
On this page: Introduction | Programs |
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Anthropology is concerned with human biological, social, and cultural development. This broad mandate has led to the division of the discipline into four distinctive areas of research.
Archaeology studies surviving evidence of people’s activities in the past. From the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts uncovered, archaeologists draw conclusions about the organization of social groups, their adaptations to environment, and their spatial and temporal relations. General research topics include the origins of culture and technology, adaptations to extreme climates, the peopling of the New World, development of food production and political inequality in the Old and New Worlds.
Linguistic and Semiotic Anthropology studies how language and other systems of human communication contribute to the reproduction, transmission, and transformation of culture. It is concerned with the role of language and other communicative systems in reproducing and transforming such aspects of society as power relations, ideology, subcultural expression, as well as class, gender and ethnic identity.

Biological Anthropology is the study of the biological diversity of humans, the history of this diversity, and the biological relationships between humans and non-human primates. Major foci in Biological (Physical) Anthropology include Human Biology, the study of modern humans; Osteology, the study of the human skeleton; Paleoanthropology, the study of human evolution; and Primatology, the study of non-human primates. Biological anthropologists integrate biological and social variables in their explanations of the effects of evolution on humans and other primates.
Social and Cultural Anthropology: traditionally, Social Anthropology dealt with non-literate and isolated societies, which could be observed in their totality. Today, many social anthropologists also study such aspects of complex societies as peasantry, ethnic minorities, and industrial work groupings. Institutions and models of social behaviour are compared cross-culturally to establish more general concepts and theories.

Careers in Anthropology emphasize either theoretical, academic aspects or practical applications. Most institutions involved in teaching and research require anthropologists with a Ph.D. For practical applications, at least an M.A. is usually required. The Undergraduate Program provides excellent preparation for business or public service careers in which international and human diversity issues are important. Courses in anthropology provide a unique grounding and can be fruitfully combined with courses in a wide variety of other disciplines.
Undergraduate Program Administrator/Student Counsellor: Sidney Smith Hall, Room 1030 (416-978-6414).

Anthropology Programs

Enrolment in the Specialist, Major and Minor Programs is limited to students with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above. Students may enroll at the end of First Year, or at any later time if they have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above.
* Note: ANT courses are those offered with the following prefixes: ANT, ABS, ARH, JAC, JAL, JAP and JPA.

Anthropology (General) (Arts program)

Specialist program:
(11 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 400-series course)
1. ANT100Y1
2. Three 200+ series ANT* courses from one of Groups A, B, C, D
3. Three 200+ series ANT* courses from a Group other than the group chosen in 2. (above)
4. Four additional ANT* courses with at least one full course at the 400-level

Major program:
7 ANT* full courses including ANT100Y1 and at least three 300+ series courses

Minor program:
4 ANT* full courses, of which at least one must be 300+ series course; excluding ANT497/498/499

Anthropology (Linguistic & Semiotic) (Arts program)

Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two 300+ series courses)
1. ANT100Y1
2. ANT253H1, and either ANT204Y1 or VIC220Y1
3. Three courses from Group B (VIC220Y1 may be substituted for one full course, if it is not used to satisfy requirement 2)
4. 1.5 additional ANT* courses

Anthropology (Biological) (Science program)

Specialist program:
(11.5 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 400-series course)

First Year
1. ANT203Y1
2. BIO150Y1
3. One of: MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1/(CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/PHY110Y1/PHY138Y1/PHY140Y1/GGR100Y1/(GLG105H1, GLG110H1)
Higher Years
1. One full course equivalent from: BIO250Y1/BIO251Y1/BIO252Y1/BIO260H1/CHM220H1/CHM247H1/EEB 214H1/215H1/263Y1/265Y1/ENV234Y1/ENV235Y1/GGR201H1/GLG217H1/HMB200H1/HMB201H1/HMB202H1/HMB265H1/HMB320H1/NFS284H1/PSL201Y11
2. One of: STA220H1/STA221H1/JBS229H1/GGR271H1/PSY201H1/PSY202H1
3. Two of ANT326Y1/ANT333Y1/ANT334Y1
4. Two additional 300+ series full course equivalents from group C, with at least one full course at the 400 level.
5. One additional full course equivalent from another ANT group.
6. Two full courses or their equivalent from the following: ANA300Y1/ANT311Y1/ANT330Y1/ANT406H1/ANT410H1/ANT415Y1/ANT419H1/EEB319H1/321H1/322H1/323H1/324H1/328H1/362H1/365H1/428H1/462H1/GGR272H1/GGR273H1/GLG206H1/GLG216H1/GLG217H1/GLG360H1/GLG436H1/HMB300H1/HMB302H1/HMB310H1/HMB420H1/MGY312H1/NFS382H1/PSL302Y1

