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Intended to provide a speaking, reading and writing knowledge of modern Irish. Basic features of the grammar are studied. SMC240Y1
The expression of Celtic culture in literature, history, folklore and myth from 600 B.C. to the present, with particular attention to the
continuing Celtic contribution to Western culture. SMC241Y1
Completes the basic introduction to the Irish language with a concentration on speaking and compositional skills together with first
readings of simple literary texts. SMC242Y1
An introduction to Scots Gaelic language and culture. Students will master fundamentals of reading, writing, and the basics of
grammar and will begin to speak Gaelic. Proverbs, poetry, songs and folktales introduce students to the language, literature and
folklore of Gaelic Scotland and immigrant North America. No prior knowledge of the language is required. SMC243Y1
An introductory course intended to provide a basic speaking and reading knowledge of Modern Welsh. Open to students with no prior
experience of Welsh. SMC331Y1
Speaking, writing and reading competence is emphasized in this course. This course concentrates on the study of modern Irish literary
texts, both poetry and prose and advanced translation into the Irish language. (Offered in alternate years) SMC342Y1
This course examines the way in which modern Irish, Scottish and Welsh writers have responded to the pressures of anglicization and
modernization; and discusses literary reactions to social, ethnic and gender issues in contemporary culture. SMC343Y1
Literature in relation to the structure and development of the insular Celtic society that produced it; the Mythological, Ulster, Fenian,
and Historical Saga cycles; voyages, visions, religious, lyric, and gnomic poetry, British heroic poetry, medieval Welsh narratives
both secular and religious. Texts studied in translation. SMC344Y1
The art and archaeology of the Celtic peoples from 800 B.C to 900 A.D. Hallstatt and La Tene civilizations; the Celtic settlement of
Great Britain and Ireland; Celto-Roman civilization; the art and architecture of the Christian period. SMC345Y1
The political and social development of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Brittany from the 5th to the 12th centuries. SMC346Y1
An examination of the relationship between the Celtic mythology and the ancient art of storytelling and an exploration of the place of
traditional music in modern society. SMC348Y1
This course examines the political, social and economic development of Ireland between 1791 and 1985. Special attention is paid to
the emergence of Irish nationalism, Anglo-Irish relations, the connection between religion and politics, and the current conflict in
Northern Ireland. SMC349H1
This course examines the poetry and other writings of Seamus Heaney against the background of a modern tradition of Irish writing.
Special attention is paid to issues of nationalism, the tensions of social and historical involvement, the place of Gaelic tradition and
translation in the creation of a poet whose scope and audience is international.
The religious culture of the early and mediaeval Celtic Church as manifested in the material and written record; its significance for
contemporary religious movements. Texts studied include the Patrician dossier, early monastic Rules and Liturgies, selected
hagiographical, homiletic, devotional and lyric texts. SMC351H1
The Blasket Islands lie off the southwest coast of Ireland. This course will examine the important "library" of books written and orally
recorded by the islanders from the 1920's onwards. Special attention will be paid to "The Island Man"; "Peig" and "Twenty Years a
Growing". Texts studied in translation. SMC352Y1
A study of the Gaelic literature of Ireland from 1600 to the present within its poetical and historical context. A selection of texts in the SMC355H1
An examination of economic, political and social change in Wales from the eighteenth century to the present. Special attention is paid
to class conflict in the coalfields, rural-urban relations, language issues, and the search for national identity. SMC395Y1
Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Program Director SMC408H1/409H1
Designed to provide for individual half-courses not already covered in the listed range of Celtic Studies Program offerings. SMC410Y1
Designed to provide for individual courses not already covered in the listed range of Celtic Studies Program offerings. SMC411H1/412H1
A course slot designed to provide for individual half courses not already covered in the listed range of Celtic Studies Program
offerings. SMC413H1
This course explores the history of Irish migration and settlement in Canada with a special emphasis on political, social, economic and
religious themes. SMC414H1
This course explores, by means of the historical method, Scottish migration and settlement in Canada, with special emphasis on
religious, cultural, political, social and economic themes. SMC440Y1
An introduction to the Welsh language and literature from the 10th to the 14th centuries. SMC441Y1
