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Faculty Members of ANA

Given by members of the Faculty of Medicine
Professor and Chair of the Division

M.J. Wiley, M Sc, Ph D


A.M. Agur, M Sc, Ph D

J.A. Saint-Cyr, M Sc, Ph D

I.M. Taylor, MD

Assistant Professors

S. Karimi, MSc, PhD

P. Koeberle, Ph D

C. Morshead, Ph D


B. Ballyk, Ph D

Anatomy is the science that explores the relationship between the structure and function of living things. The discipline of anatomy includes Gross Anatomy, Histology, Neuroanatomy, Embryology, and Developmental Biology. Courses offered by the Division give the essentials of these subjects.

Undergraduate Secretary: Professor M.J. Wiley (416-978-2642)

Enquiries: Medical Sciences Building, Room 1156 (416-978-2690)

Anatomy Courses

See page 32 for Key to Course Descriptions.

NOTE: For Distribution Requirement purposes, all ANA courses are classified as SCIENCE courses (see page 26).

ANA300Y1 Human Anatomy and Histology [86L, 18P]

Structure of the human body and its relationship to function. Basic Human Cytology, Histology, Gross Anatomy, and Neuroanatomy.

Prerequisite: BIO150Y1BIO150Y1
ANA301H1 Human Embryology [52L]

Human embryology from fertilization to the end of the fetal period. Current concepts in mammalian morphogenesis applied to the development of the various organ systems; etiologies and pathogenesis of some of the more common human congenital abnormalities.

Prerequisite: BIO150Y1BIO150Y1
ANA498Y1 Project in Anatomy [TBA]

A research project in Histology, Cellular or Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology, Neuroanatomy or Gross Anatomy.

Prerequisite: Permission of a professor to supervise the project