University Professor Emeritus
P.H. Russell, OC, D Sc, MA, LL D, FRSC (I, T)
Professors Emeriti
E.G. Andrew, BA, Ph D
J.S. Barker, MA, Ph D (N)
M. Brownstone, MS, DPA, LL D
S. Clarkson, MA, D de Rech, FRSC (M)
S.J. Colman, MA
M.W. Donnelly, MA, Ph D
J.S. Dupré, OC, O Ont, AM, Ph D, DScSoc, LL D, DU
V.C. Falkenheim, MA, Ph D
R. Gregor, MA, Ph D (T)
F.J.C. Griffiths, MIA, Ph D (U)
J.E. Hodgetts, OC, MA, Ph D, LL D, FRSC
G. Horowitz, MA, Ph D
A.W. Johnson, CC, MA, MPA, Ph D, LL D
B. Kovrig, MA, Ph D (T)
A.M. Kruger, BA, Ph D
R.A. Manzer, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R.O. Matthews, BA, MIA, Ph D (T)
J.T. McLeod, MA, Ph D (U)
J. Nun, LL M, Ph D
F.W. Peers, B Ed, MA, Ph D
R.C. Pratt, OC, MA, M Phil, FRSC (U)
A. Rotstein, BA, Ph D (M)
P. Silcox, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
J.E. Smith, AB, Ph D, DLit
R.E. Stren, MA, Ph D (I)
C. Tuohy, MA, Ph D, FRSC
M.E. Wallace, BA, Ph D, FRSC
M.H. Watkins, B COM, LL D (U)
Professor and Chair of the Department
D.R. Cameron, M Sc, Ph D, FRSC
University Professor and Associate Chair
J.G. Stein, OC, MA, Ph D, LL D, FRSC (U)
Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate Studies)
S.E. Chambers, MA, M Phil, Ph D
Associate Professor and Associate Chair (Undergraduate Studies)
L. White, MA, Ph D
E. Adler, MA, Ph D
R.C.A. Andersen, MA, Ph D
S. Bashevkin, MA, Ph D, FRSC (U)
H. Bathelt, Dipl-Geogr, Dr rer nat, Habil
R.S. Beiner, BA, D Phil, FRSC (University of Toronto Mississauga)
S. Borins, BA, MPP, Ph D
A. Braun, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga) (T)
A.S. Brudner, LL B, MA, Ph D
J.H. Carens, M Phil (Theol), M Phil, Ph D
F.A. Cunningham, MA, Ph D, FRSC (I)
R.B. Day, Dip REES, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
R.B. Deber, SM, Ph D (Health Policy)
H.D. Forbes, MA, Ph D
R. Hirschl, LLB, MA, M Phil, Ph D
J.S. Kopstein, MA, Ph D
L. LeDuc, MA, Ph D (SM)
P.R. Magocsi, MA, MA, Ph D, FRSC
J. Nedelsky, MA, Ph D
N. Nevitte, MA, Ph D
C. Orwin, MA, Ph D (SM)
L.W. Pauly, MA, M Sc, Ph D (T)
D.M. Rayside, AM, Ph D (U)
K. Roach, LLB, LLM, FRSC
A.G. Rubinoff, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
K.R.J. Sandbrook, MA, D Phil, FRSC
D.V. Schwartz, MA, Ph D
R. Simeon, MA, Ph D, FRSC
G. Skogstad, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
P. H. Solomon, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
S.G. Solomon, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
A. Stark, M Sc, AM, Ph D
J.A. Teichman, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R. Vipond, MA, Ph D (V)
L.E. Weinrib, BA, LL B, LL M
D.A. Welch, AM, Ph D (U)
G. White, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
M.S. Williams, AM, Ph D
D.A. Wolfe, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Associate Professors
R.K. Balot, MA, Ph D
S. Bernstein, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
J. Bertrand, M Sc, MA, Ph D
S. Choudhry, LLB, LLM
D.B. Cook, MA, Ph D (V)
R.J. Deibert, MA, Ph D (T)
D.L. Eyoh, MA, Ph D (N)
J.F. Fletcher, MA, Ph D
R.S. Haddow, M Sc, Ph D
R. Hansen, M Phil, D Phil
P.W.T. Kingston, MA, M Phil, D Phil (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R. Kingston, MA, Ph D
J.J. Kirton, MA, Ph D (T)
N. Kokaz, MA, Ph D (U)
P.L. McCarney, MCP, Ph D
D. Schneiderman, LLB, LLM
A. Shachar, BA, LLB, LLM, JSD
L. Sossin, MA, LLM, Ph D, JSD
N. Wiseman, MA, Ph D
J. Wong, MA, Ph D
Assistant Professors
L. Alexander, MA, Ph D
A.M. Bejarano, MA, M Phil, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
S. Benjamin, B Arch, MS Arch, Ph D
C. Breunig, MA, Ph D
L. Gilady, MA, M Phil, Ph D
A. Handley, M Phil, Ph D
M.J. Hoffmann, M Phil, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
M. Kohn, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R. Levine, MA, Ph D
W. Mwangi, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
C. Norrlöf, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
L. Ong, MA, Ph D
D. Pond, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)
E. Schatz, MA, Ph D, (University of Toronto Mississauga)
T. Triadafilopoulos, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
L. Way, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Scarborough)
W. Wong, MA, Ph D
Senior Lecturer
M. Lippincott, MA, Ph D (University of Toronto Mississauga)