traveler.

Exclusion: VIC242H1

Media and Communications in the Early Modern Era        26S

This course examines the various media (printing press, representation art, music, preaching) and social and political forces (family and political networks, censorship, education, etc.) that conditioned the communication of ideas in early modern society.
Prerequisite: VIC240Y1

VIC 346H1
Orpheus in the Italian Renaissance 26S

A study of Orpheus as portrayed in art, music, poetry, and philosophy of the Italian Renaissance.

Course web site

Florence and the Renaissance        52L

An interdisciplinary seminar on Florence in the 15th and 16th centuries: humanism, culture and society in the republican period, the rise of the Medici, Florentine neoplatonism, the establishment of the Medici principate, culture, society and religion.
Prerequisite: VIC240Y1 or permission of instructor

Semiotics Courses

See page 27 for Key to Course Descriptions.
For Distribution Requirement purposes (see page 22), all VIC Semiotics courses are classified as SOCIAL SCIENCE courses.

Introduction to Semiotics and Communication        52L, 26T

Systems and processes of verbal and non-verbal communication. Processes of constituting texts out of sign systems in a variety of contemporary modes and genres: language, literature, cinema, advertising, the media, art, gestures.

Post-Structuralism/ Post-Modernism        52L, 26T

Studies the international culture emerging in media and literature and examines recent communication theory as it applies to literary, social and cultural issues.
Prerequisite: VIC120Y1

Semiotics in the Professions        52L

Using semiotic analysis to understand impact of postmodernism on professional fields, including education, medicine, law, and the church.
Prerequisite: VIC120Y1

Semiotics of Visual Art        52L, 26T

Theories and models of applied semiotics: analysis of sign systems as articulated in various forms of artistic and cultural production.
Prerequisite: VIC120Y1, VIC220Y1/VIC221Y1.

VIC 322H1
Topics in Semiotics 26S

An in-depth examination of some aspect of Semiotic theory or practice. Content in any given year depends on instructor. Not offered every year.
Prerequisite: VIC120Y1, VIC220Y1/VIC221Y1.

Semiotics and Literature I        26S

The study of readings from major French literary semioticians will be combined with the practical application of theory to the analysis of selected literary texts. (Given by the Department of French and Victoria College)
Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject.

Exclusion(s): FRE 444H1/445H1
Recommended Preparation: FRE240Y1/VIC120Y1
This is a humanities or social science course.

Semiotics and Literature II 26S

The study of readings from major French literary semioticians will be combined with the practical application of theory to the analysis of selected literary texts. (Given by the Department of French and Victoria College)
Prerequisite: At least 5 course credits in any subject.

Exclusion(s): FRE 444H1/445H1.
Recommended Preparation: FRE240Y1/VIC120Y1
This is a humanities or social science course.

Sign, Culture and History        52L, 26T

Theories of signification studied with a focus on major works in the semiotics of modern and contemporary culture.
Prerequisite: ANT323Y1, VIC120Y1, VIC220Y1/VIC221Y1, VIC320Y1.

World Literatures Courses

See page 27 for Key to Course Descriptions.
For the Distribution Requirement, JEF100Y1 and the WLD course are Humanities courses.

The Western Tradition (formerly WLD 100Y1)        78L

An introduction to literature through major works of the Western literary tradition. What constitutes a literary "classic"? How have the great concerns of the Western tradition - human nature, its place in society, its mythmaking, its destiny - been represented in literature? These and other questions are examined by reference to 11-12 works, from ancient times to the twentieth century, by such authors as: Homer, Sophocles, Ovid, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Molière, Austen, Dostoevski, Kafka, Camus, Beckett and Márquez. (A joint course offered by the Departments of English and French; see also JEF100Y1 in the French program listings.)

Exclusion: WLD100Y1

Provocations: Literary Transformations in the 20th Century        78L

What makes literature "modern"? What makes its questions different from those asked in the past? This course examines significant transformations in contemporary literature by studying works ranging from the early avant-garde to most recent literary trends.
Recommended Preparation: JEF100Y1

Other Victoria College Courses

Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. See page 40 for details.

Creative Writing: A Multicultural Approach        52S

Practice and instruction in writing poetry and fiction, paired with study of literature and theory introducing the multicultural richness of contemporary English writing. Approximately three-quarters of class periods are workshops, one-quarter lecture discussions. Work by many writers from contemporary and traditional literatures are read in English translation.
Prerequisite: four credits
This is a Humanities course

Victoria College Independent Studies        TBA

Victoria College Independent Studies        TBA

These courses provide an opportunity to design an interdisciplinary course of study not otherwise available within the Faculty. Written application (detailed proposal, reading list and a letter of support from a Victoria College faculty member who is prepared to supervise) must be made through the Program Director for approval by Victoria College Council's Academic Advisory Committee by April 30 for a Fall course or by November 30 for a Spring course. Students should have a minimum CGPA of 3.
Prerequisite: Permission of College Program Director

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