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Degree Requirements |
Students completing a second Faculty of Arts & Science degree: please see “Second Degree Requirements” below. In the requirements below the word “course” means one full course equivalent—a “full course” or two “half-courses”; in the Programs and Courses section, “full courses” are listed as Y1 courses, and “half-courses” are listed as H1 courses.
CTEP: Concurrent Teacher Education Program Honours Bachelor of Arts/Honours Bachelor of Science General Degree Requirements Please note: in the requirements below the word “course” means one full-course equivalent. To qualify for an Honours Bachelor of Arts (Hon.B.A.) or Honours Bachelor of Science (Hon. B.Sc.), you must:
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Effective for all students registered for the first time in a degree program in the Faculty of Arts & Science for the summer 2001 session and thereafter, the St. George Campus of the Faculty has discontinued the 15 course (three-year) B.A. and B.Sc. degrees. Students registered in a degree program in the Faculty before Summer 2001 may still choose a 15-course (three-year) degree; these students should consult their college registrar’s office. Students with a B.A. or B.Sc. who return to upgrade that degree to an Hon. B.A. or Hon. B.Sc. must exchange the B.A. or B.Sc. for an Honours degree. A B.A. leads only to an Hon. B.A.; a B.A. CANNOT be upgraded to an Hon. B.Sc., and a B.Sc. CANNOT be upgraded to an Hon. B.A. Students who upgrade to an Honours degree are not eligible to attend the convocation ceremony for the upgrade. Different degree regulations apply to students who first registered in the Faculty before Winter Session 1992; these students should consult their College Registrar. Graduation Students who expect to graduate at the end of a given session must use the Student Web Service or notify their College Registrars in writing to make their degree requests by the dates specified in the Calendar. Prospective graduands should receive the following documents from the University:
“Second Degree” Requirements Students must petition through their college by June 30 to begin a second degree. Before applying, students are urged to determine whether a second degree is actually required for their purposes; for example, a “make-up” year as a non-degree student may satisfy admission requirements for graduate school. Students are governed by the rules of the Faculty in place at the time they commence their second degree. Students who already hold a degree from the Faculty of Arts & Science, the University of Toronto Scarborough or the University of Toronto Mississauga may complete a second degree only of an alternate type (i.e. if a student has a B.A. degree then he/she may not complete a second B.A. degree). The Faculty normally exempts students from the first year of the degree requirements (five (5.0) credits: four 100-level and one 200-level), regardless of the number of previous degrees held. Second degree candidates may not repeat courses taken in a previous degree; they may however, count such courses towards satisfying pre-requisite and program requirements, on approval of the department/programs office concerned. A new Grade Point average will commence with the second degree courses. Program Requirements Completion of a program of study (also known as a subject POSt) is only one part of the general degree requirements. Variations made in program details for individual students do not in any way affect degree requirements. Meaning of “Program” Programs are groupings of courses in one or more disciplines; these groupings are listed with each college or department entry in the “Programs and Courses” section of this Calendar. Types of programs are:
PLEASE NOTE Courses may have prerequisites not listed in the program but which must be taken. Programs which list optional courses do not necessarily list prerequisites. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enroled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning. Program Requirements 1. You must enrol in at least one and no more than three subject POSts (of which only two can be majors or specialists), in the session in which you pass your fourth course (see the Registration Handbook and Timetable for details). Students admitted with transfer credit for four courses or more must do this immediately upon admission.) 2. You must meet any enrolment requirements for a program as stated in the Calendar. If you do not meet these requirements, you may be removed from the subject POSts. 3. The subject POSts(s) you complete determine whether you receive a science or an arts degree upon graduation. In the “Programs and Courses” section, each program indicates the type of degree to which it leads. For example, in the English section, the English Specialist listing is followed by “Arts program”; the Geology Major is followed by “Science program”, etc. To receive an Hon. B.Sc., for example:
Note: Self-Designed Programs Students may design their own Programs, which must be substantially different from any Program in this Calendar. Such a Program, if formally adopted by the student’s College on the basis of its academic rigour and coherence, and if approved by the Committee on Academic Standards, will be accepted as fulfilling the degree requirement for certification in a Program (transcripts indicate only “Completed Self-designed Programs approved by ’X’ College”). Since the approval process is necessarily a long one, students following this alternative must discuss this process with their College Registrar immediately after completion of the fourth course in the Faculty. Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) Degree Requirements (complete Commerce degree, program and course listing) This is a four-year Honours program.
