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| Brief History of the University and the Faculty |
| The University and the Faculty | Erindal College | Innis College |
| New College | St. Michael's College | Trinity College |
| University College | Victoria College | Woodsworth College |

Brief History Of The University And The Faculty

Following are significant dates for the University and the Faculty. For a description of their governing structures, and details of the Colleges in the Faculty, please see below.

1827 Royal Charter granted to establish King's College at York (Toronto), the state university of the Province of Upper Canada.
1836 Upper Canada Academy founded at Cobourg, Ontario. It became Victoria College in 1841.
1843 Official opening of King's College, located in former Parliament Buildings of the Province of Upper Canada. First degrees granted in 1844.
1849 King's College became University of Toronto; connection with the Church of England terminated.
1851 University of Trinity College established by Church of England.
1852 St. Michael's College established by the Basilian Order.
1853 University College established, assuming responsibility for all teaching in Arts in the University; the University became an examining and degree-granting body.
1856 Construction of present University College building started. Completed in 1859.
1881 St. Michael's College affiliated with the University. Full federation in 1910.
1887 Instruction begun in fields other than arts and the sciences. University College became purely an Arts College.
1890 East section of University College building, including University Library, gutted by fire. It was immediately reconstructed.
1892 Victoria College moved from Cobourg and federated with the University of Toronto.
1892 University Library opened; enlarged in 1909 and in 1954. (Now Sigmund Samuel Library)
1904 Trinity College federated with the University of Toronto.
1905 Part-time courses leading to the B.A. degree established.
1906 University of Toronto Act laid foundation for constitution of the University.
1920 Degree of Bachelor of Commerce established.
1925 Trinity College moved to present buildings from old Queen Street site.
1931 Ontario Upper School (Grade XIII) standing required for admission.
1960 Name of Faculty of Arts changed to "Faculty of Arts and Science."
1961 Degree of Bachelor of Science established.
1962 New College established.
1964 Innis College established.
1965 Scarborough College established.
1967 Erindale College established.
1971 University of Toronto Act 1971 established current governance of the University by a Governing Council.
Scarborough College became separate Arts and Science division in the University.
1973 John P. Robarts Research Library opened.
1974 Woodsworth College established.

The University

Officers Of The University

Chancellor The Honourable H.N.R. Jackman, CM, K St. J, LLB, LLD
Chair, Governing Council W.M. Cecil-Cockwell, BA
President and Chief Executive Officer R.J. Birgeneau, B Sc, Ph D
Vice-President & Provost A. Sedra, MA Sc, Ph D
Vice-President and Chief Development Officer J. Dellandrea, M Ed, Ed D
Vice-President, Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer F.P. Chee, M Sc, MBA
Vice-President, Government and Institutional Relations S.H. Levy, B Sc, M Sc, LLD
Vice-President, Human Resources A. Hildyard, MA, Ph D
Vice-President, Research and International Relations H. Munroe-Blum, BSW, MSW, Ph D
Vice-President, Policy Development and Associate Provost C. Tuohy, MA, Ph D
Vice-Provost, Faculty V. Goel, MD, CM, M Sc, S, M, FRCP (C)
Vice-Provost, Planning and Budget D. McCammond, B Sc, Ph D
Vice-Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions D. Naylor, MD, D Phil, FRCP (C)
Vice-Provost, Space and Facilities R.D. Venter, BA Sc, M Eng, Ph D
Vice-Provost, Students I. Orchard, B Sc Ph D
Assistant Provost M. L. McGee, BA, MSPH, Dip.Bus.Ad.
Secretary of the Governing Council L.R. Charpentier, B Sc, MBA
Director, Office of the President and Assistant Vice-President B. Fitzpatrick, MA, Ph D
Assistant Vice-President, Alumni and Development R. Frankle, BA
Assistant Vice-President, Technology and Transfer P. Munsche, MA, Ph D
Assistant Vice-President, Operations and Services J. Oliver, B Com, M Sc
Chief Librarian C. Moore, BA, MLS
University Registrar K.J. Swift, B Sc, M Ed

Governing Council Of The University

The overall governance of the University rests with the Governing Council which directs university policies. The Governing Council is composed of the Chancellor and the President who are ex-officio members; 2 members appointed by the President, 16 members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council; 12 members elected by the teaching staff from among the teaching staff; 8 members, 4 of whom are elected by and from among the full-time undergraduate students, and 2 of whom are elected by and from among the graduate students, and 2 of whom are elected by and from among the part-time undergraduate students; 2 members elected by the administrative staff from among the administrative staff; and 8 members who are not students or members of the teaching or administrative staff elected by the alumni from among the alumni.

