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INI Innis College Courses

| Course Winter Timetable |

Introduction to Film Study 26L, 52P, 26T

Introduction to film analysis; concepts of film style and narrative. Topics include documentary, avant-garde, genres, authorship, ideology, and representation

Film History 26L, 52P, 26T

An introduction to major phases of international film history from its origins to the present, including screenings and discussion of narrative films representative of film movements, technological innovations, and influential directors. Problems in the writing and reading of film history are examined.
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Film Theory 26L, 52P, 26T

A variety of film theories are critically examined in relation to cinema issues such as montage, narrative, realism, spectatorship, and technology. Readings in film theory and film screenings.
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Authorship in the Cinema 52L, 52P

An intensive study concentrating on the work of selected major filmmakers. (Offered in alternate years)

Contemporary Popular American Film 52L, 52P

The examination of the art of contemporary popular American film in its social, political, and commercial contexts, through study and analysis of selected popular films from 1970 to the present. Directors may include: Kubrick, Coppola, Eastwood, Spielberg, Ridley Scott, Cameron, and Tarantino. (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: INI326Y

Avant-Garde and Experimental Film 26L, 26P

A study of films from France, Canada, USA, Britain, and other countries, which develop new approaches to cinema through experiment and innovation. Readings in advanced film theory. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Women and Representation 52L, 52P

Feminist film criticism from mid-sixties critiques of media stereotypes of women to current issues in feminist film theory. Films to be studied include mainstream narrative fiction and films by women directors: Von Sternberg, Godard, Sirk, Arzner, Dulac, Lupino, Von Trotta, Rainer, Akerman, Duras. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: INI115Y/NEW260Y

The American Cinema: From Sound to Cinemascope 26L, 52P, 26T

The first quarter century of talking pictures. Directorial alternatives within a relatively rigid industry: the mimetic, emotional, aesthetic, and didactic functions of film. Films by Capra, Ford, Hawks, Lang, Milestone, Welles, etc. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Documentary Film 52L, 52P

A critical survey of documentary films including newsreels, cinema verite, agit-prop, docudrama. Filmmakers to be studied include Flaherty, Grierson, Pennebaker, King. Readings in the history and theory of documentary.
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Race and Representation 52L, 52P

Theories of cinematic representation emphasizing race, identity, nation, and culture. Films include works from Africa, Asia, South America, and the Caribbean as well as from the aboriginal and diasporic communities. Films by Julien, Trinh, Dash, Cisse, Sembene, Obomsawin, etc.
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Theories of Film Genres and Filmic Narration 26L, 52P, 26T

Intensive study of representative films from selected cinematic genres. Readings in theories of film genres and film narration; analysis of genre conventions, their history and evolution. (Offered in alternate years)
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Contemporary Film Theory: The Screen Revolution 52L, 52P

Developing notions in film theory since the early 1970s. Topics include the critique of realism, suture, spectatorship, genre, the cinematic apparatus, race and queer cinema. Films are screened as illustrations of the theoretical texts: Welles, Sirk, Godard, Duras, Potter, Ottinger, Julien.
Exclusion: INI425Y, 481Y
Prerequisite: INI214Y

Aspects of a National Cinema 52S/26S

In-depth treatment of a national cinema in a seminar format.
Prerequisite: INI115Y

European Cinemas, European Societies 26L, 26P

A survey of European cinemas, contrasting European production systems and film culture with Hollywood, and offering comparative study of themes such as urbanization, immigration, the Holocaust and historical memory, gender roles, and continental unification movements.

Critical Writing on Film

(formerly INI384Y) 26S
The practice of film criticism with concentration on film reviews and scholarly articles. The study of examples of such work is the focus of the seminars supplemented by practical sessions involving process writing and collaborative editing. (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: NEW304Y
Prerequisite: INI115Y or permission of instructor

English-Canadian Cinema 13L, 26P, 13T

English-Canadian filmmaking; commercial constraints and promptings; institutional domains (NFB, CFDC, Telefilm, etc.); cultural nationalism and critical contexts. The range of films includes documentaries, experimental works, and art-film and commercial feature narratives. (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: NEW311H
Prerequisite: INI115Y

Quebec Cinema

(formerly INI486H) 13L, 26P, 13T
The range of French-language filmmaking in Quebec within the context of efforts to establish a distinct national identity from the 1940s to the present day. (Offered in alternate years)
Exclusion: INI486H/NEW312H
: INI115Y

Special Topics in Contemporary European Cinema 52L, 52P

An exploration of cultural, political and institutional factors in contemporary European society that influence youth culture in Europe. This course concentrates on the relationship between culture and cinematic representation through an analysis of select European films.
Recommended preparation: INI115Y, National Cinemas at 200- and 300-level, courses in European studies, culture, history

