ZOO Zoology Courses SCI199Y1 Undergraduate seminar that focuses on specific ideas,
questions, phenomena or controversies, taught by a regular Faculty member deeply engaged
in the discipline. Open only to newly admitted first year students. It may serve as a
distribution requirement course; see page 44. BIO150Y1 (See "Biology") JMB170Y1 Applications of mathematics to biological problems in
physiology, biomechanics, genetics, evolution, growth, population dynamics, cell biology,
ecology and behaviour. ZOO200Y1 Biological issues and concepts. Human interactions with each
other, with other species, and with the physical environment. Human biological and
cultural evolution (mechanisms, changes in anatomy, behaviour, conceptualization, resource
consumption, biotechnology); sexuality (development, theories and controversies in current
research); population growth and environmental impact (carrying capacity, water and land
use; pollution, resource management); environmental health (biodiversity, food supply,
pesticides, ethics and decision-making). ZOO214Y1 Organic evolution by natural selection, both as formulated by
Darwin and Wallace and modified by modern workers: topics vary but may include speciation,
palaeontology; evolution of higher taxa, mutation, natural selection, adaptations and
coevolution. Essays and reading required. JBS229H1 (See "Biology") ENV234Y1 (See "Division of the Environment") ZOO252Y1 The main ideas of physiology and the contribution of
experimentation to our understanding of life processes. Uses examples from throughout the
animal kingdom, and includes the physiology of nervous, muscular, sensory and endocrine
systems, control mechanisms, salt and water balance, respiration, thermoregulation,
reproduction and metabolic processes. BIO250Y1 (See "Biology") BIO260H1 (See "Biology") ZOO263Y1 The ontogeny and phylogeny of vertebrate structure are
considered within the context of evolutionary theory. Functional aspects of the various
organ systems are examined. Representative fish and mammals are dissected in detail and
other forms are dealt with briefly to illustrate selected anatomical features and to
provide practical exposure to vertebrate construction. ZOO265Y1 Diversity of animals in the world. Special attributes,
requirements and ecosystems of different groups of organisms and how they interact with
each other and with humans. Laboratories emphasize basic taxonomic skills, and use living
organisms when possible, but involve no invasive procedures. ZOO299Y1
BIO301H1 (See "Biology") BIO302H1 (See "Biology") BIO303H1 (See "Biology") ZOO304H1 TBA BIO306H1 (See "Biology") BIO308H1 (See "Biology") ZOO309Y1 TBA ZOO310H1 TBA BIO319H1 (See "Biology") BIO321H1 (See "Biology") ZOO322H1 A broad introduction to animal behaviour emphasizing concepts
from ethology and behavioural ecology. Field and laboratory studies are undertaken. BIO323H1 (See "Biology") BIO324H1 (See "Biology") ZOO325H1 The control of physiological processes by hormones secreted
by the principal endocrine glands in vertebrate animals including human. Hormonal
regulation of growth, fuel metabolism, cardiovascular activity, renal function, water and
electrolyte balance, reproduction and behaviour. JZP326H1 Daily, monthly, annual and other rhythms and methods of
measuring them. Behavioural and physiological aspects of biological clocks. The importance
of rhythms in experimental design, in research on brain function, in affective disorders,
and the adaptive value of rhythms to animals. (Given by the Departments of Psychology and
Zoology) ZOO327H1 Examines expression, structure and function of the four major
classes of ECM macromolecules: collagens, proteoglycans, elastins and glycoproteins. In
addition to elaborating complex frameworks for pattern formation and giving tissues their
resiliency, strength and adhesiveness, these macromolecules have pronounced effects on
cell shape, migration, growth and differentiation. Emphasis is on modern techniques used
to explore the morphoregulatory contribution(s) of individual macromolecules at a various
stage of embryonic and adult development. BIO328H1 (See "Biology") ZOO328H1 Descriptive, experimental, and molecular analysis of
development of various animals, representative of invertebrate and vertebrate groups. ZOO330H is a recommended laboratory course. ZOO330H1 An intense three week laboratory-based course that introduces
modern techniques using model organisms to approach problems in cell and developmental
biology. Techniques that allow identification, isolation, and functional characterization
of genes that play important roles in cellular and developmental processes are studied
including: transposon mediated taggings and cloning of genes; PCR-based analysis of
mutations; generation of genetically mosaic organisms; and gene expression studies. The
course is accompanied by a seminar series that discusses the various techniques used in
the laboratory. ZOO332H1 Physiological mechanisms underlying integration and
regulation in the nervous system. The physiological properties of excitable cells from
membranes, through neurons to synapses, neural networks and up to whole animal functions. ZOO344H1 The importance of neurohormones and hormones in the
regulation of reproduction, growth, metamorphosis and metabolism in arthropods, especially
insects and crustaceans, molluscs, and other invertebrates. ZOO346H1 Integrated control of cardio-respiratory physiology and
metabolism in vertebrates. Topics include exercise, diving, sleep and hibernation. ZOO347H1 In-depth survey of unique cellular adaptations of different
tissues and organisms to overcome environmental stresses such as hypoxia. Emphasis is
placed on cellular strategies, particularly second messanger responses, although
systematic and whole organism responses will be investigated. Broad-ranging common
strategies among diverse organisms are examined. JLM349H1 (See "Biology") BIO351Y1 (See "Biology") ZOO354Y1 The historical evolution of modern biological science,
focussing on the development of its methodology and its unifying theories, from Aristotle
to DNA. JZM357H1 Morphology, life cycles, evolutionary history and adaptations
to a parasitic mode of life. Host-parasite relationships are explored through the study of
various helminths and arthropod parasites, the diseases they cause, and our attempts to
control them. JZM358H1 Morphology, life cycles, evolutionary history and adaptations