Officers Of The Faculty

Dean C.G. Amrhein, B Sc, Ph D
Vice-Dean (Academic) W.L. Rolph, MA, Phil M
Vice-Dean (Research Infrastructure and Graduate Education) P.K. Sinervo, B Sc, PhD
Vice-Dean TBA
Assistant Dean and Faculty Secretary P.D. Harris, BA, MA
Assistant Dean and Faculty Registrar G.E. Altmeyer, MA, MLS

Governing Structure Of The Faculty

The Faculty of Arts and Science Council

The Faculty of Arts and Science Council considers the future policy of the Faculty and reviews the action of its Standing Committees and sub-committees, chief of which is the General Committee. The Council consists of all professors, full-time lecturers, senior tutors and tutors appointed to departments of the Faculty of Arts and Science, together with the student members and ex-officio members of the General Committee.

The General Committee

The General Committee is the major committee of the Faculty Council and is responsible for the formulation of policy for the Faculty of Arts and Science. Full details of its membership, and that of its Standing Committees, are in a brochure "Faculty Structure and Rules of Procedure", available at the Office of the Dean.

Elections To Faculty Committees


A nominee may run for only one office (although elected members of the curriculum committees and the Committee on Study Elsewhere shall also be seated on the General Committee). Each student may vote for nominees from only one College in the elections to the General Committee. Each student may also vote for nominees to the Committee on Study Elsewhere. A full-time student may also vote for the eligible number of nominees to the respective Curriculum Committee, except that in the election for the Committee on Social Sciences, the representative for Commerce and Finance will be elected by students in that program; other full-time students will vote for three members. Part-time students may also vote for one nominee to any one of the curriculum committees.


A nominee may run for only one office (although elected members of the curriculum committees shall also be seated on the General Committee). A Faculty member of Council may vote for nominees from only one division or from Erindale College in the election to the General Committee and for nominees to any one of the curriculum committees. Ex-officio members of the General Committee may not vote in these elections.


Nominations to fill vacancies at the beginning of the winter session are made in the last half of September. Nominations may be made for the following academic year at the beginning of February. Nomination forms will be available from Departments, Registrars' Offices and from the Office of the Dean. Advertisements appear in the Varsity, Voice, and Bulletin, as well as on placards posted in various buildings.

Erindale College (The University Of Toronto At Mississauga)

Principal TBA
Vice-Principal (Academic) and Associate Dean (Humanities) M. Lettieri, MA, Ph D
Vice-Principal and Associate Dean (Social Sciences) G.W. Crawford, MA, Ph D
Vice-Principal and Associate Dean (Sciences) R.L. Baker, M Sc, Ph D
Assistant Principal (Student Services) and Dean, Student Affairs M. Overton, BA, M Ed
Registrar TBA
Chief Administrative Officer P. Donoghue
College Librarian M.A. Mavriac, BA, B Ed, MLS
Director, Development, Alumni and Public Affairs D. Borowski

Erindale College, an integral part of the Faculty of Arts and Science, offers courses in most Faculty departments leading to regular and Honours B.A. and B.Sc. degrees, and the B.Com. degree. Unique arrangements in Art and Art History, Theatre and Drama Studies, and Communicatins, Culture and Information Technology allow students to take academic courses at Erindale and practical work at Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology, while working towards a University of Toronto degree. The campus has more than 6,000 students, and offers many Arts and Science courses that are identical to those on the St. George campus, along with unique courses and programs.