An introduction to Old and Middle Irish language and literature from the 7th to the 11th century. SMC450Y1
This course covers the range of the Celtic mythological record from all the Celtic areas through an examination of the archaeological,
inscriptional and textual sources. A critical evaluation is offered of various relevant mythic approaches. Christianity and Culture Courses SMC103Y1
An introduction to Catholic Christianity, to its history, institutions, and theology. The second part of the course examines the renewal
effort of Vatican II and offers a contemporary Catholic reading of the Creed. SMC200Y1
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the depth and breadth of the imagination in the western Christian tradition. We
shall explore components of the distinctively Christian imagination, as well as its expression in various media, including the visual
and plastic arts, literature, film, and music. SMC201H1
The Christian search for identity, order and meaning in personal experience, through literature.The way biblical patterns are used to
orient this search are compared through selected works from antiquity, the Middle Ages, modern Europe and contemporary North
America. SMC203Y1
Issues raised by Christianitys encounter with secular culture, and solutions proposed by the tradition: involvement in political
structures, social movements, ethnic communities, and changing world views. SMC204H1
A study of key elements in the encounter of Christianity and Asia: e.g. the controversy over Chinese rites; Koreas conversion by lay
philosophers; the development of Filipino folk Catholicism and its impact on politics; the influence of Indian thought on recent
Western theologians. SMC205H1
Exploration of the variety of forms which Christian personal experience has taken in the course of history (martyrdom, mysticism,
monasticism, sanctification of ordinary life, etc.) in order to appreciate their variety, complexity, and deep unity. SMC206H1
The various roles given music in Christian tradition and the impact of Christianity on Western music. Case studies from Gregorian
chant to the present illustrate major issues (sacred vs. profane, acceptable styles or instruments, text and music, emotion and
rationalism) to provide a critical vocabulary applicable to present works. SMC207H1
The development of Christian communities in Latin America with an emphasis on such themes as the Spanish Conquista, missions,
church-state relations, popular religious culture, and the emergence of Liberation Theology. SMC208Y1
An introduction to the Christian intellectual tradition through a study of key figures representing a variety of historical periods, from
the patristic through the medieval to the modern and contemporary. The selected authors discuss a range of religious, intellectual and
human issues from basic Christian beliefs to the challenges of modern and postmodern cultures. SMC209H1
The social, theological, and institutional development of Christian communities in Africa, including the birth of early churches in
North Africa, missionary activity, popular religion, and the emergence of new Christian movements in the post-colonial period. SMC215H1
Christian history has been characterized by an enduring and fruitful search for forms of religious community. This course surveys
some communal attempts to express Christianity, monasticism, forms of common life for clerics, the Mendicants, lay confraternities,
religious orders, and contemporary lay movements. SMC216Y1
A biblical, historical, and theological introduction to the theory and practice of the Christian liturgy, with special attention to baptism
and the eucharist. SMC230Y1
The course examines the emergence of the physical sciences within Christian culture. It also traces broad historical developments,
such as the rise of technology and the acceptance of empirical observation as a method of inquiry, and their impact on Christian faith. SMC302H1
Originality of Christian symbolism explored through texts and slides; its use and transformation of pagan and Jewish symbolic forms;
its self-interpretation in patristic literature; its practice in early and mediaeval art. SMC303H1
Christianitys contribution to contemporary aesthetics, in theory and practice. The course deals with theoretical texts, and with the
practical use of Christs image and of Judeo-Christian symbolic patterns in recent architecture, art, film and literature. SMC304H1
An examination of Canon Law; the process by which it came into being, and its impact on contemporary culture. Premises and
techniques of ecclesial law-making are compared to those of other systems of legislation. Specific sections of the Code of Canon Law
are examined. SMC307Y1
An introduction to the place and meaning of the Bible within the Christian tradition; the practice of biblical interpretation in the
patristic, medieval and modern periods; a contemporary reading of one of the Gospels and of a letter of Paul. SMC308H1
A close reading of the Code of Canon Law touching on the themes of marriage and the family; relationship to other fundamental