Contemporary Chinese Cinemas 13L, 26P, 13T

Examination of contemporary Chinese films in their three production centres: the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Production, commercial and aesthetic trends, and international reception; major auteurs and genres. Directors include Chen Kaige, Zang Yimou, Edward Yang, John Woo and Wang Kar-wai.
: INI115Y
Recommended preparation: INI212Y, 214Y

Melodrama in Film

(formerly INI423Y) 26S, 26P
Intensive study of theoretical issues raised by melodrama, including gender, class and spectatorship; emotion and the non-representational. Psychoanalytical and historical factors shaping the "melodramatic imagination" are emphasized.
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Film Comedy 26S, 26P

A study of international film comedy, including its historical development, and the difficulties that comedy poses for genre and auteur approaches.
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

The Cinematic City 26S, 26P

Film's emergence from urban culture of the nineteenth century: the modern industrial city and the cinematic imagination between the world wars; the critical alignment of urbanism and the cinema.
Exclusion: INI321H
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y;INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.
Courses in INI 460-469 are senior seminars in Cinema Studies cross-listed from/with the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama. The selection may be changed annually.

Film Noir 26S, 26P

Consideration of film noir's roots, its status as a genre, and its enduring appeal, the latter evidenced by continued critical interest and neo-noir offshoots.
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Models of Film Analysis 26S, 26P

Advanced survey of a variety of approaches to the filmic text, including structuralist variants, textual analysis, and neo-formalism.
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Theory, History and the New German Cinema 26S, 26P

Historiographic and theoretical issues raised by the New German Cinema. Includes works by Kluge, Wenders, Fassbinder, Treut, von Trotta, von Praunheim.
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Early Cinema 26S, 26P

Investigation of film from the beginnings of the medium until the advent of the feature film in the mid-teens: early cinema's technological, formal, economic, and cultural dimensions; questions of audience composition, spectatorial address, and intermediality.
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Reviewing Hollywood Classicism 26S, 26P

Examination of the application of the label of classicism to the studio era's films and operations; critiques and amendments of the major statements regarding classicism as a system; investigation of the concept of a post-classical cinema.
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Cinema and Technology (formerly INI483H) 26S, 26P

How technology influences the operations and study of cinema. Includes technology's relationship to realism, apparatus theory, and cinematic style; study of widescreen sound, colour and emergent technologies.BALLOT REQUIERED
Prerequisite: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI 212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Independent Studies in Cinema

Independent research projects devised by students and supervised by the Cinema Studies staff. Open to advanced Specialist and Major students in the Program. Applications should be submitted to the Program Director by June 1, 2001 for a Fall course or by December 1, 2001 for a Spring course.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Cinema Studies Committee

Advanced Studies in Cinema

Seminars in special topics designed for advanced specialist and major students in Cinema Studies.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Cinema Studies Committee

Set Design in Film 26S, 26P

The emergence and development of film design in Hollywood. Close study of individual films from the USA and elsewhere. Illusion, distortion and fragmentation.
: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI 212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.

Cinema and Millennium: Endings and Resolutions in Recent Films 26S, 26P

Films and types of endings examined using narrative theory and interpretive typologies; emphasis on genre forms and modern international cinema. (Offered in alternate years.)
: At least ten course credits including INI115Y; INI 212Y, 214Y or permission of instructor.
Environmental Studies Courses (see Section 4 for Key to Course Descriptions)
For Distribution Requirement purposes (see Pages 37ff), all INI Environmental Studies courses are classified as SOCIAL SCIENCE courses except for INI331H which is classified as a Humanities course.

Environmental Policy Development and Decision Making 52L, 26T

Introduces students to environmental studies, using a single theme such as the urban ecosystem. Explores how social, economic, political, and scientific information can be integrated to analyze environmental issues, evaluate existing policies affecting the environment, and develop alternative policy options. Students are given the opportunity to apply course material to actual environmental problems and to develop their skills in writing, presentations, group work, and field research.
Prerequisite: Four full courses or their equivalent, including a course specified in program requirements on previous pages

Environment and Human Health 52L, 26T

An interdisciplinary study of the linkages between health and environment. The fall term addresses basic principles and scientific knowledge relating to health and the environment. The winter term explores the social links between health and the ecosystem, including an examination of culture, ethics, politics, public policy, and economics. Both terms articulate the same analytical framework: a holistic concept of health and an interdisciplinary perspective that sees the environment as both natural and social.
Prerequisite: INI220Y

Environmental Thought 26S

A course that surveys ideas about the relationship of humans and the environment and examines their relevance for current policy debates. Students are expected to reflect upon selected readings drawn from a wide-variety of sources, including History, Philosophy, Social Science, and Anthropology.
Prerequisite: INI220Y or permission of Program Counsellor
This is classified as a Humanities course