Erindale College is located on Mississauga Rd. between Dundas St. and Burnhamthorpe Rd. For further information on the Erindale Campus refer to the Erindale College Calendar, contact Registrarial Services, Room 2122, South Building, Erindale College, 3359 Mississauga Rd. N., Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 1C6, (905) 828-5399, or visit the college website (www.erin.utoronto.ca)

Innis College

Principal F.A. Cunningham, MA, Ph D, FRSC
Academic Assistant to the Principal R. Riendeau, MA
Administrative Officer M.J. Kempton
Coordinator of Students Services and Registrar D. Boere, MA
Associate Registrar-Academic M. Tan, MA
Associate Registrar-Administrative C. Li Tang, BA
Dean of Residence G. Spencer
Alumni and Community Relations Officer TBA
Library Coordinator L. Ferstman
Director of Writing Centre R. Greenwald, Ph D
Director of the Math/Stats Tutoring Centre P. Mcdonell, MA

Innis College offers its 1,200 students the advantage of belonging to a small, closely-knit college community which encourages personal contact and creates an open, stimulating, and friendly educational and social atmosphere. The academic program of the College includes credit courses listed under "INI" in the Calendar. These courses are integral to the three programs based in the College: Cinema Studies, Environmental Studies, and Urban Studies. In addition, the College consciously fosters services designed to ease the transition of its students from high school to university to the world beyond. These services include the Writing Centre, the Math/Stats Tutoring Centre, and the Library/Microcentre.

Founded in 1964 and named in honour of the late Harold Innis, an internationally renowned Canadian scholar, the College is housed in a unique three-story building which blends old and new styles by incorporating a substantial Victorian home into a functional modern structure centrally located at the corner of St. George Street and Sussex Avenue. Across the street, the Innis Residence, a "state-of-the-art" co-ed complex, can accommodate 327 students from the Faculty of Arts and Science as well as from the professional Faculties, thereby forming the basis for a diverse and enriched Innis student community.

Innis students have an opportunity to involve themselves in the College's political life through their equal representation with the teaching and administrative staff on Innis College Council (and all its committees), which advises the Principal on academic programs and other policies and guidelines that shape the College's development. The principle of parity in College governance has done much to foster a spirit of mutual cooperation and trust throughout the Innis community.

New College

Principal D. Clandfield, MA, D IIIe C
Assistant Principal and Registrar . S.J. Walker, MA
Associate Registrar (Administrative) N.L. Bliss, BA
Associate Registrar (Counselling and Financial Aid)   P.W. Russell, B Ed, MA
Associate Registrar R.J. Norton, BA, B Ed, M Ed
Assistant Registrar D.M. Chang, BA
Dean of Students A. Yeoman, MA, Ph D
Vice-Principal (Academic) M.F.N. Dixon, MA, Ph D
Director, Business Services C.W. Sparks,CA, MBA
Librarian J. Guillaume, BA, MS

New College, established in 1962, is open to students of all Faculties and Schools in the University. Approximately 3,200 of its students are in the Faculty of Arts and Science, and 400 in other divisions. Members of the College, whether in humanities, social science, science or professional programs, may broaden their university experience by meeting others from different fields and subject areas.

Arts and Science students have the full range of the Faculty curriculum open to them. The College takes part in their instruction through University courses taught by cross-appointed staff; and also through interdisciplinary courses (listed with the prefix "NEW" in the Calendar) designed to interest students in all Faculties. Individual tutoring is offered in Mathematics and Statistics, and the Writing Centre gives help with written assignments and reports. The College Registrar's Office provides academic, financial, and personal counselling.

The College's two modern, conveniently-located buildings provide academic, library, computing, dining and social facilities for all members, and also house the College residences. This creates an atmosphere of community, promoting contacts among students and staff and encouraging non-residents to become involved in college life. The residences accommodate over 650 students and welcome applicants from the Toronto area as well as from out-of-town. Residence application is made through the University Office of Admissions and Awards; further information about residence may be obtained from the Dean of Students, New College. Illustrated brochures describing the College and residences in more detail are available in secondary school guidance departments and from the Registrar, New College, 300 Huron Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3J6.