Graduation Students who expect to graduate at the end of a given session must use the Student Web Service or notify their College Registrars in writing to make their degree requests by the dates specified in the Calendar. Prospective graduands should receive the following documents from the University:
Faculty Breadth Requirement for B.Com. Students Students beginning Courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science are classified into five Breadth categories by subject content. (Note that some courses are not designated and do not count toward this requirement.). The purpose of the Breadth Requirement is to ensure all students graduating with an Honours degree from the Faculty of Arts & Science have chosen courses across a broad range of subject areas in the Faculty as part of their undergraduate education.
Students must take at least 4 full-course equivalents (FCEs) that have been designated as satisfying the Breadth Requirement. These 4 credits must be either (a) at least 1 FCE in each of any 4 of the 5 categories above, or (b) at least 1 FCE in each of any 3 of the 5 categories, and at least 0.5 FCE in each of the other 2 categories. As part of the degree requirements for the B.Com., STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE at least 1.0 FCE from Category 1 (Creative and Cultural Representations). Note that there is no Breadth Requirement status for MGT120H1/MGT201H, COM110H1, RSM100Y, and that 100-series courses in CSC, MAT, STA; STA250H1, STA255H1, STA257H1, STA352Y cannot be used to satisfy the Breadth Requirement. A course’s Breadth designation can be found following the course description in the Calendar for the year in which the course is taken. (Note: the 2010-2011 printed Calendar contains designations for 100-series and 200-series courses only. Designations for 300- and 400-series courses for 2010-2011 will be available in the Faculty’s web site in Summer 2010.) Courses marked "BR=None" do not count toward any breadth category. Courses count toward the Breadth Requirement as they have been classified in the Calendar of the year in which they were taken. Students may count towards the Breadth Requirement any course which has a Breadth designation, and in which they have achieved standing, whether or not the course is used to satisfy a Subject POSt requirement, and whether or not the course was taken as CR/NCR. Full details can be found below. Faculty Distribution Requirement for B.Com. Students Students who began As part of the degree requirements for the B.Com., STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE ONE FULL COURSE EQUIVALENT IN EACH OF THE HUMANITIES, THE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND THE SCIENCES AREAS as defined below:
The Breadth Requirement Students beginning Courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science are classified into five Breadth categories by subject content. (Note that some courses are not designated and do not count toward this requirement.) The purpose of the Breadth Requirement is to ensure all students graduating with an Honours degree from the Faculty of Arts and Science have chosen courses across a broad range of subject areas in the Faculty as part of their undergraduate education.
Students must take at least 4 full-course equivalents (FCEs) that have been designated as satisfying the Breadth Requirement. These 4 credits must be either (a) at least 1 FCE in each of any 4 of the 5 categories above, or (b) at least 1 FCE in each of any 3 of the 5 categories, and at least 0.5 FCE in each of the other 2 categories. A course’s Breadth designation can be found following the course description in the Calendar for the year in which the course is taken. For example:
ECO100Y1 counts as one credit (1 FCE) in category 3 (Society and Its Institutions.)
ENG215H1 counts as one half credit (0.5 FCE) in Category 1 (Creative and Cultural Representations).