Major program:
(7 full courses or their equivalent, including at least two 300+series courses)

First Year:
1. BIO150Y1
2. One of: MAT135Y1/MAT137Y1/MAT157Y1/(CHM138H1, CHM139H1)/PHY110Y1/PHY138Y1/PHY140Y1/GGR100Y1/(GLG105H1, GLG110H1)

Higher Years:
1. ANT203Y1
2. At least 2 courses from ANT326Y1, ANT333Y1, ANT334Y1
3. Two other courses from Group C

Anthropology (Social/Cultural) (Arts program)

Specialist program:
(11 full courses or their equivalent, including at least one 400-series course)

1. ANT100Y1
2. ANT204Y1
3. One from ANT200Y1, ANT203Y1, ANT253H1 (if ANT253H1 is taken, one additional ANT half course must be taken)
4. Six courses from Group D (one of ANT323Y1 or ANT329Y1 may be substituted), with at least one full course at the 400-level
5. Two additional ANT* courses

Anthropology Groups

Group A: (Archaeology)
ANT200Y1, ANT299Y1, ANT311Y1, ANT315H1, ANT316H1, ANT317H1, ANT319Y1, ANT406H1, ANT409H1, ANT410H1, ANT411H1, ANT412H1, ANT415Y1, ANT417H1, ANT419H1, ANT420H1, ANT421H1, ANT431H1, ANT497Y1/498H1/499H1; ARH305H1, ARH312Y1, ARH360Y1, ARH361H1, ARH482H1; JPA305H1, JPA310H1, JPA400Y1
Group B: (Linguistic and Semiotic)
ANT253H1, ANT299Y1, ANT323Y1, ANT329Y1, ANT425H1, ANT426H1, ANT427H1, ANT444Y1, ANT483H1, ANT497Y1/498H1/499H1; JAL328H1, JAL355H1, JAL401H1
Group C: (Biological)
ANT203Y1, ANT299Y1, ANT326Y1, ANT330Y1, ANT333Y1, ANT334Y1, ANT429H1, ANT430H1, ANT431H1, ANT434H1, ANT436H1, ANT471H1, ANT481H1, ANT497Y1/498H1/499H1
Group D: (Social-Cultural)
ANT204Y1, ANT299Y1, ANT322H1, ANT340H1, 341Y, ANT343Y1, ANT344Y1, ANT346H1, ANT347Y1, ANT348Y1, ANT349H1, ANT350H1, ANT352Y1, ANT354Y1, ANT362Y1, ANT363Y1, ANT364Y1, ANT365H1, ANT366H1, ANT367Y1, ANT368H1, ANT426H1, ANT440H1, ANT442H1, ANT443H1, ANT444Y1, ANT445H1, ANT446H1, ANT447H1, ANT448H1, ANT450H1, ANT452H1, ANT453H1, ANT454H1, ANT455Y1, ANT456H1, ANT458H1, ANT459H1, 460H, ANT461Y1, 462H, ANT471H1, ANT480H1, ANT497Y1/498H1/499H1; EAS272H1; JAG321H1; JHA 453H1; NEW252H1, NEW350H1

Aboriginal Studies - See Aboriginal Studies

Archaeological Science & Archaeology - See Archaeology

Environmental Anthropology Minor- See Centre for Environment
A program focused on understanding the diverse nature of interactions between humans and their environments, both in the past and in modern global society.

Past Environments Specialist - See Centre for Environment
A multi-disciplinary program focused on the changing nature of the relationship between the environment and humans over the past 2 million years. Co-sponsored by the Centre for Environment, the Department of Anthropology, and the Program in Archaeology. Consult David Powell, Undergraduate Student Advisor, Centre for Environment, Room 1049A, Earth Sciences Centre, 416-946-8100 or, or Undergraduate Program Administrator, Department of Anthropology, Room 1030, Sidney Smith Hall, 416-978-6414.