St. Michael's College

Chancellor His Eminence Aloysius Cardinal Ambrozic, Th D
President & Vice-Chancellor R.M.H. Alway, CM, MA, Phil M, D. Litt. S
Principal TBA
Registrar R. Muia, BA, M Ed
Assistant Registrar G. George, BA
Associate Registrar M. Memari, BA
Associate Registrar L-A. Finn, BA
Students Awards Officer P. Maskwa
Dean of Men D. Rendell, BA MLR
Dean of Women (Loretto College) SR. M. Di Girolamo
Dean of Women (St. Joseph's College) Sr. Anne Marie Marin, BSW, MSW
Bursar P. Venton BA, MA
Librarian L. Girard, BA, MLS

St. Michael's College, the Catholic college in the federation, is open to men and women students of all denominations. Its approximately 3,000 full-time and 500 part-time students register in the rich variety of programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce. A brochure describing the facilities of the College, such as the John M. Kelly Library with its 305,900 volumes and 950 periodicals, the Student Centre, the Chaplaincy program, the various clubs and sports, the Mathematics Aid Centre, the Debating Union and theatre groups, may be obtained from secondary school guidance departments and from the College Registrar. All prospective students are encouraged to see the Registrar for information and counselling. The Registrar's office is in Room 207, Alumni Hall, 121 St. Joseph Street; the College mailing address is 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1J4. Telephone: 926-7117.

There are residence accommodations for approximately 250 men students. Residence is provided for approximately 300 women students at Loretto College and St. Joseph's College. Application for residence is made through the University Admissions office on a form common to all residences. Accommodation is also offered to a limited number of students registered in other Faculties. Applicants interested in visiting the residences should contact the appropriate Dean of Residence.

Trinity College

Chancellor Most Rev. J.C. Bothwell, BA, LTh, BD, DD
Provost and Vice-Chancellor M. MacMillan, BA, B.Phil, D.Phil
Vice-Provost and Dean of Arts D. P. H. Allen, MA, B.Phil, D.Phil
Registrar and Dean of Men B.W. Bowden, MA, Ph D
Associate Registrar B. Ferguson, MA, Ph D
Assistant Registrar N. De Melo, BA
Dean of Women E. Abbott, MA, Ph D
Bursar G.B. Seaborn, BA, MBA
Librarian L.W. Corman, MA, MLS

Trinity College enrols approximately 1,300 students in Arts, Science, and Commerce. Although it admits students to any program of studies in the Faculty of Arts and Science, it has a traditional emphasis on teaching in the Humanities and has established co-ordinated programs in Ethics, Society and Law, Immunology, and International Relations. Classes and tutorials are offered in the College in co-operation with Departments of the University. From its founding as an independent university in 1851 the College has encouraged and maintained a high level of academic achievement. The limited enrolment fosters a sense of community among faculty and students. Although historically an Anglican foundation, the College is open to students of all religions.

Trinity College provides the services of a Writing Centre (978-3530), a Math Aid Centre (978-8454), and eight or nine resident Academic Dons (Tutors) in the Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences.

The College Library, Chapel, buttery, dining halls, common rooms and theatrical facilities are provided for the benefit of both the commuting non-resident and resident students. Nearly 35% of the College's students live in residence. The men of the College are primarily accommodated in the Main Quadrangle. Women students are accommodated primarily in St. Hilda's College. The Gerald Larkin Academic Building, on Devonshire Place, includes lecture rooms and offices of many of the teaching staff together with the Language Laboratory, Writing Centre, and lockers for commuting students. International Relations staff are in the North Building of the Munk Centre for International Studies at Trinity College (1 Devonshire Place).

For further information about the College and for residence applications write the Registrar, Trinity College, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1H8. The Registrar will see prospective students by appointment.

E-mail address: registrar@trinity.utoronto.ca
Website: http://www.Trinity.utoronto.ca

University College

Principal P.J.G.O. Perron, BA, DdeL'U, Ch PA
Vice-Principal I. Radforth, MA, Ph D
Registrar G.A. Loney, MA, Ph D
Associate Registrar (Administrative) C. Shook, BA, MA
Assistant Registrar J. Rodriguez
Dean of Students J.L. Luker, M Ed
Librarian C.K. Murray, MA, MLS
Writing Workshop Director J. Plotnick, MA, M Sc
Archivist TBA

University College was established in 1853 as the Provincial Arts College (the successor to King's College, founded in 1827); it still occupies its original building near the centre of the St. George Campus. The College's students may enrol in any of the courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science. In addition, University College offers several interdisciplinary programs, including Canadian Studies, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Drama, Peace and Conflict Studies, and Sexual Diversity Studies. College courses in these and other areas are listed in the Calendar with the prefix ARC, DRM, UNI, JPU, JUM or JU P.

University College offers residence accommodation for 441 undergraduates in both single and double rooms in its two co-educational residences, the Sir Daniel Wilson Residence and Whitney Hall. Enquiries should be addressed to the Residence Office, 79 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2E7.