Church statements (e.g. Familiaris Consortio); examination of issues raised by opposition between church teaching and other views. SMC309H1
This course explores developments in the relations between the Catholic Church and the states of Western Europe and America from
the Enlightenment to the present. Of particular concern is Catholicisms response to the political theories of the Enlightenment, the
secularization of the state and social justice issues. SMC310H1
Introduces students to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) and its antecedents. After an historical survey of religious
instruction in the Church, the students will engage in a close reading of selected sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. SMC311H1
The Catholic Church claims to be the continuation of the event of Christ in history, the guarantor of the authenticity of each person's
encounter with Christ, and the means by which His memory may be cultivated. The course examines the reasons for these claims and
the forms they have taken. SMC312H1
The Catholic Church has developed a distinctive approach to the pedagogical enterprise. This course explores aspects of this approach
by an examination of canonical legislation and other texts published by ecclesiastical authorities and their application in Canada. SMC313H1
An historical appraisal of the evolution of Catholic schools, universities, and catechetical education in Ontario. Special emphasis is
placed on the evolution of Ontarios separate school system. SMC320H1
(formerly SMC 420H1) 26L SMC330Y1
Faith in Christ is central to Christianity. This course examines both classical formulations of that faith and Enlightenment critiques of
them. It introduces students to contemporary rethinking of christology in the light of modern science and philosophy, comparative
religion, feminism, and liberation movements. SMC332H1
(formerly SMC 402H1) 13S SMC370H1
Episodes and issues in the development of the life sciences in relation to fundamental Christian beliefs concerning nature, man and
God: behaviour and intelligence, gender, genetics and the manipulation of life, creation/evolution controversy, etc. SMC371H1
The complex interplay between religious belief, culture, and the emergence of modern physical theory: rise and fall of mechanistic
theories, relativity, particle physics and models of the Universe, Big Bang theory and Black Holes, etc. SMC380H1
The Second Vatican Council is the most important event in contemporary Catholic life. This course examines various aspects of the
Council, including its convocation, process, theological teaching, and effects on the Catholic Church and its relations to society. SMC390Y1
An examination of the development of sacred space in the early Church, reflection upon its place in the imaginative landscape of the
European Middle Ages, and discussion of its implications for the understanding of space and place in our own culture. SMC425H1
An examination of the use of the Bible in the mediaeval period (500-1500) as source of motifs in art and architecture, provider of
stories for poetry and drama, authority in legal and political debate, and tool for teaching and preaching. Mediaeval Studies Courses SMC210Y1
The mediaeval encyclopedia: typical categories of the body of learning accumulated from the 5th to the 15th century: the natural
universe, the branches of education, ethical ideals, and the sense of history. SMC403H1
This seminar explores the development of some of the institutions of mediaeval Christendom, such as guilds, the University and the
Papacy, in relation to social and intellectual movements of the age. SMC405H1
Mediaeval jurisprudence combines the high technical quality of Roman law with the requirements of Christianity. The seminar
provides an overview of the development of mediaeval learned jurisprudence; select texts from Roman and canon law, with their
glosses, are read in order to explore more specifically the methods and concerns of mediaeval jurists. SMC406H1 Mediaeval Seminar II 26S, 13T
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor SMC407Y1 Mediaeval Seminar I 52S, 26T
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor SMC420H1
This course surveys mediaeval vernacular literature within the cultural context of Europe and considers the development of different
literary genres such as epic, romance and lyric. Relations between vernacular literatures, and between vernacular and latin literature
are also studied. SMC490Y1
TBA Other St. Michaels College Courses (see Section 4 for Key to Course Descriptions) SMC219Y1
Designed to acquaint students with the essential notions of media studies, and to promote a conscious utilization of contemporary
media. Starting with the preliminary definitions of media, mass, and communications, the student is invited to consider
critically the cultural constructs created by modern media, from print to photography, filming TV, computer and Internet. SMC299Y1
Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. See page 44 for details. |
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