Faculty Members of PSY

University Professors Emeriti

E. Tulving, MA, Ph D, D Litt, FD, FRS

F.I.M. Craik, B Sc, Ph D, FRSC

Professors Emeriti

J.L. Freedman, MA, Ph D

J.E. Grusec, BA, Ph D

J.A. Hogan, MA, Ph D

R.S. Lockhart, MA, Ph D

B.B. Murdock, BA, Ph D

B.B. Schiff, M Sc, Ph D

S.J. Shettleworth, MA, Ph D

G.C. Walters, BA, Ph D

Associate Professors Emeriti

D. Creelman, MA, PhD

Professor and Undergraduate Chair of the Department

J.W. Pratt, MS, Ph D

Professor and Graduate Chair of the Department

M. Moscovitch, MA, Ph D

Associate Professor and Director (Undergraduate Studies)

P. Lockwood, MA, Ph D

Associate Professor and Director (Graduate Studies)

S. Ferber, Diplom, Ph D


J. Bassili, BA, Ph D (UTSC)

C. Chambers, MS, Ph D (UTM)

G.C. Cupchik, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

M. Daneman, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

K.K. Dion, BA, Ph D (UTSC)

K. Dunbar, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

A.S. Fleming, BS, Ph D (UTM)

R. Gerlai, Ph D (UTM)

D. Goldstein, MA, Ph D

L. Hasher, AB, Ph D

C.C. Helwig, BA, Ph D

C.P. Herman, BA, Ph D

G.O. Ivy, BA, Ph D (UTSC)

J.M. Kennedy, BA, Ph D (UTSC)

G. Kraemer, Ph D (UTM)

N.W. Milgram, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

J.B. Peterson, BA, Ph D

T.L. Petit, MA, Ph D (UTM)

L.-A. Petitto, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC)

P.L. Pliner, BS, Ph D (UTM)

J. Polivy, MA, Ph D (UTM)

M.R. Ralph, BS, Ph D

E.M. Reingold, MA, Ph D (UTM)

G. Schellenberg, B Sc, Ph D (UTM)

B.A. Schmuckler, BA, Ph D (UTSC)

B.A. Schneider, BA, Ph D (UTM)

M.L. Smith, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)

I. Spence, MA, Ph D

F. J. Vaccarino, M Sc, Ph D

J.S. Yeomans, BA, Ph D

Associate Professors

A. Anderson, Ph D

A. Chasteen, MA, Ph D

G.S. Cree, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

E. DeRosa, Ph D

G. Einstein, MA, Ph D

S. Erb, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

M. Fournier, BA, Ph D (UTSC)

S. Joordens, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

G. MacDonald, BA, Ph D

M.K. Pichora-Fuller, M Sc, Ph D (UTM)

J.E. Plaks, MA, M Phil, Ph D

U. Schimmack, MA, Ph D (UTM)

R. Smyth, M Sc, Ph D (UTSC)

R.W. Tafarodi, BA, Ph D

K. Zakzanis, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

Assistant Professors

M. Barense, BA, Ph D

D. Haley, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

M. Inzlicht, Sc M, Ph D (UTSC)

E. Johnson, Ph D (UTM)

A. Monks, Ph D (UTM)

M. Niemeier, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

D. Nussbaum, MA, Ph D (UTSC)

J.L. Tackett, MA, Ph D

K. Takehara, MSc, PhD

Special Lecturers

M. Bagby, Ph D

M. Gemar, B Sc, Ph D

R. Hetherington, MA, Ph D

E. Iserman, MA

L. Lundell, Ph D

N. Rector, BA, Ph D

N. Stuckless, Ph D

D. Urbszat, Ph D

J. Vervaeke, Ph D

Senior Lecturer

D. Bors, MA, Ph D (UTSC)


D. Dolderman, Ph D