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University College Courses

See page 27 for Key to Course Descriptions.
For Distribution Requirement purposes (see page 22), UNI courses are variously classified; see entry at end of each course.


| Course Winter Timetable |

Canadian Studies Courses

Aspects of Québec Society        26S

Contemporary Québec from social, economic and political perspectives.
This is a Social Science course

Aspects of Québec Culture        26S

An exploration of modern Québec culture as expressed in literature and the performing arts. Through a selection of internationally-known entertainers, we examine form, artistic innovation, communication of information and knowledge and spectatorship. Novels and plays provide key elements such as tradition and historical context.
This is a Humanities course

Asian Communities in Canada (formerly SOC342Y1)

The course will explore the structures and processes of Asian communities in Canada. Historical development of various Asian communities will be explored. Other topics include ethnic economy, ethnic media, ethnic churches, and ethnic voluntary organizations in Asian communities. Experts in related topics are invited to present their research findings. Non-sociology students may seek departmental permission to enrol.

Exclusion: SOC 342Y1/394Y1
This is a Social Science course

Voices in Canadian Writing        26S

A study of the variety of voices in Canadian fiction. Issues such as marginalization and the formulation of the Canadian canon are discussed.
This is a Humanities course

Canada Today I        52L, 26T

An introduction to Canadian Studies organized in modules around the major themes - The Canadian Cultural Experience; Canada in International Perspective; Pluralism and Ethnicity in Canada; the Regional Structure of Canada; the Social Structure of Canada; and the Canadian Environment; in addition to a First Nations' Perspective on Canada. The approach is interdisciplinary so that each module will draw upon Social Science and Humanities perspectives within these themes.
This is a Humanities or a Social Science course

Culture and the Media in Canada        26L

An exploration of the encounter between culture and mass communication in Canadian society. The course includes a consideration of the major institutions affecting culture such as the CBC, the NFB, and the granting bodies, and largely focuses on particular instances and case studies in the arts and media. Emphasis is placed on the changing role of nationalism, and the relationship between political concerns and Canadian culture.
This is a Social Science course

Beyond Multiculturalism: Ethnicity and Race in Canada        26S

A multidisciplinary examination of the emergence of new approaches to identity and community that go beyond official bilingualism and multiculturalism. To include cultural/literary works as well as historical and social scientific analyses illuminating relations between cultural and racial communities in post 1960's Canada, with an emphasis on Toronto.
Prerequisite: UNI220Y1 or two courses on the study of Canada
This is a Humanities or a Social Science course

Politics of Aboriginal Self-Government        52L/26L

A survey of some of the main issues surrounding the politics of aboriginal self-government in Canada. Proceeding historically, the course examines the legal and political conditions that have fuelled the call for self-government. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: ABS201Y1/POL102Y1/POL103Y1/UNI220Y1 or permission of the instructor
This is a Social Science course

The Canadian Wilderness        26L

The idea of wilderness permeates narratives of Canadian national identity, while policy-makers seek to manage and contain natural areas. This course compares and contrasts historical and contemporary wilderness narratives in literature, painting and film with policies in areas such as conservation, urban planning, land claims and tourism. (Offered by University College and the Geography Department.)
This is a Social Science course

Canada Today II        52L

An investigation of major issues confronting Canadians today such as: Towards a Sustainable Canada; A Political Vision of Canada; Canada in the Mirror of Aboriginal Writers; The Future of Health Care in Canada; Genetics in Canada's Past; Canadian Culture vs. the Culture of Consumerism; The Status of Women in Canada - post second wave. Students are encouraged to examine the issues not only from their disciplinary perspective but also from alternative perspectives drawn from other Social Science and Humanities traditions.
Prerequisite: UNI220Y1 or permission of instructor
This is a Humanities or a Social Science course

Senior Essay        52S

Students select an appropriate research topic and, in consultation with the Program Director, make arrangements with a suitable supervisor. Research projects must be approved by the supervisor preferably by April of the preceding academic year. Students meet periodically during the year in seminar to participate in peer evaluations of: statement of research, literature review, methods of analysis, and to share reports of progress in research.
Prerequisite: Open only to Majors and Specialists in the Canadian Studies program

Senior Seminar: Special Topics in Canadian Studies        26S

An upper level seminar. Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor.
Prerequisite: UNI220Y1 or two courses on the study of Canada

Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence Course

Introduction to Cognitive Science        78L

An introduction to the problems, theories and research strategies central to the interdisciplinary field focussing on the nature and organization of the human mind and other cognitive systems. Interrelations among the philosophical, psychological, linguistic and computer science aspects of the field are emphasized. (Offered by University College and the Department of Philosophy)
This is a Humanities course

Advanced Cognitive Science        26S

An advanced seminar in cognitive science; topics include object perception, intention & planning, problem solving & creativity, distributed cognition, emotions, and cognitive poetics.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in the Cognitive Science or Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence Program, or permission on the instructor

Health Studies Courses

Enrolment in UNI courses listed under Health Studies is restricted to students enrolled in the Health Studies program.

Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics in Health Studies        78L

This course will offer students in Health Studies a basic understanding of research design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and their impact on health policy.

Exclusion: POL242Y1, SOC200Y1, WDW350Y1
This is a Social Science course

Introduction to Social and Health Care Policy        52L, 26T

Health care is increasingly contentious with ageing population, advancements in medical technology, government fiscal restraints. How to achieve best health care given limited resources, and ensure fair, equal, accessible health care. Overview of current policy issues and its relationship to social inequality, gender, and race, provide analytical tools for understanding.

Exclusion: SOC351Y1
Prerequisite: UNI200Y1
This is a Social Science course

Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport        39L

This course develops the students' understanding of individual behaviour towards physical activity, sport and play. While the focus is on the individual participant, the course also examines the basic psychological theories underlying behaviour.

Exclusion: PHE 300H1
Corequisite: UNI200Y1
This is a Social Science course

Physical Activity and Social Inequality        26L, 13T

Opportunities for physical activity are profoundly affected by the social structures of Canadian society and persistent inequalities. This course enables students to study the effects of class, gender, race, and sexuality upon opportunities, programs and practices and the means by which social equity might be more effectively pursued.

Exclusion: PHE 301H1
Corequisite: UNI200Y1
This is a Social Science course

Population Health        39L

This issue-oriented course will extend students' understanding of the broad definitions of health and its determinants, and population-based strategies of health promotion in Canada. Topics include: variations in health status as affected by population patterns, class, gender, ethnicity, employment, and family composition; the major causes of morbidity and mortality; the concept of "community health", and the opportunities and constraints facing public policy.

Exclusion: PHE 312H1
Corequisite: UNI200Y1
The following 400-series courses are open only to students enrolled in the Health Studies Specialist program. To enrol students must have a GPA of 3.7 and approval of the Department.

Practicum in Health Studies        TBA

Individual field placement with a health research or administration professional, in which the student applies theory and skills to a specific project. Culminates in an oral and written report.
This is a Social Science course

Epidemiology        26L, 26S

This course aims to provide an understanding of the basic concepts and methods in epidemiology. The emphasis will be on descriptive methods and study design
This is a Social Science course

Biostatistics for Students in the Biological Sciences        TBA

Introduction to the statistical techniques; descriptive and graphical methods, estimation, tests of hypotheses, one- and two-sample procedures, simple linear regression, one-way analysis of variance; methods for comparing proportions (both paired and independent) and ranks.
This is a Social Science course

Survey Methods in Health Sciences        TBA

Designing, conducting, and evaluating survey research; emphasis on the identification and control of error and the maximization of variance in measurement.
This is a Social Science course

Community Health Appraisal Methods I        26L, 13T

Statistical concepts and significance tests; basic epidemiological concepts; basic computer statistics.
This is a Social Science course

Community Health Appraisal Methods II        26L

Nature of inquiry; paradigms of research; quantitative and qualitative methods; participatory methods; need analysis; secondary data.
This is a Social Science course

Current Public Health Sciences        TBA

A course that provides a context for current health issues, focuses on breadth of learning and interconnections, and uses specific examples to illustrate common themes. In this course the student will learn about the determinants of health and disease, the disciplines that study them, and the process of applying this knowledge to the improvement of health of populations.
This is a Social Science course

Health Care 2000        26L

Cultural dimensions of health and illness and their significance for health professionals; cross-cultural communication; assessment of clients from culturally diverse backgrounds; delivery of culturally sensitive health care.
This is a Social Science course

Health Psychology: Community Health        TBA

Major theoretical assessment and intervention issues in health/illness-related behaviours; focus on both communities and individuals.
This is a Social Science course

Tobacco & Health: From Cells to Society        TBA

This course will provide students with a comprehensive overview of tobacco and tobacco-related issues from a public health perspective. The course focuses on patterns and determinants of tobacco use, the health and social impact of tobacco use and treatment, and prevention of tobacco use. Topics will include epidemiology, nicotine addiction, genetic factors, determinants, health effects, social and economic impacts, treatment issues, prevention, and program and policy issues. Students will be exposed to experts in the field who bring real world experience in tobacco control in addition to academic expertise.
This is a Social Science course

Health Promotion        39L

Overview of health promotion: social-psychological factors, methods and strategies; role of the health promoter and relationship to other health and social service workers; models of health and illness; strategies of health promotion; social psychological theories on health attitudes and behaviour; values and ethics in health promotion.
This is a Social Science course