University College offers the services of a Computing Centre, a Math Aid Centre and a Writing Workshop. Other amenities include the University College Library, which comprises a convenient circulating library and spacious reading room; the U.C. Union with its dining hall and common rooms; the Playhouse, a theatre for student productions; the Refectory and Junior Common Room; and the University College Literary and Athletic Society which sponsors a great variety of athletic, intellectual and social activities.

Victoria College

Chancellor K.D. Taylor
President Emeritus Very Rev. A.B.B. Moore, BA, DD, LL D
President and Vice-Chancellor P.W. Gooch, MA, Ph D
Principal and Program Director D.B. Cook, MA, PhD
Assistant to the Principal J.L. Welsh
Registrar S.C. McDonald, BA
Associate Registrar E. Melo, BA
Assistant Registrar V. Ferrier, BA
Director of External Relations and Development L.D. Davies, BA
Bursar L.R. Kurtz, MA, Ph D
Dean of Students J. Hunter, BA
Librarian R.C. Brandeis, BA, MLS, Ph D

Victoria College, founded in 1836 as Upper Canada Academy, was granted a university charter in 1841 and federated with the University of Toronto in 1892.

The college is located on a 15-acre site at the north-east corner of Queen's Park opposite the Royal Ontario Museum. It offers many facilities to its students, including the E.J. Pratt Library with its 220,000 volumes, the Wymilwood Student Union, and a playing field. The Victoria College building, opened in 1892, contains classrooms, some faculty and administrative offices, the Learning Centre, Chapel and Alumni Hall. Northrop Frye Hall, completed in 1966, also provides office space for most of the administrative and teaching staff and contains classrooms and a large auditorium theatre. Academic advising and support is provided by the Registrar's Office. In addition, the College has a Math Aid Centre, a Writing Workshop, and tutorial services in a wide range of subjects.

Residence accommodation for approximately 800 students is available on campus. Annesley Hall, Margaret Addison Hall and Burwash Hall provide accommodation in single and double rooms for chiefly undergraduate students. The Lower Houses of Burwash Hall and Rowell Jackman Hall, an apartment style residence, house upper-year undergraduate and graduate students. All residence students take their meals in Burwash Dining Hall. Non-residence students may purchase meal tickets for Burwash or take light meals at Ned's. Further information about residences may be obtained by writing to the Dean of Students, Victoria College, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1K7.

E-mail: registrar.victoria@utoronto.ca; website: http://vicu.utoronto.ca

Woodsworth College

Principal M. O'Neill-Karch, MA
Registrar D. Chevrier, BA
Program Director W.H. Bateman, BA
Undergraduate Coordinator, Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program D. C. Nimmo, MA, Ph D
Associate Registrar J.N. Guyatt, BA
Assistant Registrar J. Blackett
Manger of Residence Life J. Conrad, B Sc, MBA
Director, Academic Writing Centre A. Stewart, BA, MA
Director, Development and External Relations B. Sutton, BA
Chief Administrative Officer M. J. Dundas, MBA, CA

Woodsworth College is named in honour of James Shaver Woodsworth (1874-1942), minister, pacifist, social activist and Member of Parliament who was strongly committed to broadening educational opportunities for all.

The College traces its roots to 1905 when a part-time program leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree was established at the University of Toronto. In 1920 the Department of University Extension was organized to offer credit and non-credit courses. Woodsworth College was formally constituted in 1974 to offer credit courses primarily for part-time students in a number of faculties. In 1999 the College opened its doors to students proceeding directly from high school into full time studies.

Woodsworth College is now home to over 1600 full time students and 4500 part-time students, who enrol in the full range of Arts and Science courses and programs - day and evening, summer and winter. The College also offers the undergraduate degree programs in Criminology and Employment Relations, the Academic Bridging Program, international summer programs in England, France, Germany, Jordan, Hong Kong, Italy and Mexico and post graduate certificates in Human Resource Management and Teaching English as a Second Language.

A special feature of Woodsworth College is the academic support program which includes academic counselling, financial aid, study skills seminars, the Academic Writing Centre, the Computer Lab and the Mathematics Lab.

For further details e-mail info@wdw.utoronto.ca or check www.wdw.utoronto.ca.

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