Practical Environmental Skills 26S, 13T

This course examines the professional environmental field, and introduces students to different kinds of organizations, various career patterns and opportunities, and environmental, social and ethical issues in the workplace, and how they are managed. In addition, various skills for the workplace are discussed in the classroom and addressed in course assignments.
Prerequisite: Eight full courses or their equivalent and enrolment in an environmental program at the University of Toronto

Environmental Research Skills 26S

A course designed to prepare students for applied, original environmental research on problems of current relevance, such as environmental research done by business, governments or consultants. The course is intended to introduce students to the methods, skills and knowledge needed for interdisciplinary problem solving for environmental protection. The physical and natural sciences are treated as one essential input to applied environmental problem-solving, but neither science research methods nor statistical analysis are taught.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in an environmental program and completion of at least 10 full courses or their equivalent
Co-requisite: Students must be enroled in ENV421H or INI420Yor a recognized substitute in the same academic year
This is classified as BOTH a Social Sciences and a Humanities course

Environmental Research Seminar

Advanced environmental research on environmental topics of current relevance, involving information sources and resources outside the University. Students work in teams to investigate and report on a specific environmental issue for an off-campus environmental agency.
Prerequisite: INI220Y, 320Y or permission of instructor
Co-requisite: JIE410H

Public Policy and Environment 26S

Introduces students to public policy and institutional foundations of public policy in Canada, with an emphasis on environmental policy in Ontario. Combines a review of ideas about institutions, politics, and policy, including the role of economic policy, with a practical assessment of the way policy is shaped in specific areas of environmental interest (e.g. energy policy).
Prerequisite: INI220Y or permission of Program Counsellor
Recommended preparation: INI331H

Environmental Law 26S

An introduction to environmental law for students in Environmental Studies; legal methods available to resolve environmental problems and the scope and limits of those methods; common law and statutory "tools" as well as environmental assessment legislation; the problem of "standing to sue" and the limits of litigation.
Prerequisite: INI220Y or permission of Program Counsellor

Professional Experience Course

Regular academic seminars complement off-campus work on an environmental project. The course enables students to gain practical experience of the needs and demands of professional environmental agencies. Students are given a choice of placements in a variety of sectors (e.g., government, NGOs, industry).
Prerequisite: INI340H; 10 full courses or their equivalent, including 3 environmental courses in the student's environmental program completed by September of the year in which INI440Y is taken; permission of the Program Counsellor

Corporate Perspectives on the Environment 26L

How business in Canada and elsewhere is responding to the post-war emergence and evolution of the values of environmentalism. The corporate "perspective" includes: the external world of governments, markets, environmental pressure groups, investors, insurers and lenders; and how the firm responds to these external pressures and manages its environmental issues.
Prerequisite: INI220Y or permission of Program Counsellor

Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Project

A course to develop skills in independent study of interdisciplinary topics within Environmental Studies. Available only to students enroled in the Innis College Specialist or Major Environmental Studies programs. Students should apply to the Program Counsellor three months before the beginning of the academic term during which they wish to do the course, and submit an initial proposal, examples of their written work, and a proposed supervisor(s) at the time of application.
Prerequisite: INI220Y and permission of Program Counsellor
Co-requisite: INI320Y

Politics of the Environment 26S

Provides students with increased understanding of (1) the political conflicts which surround the development and implementation of environmental policy in Canada; and (2) the ways environmentalism is transforming Canadian and global politics. Examination is made, through secondary readings and case-studies, of the values, perspectives and strategies of the various actors, and the context of ideas and institutions within which they operate.
Prerequisite: INI220Y or permission of Program Counsellor
Recommended preparation: A course which provides a basic understanding of the Canadian political system

Economics and Environmental Issues 26S

An overview of the insights and tools that economics provides for dealing with environmental concerns. The first part of the course discusses such topics as wealth measurement, "sustainability," "externalities," and trade. In the second half, students are asked to prepare and present short papers on contemporary Ontario issues.
Prerequisite: INI220Y or permission of Program Counsellor

Environmental Accounting 26S

Designed to develop theoretical and applied concepts of environmental accounting. Covers topics on corporate and national accounts, such as environmental issues and corporate accounts, total cost accounting, full-cost accounting, activity-based costing, life-cycle costing, environmental accounting as a business management tool, system of national accounts, environmental disaggregation of national accounts, depreciation of natural resources, integrated environmental and economic accounting.
Prerequisite: INI220Y/equivalent environmental course or permission of Program Counsellor

Special Topics in Environmental Studies 52S

Special topics designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in Environmental Studies.
Prerequisite: INI220Y and 320Y, or permission of course instructor

Special Topics in Environmental Studies 26S

Special topics designed for advanced Specialist and Major students in Environmental Studies.
Prerequisite: INI220Y and 320Y, or permission of course instructor
Urban Studies Courses (see Section 4 for Key to Course Descriptions)
For Distribution Requirement purposes (see Pages 37ff), all INI Urban Studies courses are classified as SOCIAL SCIENCE courses.