Health Promotion Strategies        39L

Theoretical basis and application of strategies to promote health; communications theory; principles of community organization and development; theories and strategies of individual and social change; use of media.
This is a Social Science course

Health Behaviour Change        TBA

Examination of concepts and approaches for health behaviour change at both individual and organizational levels. Specific topics include: theories of health behaviour acquisition, processes of change, motivation and resistance, brief interventions, organizational analysis and quality management, and use of information technology. Emphasis on both knowledge and practical skills development.
This is a Social Science course

Assessing & Using Feedback from Health Care Organizations' Customers        TBA

This course introduces learners to a variety of methods, with an emphasis on survey methods for assessing and using customer feedback in health care organizations. Topics include preparing an organization for a survey, methods for disseminating results, and examining how people use data to improve.
This is a Social Science course

Decision Sciences and Design Support        TBA

Introduction to, and review of the fundamental principles of information systems and management science theory. Examines the power and limitations of management science techniques, comparing topics on both statistics and operations research.
This is a Social Science course

Case Studies in Health Policy        TBA

Formulation and implementation of public policy using studies focused on theoretical concepts; comparisons of policy alternatives.
This is a Social Science course

Health Services Marketing        TBA

Principles of marketing and their application to the management of health service organizations. Stresses a customer-focus orientation, re-examination of usual strategic issues, and the relationship between marketing and quality management.
This is a Social Science course

International Health        TBA

A course intended to widen the horizons and learning opportunities of future health system managers through international and intercultural learning, and to provide a learning environment for understanding different ways of approaching issues and problems related to health sciences management.
This is a Social Science course

Comparative Health Care Systems        TBA

Comparative examination of the health systems of the OECD countries with a focus on components, processes and outcomes including system principles, structures, financing, human resources, technology, culture, level of centralization, and quality.
This is a Social Science course

Health Psychology: Physical Education & Health        39L

This course provides students with an overview of contemporary topics in health psychology: psychological theory, research and skills relevant to the promotion and maintenance of optimal health and the prevention and treatment of illness and physical injury. The first half of the course will cover theoretical frameworks for understanding health behaviour, motivation, and psycho-social factors that influence health attitudes and behaviour. In the second half, topics germane to clinical health psychology and multi-disciplinary settings will be explored. Emphasis on the role of health psychology and exercise wellness behaviour, and on professional issues and ethical practices for physical and health education students.
This is a Social Science course

Physical Activity, Health and the Media        26L, 13T

This course draws upon communications theory, political economy, semiology and sociology to examine the ways in which meanings about physical activity are produced, distributed, and consumed through the media. Topics include: the social marketing of health, advertising and the "body politic", media advocacy, sports and fitness marketing, and the production of sport as a media event.
Prerequisite: PHE 301H1/UNI371H1

Exclusion: PHE 402H1
This is a Social Science course

Body, Health and Culture        26L, 13T

This course examines the body as a terrain of complex cultural politics. Drawing upon a variety of sources, especially post-modern theory, cultural anthropology, and philosophy, it will consider the ways in which the "body" has been conceptualized and the ways in which discourses on bodies have led to important political struggles, particularly in the social construction of health and sickness.

Exclusion: PHE 403H1
This is a Social Science course

Physical Activity in the Ancient and Early Modern World        26L

The ancient Greeks and Romans were intensely interested in sport, physical education, and the maintenance of physical strength and health. The Renaissance revived this interest and transformed physical pursuits from marginal activities into structured components of the social system. Our contemporary concepts of sport, health, and physical culture were first formulated at that time. The readings (in English translation) will be taken from original ancient and early-modern documents.

Exclusion: PHE 423H1
This is a Social Science course

Peace and Conflict Studies Courses

Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies (formerly UNI110Y1)        78L

A review of the full range of theories explaining the nature and causes of conflict and possibilities for its resolution; provides students with a set of theoretical tools for effective analysis of interpersonal, civil, and international conflict.

Exclusion: UNI110Y1
This is a Social Science course

Topics in Peace and Conflict        52L

An in-depth exploration of selected issues introduced in UNI260Y1. Topics may include: negotiation theory; ethnic and group-identity conflict; feminist perspectives on peace and war; mathematical modelling of arms races and war; decision-making theory and conflict; environmental change and conflict; and traditional perspectives on statecraft.
Prerequisite: UNI260Y1 or permission of the instructor
Recommended preparation: POL208Y1
This is a Social Science course

Contemporary Issues in Peace and Conflict (formerly UNI460Y1)        52S

A colloquium (fall session) and research seminar (winter session) on the changing meanings of security. Concepts to be considered, and to be applied in research, range from the unconventional (feminist theorizing, the GAIA hypothesis) to the familiar (collective security, deterrence). (Offered by University College and the Department of Political Science)

Exclusion: UNI460Y1
Prerequisite: POL208Y1, UNI260Y1 and UNI360Y1, or permission of instructor and Program Director
This is a Social Science course

Sexual Diversity Studies Courses

History and Perspectives in Sexual Diversity        26L, 13T

An interdisciplinary examination of sexuality across cultures and periods. How are sexualities represented? How are they suppressed or celebrated? How and why are they labelled as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, or perverse? How do sexualities change with ethnicity, class, and gender?
This is a Humanities or Social Science course

UNI 256H1
Sexualities: Social, Organizational, and Legal Contexts 26L, 13T

A social sciences approach to sexual diversity across societies, and of the increased visibility of that diversity in such settings as the family, the workplace, and the law, as well as the role that such contexts play in shaping sexual identity.
This is a social science course.

