
On this page: Introduction | Programs |

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As an intellectual inquiry into an important dimension of human experience, the exploration of religion is intrinsically valuable and constitutes a rich resource for reflection on meaning in life and on personal growth. It also prepares students for a wide range of careers (e.g. social work, law, politics from the local to the international level, teaching, medicine, leadership in religious organizations). The academic study of religion, combined with appropriate language preparation, can also open out into graduate work leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. in the growing number of universities offering advanced graduate degrees in the field, and in the University’s own Graduate Centre.

Historically, the academic study of religion has taken a variety of forms, each with its own rationale. The Department identifies itself with a model in which the major religious traditions (e.g. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism) are studied within a comparative frame. We employ and encourage a variety of approaches (e.g. historical, textual, social scientific) without sacrificing specialized skills and training. The diversity which characterizes this model is reflected in the variety of courses offered or cross-listed by the Department, and by the wide range of training and expertise of our faculty.

Programs are described in detail in the Departmental Handbook; it also includes a limited number of cross-listed courses offered by Colleges or departments such as East Asian Studies, History, Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, Philosophy, and Sociology. Students aiming to complete any RLG program should consult the Undergraduate Administrator at least once a year for assistance in selecting courses that address the student’s interests and fulfill the program’s requirements.

Undergraduate Administrator: 123 St. George Street, 2nd Floor (416-978-2395)

Enquiries: 123 St. George Street, 1st Floor (416-978-2395)

Religion Programs

Enrolment in Religion programs requires completion of four courses; no minimum GPA required.

Religion (Arts program)

Specialist program:

(10 full courses or their equivalent)

1. RLG100Y1/RLG280Y1

2. RLG200Y1/RLG210Y1/RLG211Y1/RLG212Y1/SOC250Y1

3. Four 300+ series courses, including at least one at the 400-level

4. Four other courses

5. Course selection must ensure that more than one religious tradition is studied (RLG100Y1/RLG280Y1 does not fulfill this requirement); it must also ensure depth of study and focus in one area or stream of specialization

6. Two cross-listed courses may be counted (consult the Departmental Handbook for a list of eligible courses)

7. Besides any cross-listed courses, two courses in a single language other than English may be substituted for one 200-series RLG course

Major program:

(6 full courses or their equivalent)

1. RLG100Y1/RLG280Y1

2. One course from: RLG200Y1-209H1, 242H5, 272H5, 273H5 or RLG274H1-RLG275H1

3. Two full 300+ series courses

4. Two other courses

5. One cross-listed course may be counted (consult the Departmental Handbook for a list of eligible courses)

Minor program:

(4 full courses or their equivalent)

1. RLG100Y1/RLG200Y1/RLG280Y1

2. One 300+ series RLG course

3. Two other courses

4. No cross-listed courses may be counted

Religion: Christian Origins (Arts program)

Consult John Kloppenborg, Department for the Study of Religion

Specialist program:

(11 full courses or their equivalent with four courses at the 300+level, including one course at the 400-level)

1. RLG100Y1/RLG280Y1

2. RLG241Y1

3. RLG203Y1/RLG331Y1

4. Two full courses in Greek, normally fulfilled by GRK100Y1 or GRK102H1+GRK200H1, and GRK201H1 and GRK202H1, (Note: Upon approval of the program coordinator, students may be permitted to substitute for these courses two full courses in another ancient language, e.g., Coptic, Syriac, Aramaic.)

5. Six 300+ half-courses (at least one must be from the 400-level) chosen from RLG319H1, RLG320H1, RLG321H1, RLG322H1, RLG323H1, RLG324H1, RLG325H1, RLG326H1, RLG327H1, RLG448H1, RLG449H1, RLG451H1, RLG452H1, RLG453H1, RLG454H1, RLG455H1, RLG458H1.

6. Four half courses or the equivalent chosen from CLA204H1, CLA230H1, CLA231H1, CLA232H1, CLA233H1, CLA305H1, CLA364H1, CLA368H1, CLA369H1, CLA370H1, CLA378H1, NMC257H1, 270Y1, 281 (formerly NMC252H1), NMC324H1, 329H1, NMC350H1, NMC370Y1, NMC380Y1, FAH300H1, FAH305H1, FAH309H1, FAH312H1, FAH418H1, FAH424H1.

7. One full course in another religious tradition, preferably an Eastern tradition such Hinduism or Buddhism.

Buddhist Studies (Arts program)

Specialist Program

(10 full courses or their equivalent including at least one 400-series full course or equivalent)

1. RLG100Y1/RLG280Y1

2. RLG206Y1

3. Two (2) consecutive (FCE) language courses in one of: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Sanskrit or Tibetan.

4. Either one full RLG course in Judaism, Christianity or Islam, or one of: RLG210Y1, RLG211Y1, RLG212Y1.

5. A total of FIVE FCE chosen from the following list. At least three FCEs must be taken at the 300 level or higher, including at least 1 FCE at the 400 level: (second year courses): RLG205Y1, RLG236H1, RLG274H1, RLG275H1, EAS269Y1, HIS280Y1, HIS281Y1, HIS283Y1, NEW214Y1, PHL237H1; (third year courses): RLG361H1, RLG363H1, RLG366H1, RLG371H1, RLG372H1, RLG376H1, RLG375H1, EAS331Y1, EAS368Y1, EAS369Y1, EAS389Y1, HIS380Y1, HIS381Y1, PHL337H1; (fourth year courses): RLG464H1, RLG466H1, RLG490Y1 (on a topic in Buddhism), EAS468Y1, EAS469Y1, NEW402Y1.

Major program:

(7 full courses or their equivalent with at least two courses at the 300+level).

1. RLG100Y1/RLG280Y1

2. RLG206Y1

3. Five full courses or their equivalent chosen from the following list. At least two FCEs must be at the 300 level or higher: (second year courses): RLG205Y1, RLG236H1, RLG274H1, RLG275H1, EAS269Y1, HIS280Y1, HIS281Y1, HIS283Y1, NEW214Y1, PHL237H1; (third year courses): RLG361H1, RLG363H1, RLG366H1, RLG371H1, RLG372H1, RLG376H1, RLG375H1, EAS331Y1, EAS368Y1, EAS369Y1, EAS389Y1, HIS380Y1, HIS381Y1, PHL337H1; (fourth year courses): RLG464H1, RLG466H1, RLG490Y1 (on a topic in Buddhism), EAS468Y1, EAS469Y1, NEW402Y1.

Religion and Philosophy: see Philosophy