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DRM Drama Program

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The Drama Program (Specialist, Major, Minor) offers students the opportunity to combine high standards of practical, professionally-oriented theatre training with a rich and rigorous academic program. The Program offers courses in dramatic literature, dramatury, stage theory, theatre history, production, design, direction, and performance. Students are required to take structured combinations of courses interrelated so as to lead to a broad knowledge of the field as a whole. The Combined Specialist programs in English and Drama and French and Drama also provide specialist alternatives to Drama alone, while a Drama Major or Minor may be valuably combined with programs in a wide variety of other fields, as offered both by language and literature departments (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, etc.) and other departments and programs such as Anthropology, Canadian Studies, Cinema Studies, Classics, Commerce, Fine Art, History, Music, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, and Women’s Studies.

The Drama Program is housed in the Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse at University College. Besides providing instruction in theatre studies, the Drama Program has mounted international theatrical events and conferences, and its students have toured Europe and Asia. The Program has also forged links with leading Canadian theatres and has regular contact with world-renowned international theatre artists. More details on the Drama Program, including application forms, can be found on the web site at: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/uc/ucdp/drama.htm. The Program Director and Academic Undergraduate Secretary are also available for consultation. For enquiries or an appointment call the Drama Program Undergraduate Secretary at 416-978-8099 or send an e-mail to uc.drama@utoronto.ca

DRM courses are staffed by a combination of theatre professionals, members of other university departments, and specific DRM staff members. Some courses are restricted to students in a Drama Specialist, Major, or Combined Specialist program; some are open to all students of the University.


DRAMA (B.A.) Consult Professor P. Kleber, Room 300, 79A St. George St., University College.
Enrolment in the Specialist and Major programs is limited and selection is made after a personal interview and audition. Students will be admitted to the Major only after they have been admitted to DRM 200Y1 (with DRM 201H1) or DRM 254Y1, and to the Specialist only after they have been admitted to one further Group B course (other than DRM 301H1). Enrolment in the Minor program is unrestricted. Students in the Minor program may only take academic courses.

Specialist program (Hon.B.A.):
(12 full courses or their equivalent, including at least four 300+ series with at least one 400 level)

First Year:
One or both of DRM 100Y1, DRM 200Y1 (with DRM 201H1 as co-requisite)

Higher Years:

1. DRM 100Y1, DRM 200Y1 (and DRM 201H1) if not taken in First Year
2. From Group A (below): DRM 230Y1 and two of DRM 260H1, 262H1, 264H1, 266H1, and 268H
3. From Group B: two full-course equivalents in addition to DRM 200Y1 and DRM 201H1 (2.5 courses if DRM 300Y1 and 301H are taken)
4. From Group C: two full-course equivalents
5. From Group D: one full-course equivalents
6. Two to 2.5 courses from DRM 390Y1/391H1, 490Y1/491H1, Groups A, B, C, D, E, to make up the total of 12 courses

Major program (B.A.):
(8 full courses or their equivalent including at least two 300+ series courses)

First Year:
One or both of DRM 100Y1, DRM 200Y1 (with DRM 201H1 as co-requisite)

Higher Years:

1. DRM 100Y1, if not taken in First Year; DRM 200Y1 (with DRM 201H1) if not taken in First Year, or one other course from Group B (below)
2. From Group A: DRM 230Y1 and two of DRM 260H1, 262H1, 264H1, 266H1, and 268H
3. From Groups C and/or D: two full-course equivalents
4. Two full-course equivalents (or one and a half courses if DRM 200Y1 and DRM 201H1 have been taken) from DRM 390Y1/391H1, DRM 490Y1/491H1, Groups A, B, C, D, E

Minor program (B.A.):
(4 full courses or their equivalent including at least one 300+ series course)
1. DRM 100Y1 and one course from Groups C, D (below)
2. Two half-courses from Group A
3. One full-course equivalent from Group A (excluding DRM 230Y1 and DRM 330Y1), or one full-course equivalent from Groups C, D, E
NOTE: Students in the Minor program are not eligible for practical courses

Group A: DRM 230Y1, 260H1, 262H1, 264H1, 266H1, 268H1, 431Y1, JDC 410Y1

Group B: DRM 200Y1, 201H1, 254Y1, 300Y1, 301H1, 328H1, 354Y1, 400Y1, 401Y1, 402Y1; ENG 369Y1 (playwriting section)

Group C: ENG 220Y1, 223H1, 310H1, 330H1, 332Y1, 334H1, 338Y1, 339H1

Group D: CLA 300Y1; EAS 233H1; FRE 315H1, 317H1, 359H1, 360H1; GER 232H1; GRK 351H1, 352H1, 451H1, 452H1; HUN 450H1; ITA 390H1, 410H1, 415H1, 426H1; JDC 400H1; LAT 351H1/451H1; PRT 343H1; SLA 337H1, 406Y1, 418H1; SPA 452H1

Group E: MUS 206H1; SLA 337H1, 424Y1, 476H1
Other: DRM 100Y1, 390Y1/391H1, 490Y1/491H1. (These may be applied to Groups A,B,C,D,E on petition to and approval by the Drama Program Committee)

DRAMA AND ENGLISH (Hon.B.A.) Consult Professor P. Kleber, Room 300, 79A St. George Street, University College.
Enrolment in this program is limited and selection is made after a personal interview and audition. Upon admission to DRM 200Y1 or DRM 254Y1 students may enrol in the double major in English and Drama; upon admission to an additional one of DRM 200Y1, 254Y1, 300Y1, 354Y1, 400Y1, 402Y1, ENG 369Y1 (playwriting section), students may change their enrolment to the Drama and English Specialist program.

Specialist program:
(14 to 15 full courses or their equivalent, with at least four 300+ series courses including at least one 400-series course)
Same as the English Major program (see “ENG”)

First Year:
One or both of (a) DRM 100Y1, (b) DRM 200Y1 (with DRM 201H1 as co-requisite) or DRM 254Y1

Higher Years:

1. DRM 100Y1, one of DRM 200Y1 (and DRM 201H1)/DRM 254Y1, if not taken in First Year)
2. From Group A: DRM 230Y1, two of DRM 260H1, 262H1, 264H1, 266H1, 268H1
3. From Group B: One additional full-course
4. From Group C: One full-course equivalent
5. From Group D: One full-course equivalent
NOTE: ENG courses in dramatic literature may not be double-counted towards both the English and Drama components in the Specialist program.

DRAMA AND FRENCH (Hon.B.A.) Consult Professor P. Kleber, Room 300, 79A St. George Street, University College.
Enrolment in this program is limited and selection is made after a personal interview and audition. Upon admission to DRM 200Y1/DRM 254Y1 students may enrol in the double major in English and Drama; upon admission to an additional one of DRM 200Y1, 254Y1, 300Y1, 354Y1, 400Y1, 402Y1, ENG 369Y1 (playwriting section), students may change their enrolment to the Drama and French Specialist program.

Specialist program:
(14 to 15 full courses or their equivalent, with at least four 300+ series courses including at least one 400-series course)
Same as the French Drama Major program (see “FRE”)

First Year:
DRM 100Y1

Higher Years:

1. One of DRM 200Y1 (with DRM 201H1 as co-requisite)/DRM 254Y1
2. DRM 230Y1, two of DRM 260H1, 262H1, 264H1, 266H1, 268H1
3. One full-course equivalent from Group C (above)
4. One full-course/two half FRE courses from Group D (above)
5. One additional full-course equivalent from Group B
NOTE: French courses in dramatic literature cannot be double-counted towards both the French and Drama components of the program.

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