Music Courses
See page 27 for Key to Course Descriptions.) |
MUS110H1 Introduction to form, style and the interrelationships of music and culture. A basic ability to read music is required. MUS111H1 Historical survey of Western art music from the Middle Ages to the present. A basic ability to read music is required. MUS120Y1 Students rehearse and perform in concerts and reading sessions as assigned by the Faculty of Music. Provides experience in choral groups, orchestra, or in concert band and large wind groups of diverse instrumentation. Development of musicianship skills through performance of large ensemble works; emphasis on sight-reading, ear-training, and musical knowledge. Attendance at all sessions is required. Placement audition and permission of the Department required. MUS206H1 Examination of selected operas from the eighteenth to the early twentieth century. Musical and dramatic styles will be considered in their cultural context. The ability to read music is not required. MUS220Y1 Students rehearse and perform in concerts and reading sessions as assigned by the Faculty of Music. Provides experience in choral groups, orchestra, or in concert band and large wind groups of diverse instrumentation. Development of musicianship skills through performance of large ensemble works; emphasis on sight-reading, ear-training, and musical knowledge. Attendance at all sessions is required. Placement audition and permission of the Department required. MUS230H1 Examination of musical and cultural aspects of the decade with emphasis on North America. No prior background in music or ability to read music is required. MUS303H1 The modern musical repertoire, including popular and traditional music from various parts of the world, will be studied from a variety of theoretical perspectives. No prior background in music or ability to read music is required. MUS315H1 Explores vernacular music in North America, considering how musical performances and festivals of vernacular musics map local, regional, and ethnic identities in North America. Specific case studies will include Scottish Highland, Tejano Conjunto, Metis Fiddling, Powwow, and Zydeco. No prior background in music or ability to read music is required. MUS320Y0 This course looks at the many and changing roles of the musician in European society in general, giving special attention to German music, between Frederick the Great and the fall of the Third Reich. The ability to read music is not required. ABS330Y1 See "Aboriginal Studies" MUS200H1 MUS202H1 MUS204H1 MUS205H1 MUS207H1 MUS208H1 MUS209H1 MUS211H1 MUS225H1 MUS300H1 MUS302H1 MUS306H1 MUS308H1 MUS408H1 HMU, TMU Faculty of Music Courses HMU111H1 An examination of musical thought and practice in Western and non-Western traditions. TMU140Y1 Harmony: triads, non-harmonic materials, dominant seventh and derivatives, secondary dominants, simple modulation. Elementary forms and analysis of 18th- and 19th-century literature. Sight singing: melodic, rhythmic and harmonic dictation. Keyboard harmony: chords and scales in all major and minor keys; playing of cadence types, modulation to closely related keys, realization of elementary figured bass, two-part transposition, score reading in five clefs, and sight harmonization of simple melodies. |
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