Rotman Commerce

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See also: Faculty Members | Course Descriptions | Course Winter Timetable |


The Rotman Commerce Program is jointly offered by the Faculty of Arts & Sci-ence and the Rotman School of Management

Faculty from the Rotman School of Management who teach in Rotman Commerce are listed below.

Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto offers an innovative curriculum with a global perspective for an enriched professional undergraduate experience. The program explores the role of commerce in modern society while developing skill and confidence in analysis, effective communications and decision making.

The Bachelor of Commerce degree builds on a common foundation of business and liberal arts courses. Rotman Commerce students go on to specialize in one of three programs: finance and economics, management, or accounting. Each program combines career-oriented courses in management and applied economics with a variety of advanced courses in the Arts & Sciences. The balance assures graduates of a solid understanding of business and modern society along with a command of critical skills in decision-making and organizational leadership.

The Major in Commerce provides students with a foundation in business while allowing them to concentrate in another discipline within Arts & Science.
Rotman Commerce graduates frequently become economists, accountants, actuaries, financial analysts, marketing analysts, managers of firms and government, or proprietors of small businesses. Some commerce students elect to undertake post-graduate studies in the form of further university education: law schools and MBA programs have been particularly favoured destinations of recent graduates.

Assistant Director, Academic Services: N. Martin-Sperry, 321 Bloor Street West (416-978-3339)
Enquiries: 321 Bloor Street West (The entrance is on St. George Street just south of Bloor.); (416-978-3339)

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) Degree Requirements

This is a four-year Honours program.

To qualify for a Bachelor of Commerce degree, a student must:

(a) Complete twenty full-course equivalents, including no more than SIX 100-series courses;

(b) Complete one of the Specialist programs - Management, Finance and Economics, or Accounting (see below);

(c) Complete the Faculty Distribution Requirement for B.Com. students (see below);

(d) Complete ten full course equivalents from Management (RSM/MGT/COM) and ten full course equivalents from disciplines outside of RSM/MGT/COM which include Economics (ECO) and other Arts & Science courses.

(e) Obtain standing (i.e., complete with a grade of 50% or more) in at least SIX 300- or 400-series courses, including at least ONE 400-series course. No more than ONE 300+series transfer credit may be counted towards these six. (Students participating in an approved exchange program may count ALL 300+ transfer credits from the exchange towards the required six.)

(f) Achieve a cumulative GPA of 1.85 or more by the time of graduation.


Students who expect to graduate at the end of a given session must use the Student Web Service or notify their College Registrars in writing to make their degree requests by the dates specified in the Calendar. Prospective graduands should receive the following documents from the University:

1. a Program of Study Assessment form (late April/late August) from the program sponsor;

2. a letter from the Office of Convocation providing details of the convocation ceremony (late March/mid-October);

3. a Statement of Results (or letter for non-registered students) from the Office of the Faculty Registrar confirming degree eligibility (early June/early September).

Faculty Distribution Requirement for B.Com. Students


1. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Humanities.

2. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Social Sciences (MGT/RSM courses may be used to meet this requirement with the exception of MGT120H1/MGT201H1, COM110H1, and RSM100Y1 which have NO Distribution Requirement status.

3. ONE full course equivalent must be from the Sciences, with the following exceptions: ALL 100-series courses in CSC, MAT, STA; STA250H1, STA255H1, STA257H1, STA352Y1.

4. NOTE: transfer students from University of Toronto Mississauga or Scarborough must meet the St. George B.Com. Distribution Requirement.

Rotman Commerce


  • Enrolment in Rotman Commerce programs is limited. Formal program enrolment takes place before entry into second year. The majority of spaces each year will be reserved for students admitted to First Year Commerce with a guaranteed place in their offer of admission. A limited number of places may be available for other Arts & Science students not admitted to First Year Commerce with the guarantee (see below).
  • First Year Commerce Students Admitted with the Commerce Guarantee: These students will be offered a space in Rotman Commerce programs after their first year provided they complete the following requirements within one calendar year of their first enrolment in Arts & Science. (For students beginning in September, the requirements must be completed no later than the end of the following Summer session.)
    • (i) a minimum of four credits with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 (see the "Degree Requirements" section of the Calendar);
    • (ii) a minimum grade in the three required courses: ECO100Y1 and RSM100Y1 each with at least 67% and MAT133Y1 or equivalent with at least 50%. (Only the first completed attempt of these courses will count toward the guarantee, and none of these courses may be completed using the CR/NCR option.)
  • Part-Time Students: Students holding the Commerce Guarantee, who have applied for and been admitted to Part-Time study, will be assessed for entry into Rotman Commerce programs at the point when they have completed 4.0 credits including the required courses (see ii above). To qualify under the Part-Time provision, students must have been enrolled in a part-time course load from the beginning of each session and present the required marks on their first completed attempt at the required courses.
  • Other Students: Students not admitted with the Commerce Guarantee who wish to enter Rotman Commerce programs normally apply for admission in April of their first year. Such students must complete the First Year requirements with the minimum marks specified below, but must also meet a competitive standard established each year by the number of places available.
    • Complete a minimum of 4.0 credits
    • Complete ECO100Y1 and RSM100Y1 each with at least 67% and MAT133Y1 or equivalent with at least 50%. (Note only the first completed attempts will be counted.)
    • Obtain a CGPA to be determined each year on a competitive basis (CGPA based on all courses taken for credit in the Faculty of Arts & Science)
    • Complete on-line applicant profile and pay applicant profile fee
    • Admission will be based on marks, CGPA, and applicant profile
  • Tuition Fees: Students enrolling in the Rotman Commerce programs pay fees that are higher than for other Arts & Science programs, and are assessed on a program-fee basis rather than a per-course basis.
  • Mathematics Note: MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1) are courses that satisfy the minimum Program requirements. Students who are likely to enrol in 200+ series MAT or CSC courses are advised to take MAT137Y1 instead, noting that MAT137Y1 is a theoretically-oriented course for mathematically-based disciplines such as Mathematics, Computer Science, and Actuarial Science.
  • Maximum Course Load: Rotman Commerce students are limited to a maximum of 6.0 credits in any Fall/Winter session of their program.