Theories of Sexuality I : The Foundations        26L

A survey of classic western theories of sexuality; each theory is examined in terms of the practices it allows and prohibits. Under consideration are not only the descriptive and/or prescriptive aspects of a particular framework but its epistemic grounds, and implications for understanding identity, body, community, and state.
Prerequisite: UNI255H1
This is a Humanities or Social Science course

Theories of Sexuality II: Contemporary Perspectives        26L

An integrated survey of some ways in which sexuality has been theorised recently. How have desire and its identities been conceptualised and deployed? What are the implications for psychoanalysis, feminism, and cultural production? What interconnections are yet to be made between sexuality and the markers of gender, race, and class?
Prerequisite: UNI255H1 or permission of instructor
This is a Humanities or Social Science course

Sexuality and Law        26L/S

An overview of the points where sexuality and law intersect, through surveying ways of thinking about how law interprets, regulates and defines sexuality, and how communities and groups oppressed on the basis of sexuality fare under the law in Canada and elsewhere.
Prerequisite: POL315H1/UNI255H1/UNI256H1 or permission of instructor
This is a Humanities course

Special Topics in Sexual Diversity Studies        26L/S

Topics vary from year to year depending on instructor.
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1 or permission of instructor

Special Topics in Sexual Diversity Studies        26S

An upper level seminar.
Prerequisite: UNI255H1/UNI256H1
Recommended preparation: POL315H1/UNI354H1/UNI355H1
This is a Humanities or Social Science course

The New Queer Visibility 26S

This interdisciplinary course critically examines the socio-political cultural context that has produced a new queer visibility. The course assesses many of the post-Stonewall changes in the North American public sphere and the interrelationship between the new queer visibility and the North American public sphere.
Prerequisite: UNI255H1 and UNI355H1 or permission of the instructor

Other University College Courses

Mathematics as an Interdisciplinary Pursuit        26L, 13T

A study of the interaction of mathematics with other fields of inquiry: how mathematics influences, and is influenced by, the evolution of science and culture. Art, music, and literature, as well as the more traditionally related areas of the natural and social sciences may be considered. (Offered every three years)
JUM102H1 is particularly suited as a Science Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science students.

Mathematics as a Recreation        26L, 13T

A study of games, puzzles and problems focusing on the deeper principles they illustrate. Concentration is on problems arising out of number theory and geometry, with emphasis on the process of mathematical reasoning. Technical requirements are kept to a minimum. A foundation is provided for a continuing lay interest in mathematics. (Offered every three years)
JUM103H1 is particularly suited as a Science Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science students.

Mathematical Personalities        26L, 13T

An in-depth study of the life, times and work of several mathematicians who have been particularly influential. Examples may include Newton, Euler, Gauss, Kowalewski, Hilbert, Hardy, Ramanujan, Gödel, Erdös, Coxeter, Grothendieck. (Offered every three years)
JUM105H1 is particularly suited as a Science Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science students.

The Way of Physics        52L, 26T

A general, non-mathematical introduction to many of the most interesting concepts of modern Physics. It focuses on basic changes in our view of the universe that are needed to accommodate important discoveries of 20th-century Physics, and introduces some of the striking parallels to ideas of Eastern mysticism. Topics include space-time, relativity, curvature of space, quantum physics, chaos, quarks and big bang cosmology. (Given by the Department of Physics and University College)
JPU200Y1 is particularly suited as a Science Distribution Requirement course for Humanities and Social Science students.

Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. See page 40 for details.

University College Independent Studies        TBA

An opportunity to pursue at the 300-level an independent course of study not otherwise available within the Faculty. A written proposal, co-signed by the instructor, must be submitted on the appropriate proposal form for approval by the Vice-Principal of University College prior to registration.
Prerequisite: Permission of University College Vice-Principal

University College Independent Studies        TBA

An opportunity to pursue at the 400-level an independent course of study not otherwise available within the Faculty. A written proposal, co-signed by the instructor, must be submitted on the appropriate proposal form for approval by the Vice-Principal of University College prior to registration.
Prerequisite: Permission of University College Vice-Principal

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