HIS109Y1 counts as one half credit (0.5 FCE) in Category 1 (Creative and Cultural Representations) and one half credit (0.5 FCE) in Category 3 (Society and Its Institutions.) (Note: the 2010-2011 printed Calendar contains designations for 100-series and 200-series courses only. Designations for 300- and 400-series courses and for courses marked "BR=TBA" for 2010-2011 will be available on the Faculty’s web site in Summer 2010.) Courses marked "BR=None" do not count toward any breadth category. Courses count toward the Breadth Requirement as they have been classified in the Calendar of the year in which they were taken Students may count towards the Breadth Requirement any course which has a Breadth designation, and in which they have achieved standing, whether or not the course is used to satisfy a Subject POSt requirement, and whether or not the course was taken as CR/NCR. The Distribution RequirementThis Distribution Requirement applies only to students who began degree studies in the Faculty of Arts & Science prior to September 2010. (The new Breadth Requirement described above does not apply to such students.) On the St. George Campus Arts & Science courses fall into three areas:
To qualify for any degree you must complete at least one full course equivalent in each of these three areas, for a total of 3.0 full course equivalents. Courses that you take as part of your Specialist, Major or Minor programs may also be used to count towards the Distribution Requirement. A course’s Distribution Requirement designation can be found following the course description in the Calendar for the year in which the course is taken. For example:
ECO100Y1 counts as one Social Science credit (1 FCE.)
ENG215H1 counts as one half Humanities credit (0.5 FCE.) CTEP: Concurrent Teacher Education ProgramCTEP is an educational opportunity for qualified students to complete both an Honours Bachelor degree from the Faculty of Arts & Science, and a Bachelor of Education degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), concurrently over a five-year period. The curricula of the two degrees are integrated and lead to primary-junior or secondary teaching credentials upon completion. A number of divisions in the University of Toronto participate in this program, each with their own specialized area of teacher preparation. The Faculty of Arts & Science offers two programs connected with CTEP: Victoria College sponsors a program in “Education & Society” aimed at students preparing to teach in the Primary-Junior division of urban schools. St. Michael’s College sponsors a program in “Concurrent Education: Religious Education” aimed at students preparing to teach Religious Education in high schools in the Catholic school boards. More complete information may be found under the Calendar entries for the two colleges and on their websites. Both CTEP programs require application to, admission by, and completion of the relevant Type 3 Subject POST as part of the requirements for the Hon. Bachelors portion of the joint degrees. Application to these POSts follows the normal timing and process for Type 3 POSt admission in Arts & Science, and requires completion of a CTEP Student Profile. Admission is open to Arts & Science students from any college. As the curricula of the Hon. Bachelors and B.Ed. are linked together in CTEP, the requirements for completing the two degrees are also interlinked. Students in the Program must meet the normal Arts & Science requirements of the Hon. Bachelors, and they must meet the requirements of the B.Ed. as established by OISE. The latter includes a requirement to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 in the Hon. Bachelors upon graduation. To facilitate this, CTEP has a requirement for “Good Standing in CTEP” that students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50 on their Arts & Science (i.e., non-B.Ed.) courses as they move through the program. (Requirements for advancing in the B.Ed. portion of the program will be determined separately by OISE.) 1. Graduation from CTEP In order to graduate from CTEP, students will be required:
2. Standing in CTEP A student’s standing in CTEP will be assessed for the first time when the student has completed at least 8.0 full-course equivalents. This includes all completed attempts, passes and failures. Standing in CTEP will be assessed again at the completion of each Fall/Winter session in which the student is registered. 3. In Good Standing in CTEP Students who maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 shall be In Good Standing in CTEP. 4. On Probation in CTEP Students who have attempted at least eight full credits and have a cumulative GPA below 2.50 shall be On Probation in CTEP. 5. Clearing Probation in CTEP Students may clear probation in CTEP by achieving a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. Students who have cleared probation shall be In Good Standing in CTEP. 6. Continuing on Probation in CTEP Students who achieve an annual GPA of at least 2.70 in the Fall/Winter session may continue On Probation in CTEP until such time as they raise their cumulative GPA to 2.50 and return to In Good Standing in CTEP. 7. Required to Withdraw from CTEP
See entries under “Victoria
College” and “St. Michael’s College” for details on CTEP Subject