Accounting (B.Com)

Specialist program:

(15 full courses or their equivalent out of 20 courses, for a B.Com.)

First Year:
1. ECO100Y1, RSM100Y1
2. MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
3. Students are encouraged to take one course towards the Distribution Requirement (above) in First Year
Second Year:
4. ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
5. RSM220H1, RSM221H1, RSM222H1, RSM225H1
6. 1.0 from: RSM230H1, RSM250H1, RSM260H1
Third Year:
7. RSM320H1, RSM321H1, RSM322H1, RSM323H1, RSM324H1, RSM332H1, RSM333H1
8. Any 1.0 300+ ECO except ECO301Y1, ECO302H1, ECO303Y1, ECO307H1, ECO308H1, ECO309H1, ECO321Y1, ECO342Y1, ECO353Y1, ECO354H1, ECO355H1, ECO423H1, ECO429Y1, ECO435H1
Fourth Year:
9. RSM422H1, RSM423H1, RSM424H1, RSM426H1, RSM427H1
Note: Students must take a minimum of 10.0 RSM and 10.0 non-RSM courses (See B. Com. degree requirements above).
ECO209Y1 AND374H1 are strongly recommended.

Finance and Economics (B.Com.)

Specialist program:

(14 full courses or their equivalent out of 20 courses, for a B.Com.)

First Year:
1. ECO100Y1, RSM100Y1
2. MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
3. Students are encouraged to take one course towards the Distribution Requirement (above) in First Year
Second Year:
4. ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO208Y1/ECO209Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
5. RSM220H1, RSM221H1, RSM222H1, RSM230H1
6. 0.5 from: RSM225H1, RSM250H1, RSM260H1, RSM324H1
Third Year:
7. RSM330H1, RSM332H1, RSM333H1,
8. 2.5 300+ ECO of which no more than 1.0 can be from ECO301Y1, ECO302H1, ECO303Y1, ECO307H1, ECO308H1, ECO309H1, ECO321Y1, ECO342Y1, ECO353Y1, ECO354H1, ECO355H1, ECO423H1, ECO429Y1, ECO435H1
Fourth Year:
9. RSM433H1, RSM435H1
10. 0.5 from: RSM437H1, RSM480H1, RSM490H1
Note: Students must take a minimum of 10.0 RSM and 10.0 non-RSM courses (See B. Com. degree requirements above).
ECO374H1 is strongly recommended.

Management (B. Com.)

Specialist program:

(12 full courses or their equivalent out of 20 courses, for a B.Com.)

First Year:
1. ECO100Y1, RSM100Y1
2. MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1
3. Students are encouraged to take one course towards the Distribution Requirement (above) in First Year
Second Year:
4. ECO204Y1/ECO206Y1; ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
5. RSM220H1, RSM222H1, RSM250H1, RSM260H1
Third Year:
6. RSM332H1, RSM333H1, RSM370H1, RSM392H1
7. Any 1.0 300+ ECO except ECO301Y1, ECO302H1, ECO303Y1, ECO307H1, ECO308H1, ECO309H1, ECO321Y1, ECO342Y1, ECO353Y1, ECO354H1, ECO355H1, ECO423H1, ECO429Y1, ECO435H1
Fourth Year:
8. 1.0 from: ECO364H1, ECO365H1, ECO419H1, RSM437H1, RSM480H1, RSM490H1
9. 1.0 400-level RSM, in addition to any courses taken in # 8 above.
Note: Students must take a minimum of 10.0 RSM and 10.0 non-RSM courses (See B. Com. degree requirements above).
ECO209Y1 AND374H1 are strongly recommended.
RSM499Y1 is strongly recommended.

Rotman Commerce (Arts program)

Students taking this program follow the degree requirements for the Honours Bachelor of Arts (see page 23).

Major program:

(7.5 full courses or their equivalent)

First Year:
1. RSM100Y1, ECO100Y1, MAT133Y1/(MAT123H1, MAT124H1)/MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT139Y1/MAT157Y1
Higher Years:
1. ECO220Y1/ECO227Y1/(STA257H1, STA261H1) - Statistics
2. RSM220H1 - Financial Accounting I
RSM222H1 - Management Accounting I
RSM250H1 - Marketing
RSM332H1 - Capital Market Theory
RSM333H1 - Introduction to Corporate Finance
3. 1.0 courses from:
RSM225H1 - Legal Environment of Business I
RSM260H1 - Organizational Behaviour
RSM327H1 - Business Information Systems
RSM330H1 - Investments
RSM370H1 - Operations Management
or ANY 400-level RSM course