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TMU Theory of Music Courses TMU140Y1 Harmony: triads, non-harmonic materials, dominant seventh and
derivatives, secondary dominants, simple modulation. Elementary forms and analysis of
18th- and 19th-century literature. Sight singing: melodic, rhythmic and harmonic
dictation. Keyboard harmony: chords and scales in all major and minor keys; playing of
cadence types, modulation to closely related keys, realization of elementary figured bass,
two-part transposition, score reading in five clefs, and sight harmonization of simple
melodies. TMU127H TMU207H TMU211Y (by permission of the Musical Theory & Composition Div.) TMU240H (Faculty of Music TMU220H & TMU221H) TMU302H TMU308H TMU308H TMU314Y TMU316H TMU317H TMU318H TMU401H NOTE Other advanced TMU courses by divisional approval only |
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