A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Urban Studies 52L

Explores the culture, thoughts, institutions, policies, and processes shaping our urban areas. Emphasis is placed on understanding the problems and prospects associated with growth and change in the city. Disciplines used to provide various interpretations include Economics, Environmental Studies, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, Urban Design and Planning.
Prerequisite: Four courses with at least two from: ECO100Y, GGR124Y, a 100-level POL course or POL214Y, SOC101Y

Power and Strategy in City Politics I 78S

A method of studying city politics that combines readings, seminar discussions, and lectures with an internship in the office of a municipal politician. Readings focus on government structure, political strategies, and theories of community power. Students must speak with their instructor preferably before the beginning of July to arrange their internship placements.
Prerequisite: INI235Y, a 100-level POL course or POL214Y or permission of instructor

The Urban Planning Process 26L

Urban planning mechanisms, the legislation, and its goals. Planning issues from negotiation to legislation to appeal. Urban and regional problems facing planners in Ontario compared with those emerging in other provinces; Ontario's legislative solutions contrasted with those developed elsewhere. (Given by the Department of Geography and Innis College)
Prerequisite: GGR124Y
Co-requisite: GGR336H/339H/357H/Major or Specialist in Urban Studies with at least 10 credits

Urban Policy Seminar 52S

Examines contemporary urban problems using the action research method. Emphasis is placed upon developing an interdisciplinary approach to urban problem-solving.
Prerequisite: INI235Y/a 100-level POL course or POL214Y or permission of instructor

Special Topics in Urban Studies

For senior students in the Urban Studies Program, opportunities to investigate in depth urban issues under the direct supervision of specialists in these areas. Several work placements are available in government offices for students wishing to combine independent studies with work experience.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Urban Studies Program Director
Other Innis College Courses (see Section 4 for Key to Course Descriptions)

The Canadian Experience 52L, 26T

Combines an introduction to Canadian culture and society with intensive practice in the writing of academic essays for students for whom English is a second language or who speak English in another dialect. Traces Canada's evolution from colony to nation emphasizing regionalism and multiculturalism. This is not a remedial English course.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
This is a Humanities course

Foundations of Written Discourse 78S

This course is designed to teach students to write persuasively and to recognize persuasive strategies at work in writing they analyze. Assignments will range over a variety of modes, including professional, academic, and web-based writing. Students who enrol in the course must demonstrate competence in the English language.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
This is a Humanities course

The Academic Writing Process 78S

The strategy necessary to write complete pieces of non-fictional prose, especially exposition and argument. Concepts of planning and organization include: focusing, research, outlining, patterns of logical development, introduction, paragraph development, conclusion, argumentation and persuasion, documentation, and revision. Students for whom English is a second language should have an advanced level of fluency in English before enroling.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
This is a Humanities course

Research Opportunity Program

Credit course for supervised participation in faculty research project. See page 44 for details.

Strategic Writing: Theory and Practice 78S

This course aims to teach students to recognize the rhetoric of the professional workplace and to communicate strategically using written and oral discourse appropriate to business, government, and not-for-profit organizations.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
This is classified as BOTH a Humanities and Social Sciences course

Contemporary Issues and Written Discourse: Rhetoric and the Print Media in Canada 78S

This writing and research course examines how the language and rhetoric of print media shape rather simply report social issues. The rhetorical strategies at work in the media reporting of six controversial issues, including immigration, euthanasia, the environment, and the depiction of Aboriginal peoples are examined.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
Recommended preparation: INI204Y, 300Y; TRN190Y, 200Y
This is classified as BOTH a Humanities and Social Sciences course

Seminar in Creative Writing or Literary Translation 78S

A workshop course that requires directed reading and assigned work in addition to creative projects, and that gives student writers and literary translators an opportunity to learn from one another's concerns and methods and from occasional guest lecturers.
Prerequisite: Ten course credits, fluency in English, submission of a manuscript, permission of instructor
This is a Humanities course

Independent Study I 78S

Students explore topics of their own choice and design their own projects. The grading in this course is "Credit/Fail." Written applications should be made to the Independent Studies Monitor during the Spring for the following Winter Session. Each project requires approval by the College's Independent Studies Committee before enrolment.
Prerequisite: Normally at least ten courses prior to enrolment

Independent Study II 78S

This course provides a further opportunity for the pursuit of independent study under the same conditions concerning application, eligibility, and approval as noted in INI313Y. The grading in this course is "Credit/Fail."
Prerequisite: INI313Y

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