ECE Electrical Engineering CoursesECE385H1
A hardware-oriented course dealing with microprocessor systems. Microprocessor components, memory devices, input/output techniques, bus structure, peripheral device controllers, hardware system and programming considerations. Laboratory experiments provide “hands-on” experience. ECE489H1
Theoretical and practical aspects of building modern optimizing compilers. Topics: intermediate representations, basic blocks and flow graphs, data flow analysis, partial evaluation and redundancy elimination, loop optimizations, register allocation, instruction scheduling, interprocedural analysis, and memory hierarchy optimizations. Students implement significant optimizations within the framework of a modern research compiler. (This course is a cross-listing of ECE540H1, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.) CSC494H1/495H1
This half-course involves a significant project in any area of Computer Science. The project may be undertaken individually or in small groups. The course is offered by arrangement with a Computer Science faculty member. |
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