ANA Anatomy and Cell Biology CoursesNRS202H1
Structure of the human body and its relationship to function. Basic Human Cytology, Histology, Gross Anatomy, and Neuroanatomy. ANA301H1
Human embryology from fertilization to the end of the fetal period. Current concepts in mammalian morphogenesis applied to the
development of the various organ systems; etiologies and pathogenesis of some of the more common human congenital
abnormalities. ANA304Y1
Principles and concepts of cell biology; structure, organization, function and dynamic behaviour of cells and cell organelles;
interactions between cells and between cells and extracellular matrix in organizing tissues; communication between and within cells;
cell renewal and differentiation; approaches and techniques used, their usefulness and limitations; contributions to advances in
medicine. (Enrolment limited to 45 students) ANA498Y1
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