![]() | Faculty of Arts & Science
2013-2014 Calendar |
Following are significant dates for the University and the Faculty. For a description of their governing structures, and details of the Colleges in the Faculty, please see below.
A list of officials of the University of Toronto can be found at http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/AssetFactory.aspx?did=3894.
The overall governance of the University rests with the Governing Council which directs university policies. The Governing Council is composed of the Chancellor and the President who are ex-officio members; 2 members appointed by the President, 16 members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council; 12 members elected by the teaching staff from among the teaching staff; 8 members, 4 of whom are elected by and from among the full-time undergraduate students, and 2 of whom are elected by and from among the graduate students, and 2 of whom are elected by and from among the part-time undergraduate students; 2 members elected by the administrative staff from among the administrative staff; and 8 members who are not students or members of the teaching or administrative staff elected by the alumni from among the alumni.
A list of officials of the Faculty of Arts & Science can be found at www.artsci.utoronto.ca/main/administration/officeofthedean/index_html
The Arts & Science Council
The Arts & Science Council is the governing body in the Faculty of Arts & Science. The Council is composed of elected members from the Faculty’s undergraduate and graduate students, teaching staff, administrative and technical staff, and normally meets eight times per year. It approves policy for the Faculty in the areas of admissions, curriculum development, evaluation and academic standing, among others, and determines the Faculty’s rules and regulations. Budgetary and administrative matters are not within the purview of Council; those responsibilities lie with the Dean of the Faculty.
The Council has a number of Standing Committees charged with specific responsibilities to formulate policy and to apply it in specific cases. Those committees are: Undergraduate Curriculum Committees, Committee on Standing (petitions), Academic Appeals Board, and the Committee on Admissions. Approval of graduate curriculum in the Faculty is delegated to a Three Campus Curriculum Committee and reported to Council for information only.
Details on the Council and its sub-committees, along with the Constitution and By-Laws, rules for elections, meeting dates and agendas can be found on the Faculty’s Governance web site at http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/main/governance.
Elections to Council and its Committees
Elections to fill the positions on the Arts & Science Council and its committees are held in the Spring for the following year’s Council and committees. The exception is the election of First-Year representatives, held early in the Fall Term. Notification of the nomination and election dates, as well as nomination forms, will be available on the Faculty’s Governance web site and from the Office of the Faculty Registrar. Students will be notified by email sent to their U of T email account.