Sponsored by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
University Professor Emeritus
T.H. Levere, MA, D Phil, D Litt, FRSC (V)
Professors Emeriti
P.M.H. Mazumdar, MB, M Tech, Ph D (V)
M.P. Winsor, M Phil, Ph D (V)
Professor and Director of the Institute
P. Thompson, MA, Ph D (V)
C. Fraser, MS, Ph D (V)
B.S. Hall, BA, Ph D (V)
A.R. Jones, BA, Ph D, FRSC (V)
J. Langins, M Eng, Ph D (V)
Associate Professors
B. Baigrie, MA, Ph D (V)
J. Berkovitz, BSc, MA, Ph D (V)
A. Chakravartty, BSc, MA, M Phil, Ph D (V)
N. Krementsov, Diploma Candidate of Sciences/History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (V)
D. Walsh, BSc, BA, M Phil, Ph D, Ph D (V) Canada Research Chair
Assistant Professors
L. Dacome, BA, M Phil, Ph D (V)
Y. Fehige, Diploma in Theology, M.A., Ph.D.
M. Solovey, BA, MA, MA, Ph.D. (V)
M. Vicedo, BA, MA, Ph.D., Ph.D. (V)
C.-P. Yeang, BS, SM, Ph D, Sc D (V)