Cognitive Science Courses

Key to Course Descriptions

| Course Winter Timetable |

First Year Seminars

The 199Y1 and 199H1 seminars are designed to provide the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a class of no more than twenty-four students. These interactive seminars are intended to stimulate the students’ curiosity and provide an opportunity to get to know a member of the professorial staff in a seminar environment during the first year of study. Details here.

Introduction to Cognitive Science (formerly JUP250Y1, UNI250Y1) [78L]

An introduction to the problems, theories and research [strategies central to the interdisciplinary field focussing on the nature and organization of the human mind and other cognitive systems. Interrelations among the philosophical, psychological, linguistic and computer science aspects of the field are emphasized.
Exclusion: JUP250Y1, UNI250Y1

Individual Study in Cognitive Science [TBA]

Individual studies.

Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Humanities or Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: TBA