to a parasitic mode of life. Host-parasite relationships are explored through the study of
various protozoan parasites, the diseases they cause, and our attempts to control them. BIO359H1 (See "Biology") ZOO360H1 Introduction to the morphology, physiology, development,
behaviour, ecology, evolutionary history, and biological significance of insects. Labs
include making an insect collection. Mandatory one week of fieldwork in Algonquin Park at
end of summer preceding Fall session. ZOO361H1 TBA ZOO362H1 Explores patterns of large-scale evolutionary change, played
out over large geographic expanses and extended periods of time. Integrates patterns with
field and experimental studies to clarify evolutionary processes. Topics include origins
of species and their adaptations, historical biogeography, coevolution, community
evolution, and the role of evolutionary information in conservation and biodiversity
initiatives. Tutorials emphasize methods used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships. ZOO364H1 Structure and function of the vertebrate skeleto-muscular
system from an engineering and materials science perspective. Topics include stress and
strain, Young's modulus, Poisson's ration, linear and non-linear elasticity, elastomers,
tensile and compressive strength, isotropy and anisotropy, toughness, beams, columns,
bridges, trusses, levers, solid friction, lubrication theory, and properties of bones,
cartilage, tendons, and muscles. ZOO365H1 Mechanics of vertebrate locomotion; exercise physiology and
the evolution of stamina in mammals and birds; terrestrial locomotion; aerial and aquatic
locomotion, including aspects of fluid mechanics, drag, aspect ratios, swimming and
flight. BIO370H1 (See "Biology") ZOO373H1 Principles of zoogeography and those aspects of ecology which
bear on the distribution of animals. ZOO375H1 A lecture and seminar course dealing with the effects of
physical and chemical environments on animals. ZOO382H1 Systematics, morphology, ecology, behaviour, biogeography and
conservation (extinction past and present) of "fishes" from the jawless
craniates (hagfish and lampreys) through sharks and rays to the herrings, minnows, and
catfishes. Laboratory examines representative specimens from the groups discussed in
lecture. Students are expected to identify specimens for the lab quizzes. (Offered in
alternate years) ZOO383H1 Systematics, morphology, ecology, behaviour, biogeography and
conservation (extinction past and present) of the Eutelostei (from pike and salmon to the
percimorphs, including most fish seen on a coral reef). Laboratory examines representative
specimens from the groups discussed in lecture. Students are expected to identify
specimens for the lab quizzes. (Offered in alternate years) ZOO384H1 Introduction to the natural history, evolution, and diversity
of amphibians. (Offered in alternate years) ZOO386H1 Behavioural ecology, ecomorphology, adaptive strategies,
breeding behaviour, migration, vocalizations and cultural evolution, the origin of birds,
conservation issues, the importance of birds to humans, and history of ornithology. Field
trips. ZOO387H1 Systematics, seasonal distribution, zoogeography and
evolution of modern birds. Laboratories use the comprehensive world-wide collections of
birds at the Royal Ontario Museum. Field trips. ZOO388H1 Natural history of mammals emphasizing ecology, community
structure, behaviour, reproduction, and life history strategies; form and function related
to different modes of life and physical environments. Laboratory includes a survey of
Ontario mammals. (Offered in alternate years) ZOO389H1 The origin, evolution, zoogeography, phylogenetic
relationships and diversity of mammals; speciation, extinction and current issues in
conservation biology. Laboratory surveys mammalian orders, their characteristics,
identification, and systematic relationships. (Offered in alternate years) ZOO398H0/399Y0
ZOO426H1 Essentially all phenomena associated with growth and
developmental processes, particularly those related to vertebrate embryos, are intrinsic
to the regeneration of amputated amphibian limbs. This course deals with the mechanisms
controlling the various stages of epimorphic as well as tissue regeneration of limbs and
the reconstruction of organs in vertebrates, as well as the causality of the morphogenetic
events. BIO428H1 (See "Biology") JZP428H1 Circadian rhythms with emphasis on non-photic entrainment and
phase shifting of rhythms by behaviour (e.g., social interactions, or becoming active).
Properties and physiological mechanisms for non-photic effects and comparisons with those
for photic effects. Seminars and readings of original papers. Emphasis on basic
principles, but possible applications are also discussed. (Given by the Departments of
Psychology and Zoology) ZOO433H1 Study of the origins and structure of animal communication
systems, and their biological functions. A diversity of sensory channels (e.g., visual,
acoustic, chemical, tactile, electric) are considered. Individual research projects are
undertaken. ZOO443H1 A seminar course dealing with recent research in selected
areas of neurobiology. BIO459H1 (See "Biology") BIO460H1 (See "Biology") ZOO462H1 Computer-assisted methods for constructing and testing
phylogenetic hypotheses are introduced through lectures and laboratories. Molecular,
biochemical, and morphological data are compared and contrasted as indicators of
relationships. Character coding, parsimony, compatibility, and congruence are discussed.
Students prepare a comprehensive term paper based on analysis of individual data sets. BIO465H1 (formerly BIO395H) (See
"Biology") BIO469Y1 (See "Biology") BIO470H1 (See "Biology") BIO471H1 See "Biology") ZOO482Y1 A class directed seminar analyzing the major problems in
developmental biology from cellular, genetic, and molecular perspectives. ZOO485Y1 The experimental basis of modern animal physiology:
techniques and instrumentation and their importance to current physiological concepts,
using examples from the literature and the research programs of members of the Department. BIO494Y1 (See "Biology") BIO495Y1 (See "Biology") BIO496Y1 (See "Biology") ZOO498Y1 TBA ZOO499Y1 Allows students to do a second independent project,
supervision of which must be different from ZOO498Y.
Operates in the same manner as ZOO498Y. |
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